This forum is so biased towards killers

what i noticed is, that almost only killer mains are lurking around in this forum. calling for survivor nerfs all the time. they dont need nerfs! i see plenty of killers getting 4k, cause they have skill. just adapt and l2p.
and don't write comments starting with "i'm a survivor main...." cause i know you are not a survivor main.
So im supposed to have 5 minute games where all gens pop and i can't do anything about it oh wait i downed someone ill go hook them oh no a survivor has the new sabotage and runs in front of me and instabreaks the hook what am i supposed to do? just drop the survivor so i do that and go chase the other guy surprise surprise right when i leave the survivor gets back up by unbreakable or is healed. Such a fun game to play when my job is to kill people but the game basically is against me doing that exact thing. (Also i see a lot more surivor threads like the occasional camping and this killer needs nerfed) but feedback is good because the devs need to realize what a mistake sabotaging and gen speeds are right now.
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And yet Ruin got nerfed because you survivors couldn't adapt to a ######### skillcheck.
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pressure more dude
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The reason for that is simple. Most killer mains think ballanced gameplay is a 4K most of the time. In fact they probably get their 4Ks more often then not, but then once in a while they run into a swf team with better players on a bad map for killers aswell and they loose. After loosing the game, they come here and complain about how hard it is to be a killer, not thinking about that the last games were 3K and 4Ks all along.
And then there are those who are just bad. They want it more easy instead of getting better.
Killers are so entitled in this game, is completly ridicilous. Watch someone like Hexy or TrueTalent. All they do is complain how unfair it is, and how strong survivors are, while they get win after win after win. I could accept that, if they were any good, but they are not.
30 -
I see 4k's all the time
Something tell me the 4k happens because you caused the game to snowball. Against any decent survivor team you need to play perfectly. With how broken some of the survivor perks are (Just make adrenaline give endurance for 30s instead of a health state, you won't believe how many times I've lost a survivor because I hook them as the last gen is done, they hang for 2 minutes, then when they're saved they get a health state and 20 seconds of "You didn't hit me nananananana" AKA borrowed time. And even if you manage to do the impossible and down them, they're on the edge of escape with DS only half gone. Killers and their perks have counterplay built into them. Tell me, what survivor perks can be effectively countered without outright ignoring the survivors themselves? You'll find few, if any at all! The closest you can get is Franklin's to drop item's, but that requires a perk slot, of which the survivors don't need for their counterplay.
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Oh yes when im playing clown on red forest with pgtw which only works if i hook a survivor. (Red rank survivor btw)
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agree 100% ! the streamers get constantly 4k as killers, they have skill and know how to play. and if they lose 1 game they suddenly complain how unfair it is for killers. this is the very truth, i don't know why every killer wants to 4k every game!
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4ks against who? i escapre more than i do not. in fact escape has become the default by now and it doesnt feel earned or like a reward. piss easy as survivor.
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If you are getting 4k'd then you have a bad group or you need to l2p
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I dont understand how every survivor is entitled by "having the right" to escape in each game? They must be streamers that complains because theyve lost here and there a game. This is also the very truth.
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Bet he isnt even red rank lol probably green or yellow.
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If those streamers who play all day for a living aren't good who would be good in your eyes ? Is getting matched against bad Survivors and dominating them while acting as it was a hard game a good Killer ?
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Want a hard dose of truth? I got red rank because swf and how easily it is to pip as survivor oh just do gens dont get down and save a few people so we just genrush use medkits and flashlights and of course toolboxes. Win win win win. Even if i die i still pip. When i play killer? I cant get even out of purple because of red rank survivors who know how to 360 juke flashlight save and basically abuse anything they can. Thats the truth im a red rank survivor and a purple rank killer so if anything i am more of a survivor main then a killer main. So yes this game is biased towards survivors.
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well then dont call for survivior nerfs. call for pip changes, so taht a killer can pip with 3k or so.
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ok yeah your definitely not a red rank because you clearly don't understand the underlying problem here.
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Maybe it's because survivors have little things to complain about, since the game is unbalanced in their favor.
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no, killers are just not satisfied with 2 or 3k's. they want their 4ks every game it seems
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Nawwwwwwww killer bad, maps are balanced, gens speeds are fine, I once got a 4k with perkless Clown at red ranks, git gud noob. /s
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They LITERALLY play this game for a living. They get paid for playing this game every day, while most of us have a daytime job and want to chill killing some people before going to sleep.
You can't pretend everyone to play like True or like Otz, the bar is too high for killer and too low for survivor, you can be braindead, play survivor and still escape most matches (I know people like that).
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Survivors have a lot of room for mistakes compared to the Killer, if they know how to abuse this the game is quite unbalanced, currently it is balanced around them not knowing much hence the problems at high ranks.
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I love those 'I play both sides equally' players, like you said it gives them pause to launch into 'the problem with survivor is....'
Quick history lesson :3
Since release, killer has been buffed, survivor nerfed. This is important to understand and through examples you’ll see why that has happened. It shows you why the game has had the trajectory it has and why we are now in our current quagmire, as you said the biased forums.
It all started at release with the introduction of swf and the 2 escapes, 2 kills devs unit of metric. You don’t have to like the metric but it’s whats given the survivors all their nerfs and all the killers current buffs.
The devs failed to understand that people would want to play with friends in an online game (serious), what we got was ‘lobby wars’. Where survivors would join different lobbies looking for their friends and leave if they couldn’t find them. It was horrible trying to find games. Hence why we got swf, that completely unbalanced the game by creating coordinated survivors that could communicate. The devs have been nerfing survivor ever since and completely crippled solo survivor play.
It also important to mention marketing and advertising. There’s nothing special about survivors, they are just reskins with some new perks that all play the same. THATS IT. EACH killer has its own unique play style and as you see from their advertising, its always new killers they promote. Survivors get a mention, but its never really the selling point.
DBD reddit, back in the day was all about poking fun at survivors and giving you the impression that every second game is SWF and heavily biased against killers. Which was a lie. OP SWF games are maybe one in 30 games with most swf games being friends who are just wanting to have fun and usually end up wiping. But there was no push back, the killer echo room there would down vote anything survivor sided.
Killers now are up around 70% kills due to the trajectory of the game and the devs metric system.
That coupled with the points I mentioned previously meant that a lot of survivor mains left the game. Which is kind of obvious, I mean you understand the devs unit of metric, sure, but you just watch nerf, after nerf, after nerf as it all gets taken away. Why would you stay for that?
Its kind of miserable.
What has this created? In short. Entitlement. Killer mains know if they whine, they get what they want.
THIS is the environment the devs have created and what you see on the forums.
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Yeah almost every survivor I have is P3, guess I am not a survivor main with most of my hours being survivor
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Or maybe there is in fact people out there that don’t enjoy playing 5 minute games as much as you appear to be enjoying. Assuming you are referring to the people saying that gens go too fast considering it’s a hot topic atm. Besides, I see probably just as many threads regarding killer nerfs as survivor nerfs so not sure what you’re on about...
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most of survivors didnt ask for ruin nerf, devs was the one who wanted to change it
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*pressure more, dude*
I'd like to see you go against a SWF who gen rush, and abuse an infinite. Please, do that. Record it. I'd really like to see you apply pressure.
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Survival rate is about 45% lmao
4k all the time or something
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Because, y'know, it's that simple.
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Then maybe you cant read, because I see a lot of threads about nerfing killer things too.
This forum is perfectly balanced, you see threads about mori nerfs and key nerfs, DS nerfs and NOED nerfs. About Clown and Legion buffs and about Autodidact, Babysitter and WGLF buffs. Threads aboit nerfing SWF and about buffing solo surviviors. We have it all, I always make sure to keep the balance myself.
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Exactly this. That's why so many whiners create the same garbage threads in this forum because entitled killers don't get their entitled 4K in 1 of 10 matches and even when it wasn't against a SWF they will always cry SWF and gen rushing for it. The double standards and pointless complaints are amazingly high in this forum, but regarding both sides.
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Not sure if it's 'mains' or just people who are actually very concerned about the state of the game, particularly the killer/survivor balance. And justifiably so.
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Uh... you sure about that..? In pretty sure.. the ruin nerf is all survivors.. and survivors now want NOED gone... so....
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You sound like a yellow/green TBH. Killers are struggling and that's a fact.
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A lot of survivors left the game? But killer queues are near instant because there are so many survivors waiting to play.
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Tell that to a mid or low tier killer in rank 1-8 like legion, pig, clow, huntress, nurse, wraith, myers, ghostface, leatherface. You get 1 kill with luck. Right now the 2 kills 2 escapes don't apply for more than half of the killers deck. Call me crazy, but the fact that so many killers are so weak in this ranks, doesn't tell you anything?
Or do you think that we just play Billy, Freddy and Spirit because we want to? The truth is that you don't have other choice in this ranks. Unless you want a 4 escapes or 1 kill to happen and be bullied the entire match. And even with top tiers if the survivor team is a full SWF, Oh my... they can be extremely powerful, with all their second chance perks.
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Probably because the latest updates have been screwing Killers over far more heavily than Survivors. If the updates and changes were in reverse then people responding and screaming would he survivors.
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You're right, and I think it's a major design flaw with this game. If a killer doesn't get a 4K, he may see it as a loss, which is what I feel all the time. But a 4K game is supposed to be perfect outcome, there's no middle ground that a killer will be happy with otherwise. Because the developers are trying to balance the game where killers are getting 2k per match, naturally killer mains will be upset over the difficulty to get 4Ks. It's an issue that's common with most asymmetric games.
Yo. We gotta get a 4k at least within 10 matches. After that, 90% of people wouldn't want to play killer. It's more like we desire 4Ks for half our games AT LEAST, any killer after that would start sweating every match.
The things that you reference "as it all gets taken away" were things back in day that survivors could do to really make the game unplayable for killer, like body blocking him in a corner and healing every 2 seconds. I didn't play DBD back in day but nerfs for game breaking features like that seem justifiable. To say that's its miserable now seems like you're suffering from the loss of power to abuse features like this and bully the killer on your whilm.
The 70% kill rate is another thing. We know the devs are aiming for that number to be 50%, which I'm sure the devs will try to gravitate towards with killer nerfs / survivor buffs here pretty soon. The point is it that BHVR has always tried to balance the game, even if it has taken them years to do so.
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Why are people falling for this guys's bait lmao,it's clearly a bait post
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Apparently the game has to be balanced around high skilled survivors. Everyone who cannot loop any killer for 5 gens straight is considered a potato who should just git gud.
For killers it’s different, there the average (against high skilled survivors) should be the point to balance. And if those have a good game, they don’t even acknowledge it and say the survs were potatoes.
I really think matchmaking is a huge problem in this game, I get matched in both sides that can be so much fun winning or loosing does not matter here that much. And rank (even red rank) does not say that much here, again on both sides.
but there are frustrating matches as well on both sides. Again not really rank-dependent. Survivors have it worse but they also get out of those matches faster, tunneled/hook suiciding. There is no way for a killer to end the match sooner.
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Very specific set of conditions there. That's the thing. When people talk about gen speeds, they always find a way to make a perfect scenario for their case that will happen maybe once every 50-75 games.
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I play both sides evenly and even when I manage to lose I just point out my faults during the game, like I committed too much to chase, or I didn't pressure gens enough, etc.
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I played back in 2016 and i remember i waited 45 mins in swf lobby to find a game. There was serious lack of killers. Most of the time we saboed all the hooks and killer couldn't do much of anything if we stayed away from the basement. You may call it balanced but even most survivor mains admit it was quite broken time
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Mortille is coming here because Killers had more to complain about to the devs. Also most people who play survivor tend to be more casual and don't go on forums.
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I didn't say it was balanced then.
Also the devs placed swf on the low priority list. As a solo q survivor I'd get games relatively quickly, but wait ages in swf.
The issue wasn't lack of killers.
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Why did you make this thread?
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I'm not a survivor main. That's what you want to hear, so i'm gonna say it. <3
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Your conflating my point.
I realise its easier to just think of it as 'salty survivor' but your wrong.
You had your 'standard' that was messed up by the introduction of swf at release, that the devs have been compensating for ever since (among other things I mentioned).
As I said, what you saw, from a rudimentary perspective is survivor nerfs, killer buffs. Go back and read what I said I didn't argue the wrong or right of balance. Im talking about how the devs mismanaged the community and have created a bias that we see on the forums.
Therefore addressing the OP post.
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When it was peer to peer there were websites that tracked lobbies.
You'd consistently see 2-3 survivor to every killer. Never the inverse. However, veteran killers got preferential treatment, was what I observed at least in queues.
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It was solo survivor as well. We couldn't even derank becouse the queque times were so horrible for survivor. Killer queques were literally instant. When they added exhaustion a lot of survivor mains quit playing or kept break from the game. That fixed survivor queques instantly to the point that killer queques were actually longer lmao. How do you explain this if it wasn't lack of killers?
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This is bait right?
The forums are not killer biased, if anything, its people who only play ONE side and see the other, THINKING its biased. A lot of us play both sides...
If survivor has it so hard, immerse more dude.
That being said, I am, indeed, a 60/40 survivor main. Had this shot to show how bad matchmaking is rn but as you can see, purple survivor, hit red last night actually. Again.
So FOH with that "ik you're not a survivor, filthy killer mains and your bias" crap.
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Did you see the games at low ranks with ruin up. Those survivors couldn't managed skill checks let alone 'ruin checks' it was a train wreck and had to change.
NOED yea.... survivor been talking about that one since release... Im sure that devs are about to drop the hammer on that one.... not -.-
Compare that to Sprint Burst which has been around the same length of time and received nerf after nerf . At release sprint burst would recharge while running and there was no such thing as 'exhaustion'.
How long have you been playing this game?