Game is getting TOO killer oriented.

I see the patch notes are nerfing survivors so much. They keep saying “A good player can loop the killer in certain spots.” Can I just emphasize GOOD players? What about the new players? What about players who aren’t like the Pro players? Its harder for players like us, the non-pro players, to escape. Several of my friends agree the game is TOO killer oriented from killer being able to close hatch the moment it opens to Doc being able to take away everything the survivors can do. I can understand the closing of the hatch, but making it where it can’t be closed as soon as it opens or making it a perk with the same effect would make it easier for survivors. And about the Doc. He is way to OP. It’s impossible to escape since his shocks stun you so you can’t vault, and it makes it where you can’t use items at max madness 3. It’s ridiculous. His Static Blast ability is insanely OP as well. You can be right outside is terror radius and still be affected by it. A friend of mine mains Doc and agrees that he needs a nerf. The game has become too killer oriented. I personally think it should also be looked at from the non-pro player perspective, rather than just the pro. I don’t know who will agree or disagree, but it’s just my thought on the game. It’s a great game, I just think it needs to be looked over and adjusted. And to anyone who mentions rank, it doesn’t matter what your rank is. Someone could be rank 20 and be a god at a killer. Anyways, I hope anyone who reads has a great day.



  • Nobody95
    Nobody95 Member Posts: 93
    edited April 2020

    Now that they make some changes it is the game for killer, but we are going to ignore all this time that it has been "game for survivors" Well that depends on what suits me best, because nerf the ruin and that the survivors laugh at the killer that is logical and you have to do it, but they take away the infinities and I have to show skill that no longer, if I have to show skill game to killer xD

  • Sheriff_Menty
    Sheriff_Menty Member Posts: 4

    I watched videos as well, and I understand what a lot of y’all are saying, but even when playing in a 3-4 man squad, it’s difficult. Getting to rank one was a pain. I’m not saying playing killer isn’t hard, and I know survivors are supposed to get better at playing, but if there isn’t ways for a survivor to get better, it makes the game less enjoyable. I’m not saying there isn’t a way, but it’s just my opinion. I’ve gone against killers who, with their perk set up and the way they play, can kill 3 red ranks when they are a green rank. Rank doesn’t just mean you’re good. It just means you’re dedicated enough to the game to climb ranks.

  • Wyvernhunter69
    Wyvernhunter69 Member Posts: 1

    I've been playing the game since 2017 and it was way better then than it is now. It was easier to escape and i had fun playing the game then. Now I do not have any fun playing. I say the quality of the game is going to crap.

  • Danky
    Danky Member Posts: 219

    u talk about "new players" meaning survivors, what about new killers?? u might get 1-2 new survivors but not all 4 soooo u think its ok for 2-4 good survivors to go vs a new killer?

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    this game is dying.

  • GHOSTfaceP3
    GHOSTfaceP3 Member Posts: 1,364

    Not true lol before the pandemic just on steam they had an average of 30k people daily that’s significantly increased on ps4 and Xbox it’s probably higher let’s say 35k for ps4,Xbox and pc (it’s much higher) but that alone is 105k people ..that’s not counting mobile,switch the game is far from dying lol

  • Pennosuke
    Pennosuke Member Posts: 100

    "What about the new players? What about players who aren’t like the Pro players? Its harder for players like us"

    Devs are already nerfed killer for new survivor players before, It's a Hex:Ruin nerfed at 3.5.0.

    This new patch is just make the killers can chase easier to pair with the new survivor's average repair speed after the Hex:Ruin nerfed.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720
    edited April 2020

    i can’t tell you how many times I’ve been demolished a mile away from a vault I went through because the hit box seems broken. Or the constant lag on Xbox leading to unfair downs during chases. It’s just not very fun that the killers don’t suffer from missed attack stuns to make it worth it to keep running him. They ought to penalize killers more for missing attacks, anything. To reward survivors for juking and making him miss. Fix hit boxes at vaults. Stuff like that.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Now we know why Ruin was, well, ruined. . .

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    Ruin isn’t even necessary. Its useful in combination with info perks like surveillance. But I don’t think ruin nerf is what you should be concerned about. Why does everyone seem so reliant on a perk? That’s not how the game works. Games aren’t meant to rely on perks to help you win. gen speed isn’t that bad, you’re just not applying enough map pressure.

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,259

    Can I just say as a new-ish player, I'm worried? Highest rank I've hit is 6 in 155 hours. I don't know God loops well, or where everything in a map is located for that matter -- but I do know I rely on pallets quite a bit when attempting to do a good loop. So if I'm worried about anything from everything I've read between here & Reddit, it's the dead zones and lack of pallets. Some people go straight through the available pallets already. Not going to bother with the PTB since I only have 8 characters leveled & it rolls back progress for over a week, so I'll have to reserve full judgement on it's release. Just hope it's not as bad as I think it is. I already don't escape that much tbh, since playing altruistic has its disadvantages.

    And my poor husband, who isn't well versed in gaming, is probably gonna have an even worse time. I picked this one up for us to play together since it would be new for us both. We enjoy it, but he hasn't even broken out of green ranks yet.

    I understand that the red rank pros can run circles around some killers. I watch Twitch too. Just... yeah, not all of us are that experienced & from the ranks I'm sitting in & the randoms I play with, the killer has clear advantages already. Never mind if they decide to camp or slug at hooks.

    Pallets. </3

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    in every thread you make these inane posts full of biased garbage, please get better at the game

  • Pennosuke
    Pennosuke Member Posts: 100

    Are you forgot the reason why dev are nerf survivor or which part of survivor side is nerfed in this patch?

    Old Ruin is a bad design and just a band-aid perk for ignore the repair speed problem and I'm glad that perk got rework to become healthier to this game, BUT the old map design (map size are too big, has strong loop with no mindgame) is a bad design too and it's affect to chasing time which important as repair speed. What's the point to slow repair speed while you still waste a lot of time for chasing survivor in strong loop or traveling to the other side of big map. Moreover not all killer has high mobility to ignore these problem.

    That's why I said "This new patch is just make the killers can chase easier(fix old map design) to pair with the new survivor's average repair speed after the Hex:Ruin nerfed.(fix old Ruin)", both aren't healthy to this game and need adjustment.

    Or you are just keep saying "you’re just not applying enough map pressure." while ignore the fact that old map design still existed???

  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800

    I swear i think hes bulletsnonstop the guy who got banned a while back. Because shortly after bullets was banned, this guy popped up and its almost the exact same routine.

    They both spammed huge paragraphs ranting about killers filled with emojis, usually one single long wall of text per comment with multiple comments with out spacing, making it a hard to read tangent almost.

    He comes off as a massive troll or a completely biased rager that doesnt play both sides.

    Im leaning on the side of a troll because it feels like hes trying to bait angry reactions.

  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800

    Exactly like literally every cod or fighting game ever.

  • SaltedSnow
    SaltedSnow Member Posts: 309

    With old ruin gone the only rank of survivor that can really show someone is good is rank one. Getting to red ranks is stupidly easy now.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    it is called Dead By Daylight, not Live By Daylight...

  • Wiliam_Bill_Overbeck
    Wiliam_Bill_Overbeck Member Posts: 61

    And the reason why a discord full of 350+ people will never return.

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    @CosmicParagon hey while I agree with you I’ll find the clips of them saying 1 who said this games trying to be balanced and 2 this games a party game not competitive. I’ll link here when I find the streams.

  • Wiliam_Bill_Overbeck
    Wiliam_Bill_Overbeck Member Posts: 61

    Uh, Yeah, kinda, when it's my discord and they all pledge it I believe it

  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433

    Red ranks are hardly even red ranks anymore imo. There is so many bad survs rn in them that it makes soloQ hell.

  • Joelwino
    Joelwino Member Posts: 550

    Yeah, if the killer is bad. Sadly, certain loops are uncounterable regardless of the killer's skill, like the old house of pain or the ironworks infinite or the filler pallets on the coldwind maps.

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    I disagree. Good killers will be running the characters that hard-counter looping, or if they are not, they will have a build that soft counters looping. If they are running neither of those, then they can abandon that area. That's what makes them a good killer.

  • Joelwino
    Joelwino Member Posts: 550

    I'm sorry, but if you think that the perks and killer the player is running is the only thing that makes the killer good then you are sorely mistaken. Good killers can midgame loops but if the loop is too safe then there's no way to mindgame it. Just because you run Bamboozle and vault every window in sight doesn't mean that you're a good killer.

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    It's the map knowledge, and knowing which chases you can and cannot take. A survivor is running to a god window or strong area, are you playing a killer or build that can handle it? No? Leave the chase. Yes? Go for it.

    There's plenty of killers, even at red ranks, that I run for 5 gens because they will never leave a chase and I get to use the entire map as a gigantic loop. Where-as if they actually left me, then they could take advantage of all the dead zones that were created.

    That should be possible to do. Plenty of killer characters are so strong now you just quickly die by default when they see you, and it's sad the game has gotten to that point.

  • realoboma
    realoboma Member Posts: 26

    So you think that the game should be just as easy for you as it is for good players?

  • shane32
    shane32 Member Posts: 383

    The game should be killer sided. Why would you want survivors equal to or stronger than the killer that makes zero sense.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    This game was for almost 4 years straight up survivors sides and you cry now because there is a patch coming with some changes that are needed and healthy for both sides of the game?

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    Any killer could spam nurse before her nerfs and kill anyone with little skill required. That's almost the same with spirit as she is now. I think like 70% of my games pre-nurse nerf were against nurse, and the game was survivor sided? Probably 40% of my current games are against Freddy and Spirit, with alot of Billy, Huntress, and Deathslinger sprinkled in.

    Balancing around M1 killers is going to be terrible unless they nerf all the killers who already counter looping.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    Because you are talking about the game 2-3 years ago, where it was nurse spam for days at the high ranks. The fact there were way more pallets didn't matter, because it was all nurse, all the time.