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Otzdarva’s stream today



  • Member Posts: 1,138
    edited April 2020

    You should read the main thread. Not only the title like many peope like you do. Maybe then you going to realize how 🤨 you are.

    I hope you learned something to day. Read before post.

  • Member Posts: 899

    Bs, its treating survivors like trash because you take the game too seriously. I remember you making a killer is too easy thread. Yes killer is easy if you play like a scumbag. Just like if any fps you camp a spawn location or snipe from a bugged location, its easy. This game is fundamentally broken because killers, presumably like you, win at any cost rather than actually playing the game. I play both sides and play fair at both, and its fun, except when there is a killer, presumably like you, that takes it too serious and wants to win at any cost. It's small and pathetic, git gud, use someone besides hillbilly using all op perks all the time, the game goes beyond your smallness.

  • Member Posts: 417

    Yeah tried watching it, but he even admitted it was poorly organized and it wasn't even about NoED. He had no rules for this "experiment", which makes it entirely void of any meaning. This is exactly what I mean by the fact we need the data across the game.

    However, it does prove camping is a dick move. So I'll admit now that camping is not a "legit" strategy since it harms both survivors and killers. But to combat this, I feel we should have more perks like Devour Hope where they activate and/or build stacks when survivors are unhooked a certain distance away from you. And they can't be weak perks either, it has to be something people want to use more than camping.

    But again, he even directly stated that his stream wasn't about NoED being overpowered before the first 10 minutes were up.

  • Member Posts: 977

    If you want to make NOED base kit for Killers.. then the hatch should immediately open the moment all 5 generators get completed. Why should a killer be able to run a perk that can instantly ruin a game just because they got 1 lucky hit? You know how many times ive gone entire games without getting hit, then NOED procs and I end up getting 1 hooked during a solo match?

    If you want to make NOED fair; two things need to happen.. A Totem counter needs to be applied for both sides and the killer should not be able to see totem auras. Because countless times; especially with Devour Hope.. Killers just set up shop at their totems or Freddy, Hag and Trapper just put a trap/snare down infront of the totem so they know any time its being touched.

  • Member Posts: 3,398

    I think the changes I'd settle with for NOED is to instantly expose survivors the moment the last gen goes, and to get rid of the speed boost. Literally all that needs to happen to that perk imo, so it's not a cheap way to get a free down without any time for survivors to prepare for it. If it exposed right away, you could actually play safer and play around it. And the speed boost that NOED gives you is also stupid af.

    In reality, I want this garbage perk removed from the game, but I'd settle for some changes that would actually make it less tedious and cheap.

  • Member Posts: 417

    Devour Hope is probably the best and most BALANCED hex perk in the game. There's no reason it's unfair for a killer to guard it. They can't be there the whole time without losing. So being able to see totem auras is needed for killers, otherwise we may as well just remove ALL hex perks and ALL 1 hit down mechanics including killers and addons.

  • Member Posts: 1,138
    edited April 2020

    Taking it too serious because i m actually trying to achieve goal of the game? Its you taking it too serious cause you crying about how and why you lost. Its just a game. Move on.

  • Member Posts: 621

    if noed has to be "reworked" (which I bet it will be) then so should the survivors' second chance perks. this includes DS. I'd happily trade in NOED for things like DS, Adrenaline, etc. and I main survivor nowadays. and OP offerings/items as well while they're at it. this is mainly Ebony Mori and Key.

    And before any of you say that DS or Adrenaline is fine, one of the reasons for the Ruin rework nerf was that it was too passive. last I checked, those 2 are pretty passive.

  • Member Posts: 408
    edited April 2020

    Stfu, seriosly. You're obviosly biased, you have commented this same ######### all over the forums. Noed is "unfair and not balanced" Yeah? Just like SWF is. Except that Noed has a counter. Doing totems.

  • Member Posts: 3,826

    Because everyone pretends totems are also part of the survivor objective when they're not.

    They're completely optional, if they were part of the survivor objective then the killer would be at an advantage because that adds a SECOND objective on the survivor roster so it tilts the scales.

    This is what I don't understand about killers when they say that totems are a second objective, and that's a straight up LIE.

  • Member Posts: 2,328

    But how can something optional be so impactful? Seems to me quite unbalanced or wrongly termed.

  • Member Posts: 1,946

    I dont know how many times to tell you this, this is nothing new, Im suprised anyone cares about this especially otz.

    everyone knows this.

    If a killer wants to camp and has noed in the back pocket, then the match is not a match, nobody will get points from it.

    If a killer wants to AFK in the basement, then the match is not a match, nobody will get points from it.

    if survivors run up to the killer and make themselves die on the hook instantly, then the match is not a match, nobody will get points from it.

    The reason its mostly a non-issue is that these matches arnt common enough, if all matches were like this the game would just die, but they arnt so it does not matter.

    Frankly plenty of other things ruin a match straight up, Ebony Mori, Keys (potentially), many add ons.

    Again the reason its not a problem is because its rare enough that people still bother playing the game.

  • Member Posts: 3,826

    Because totem perks aren't always used. Typically survivors only cleanse when they know something is up.

    Ruin, Huntress' Lullaby, Devour Hope. Cleansing totems because you think the killer has NOED is a waste of time and can be detrimental to the survivor game play during the match.

    An optimal killer will destroy an optimal team if they cleanse totems.

    The game is only focused around, gens and hooks. That's it. The power tilts when survivors are forced to cleanse, and it tilts to the killer's favor because if the killer can keep survivors off gens, that's good for him/her, if survivors stay on gens, that's good for them.

  • Member Posts: 704

    can you give link?everytime I run noed it gets cleansed immediatly,its not noed that's broke its the survivors too lazy to cleanse bones or bring perks to help with that

  • Member Posts: 1,514

    One of the best Killers in this game, dominating with any perk proves nothing.

  • Member Posts: 179

    The only conclusion I had from that pointless experiment is that now this style of play will be much much more popular.

    NOED has always been an issue like many other Perks because they're desinged to do something specific but the player can exploit them since the game puts you in a giant playground with few important rules.

  • Member Posts: 1,375

    Imagine if he did the opposite test and played as survivor and actively cleansed totems while his team does gens! It works both ways, whichever way you try to manipulate results...

  • Member Posts: 539

    There only reason NOED and Mori are more prevalent it's because of the Ruin nerf. That freed up a perk spot for many players, and is now being used for NOED instead. The Mori helps to slow down gen progression.

    Were you one of the people mocking killer mains who complained about the nerf? If so then enjoy the fruit of what you helped sow. You can't say you weren't warned.

  • Member Posts: 165

    I said possibility. There are many ways to get rid of the killer. You don't necessarily need to outrun. That's the reason why DBD is fun, it's about mindgaming/ outplaying eachother. For every problem you encounter in a game, there's a counter.

  • Member Posts: 78

    I hate NOED, I never use it and i hate going vs it... but hes 100% right.

    when i play survivor i constantly walk past dull totems or stare at them while doing gens, only to get pissed off at NOED in the end.

  • Member Posts: 374
    edited April 2020

    i try cleanse all the totems on every game, and somethimes i only are able to found 4, and i have to guess someone maybe break it...

    but no, the killer have noed, and im unable to find it, and 3 guys die by it, wich don't happen without it, but hey, even tryning cleanse them all, i can't. i run around the entire map 3 times before the last gen be done.


    also, is not balanced, the time takes to find them all, and cleanse them all, is enought time to let strong killers like the Oni, Hillbilly or Nurse get a lot of extra hooks.

    these killers NEED being rushed to have a chance to survive.

    Noed is only fair on Set-Up killers like the trapper or hag, on other just give them free time to get free kills.

  • Member Posts: 998

    It's made to counter unfun playstyle, yet it is mostly used for braindead hook saves.

    Are you trying to say that if killer is not camping it doesn't work? I've seen hundreds of times survivors just yoloing in to the hook with BT. If killer wants to tunnel he will and BT doesn't prevent that. If you have bt and killer is remotely near the hook you can just unhook/farm teammate, risk free and still get safe unhook bonus.

  • Member Posts: 22

    Dunno if someone pointed out but I had a game today where Hag camped me on first hook. Teammates did gens and I got saved after 1 gen was left. We finished it and opened an exit only to see she had NOED and (should have played around it) Blood Warden. We had the Hawkings map where some of the totem spawns are really hard to find. I did one and at least 2 others were cleansed if you can trust teammates in post game chat. Was that game fun? No, to sit 1.5mins on a hook and waiting 60secs to get out was pain. 2 made out that game and thats because the hag was like rank 16 or something. Any competent killer with that setup would have gotten easy 4k just because the snowball NOED gives. Granted we should have done totems but sometimes you just cant and dont have the time to do it. What I'm saying is that playstyle like that is extremely boring on both sides and doesnt make you learn anything, and given how good bad killers do with it imagine good ones rolling over with it.

  • Member Posts: 136

    2 perks for one? Lmfao stop, I'll gladly give up adrenaline for it noed but personally I rather have moris removed over noed

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    Don't know anything about that game but im pretty sure the respawn mechanic wasnt the entire reason the game failed.

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    Exactly. Survivors normally feed a camper because they’re just trying to play the game normally. Killers expecting survivors to just leave others on the hook is ridiculous.

    Also the only thing sadder than NOED is NOED and Bloodwarden. Talk about a crutch. This is how you know NOED is overpowered, because you can tell 100% this person is making their play all about NOED. They sacrifice 2 perk slots for endgame perks, bloodwarden is only there to back up NOED. This person knows that NOED has done most of the work for them every game they’ve had thus far so they plan their entire game around it coming in clutch.

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    Chill out NOED gamer. Are afraid that they are going to nerf your favorite perk?

  • Member Posts: 2,318

    Don't get me wrong, every day the game pushes me further and further from it and closer to Freddy but I haven't given up yet.

    That's why I said we should have a different objective. Gens as they are now are 1.) Boring and 2.) Extremely lacking in the thinking department.

    I want an objective that makes you stop and think about how to complete it, and that naturally will cause the time to complete it to go up. These will both make survivors happy because they're actually engaged in more than just the chase and killers happy because the objective won't get done every 10 seconds.

  • Member Posts: 302

    I'm sorry it takes total of 70 seconds to cleanse all totems. That's why they are in game, to slow you down so killer has chance to apply pressure.

    Yes, good players don't need to tunnel or camp. However, that doesn't mean I shouldn't be able to capitalize on survivors mistake and in many cases, you can't because of all the second chance perks survivors have.

  • Member Posts: 2,047

    1 So you didn't even watch Otz's conclusion on the experiment where from what I heard he might've changed his mind about how powerful NOED really is ?

    2 It's one thing to say you think Billy needs a nerf, but to literally say "I hope Billy gets nerfed into ground, pls devs do it" shows you don't care about this killer being balanced and you only want him nerfed so much untill nobody ever plays him again. And then you say that you want both sides to have fun ... And I don't know how many people agree that Billy needs a nerf, as many people disagreed with you in the post you said he does.

    3 This still doesn't change the fact that Otz still thinks DS is too strong ( potentially even stronger than old DS ) and should be nerfed. But of course, you ignored all his videos where he said how unfair survivor meta perks can be and only brought up his stream about how unfair NOED can be.

  • Member Posts: 1,045

    Lets see if people just go blindly to hook rescue is eazy

  • Member Posts: 5,295
    edited April 2020

    NOED is more to punish survivors who gen rush. It's a risk perk. It also is "100%" counter-able BEFORE it even comes into play. If you cleanse the bones before the last gen is done than NOED will NEVER come into play. Where as DS, you can't do anything to eliminate it. You can say don't tunnel but that's 60 seconds of time wasted. They can run unbreakable or heal themselves to "get help" and someone can touch them to get them back up. It rewards bad game play. Even if you don't run DS, which few don't, you pretty much have to assume someone is running it. You screwed up a chase and got hooked. Your team unhooked you right in front of the killer that's on them. Push a button and you get a 2nd chance.

    Most people associate DS with tunneling killers. Well what about killers that don't tunnel off the hook? What about a survivor who got saved from a hook, then runs in the killers face to unhook another survivor? It's not tunneling if your going towards the killer.

    Also we have a lot of other perks that remove 1 health state and no one calls those 2nd chance perks. Devour Hope, MYC, Rancor, Iron Maiden, Haunted Grounds.

    DS is most certainly a 2nd chance perk. You got downed, you get a free escape. There isn't a killer perk that gives you a 2nd chance. "You failed to apply pressure? Here's a 6th gen the survivors have you finish". The problem with DS is people consider it anti tunneling but it's not. It's 2nd chance. Even if the killer doesn't tunnel they still run into it. I've hooked survivor A and left. Started chasing survivor B. Someone saved survivor A. I hook survivor B. Survivor A saves Survivor B before I get a chance to leave. I assume BT+DS so I go after the rescuer. I down survivor A and they still have DS. I didn't even tunnel them. I hooked them, left, downed+hooked someone else and they still had it. The perk is the definition of 2nd chance. It should be changed to "If you are healed or the killer hooks someone else, DS deactivates"

    NOED doesn't hold a candle to DS's OPness. Most top tier killers don't even run NOED unless they are on certain killers. ALL survivors run DS because it is so powerful. If your a survivor who runs DS every single game you have no right to complain about NOED.

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    “NOED doesn't hold a candle to DS's OPness”


    You make out NOED is this fair anti genrush perk then go on to complain about DS and how its only a second chance perk. The bias is extremely strong.

  • Member Posts: 597

    At this point remove everyones second chance perks. Then the game will be on its way to balance.

  • Member Posts: 899

    My whole point is I don't take the game too seriously, I play it to have fun its not like you're in the NBA dude, if the game is boring for you and easy its because you aren't playing it right. A hillbilly with enough hours and the right perks and add ons is just as op as iri head infantry belt huntress. You're boring to play against and boring to play as. Noone likes it, why do you bother? It Doesn't prove you're anything to win that way

  • Member Posts: 704

    It is overpowered when survivoirs dont do totems, hence the high risk high reward. if survivors did totems noed wouldnt even come into effect. Its made to counter gen rushing and have the survivors search for totems.

    Its a fine perk that is very balanced at the moment, and doesnt need to be neutered to suit survivors needs that cant be arsed to search for totems

  • Member Posts: 712
  • Member Posts: 261

    easy and healthy change

    • add another surv objective or something
    • expand the time survivor are on hooks so more chasing is more efficient than camping
  • Member Posts: 3,014

    Therein lies the problem.

    Adding another objective means that even if you expand time survivors are on hooks, the killer can just spend equal time camping. And for killers who play fair and don't camp, they lose time because survivors can stick to objectives longer before the survivor hits their next hook state. A good survivor won't save right away, they'll wait until it's not only safe, but so as not to waste a survivor's hook state time.

  • Member Posts: 183

    Dulls totems increase the time.

    If u camp at the beginning of the match, how they can do 5 gens and cleanse 5 totems? Is too much time even for 4swf.

  • Member Posts: 1,262

    Wow the best streamer used camping and tunneling to kill players ??? Wowza better nerf monstrous shrine

    Proved nothing, wasted read, do bones

  • Member Posts: 569

    so when killers Use the same streamer to prove a point survivors always down play them but niw wanna run here to use him nerf noed i knew survivors where entitled but seemsike i need to add hypocritical to the list

  • Member Posts: 22

    I seriously think that NOED rework/nerf is way more complicated than we think. The situation I described is hard truth for some killer players. Thats how they get the kills thats how they win in their eyes. I myself have beginning to try to just sigh and move on in games where it seems easy at the start, gens fly and then boom EXPOSED. I play solo Q quite excusively so I have taken a habit to just cleanse every totem.

    This brings me to my point. There are so many playstyles as there are players and in a game like DBD can devs really start to push one above the other? Like with the old Ruin its got so monotonous especially on lower ranks. Do I have to get Detectives Hunch every game just to be sure all totems are cleansed? Do I just don't care and have fun and get smacked at the end? I do what I find is fun and I pay the price, be it as a killer or survivor.

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    He's a great player, but it's not like he was busting out sick moves in these games. He was doing what any player with at least 50 hours in the game could do. He put forth minimal effort and got 4K against survivors he thought were pretty good. Some were VERY good (and were good sports about it, too. While others weren't, but he understood that.) One semi-good chase, camp, win.

  • Member Posts: 5,612

    this except for ds for killers because you always have to assume ds even if your not tunneling and you burn precious time leaving the survivor on the ground.

  • Member Posts: 8,600

    If anything, Otz proved what many of us already knew. Most survivors, especially those in solo queue, have absolutely awful game awareness and instincts. That's all he proved with his experiment.

    I can't remember the last time I died to NOED. If you have a general knowledge of totem spawns, it's not even about "doing the bones". Totem spots don't suddenly become god tier when it's a NOED totem. You're dealing with the same often hilarious totem spawns as any other hex perk.

    You don't HAVE to save the survivor that is being camped. Survivor is a team game, yes, but part of that is getting teammates who know not to carpet bomb a hook and turn a bad situation into an un-winnable one.

    I get that solo queue can be rough. I play it a lot. But survivors have to get better at this game for camping and tunneling to truly stop. It's an awful play for a killer make. It should never work. But it does the vast the majority of the time due to bad decisions on the part of the survivors.

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    If you think noed is as op as ds, your full of #########. Noed is fair because you have all the tools needed to counter it before it even happens. You cant say that about ds. I dont run either perk so if both were removed, id say "pretty good job so far" only this time i wouldnt say it sarcastically :p

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    I care about this game. I want it to improve but there are a large collection of bias mains that only want their side buffed. This game is survivor sided as sin.

    Theres like 19 killers and only 3 are strong at end game.

    Matches end in 4 mins

    Survivors have 16 perks to the killers 4

    Look at how long survivor que times are?

    The list goes on but despite all of that. This forum is filled with people who actually believe killer is the power role. Instead of gitting gud people beg for nerfs. As if the idea they made a mistake never crossed their mind. When i play survivor i suck at dodging chainsaws but i dont scream "billy is op, plz nerf"

    Stop trying to ruin the game and cleanse the bones.

  • Member Posts: 324

    Facecamping and tunneling is more annoying than NOED will ever be for me. NOED pops in the endgame so I already got my share of bloodpoints and hopefully a fun game. Escaping the match isn't always a win for me, a great game ending with a sacrifice can feel like a win. Lately I just bring kindred in solo games so the team knows there is camping going on. I just keep hanging the full time and then move on to the next game. But that's about camping not NOED...

    I watched a bit of the stream and to me it looked more like getting kills through camping/ tunneling. It also did effect the emblems and the amount of bloodpoints negatively. I don't mind going against NOED, if it happens a lot of games in a row I equipt detective's hunch to deny it in the endgame. Just to have a little fun in outplaying that strategy. I don't feel like the perk is a problem, there will always be players who use certain game mechanics or perks in a way the other team dislikes.

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