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  • DariusB92
    DariusB92 Member Posts: 122
    edited June 2020

    Ps4 - California

    6/18 2:10pm.

    Same thing happens periodically where I'm playing and it says I was disconnected from host. Shows the killer disconnected but still gives me a time penalty and I lost my offering when I was in match like 30 seconds. This happens kind of often and my connection on all devices work perfectly fine. It has been better lately but I'll also get kicked because of connection and be banned an hour one time and then the next time is 6 hours!! Usually I don't disconnect often at all so there seems to be no refresh in between the 24-up to 48 hour space. You should really update your automatic systems to be able to detect a manual disconnect from a connection related disconnect. Makes game playing really frustrating otherwise.

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088


    Paraguay, Asunción

    it happens to me at any time

    please help!

    Coincidentally, when I play a survivor or killer game, it kicks me out of the game with a message saying "you have been disconnected from the server" and I have to wait as if I had disconnected from the game on purpose. I have come to wait up to 6 hours.

  • Fatefulhindrance
    Fatefulhindrance Member Posts: 1


    United States, Minnesota

    Some time in the Afternoon

    Being in the game for only 3 or less minutes and being DC. I know its happening cause my game freezes mid going to do something and everything just runs in place. Really started to get back into the game and it only started happening about day 3 of the new Silent Hill update.

    LECHUZ_A Member Posts: 13


    Corrientes, Argentina

    Friday, June 19, 2020, 16:30 (GMT-3)

    This time I think the killer DC´d, but I got the penalty. I had to wait 2 day because the penalty wasnt removed just to have another of 3 days.

  • RandDBD
    RandDBD Member Posts: 93

    It will always show that the killer disconnected and that you escaped. I haven't had that many disconnects since I changed my internet connection to WiFi, don't know why that worked or if it has anything to do it with it. I managed to play a lot of games, enough to just get a 6 hour penalty last time (yesterday)

    After that penalty, I started playing with another account I have and had no issues. Managed to play about 30 games without a problem. Try using another account and play 3 matches with ethernet and the other 3 with WiFi.

    I do think we should be reporting our ISPs, maybe in the off chance that it's an issue on how some ISPs handle IPs and internet in general. Also, it's curious that it's mostly affecting Latin American players, Eastern Europe players and just a small amount of Americans and Canadians.

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,262
    edited June 2020



    About 6:10 PM - 6/20/20

    First time this has happened for me. Internet didn't bleep out. I was in the middle of a chase as Doctor with a Cheryl. Got a 5 minute penalty timer.

  • FrootLoops
    FrootLoops Member Posts: 376

    at least once per day when playing on xbox. in most cases it is just as I am beginning an interaction (unhooking and repairing a generator most often) possibly related to progress bar activation?

    Most recently I was on lery's against freddy playing as cheryl with the lisa skin. I was awake and within Freddy's terror radius. ran up to a gen to begin repairing and game hung (still had sound, still saw some character movement, but clearly extrapolated movement) repair bar was at around 45% and not moving, character did not go into repairing animation.

    The worst part of this is getting DC match lockout and depipping. I understand about not getting bloodpoints, archive progress, daily progress, and achievement progress but having a punishment applied when I am not at fault is terrible

    My wife and son were both playing (wife playing on my team, son playing fortnight) and I was the only one that had a problem, so clearly not a network issue.

  • Gippy55
    Gippy55 Member Posts: 4

    Platform: PC

    Sever: EUW

    disconnect error happened 3 times while in 2 hour, never had kind of error before.

  • RandDBD
    RandDBD Member Posts: 93

    So I bought the game on steam yesterday.

    Since then, I have had 5 disconnects out of about 30 matches. I'm at 15 mins timeout.

    So it's not only on PS4 but also on PC.

    This is really bad. Really disapointing, but the devs don't care. Here is an advice if you happen to be here and haven't bought the game. DO NOT BUY IT. Don't buy it until the devs fix this. This is unplayable as it is right now.

  • mathjordam2
    mathjordam2 Member Posts: 1


    São Paulo - Brazil.

    (Last 2 days, geting A LOT OF DISCONECTS).

    Really, I'm getting too mad about this. I got A LOT OF DISCONECTS, only on DBD, on League and Ragnarok, i didnt had this problem. And, a lot of timeout bans (The last was 6 HOURS).

  • slipttees
    slipttees Member Posts: 846


  • Gippy55
    Gippy55 Member Posts: 4
    edited June 2020

    still keep happen disconnection from last night.

  • Dxccends
    Dxccends Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2020

    NA West 3:52 PM

    Ps4 - Random Disconnecting

    I also keep on getting disconnected... this is my 5th time playing as a survivor and as a killer and randomly getting “disconnected from host” then i have to wait on a penalty that wasnt even my fault. Its litterally unplayable and very frustrating. I know it isnt my connection, and this never had happened to me before until recently (the past 3 days) the game is litterally unplayable. Ive tried reseting the app and restarting my wifi but i know my connection isnt the issue. I would just play and boom disconnected from host and penalized.

    LECHUZ_A Member Posts: 13


    Corrientes, Argentina

    Monday, June 22 2020, around 18:30 (GMT-3)

    Please remove the penalty, I always have to wait 3 days to play, the last penalty just ended and now I got "disconnectes from the host" and another 72 hour penalty. I just want my penalty to be removed, speacially since the event is tomorrow. It sucks that you cant play a game that you wasted money on because of a bug and the developers do nothing about it.

  • Grim_Grimz
    Grim_Grimz Member Posts: 70


    NA Region

    approximately 9:40 pm (and several instances before that spanning a few days)

    it randomly kicks me from the match. I have around 10 seconds usually where no input works and then it sends me to the loading screen. Upon entering the main menu and selecting killer or survivor im given a 5 minute penalty even though i did not DC.

  • ShawarmaSeller
    ShawarmaSeller Member Posts: 5
    edited June 2020


    Ukraine, Donetsk region (Kramatorsk city)

    another DC after 3 days without playing, for a 24 hours, As far as i understand, i will not complete the Rift

    I noticed, that DC appears more often when i play as a killer, because playing survivor allowa me complete at least 4-5 matches

  • dashbandicooot
    dashbandicooot Member Posts: 1

    Xbox one

    Washington state, North America region

    Happened all of Tuesday 6/23/2020

    It seemed every other, if not, every round my game would start to slow down and lag, and then I'd be sent back to the loading screen and told I disconnected. I've checked every time and have had no connection issues when this occurs, and have uninstalled and reinstalled and hard rebooted. Still have the problem and am up to a 6hr ban. I would love to be able to play for the anniversary but can't :/

  • Gustrm
    Gustrm Member Posts: 1


    Brazil Minas Gerais

    24/06/2020 11:27 last log

    It's been happening to me since the last update that came with the silent hill DLC 

  • kaitmalone
    kaitmalone Member Posts: 3

    The EXACT same thing has been happening to me and I thought I was the only one. It's been happening for about a week now and I'm playing on a PS4 on the East Coast. Same thing: just normally playing the game (using Nia) with normal internet and I get DCed/penalized. After it goes up to about a 15 minute penalty I get fed up and stop playing. They put out an update yesterday with patch notes so I was hoping it would be fixed but guess what....NOPE. Seeing people have 3 day penalties is making me scared to even play in case that happens. My boyfriend just bought Pyramid Head so it's annoying AF; he wants to play him but he's not going to waste his time if he's just going to DC and have to wait 20 minutes to play another game that's also going to DC. He plays at night and it seems to happen less when he plays but it's been happening constantly for me during the day as survivor. It's crazy that they don't fix this stuff that's literally stopping people from playing their game and making people stop playing. They probably don't even care because of the influx of new players but I hope it gets fixed ASAP. Super annoying.

  • Grim_Grimz
    Grim_Grimz Member Posts: 70
    edited June 2020


    NA region

    3:45 pm June 24

    Playing as survivor. got downed by a huntress hatchet while holding M1 (was healing). The recover option stayed stuck on my screen through the pickup. When the animation finished it sent me back to the loading screen and said i didnt have a connection. I did not DC. My connection is fine. Was given a penalty.

    already posted a different disconnect from killer side, figured posting another might help.

  • Mishka
    Mishka Member Posts: 1

    PC - Steam

    Argentina - Sao Paulo download server

    24/6/2020 20:20 - 20:30

    This isn't the first time it happened, today 3 of 5 games to me,but i see others teammates and killers dc for same reason, when i do an skillcheck ,that happends

  • Nagisa
    Nagisa Member Posts: 1

    PC/United Kingdom/Europe

    Roughly 20:06

    This happens several times a day for me now. Normally when I try and do an action such as use an ability, cleanse a totem, do a gen etc.

    Most of the time it says "Disconnected from the host" and I get kicked out, but still gain bp and can gain/lose pips. Normally items are kept but not offerings.

    Once it told me my save files were invalid, but that has not happened again.

  • Crispakii
    Crispakii Member Posts: 1

    It happends to me at least one time by day, fix it up man!

  • Grim_Grimz
    Grim_Grimz Member Posts: 70


    NA region

    Approx 7:05 pm june 25th

    Playing pyramid head. made it to the end of the game. planted sword into ground, the bar appeared but didnt fill up and i could only walk not use any power. then i was sent to the tally screen. (usually im sent to the loading so this was different) it said the host disconnected. Then gave me a 5 min penalty...

  • coley_219
    coley_219 Member Posts: 325
    edited June 2020

    3 times in arow on 6/26/20 1st one around 1:49pm - i'm in NJ, USA, solo survivor Ace against Oni on sheltered woods and PS4. Both clips back to back show what happened from my perspective at least. I thought i was cleansing a totem but then the dbd loading screen popped up, then the end screen showing the killer dc'd while i escaped, but then i'm in a locked lobby :( I messaged the killer and dwight to see what they saw and they both said it came up in the match that I disconnected. * happened again in the first match i tried. I restarted the game first. It was around 2:35 on fractured cowshed against nurse. same situation but this time i was in the middle of repairing a gen :( **2nd update...this is the third time in a row it's happened. i can't play right now i guess. this time it happened around 4:50pm. I was against doctor and finished "snapping out of it" but i got dropped :( *update...i have error codes on my ps4 at the disconnect times: NW314569 at 5:05:13 pm and NW311948 at 1:59:15. A representative at playstation confirmed the issue was the game server. I wanted to check to make sure.

    2nd one

    3rd one

    i have never voluntarily disconnected but my lock timer is past 15 minutes at this point :(

    Post edited by coley_219 on
  • Sutterkane79
    Sutterkane79 Member Posts: 1

    Please help!!!! I've played at least 5 games and I get disconnected during each match. And I also incur a penalty for the disconnect. I tried restarting the game and I'm still having the same problem.

  • archdeaconfrost
    archdeaconfrost Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2020
    • Steam/PC
    • Asia/Philippines
    • Usually during night time (7:00 PM onward GMT + 8)

  • RandDBD
    RandDBD Member Posts: 93

    Got a random DC but no DC penalty just now.

  • Youko
    Youko Member Posts: 187

    Hi, I have been playing survivor today and had 3 killers disconnect, but they didn't seem like rage quits as they were doing well during the match and were not throwing the game, stopped, etc. A friend also experienced a random killer disconnect as survivor.

  • Mod3rn
    Mod3rn Member Posts: 6

    Just crashed with a Quit Game error with EAC detecting some modification of packhunks

    • Your platform: PC
    • Which region are you from: U.S. Central
    • The time frame when the error occurred (The date and time you had the issue) : July 5, 5:10 P.M.
    • Logs (apply to PC only)
  • wussyboi2000
    wussyboi2000 Member Posts: 73


    São Paulo / Brazil

    5:38 PM

    "Disconnection From Host" bugs definitely got better for me (hence why I post don't here as much), but they are STILL happening from time to time. I haven't been getting DC penalties though, which is actually great.

  • iChxrly2556
    iChxrly2556 Member Posts: 3
    • Your platform: PS4
    • Which region are you from: North America, México.
    • The time frame when the error occurred (The date and time you had the issue):

    It has happened to me many times but the most recent was today (06/07/20) at 2:34 pm. It always appears to me that I disconnect from the host but I do not disconnect and neither do the other players, one day I played with a friend we confirmed that it only removes me from the game but the others keep playing.

    I already have a 1 hour penalty.

  • Grim_Grimz
    Grim_Grimz Member Posts: 70
    edited July 2020


    North America

    July 10th 2020 11:30 am

    im tired of loosing my cakes. im tired of the DC penalty after waiting 11 mins for a game. can we get an update on how this issue is being resolved? anything? bc theres pretty much no point in playing the game anymore.

    Im pretty sure the dwight in the video could see me bugged out. I was unable to cancel the Rights of Judgment or swing. i was just able to move before the game sent me to the loading screen and told me i had no internet connection even though i do.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666


    Mexico City, Mexico

    It can happen at any hour and its really annoying

    So as many others in this thread, I am suffering from the "disconnected from host" (von host getrennt) error.

    It started happening right after I moved houses and my internet provider changed.

    I have noticed that it is more prevalent when many of my familiars are using their electronics.

  • Tuscan
    Tuscan Member Posts: 14



    2020-07-18. ca 15:00

    This happens randomly in some matches, If i start to heal, Hook survivor, unhook teammate etc.

    Hope you guys find a fix

  • Powerz924
    Powerz924 Member Posts: 11
    edited July 2020



    2020 - 7- 19 - 2020 - 7 - 21 (3 days in a roll, couldnt play)

    "No connection" happened to every match as killer. I had task manager opened while playing test game as killer (PH) got D/C and internet was fine during the whole time. Log attached.

    Please fix.


  • Shield_Papa
    Shield_Papa Member Posts: 22

    • Your platform: PC
    • Which region are you from: Alberta, Canada
    • The time frame when the error occurred July 22nd, 1am MDT
    • Logs (apply to PC only): See attached.

    I can play one match as killer fine and then every other game I DC randomly, getting "disconnected" from host at the tally screen. It is happening very frequently.

  • Sh4d0wL1ly43
    Sh4d0wL1ly43 Member Posts: 1


    Southeast Asia

    This bug happened in game during playing and making me disconnect from the game

    it happens multiple time already ans I don't know what cost it.

  • themoonshiner
    themoonshiner Member Posts: 7


    Plano, Texas

    Attached screen shots showing some of the chaos and confusion. This is the second time that this has happened to me today, the first time it happened at the start of the match when I hooked a survivor, and this most recent one happened at the end of the match as I was hooking the last survivor. Everyone's internet was still working. Smile and Sweet both added me on steam to try and figure out what was going on, and Sweet - who unfortunately lost the blood points from the game ended up leaving the game, which freed both Smile and I (we kept our blood points) Sweet who left the game was still in the chat at the end of the game - proving this wasn't something on the player side, strictly DBD servers. Both times that I have had it happen in a game I was in - I was the killer, and I had very recently picked a survivor up or hooked them. After it happens, I'm still able to move around, and I can melee, but I am unable to use the killer's special power or vault. I don't think I would be able to break pallet/close hatch either by the rules it seemed to follow. When this happened in the first game, I was on hag in that game as well, I had teleported to another player, downed them and picked them up as the glitch was starting I guess, and on their screen they said in game chat that they were stuck in the carried animation, but I wasn't even under them.

    I'm honestly concerned, as I see that this post started 2 months ago, and the problem still has not been resolved even with a new patch today.

  • Rockington
    Rockington Member Posts: 1

    Platform: Steam

    Region: EU

    Time: shortly before 2 pm CEST

    I got disconmnected from a game immediately after getting unhooked, the game told me the killer had disconnected but my according to my friend the match was still going on and i just disconnected out of the blue

  • minheinhtet
    minheinhtet Member Posts: 4

    platform : PC

    Region : Southeast aisa

    Started from a month ago

    usually happens in 3/4 matches

  • slipttees
    slipttees Member Posts: 846

    Blue screen of death come Back and

  • slipttees
    slipttees Member Posts: 846

    one more time.

    Ceara - Brazil

  • NemesisRipper
    NemesisRipper Member Posts: 1



    Rank Update Error in 2 of 6 Matches since Oni Release (since 3. Dezember 2019) every day evening and noon doesnt matter because its always and it comes random

    Sync Error in Killer games: 2 of 4 Matches and Survivor 2 of 5 rounds (since 4.1.0 Update) every day evening and noon, its something like the Rank update Error

  • Thebodier101
    Thebodier101 Member Posts: 11

    I hate this and this is happening ever since they reactivated penalties.

  • InsidiousPotat
    InsidiousPotat Member Posts: 9

    Just had this issue. Was thinking getting rid of error 111 is good news, now I just randomly DC in a match. Nice one DBD.

  • dvalure
    dvalure Member Posts: 1



    ~12:25 PM

    Playing as Spirit against 4 survivors (and killing it btw). Random disconnect as I went to pick someone up I believe. Ended up with Session Expired error, it restarted game from intro cinematic, and I ended up with a leaver penalty of ~5 minutes (first penalty I've had).

  • RedMarcus
    RedMarcus Member Posts: 2

    PC (STEAM)

    México City

    01/08/2020 18:26 last log

    There are already several games in which I am disconnected from the host and recently I am receiving many penalties of up to 24 hours for something that is not my fault (I have a very good 125 mb internet) and a decent PC please I need a solution for this disconnection problem

This discussion has been closed.