So.. truetalent is going to try and prove leatherface is underrated and he has a point.



  • Claudette_Baguette
    Claudette_Baguette Member Posts: 567

    Sadly not. It happened over half an hour basically, I still have hate whispers on my twitch account tho lol.

  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649

    Can you show some of them? you can just censor the names. But it doesn't surprise me, he's incredibly self absorbed and tries to be so much more than he is.

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833

    he didnt prove anything with ghostface and Wraith everydoby knew stealth killers with good builds can perform good, leatherface is literally trash and this build is not gonna work agaisnt gen rushers till u get that person 3 gens will get done, u need to get stunned the person will run to anotehr pallet and even if u are fast is not enough unless the player makes the mistake of unpositiong himself wich may happen of course.

  • NightWolfsFury
    NightWolfsFury Member Posts: 220

    It's hilarious because FunGoose ranked him as the 7th best killer...

    Dunno about that one. Like, in the right hands he can do well, but many other killers can do much better.

    He also ranked Pig as one of the worst killers, which I feel isn't true. She's definitely lower mid-tier. Not good, but not bad.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    No respect for true, nothing he says is valid.

    Not changing my opinion, ever.

  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649

    True is the same guy that said nurse is fine while claiming that legion needs to lose his power while missing during frenzy. So yeah, you're actually right.

  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649

    7th best is still pretty bad, but fungoose is a really strong player.

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    @Devil_hit11 Trapper can fake out placing a Trap, he can set traps in god locations and 2000iq areas mid-chase and out of chase. He can place a trap at a pallet to bait a drop and save himself time regaining ground. Wraith can body block vaults and pallets while faster in cloak to get a free hit/down. He also has a very cool lunge post-uncloak that can be used as a saucy outplay on 50/50 tiles and get god pallets dropped quickly.

    Face it, Bubba sucks and is far from underrated. He is rated completely accurately. Bottom of the barrel with minimum going for him. You're still insisting that i'm branching out to other killers in my arguments, i'm not lol Billy has nothing to do with this topic. Bubba is straight up basic af. I don't know how else to phrase it really. His gameplay sucks.

  • NightWolfsFury
    NightWolfsFury Member Posts: 220

    Out of 20 killers, rating 7th best is a very good achievement. I believe he did the ranking when there were 19, but still. That's putting him better than 65% of the killers.

    But I feel Bubba can only be that good when he has the perfect build. There's no way he is in the top 35% of killers.

    While FunGoose is an extremely good player, I just honestly can't accept that one if he is making the claim for base Bubba without add-ons.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,318

    No, you just suck at playing Bubba. Bubba has skills as well. Driving Bubba chainsaw around loops when you have your stacks of speed boost without going into tantrum(hitting object) is a skill. Another major skill for bubba is time management. I have a rule when I play killer. I call it "20 second rule" and this rule states that if your not getting hits as killer within 20 seconds, than your chasing for too long and over committing to chases. When Bubba find obesssion, He spends time getting stacks and this usually involves losing obsession and re-finding obsession quickly, so tracking is very important on Bubba. Another major skill for bubba is understanding distances for when you are able to get a chainsaw, Ideally you want to get chainsaw hit on last hit before the survivor enters window tilesets, but you can play it safe depending on situation in the game. The chainsaw killers in general are all about attempting to greedy your chainsaw as hard as possible without hurting yourself in the process. This is exactly what Tru3 is talking about when he says that Bubba is underrated. Bubba doesn't suck, The people who play Bubba suck and refuse to learn to play Bubba in a skillful manner that is enabled by these perks. Insidious camping Leatherface is not really a strategy and it certainly isn't skillful. Bubba isn't some A-tier killer that is going to win every game, but he has tools to put up a fight to try to win the game that does not involve facecamping hooks.

  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649

    r u playing against complete potatoes or nurse/huntress? Because a chase will take a minimum of 20 seconds to get a hit on any survivor that knows what he's doing unless you surprise him.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,318

    That question is way too out of context. It isn't exactly applicable to every killer either because different killers have different win conditions. For example, Oni win condition is all about getting blood, so for him, as long he gets first hit, he is all about draining the blood out of survivors and in his case, draining blood for 40 seconds is just fine for him. Once he gets his power, he has a goal to try to down as many survivors as possible in single Oni charge so that he can keep them injured. Being injure=more future Oni powers and that is how you get massive snowball going. In general though, if your not getting hits every 20 seconds or pallet drop at very least every 20 seconds than your setting yourself up for a loss as killer. Its up to you to find ways to combat looping and for you to find opportunities to get the hits that you need to win the match within context of your killer/situation. So no, it doesn't apply to just Nurse and Huntress, it applies to every killer in broad context.

  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649

    Im not gonna take advice from you mate.

    The 20 second rule is completely made up for 90% of killers out there, I watch Zubatlel alot who's arguably one of the best killers out there and unless he plays nurse each chase will take AT LEAST 20 seconds unless the survivor screw up majorly. Heck even fungoose will take more than 20 seconds per hit on ghostface if the survivor is good, by that logic you're only going after the weakest link each time and hoping that the map doesn't screw you over. It's simple math, even if the survivor holds W, you will take 20 seconds to reach them in most cases.

    And I really don't think you're better than what the best people in this game have to offer.

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    I used to enjoy watching Tru3 but he really just gets on my nerves now. He gets triggered by the smallest things and it's quite literally all you hear about for the next 20 mins or so. If you do not share his opinion then he just berates you in his chat. That and the constant self promotion was enough to push me away. I think he takes the game a little too seriously now.

  • PureHostility
    PureHostility Member Posts: 708

    Pretty sure the 20 second rule is per chase objective, which is either hit or pallet down.

  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649

    Taking something serious is okay but then you better be able to back it up, there's no way to do that in DBD.

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    There is if you're going to get salty because you lost. Someone makes a suggestion and you take that as an insult and get your chat to roast said person.

  • blasto
    blasto Member Posts: 41

    The “20 second rule” is just to get new killers to realize it’s ok to drop a chase. Most killers start to recognize when they’re in a bad chase and when they’re not and when to drop chase with experience

  • blasto
    blasto Member Posts: 41

    I used to think he was just too sensitive to criticism but after reading this thread I get why he is

  • PalletsAndHooks
    PalletsAndHooks Member Posts: 989

    Nemesis/PWYF was a thing before nemesis existed. The primordial Furtive/PWYF combo works better on stealth killers anyways.

  • Lazerboy88
    Lazerboy88 Member Posts: 517

    That is kinda the point of playing him all day tho.. realistically you are not going to go against the best of the best survivors every single game matchmaking won’t allow that lol, so the best way to get data is to play a large amount of games and see the average. His claims do make sense and he does go against good survivors. He doesn’t just go against potatoes every game.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    I dont hate the dude but just dont agree with his opinions in every aspect, or sometimes he posts a video acting like "he" found this build but in reality you've seen it a thousand times before he even made the video

  • Lazerboy88
    Lazerboy88 Member Posts: 517

    I think Tru is perfectly fine and entertaining streamer who is very skilled at the game

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    That begs the question how much data is enough. One day is hardly enough to tell if your games were good due to RNG giving you bad survivors or bad due to getting good ones.

    I'm not saying that he faces bad survivors all the time but I'm definetly saying that calling killer underrated based on just a few games with players of random skill levels yet them always facing Tru3 of pretty high skill level is unreliable way to prove a point of underatement.

    For example if I play Deathslinger for a day or two and get 4k in 90% of my games does that magically mean that he's top tier ? No, ofc not, too much random elements influencing the outcome cause that none of those games can reliably give any real proof of his viability. Only thing they provide is a shift in my (as the one playing him) opinion on him due to my good results but they aren't proof since someone else with about the same skill as me could have done the same and got better survivors, worse RNG on maps, etc and have for example only 40% kill rate.

    If he wants to many even slight attempt to prove viability he should go into KYF with players that are considered as good survivors that are on Tru3's level of skill and make large sample of games with them. That's the only way to prove anything, only other way is devs releasing stats on the killers viability over large amount of time and we know that won't happen.

    He can have an opinion but if he wants others to listen and discuss that topic with him then he has to hear their arguments as well, not just dismiss them because he's doing well which is proof enough for him.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    To take it a step further he actually had a viewer build that he absolutely ridiculed when he saw it, then it turned into “his,” go to build. He went on and on for weeks about how analytical he was and that’s how he came up with the synergistic build.

  • MrPeterPFL
    MrPeterPFL Member Posts: 636

    Leather Face is good though, only this community believes he’s crap

  • Lazerboy88
    Lazerboy88 Member Posts: 517
    edited June 2020

    Well the argument atm is that he is just underrated its not like its trying to say he is the new best killer or anything, I say getting consistent wins with Bubba could prove the point that maybe people assume bubba is worse then he actually is.. which I have to agree bubba does have some decent strengths. I think Bubba does get alot of sh*t for being bad when in reality he isn’t bad at all...the only issue I have with Bubba is..he is very boring to play as imo and still needs a rework not to make him more viable but to make him more fun.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    You see, Bubba's power is not great due to how much help it needs to be useful consistently. He's running build that gives him a lot of extra movement speed and his best addons to make it good then proceeds to call him underrated. Clown is also underrated if you use some of his best builds = for exmaple like on bubba MM speed build + instadown addon and suddently he's killing everyone and looks underrated.

    I't not saying that he's got useless power (it can be good if used properly) or that he's the worst killer since no killer is really bad to the point of beiing unplayable even in high ranks. All killers that aren't in higher tiers are very dependant on how good the player is with them so everyone has diffrent worst killers for them based on which ones they play best.

    All people want is for Bubba to get a rework/buffs and I think that people calling him underrated can make it seem like he's fine and doesn't need changes which then upsets quite a few players. Tru3 makes some good points on him but overall it doesn't change the fact that Bubba needs changes no matter how he preforms or how possibly underrated he might be.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,318

    I think if you want to really learn how to git gud at killer, I recommend looking up a twitch streamer/youtube named "Dowsey". He can examine your play and give advice in regards to killer.

  • MongolPSR
    MongolPSR Member Posts: 1,032

    yep. dudes overall a chill dude but anybody would get worked up and defensive when faced with the amount of hate he gets. stalkers, stream snipers, harassment, you name it he's had it. All because he's good at the game and makes balancing ideas, or at least he use to till the harassment got so much that he backed away from that stuff for his own mental health.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    Yes, Freddy is underpowered, lets give him ranged attacks, teleporting through walls, and the ability to counter DS. That way he'll really have everything.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Here’s the thing though, he’s still only proving Bubba can get 4ks... we already know that he CAN.

    Whenever he does his Bubba day I want you to consider every game he plays and imagine if he was Freddy, Nurse or Huntress... chances are you’ll think to yourself “man any other killer would have got 4k too and much easier.”

  • Lazerboy88
    Lazerboy88 Member Posts: 517

    But the argument isn’t that he is better then those killers..its just that he is underrated and not as horrible as people make him to be

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    People say he’s in the bottom 3-4 killers and I agree.

    People who say they can’t win with him mean just that, THEY can’t win with him. Again all Tru is going to prove is that if you’re really good at video games you can win with any killer.

  • Lazerboy88
    Lazerboy88 Member Posts: 517
    edited June 2020

    Im senseing a cycle here because it just goes around to yes he is considered a weaker killer but he is not as weak as one may think and im bored of this thread

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213
    edited June 2020

    Tru's message doesn't really mean anything, and him doing well with Leatherface means even less. Why? Because he is one of the best Killer players. He will obviously do well since he is very good at playing killer and dealing with Survivor's BS. His argument "proving" Leatherface is underrated is weakened, and actually goes unproven, because, again, he is one of the best Killer players in the game.

    For example Otz uses Clown every now and again and does VERY well. However, he doesn't go out of his way to say that because he does well means Clown is underrated and actually good. He knows that he is a good Killer player and can play any Killer and do, at least, decently well. Since all of them, but the Nurse, have the same basics.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    So by “not as weak as we think,” what does that mean? Do you think he’s a top 5 killer, top 10?

This discussion has been closed.