wow BHVR, that's it?

So from aaaaalll the complains about Billy you came up only with these little tweaks? That's it? You really just scratched the surface of the problems. Sure it's a tiny bit better now but it's not going to motivate me to continue maining Billy. It was just so predictable that you BHVR will either completely ignore the community or do miniscule tweaks to try keeping us quite.
Me and probably the majority of Billy mains will still drop him like this:
I mean they caved in to all the killer main pressure yet again, what more do you want?
45 -
Tbh the changes to overheat they did seem pretty significant. I'd wait and test it first.
Wish we had these kind of changes on killers and perks from other PTB's.
31 -
Listening? They haven't even adressed the addons issues, or the new animations everyone has to learn again, what are you on about?
13 -
Be thankful they even listened. These changes make the heat mechanic sound like it will be a realtively minor thing to deal with when playing Billy.
But hey, this community will slander BHVR for any decision they make so this isn't surprising I guess.
42 -
Why should I be thankful if I'm still not touching it? Should I be thankful for what? That's a tiny bit less annoying? Thanks I guess
7 -
It's big that they're altering the heat mechanic to keep it from being restrictive, but they seem to still think the addons are good where they are which is laughable.
27 -
Jeez, sometimes Devs just can't win.
Then they actually listen and change something.
70 -
I'm frustrated they didn't say a word about the add ons, because that was one of the two major problems...but I'm tentatively ok with the changes to the heating mechanic. I still vaguely feel as though it'll be too punishing in large maps where traversal takes a good while even with the chainsaw, but it's certainly a lot better than what the PTB had.
9 -
It's possible they'll address additional issues, either now or after the PTB, but they made some pretty important changes based on player feedback and they deserve props for that.
8 -
Tbh yes I think it's still going to be a bit more restrictive then it needs to be but at least they're doing something. If it's not enough they can always make more tweaks after the update drops. Hopefully that's the plan and not just make a few adjustments now and forget about billy for a year or two.
Still it's nice to see devs listening to feedback and seeing their mistake on the og design. They probably don't want to go overboard with changes until they get more feedback when it goes live and people have a chance to test them.
7 -
Little tweaks? They are huge changes.
13 -
Was thinking the same thing. The changes might be significant enough to allow him to be played more comfortably.
6 -
I still don't support the changes but man this is miles better than what Nurse got. The only changes they did were negative. Billy is at least getting some positive changes. Whether that was pre-planned from the begging or not is anyone's guess but at least it's better than what we got :(
7 -
We've taken feedback on add-ons as well, don't worry. There's only so much time to make changes between a PTB and the actual release, and that post is just for the changes that are locked in for the initial release. It's still possible that there will be some add-on changes in the hotfix, but I can't confirm that just yet. We could also make further base kit tweaks in the following hotifx(es) if necessary.
67 -
Heat not going up when you're not holding the button is a massive, massive reversion. That was a big part of almost all the complaints regarding the heat mechanic, because even a little feathering was a huge heat gain.
6 -
Can you also confirm if Billy is getting chase music in the live release? Off topic but I'm dying to know.
9 -
Well then it would be smarter to mention it in the post instead of making it look like you only made the rev heating change
1 -
It doesnt seem like traversal was really where alot of the heat was being generated. The problem mostly was in how slow it was to get rid of heat, so with them cranking up the cooldown rate and making it cooldown sooner... This might be the sweet spot.
4 -
That's good. I hope to see a good amount of alterations to Billy's addons within the next month or so then because it really, really hurts spending bloodpoints on absolute garbage I'll never use because it's effectively an empty addon slot if I use it.
8 -
Bro, your survivor main has been showing full force the last few days. Chill.
Anytime a killer gets changed for the better the devs "cater to killers". Anytime survivors get changed it's just "needed balance!!!! >:( xD git gud rawr"
26 -
Try being grateful that devs even changed him and are listening to us instead of yet again yelling at them.
Now like I said 20 times, this is a PTB, EVERYTHING IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE
7 -
Peanits, for god sakes.. level with me here: what are the odds that every terrible add-on both billy and LF have will be reworked or made somewhat usable before release? Just say it's not happening if that's the case and put people to rest. It'll piss them off, sure, but at least it's honest. I'd rather know I'm eating ######### rather than have it masquerade as chocolate.
4 -
the changes looks good and in the right direction, it shows you listen to our complaints, only thing left is to actually test it properly, i felt testing properly was almost impossible on the PTB as the latancy was soo bad. high hopes for double engravings still being a thing, and not how they were on the ptb, where they only gave a 10% increase in speed combined, which is worse than what death engravings on its own is right now (15%)
2 -
The tweaks aren't that small actually. Feathering will generate a lot less heat now which is great, overheating in general will happen way less and the punishment for it is also reduced.
The "new animations" thing you mentioned is also unintentional from what I've heard. Curving is supposed to work exactly the same and it apparently has something to do with latency issues on the PTB or something like that.
6 -
TBH if the Overheat buildup has been reduced by like 60% like they said in the post I think its probably enough that it won't cause much issue. I think I can see the reason for the mechanic in the first place but im glad they listened to the feedback and decided to make it way less strict. We'll have to see how it plays when it's released.
5 -
Ptb comes out, Killers complain Hillbilly is weak, survivors complain Leatherface is strong. Not shocked at all which one gets listened to and which one gets ignored.
Now they finally nerf Hillbilly and not only are they caving to killer main pressure yet again and giving them their ez mode killer back, but Peanits just said addons could change too so yay for a new version of instasaw which is what Hillbilly players want deep down.
I’m not even surprised anymore. The killer main community on here has the company wrapped around their little finger yet they act like they’re persecuted everytime they don’t get exactly what they want.
5 -
Leave then, lol
19 -
Yes, nerfing the charge addons were needed. Adding absolute bloodweb filler like Mother's Helpers and the horrible pink Addons were not. I am very happy BHVR has noticed the changes were too heavy handed, but to act like the addons aren't a big deal is just a lie.
I've said it earlier but it feels really bad when you are forced to pickup a slew of horrible addons in exchange for one decent addon... and honestly I don't even know if Billy HAS a decent addon anymore.
7 -
A lot of survivors also complained about Hillbilly being weak if you haven't noticed. I haven't tried or watched anything related to new Leatherface really so can't comment on that but overall, both sides complained about the billy nerf being too much.
9 -
Also keep in mind the heat buildup when your 99% a saw. Your pressing the button on and off, so if half of that now causes your saw to cooldown rather than heatup... Thats gonna be a big difference.
5 -
Honestly, Billy is one of my mains, and I feel like these changes are pretty big. I am willing to give them a try and it could very well be enough... stat wise.
I am not sure what part of Billy on the PTB was bugs/lag, and what part was intended though animation wise. If he plays the same way he did in ptb and the slight delay and animation tweaks are intended, then yeah that needs to be fixed ASAP. I really belive those are just part of the buggy ptb though and he will be fine on live.
What they really, REALLY need to do though is change the Add-Ons. 90% of them are horrible and most of the useable ones are still pretty meh and boring. Stuff like the UR Chain that lets you rush trough pallets should really do normal damage if chainsawed like usual and only deal 1 damage when getting a chainsaw hit trough a pallet.
I feel like the engravings should give a small rev heat buff, to compensate for the longer charge time, too. Maybe not outright negate the heat gained compared to normal speed but lessen the impact. Double engravings are already one of the high risk/ high reward Add-Ons for Billy, since they make chainsaws harder to hit due to longer charge time, but also enable you to play around normally unplayable loops with your chainsaw if you master them.
I really hope that this is a sign of change and that they will listen to feedback more often, even if there isn't a huge backlash like the Billy changes.
EDIT: I just now realized, that they nerfed the engravings in more than just extra heat due to charge time ways. They now give 7% extra speed for the green one and 3% for the yellow one, down from 20% and 15% each, so now double engravings are not only slower than the yellow engraving by itself, but also still increase charge time each. This seriously should be changed back ASAP.
8 -
The changes were actively bad to the point where you had both killer means and survivor means calling them out on it
7 -
Ayrun was probably the most vocal survivor main complaining on twitch and twitter about the billy nerf. so no, it wasn't just "killer mains" complaining, zubatlel is also a great survivor although hes a killer "main" i guess, who innitally meant the changes werent that bad and people were just overreacting, and then he tried them and realised they were completely overdone. nobody is against removing instasaw or crack billy which are removed. double engravings curve billy isn't even that good and its soo fun using it and going against a skillbilly, that wasn't possible with the new changes.
10 -
No no there is a fuss about him not having good charge time or cooldown add ons anymore.
0 -
Thank you for replying to posts like these. Means a lot. Stay safe <3
9 -
his charge addon is bad, making him a 110killer is ridiculous, the complaints were stacking charge addons to give him instasaw, now he doesn't have any at all, just sparkplug and and the worst cooldown addons on live right now is balanced and good enough.
0 -
Can you point me towards the people complaining about losing charge time addons and cooldown addons? So far I've only seen people say it's reasonable to remove/harshly nerf them.
The OTHER addons they have added to replace them are LAUGHABLY horrible and have no place existing. It's like getting a delicious salmon dinner every night for 4 years and then suddenly you're served literal ######### on a plate after your partner mentions wanting to slightly tweak the menu, then they get mad at you for being angry at being served #########.
3 -
What are you on about you're acting like that's all people were complaining about in fact a lot of people were saying that the add-ons should have been changed and his base kits should have been kept normal.
Once again you completely ignore the fact that survivor mains were also questioning why this was happening.
One of the major problems of this community is when people like you automatically pull up the US vs them mentality and start saying only killer mains to do this or only survivor mains do that it destroys any discussion.
The large majority of complaints was about hillbilly needing an add-on pass to fix a broken things like insta saw but his base kit wasn't a problem.
Post edited by Volfawott on3 -
If you thought they were going to completely revert the basekit changes after investing in the implementation of the overheat mechanic, then you were being a little bit too optimistic.
The number tweaks look pretty significant, so much that Billy might be playable again.
As for the add-ons, I think they're simply afraid to make broken ones and another revamp will cost them too much time. It sucks but it is whatever at this point.
Be happy that Billy might (discretion advised) still be alive and kicking. Except crack and insta saw, but those are a good riddance.
14 -
3 -
This post by OP is incredibly pathetic. BHVR actually listens to us and you STILL complain? Be grateful that Billy didn't release the way they initially made him. I do think based on these changes Billy will now actually be fine to play. I do hope they fix the crappy addons though.
7 -
What were people bitching about him? Why was he changed? Am I just boomering?
0 -
No, anyone that complained about Billy was lumped into an “us vs them” category.
Some of his add ons were busted and he needed a basekit change to bring him in line with other killers.
1 -
Hey on the forums everyone complains. Everyone or almost everyone is one sided. Killers complain when survivors survive and survivors complain when the killer kills
2 -
Thank god. I hope I will see less and less of him. I'm only rank 20 and usually hover around there and Billy being the easiest killer or among the easiest with the most lethality too I played against him a lot. Hopefully this change makes it so theres more skill required to play him or just make him not as prevalent.
1 -
His sequence of posts in this topic are just embarrassing.
2 -
Good thing i never really liked playing billy
0 -
You're giving them too much credit. Changing numbers for a bad design still leaves it as a bad design. Majority of the community dislikes the overheat mechanic. If they were listening, they'd go back to drawing board.
1 -
I knew they wouldn't revert changes, time to see if these tweaks are as impactful as they make it seem to be. Since they had no video attached of the changes, the only way to know this time is to actually see them in action the PTB.
I'll be honest, I'm still doubtful. BHVR has a very bad track record in regards to balance (I see that amazing 0.2 m/s gain while a flashlight is shining on you add-on still exists...)
0 -
They literally listened to feedback and are making changes to make the overheat less punishing. OP should probably find another game to play if he thinks these changes are unreasonable.