Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

I installed the game 4 days ago, ######### MATCHMAKING???!!!!!!



  • Member Posts: 6,090

    No it wasn't balanced. Were you there? No, you were not, so you have no clue how the match went at all.

    Doctor is one of the easiest killers to get bloodpoints with, also the match was lengthy because he slugged a lot in a 3 gen situation.

    MMR is supposed to get better after matches, not after "a few days".

    It's clearly not working, at all.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    Also for the people saying rank doesn't matter... if it didn't matter, why was everyone complaining about bad matchmaking before? That's why we got MMR in the first place.

    And believe it or not, time played does increase your skill.

  • Member Posts: 793

    Why are you allowed to make assumptions about the killer's skill based on perks but nobody else can make assumptions about skill based on ranks (playtime this month)?

    Surely someone who has played a minimum of a couple dozen hours this month will have some level of experience and someone who hasn't played DBD at all in the past 30 days must be new or at least rusty.

    Besides, new players should absolutely have protection for their first 10 games or so; unless they read through the forums or research the game beforehand new players will assume there is no MMR and that unfun slaughterfests are the default, which they are.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    My team mates were rank 20, I am rank 3 devotion 20. You can NOT compare us at all.

    Everyone who just started the game wont be good at the game because they don't know workarounds.

    Also in case you haven't read the title and thread, I have now over 70 matches after the new MMR, and is in fact still not working. It's looking the same it did when I had only 1 match.

    TL;DR don't like a thread don't comment on it.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    If you're tired of them close your computer and go outside or something. No one is forcing you to look at them.

    Your situation isn't plausible as it has been shown in multiple discussions now.

    I am judging the MMR system now because a dev did say they have been gathering data for months and that after a couple matches the system should be working. It is not.

    I'm pretty sure a lot of other people have played enough matches, so I should be teaming up with those who did and have a similar score, not players who just started today. That compromises the system results and isn't smart at all.

  • Member Posts: 363

    Well for me it works perfect! I get a lot of more purple rank players with full prestige 3 and full perks. A lot more derankers from last system getting into my matches which is good.

  • Member Posts: 756

    Oh you mean like 90% of matches anyways? Every single lobby is filled with minimum 2 SWF.

  • Member Posts: 110

    Its trying to on purpose do this to your teams. It wants to give an average mmr to work on you. So if two people are at 500 and 2 are at 100 and the killer is at 300, thats a "balanced game" in regards to MMR. Its working as intended and people need to stop complaining and just practice and get better.

  • Member Posts: 415

    This is exactly what i think is happening. When i cue up with a swf team we've been getting decent killers.

    If i go into solo cue its almost always a 2v2 or a 3v1 with me usually being the most experienced player on my team.

    95% of my games go me starting the first gen and just watching my potatoes go down one after the other and by the time the gen is finished im the only one left not hooked or slugged.


    I get caught first and run the killer for 3 minutes then get caught, meanwhile no gens have popped and my team mates are just hiding or maybe just like 25% done with a gen, because they hop off of it every 5 seconds because they hear the heartbeat.

    Then i die first hook and next game.

    This is every game as a solo cue! Sucks

  • Member Posts: 110

    Thats how mmr works in literallt every other game. In cod, in competitive strategy games, all of them. If your whole team has an MMR of 500, but one of your mates is 100, it goes the other way too. The reason its not efficient for dead by daylight is because its 1v4 not 4v4. The power role needs to be as good as ALL of the survivors playing against them, and that would be unfair if they kept it to that, not to mention matchmaking pain. So letting in a random sitting duck rank 17 thats been in queue for 5 minutes to a team of purples and reds to verse a killer thats a purple makes sense.

  • Member Posts: 110

    I Understand that thats not how balance works, but thats what THE SYSTEM IS DOING. IM NOT SAYING I THINK TBIS IS WHAT ITS DOING, IT IS WHAT IS DOING. Im not trying to trigger anyone im trying to explain why these games are happening to people who are angry. Guess I'll just shut up and let people be angry then

  • Member Posts: 375

    So I guess the part where you said "people need to stop complaining and instead learn to play" was sarcastic? I apologize in that case. You can't get better at the game when you constantly play a 2v1 in a game that's supposed to be a 4v1 with players of equal skill.

  • Member Posts: 1,652

    I'm still getting level 1 Killers. Survivoirs may be boosted but not Killers. Where have all these level 1 killers come from??? Why do they want me so bad???😭

  • Member Posts: 681

    Red ranks going against rank 20's is just cruel.

  • Member Posts: 570

    I might be out of the loop, or an idiot but... I was under the assumption the MMR system needed time to adjust to everyones individual skill level. So...they said 10 games yeah?

    To me, that means (as killer) 10 games with one specific killer will be necessary before the system knows where to put you.


    To me, that means (as survivor) 10 games ‘against’ one specific killer will be necessary before the system knows where to put you.

    If that’s even close to how it is, then with up to 20 killers, you need 200 games to get the MMR system settled with all killers and survivors. Not sure why people expect everything to be settled and perfect so soon. This might be a month or two endeavor.

  • Member Posts: 194

    ez killer adept 👀

  • Member Posts: 61

    yeh mmr is ######### now. i've played the required amount of games and its still crap XD

  • Member Posts: 49

    Whatever matchmaking changes you implemented... they are not fun. At all. I've been playing against a constant stream of rank 1, 2, 3 survivors, as a rank 10 killer.... all night. It is not fun. I don't play this game religiously. I play for fun. I can't catch survivors who have 5000 hours in the game, know every ######### loop, and play perfectly. You need to seriously re-evaluate. You are going to lose a lot of players because it's just not fun playing the top players in the world every game.

  • Member Posts: 2

    You do know that the matchmaking system is to help you practice with different killers right? Just switch it up a bit and play a different killer

  • Member Posts: 370

    This makes no sense. They'll still be getting matched with red ranked survivors... even with killers they dont use often. That's what they are trying to say. The flaw that the new mmr system has, is that it is not working as intended. Blaming the players for having a bad experience is wrong. The culprit here is the mmr system, not the people getting paired with unfair skill levels. "Switching it up" is supposed to pair them up with lower skilled survivors, which isnt happening. That's what OP is referring to.

  • Member Posts: 8

    Now, I've been playing this game on console since the time Clown and Kate came out.

    Recently I decided to finally buy the game for PC and give it a shot.

    But every single match has been like the photo below.

    Even as a rank 19 killer I go up against nothing but rank 6+ teams, which is fine considering I'm a rank 7 killer main on console, so I've whooped on them.

    But what if I wasn't? Throwing new players into a match against seasoned players like this is just downright idiotic.

    Controlling survivors on keyboard and mouse is hard enough to get accustomed to for people changing over from console like myself, but imagine completely new people just learning the game versus top rank killers. This is absolutely absurd and I wouldn't be surprised if they lose more of their player base due to crap like this. They certainly don't seem to care for new players as it is.

  • Member Posts: 2,327

    I've been getting matched to the exact same, but as Survivor. All new players at around Rank 18-20 while I sit at Rank 2. Every unhook results in the survivor running to a corner and self-caring, or hiding while I'm on hook. The game is now unplayable because of the players themselves, not the bugs for a change. It's annoying and really making me want to quit the game for good. I'm not amazing by any means, but my skill is far more than a new player for sure, and having to die over and over becase of said players, well my MMR, if it even exists at this point, is going to drop because I got matched to players who don't understand the game.

  • Member Posts: 3,666

    Just had a match against 3 rank 20s despite me being a rank one lol. they should block people under rank 15 from the MMR.

  • Member Posts: 985

    BHVR must think its OK, otherwise it'd not be this bad.

  • Member Posts: 3

    Yeah but no, this new system is not working, played plague for the first time a couple hours ago and I ended against Rank 2/6/8/12. I only hooked the rank 12 and he just kill himself on the hook 20s later. Didnt hit anyone after until the gate was open and they were waiting for me

  • Member Posts: 5,501

    Have you read the patchnotes? Rank is not used for matching players, Skill rating are.

    Congratulations on being matched with high rank players. You must be a natural.

  • Member Posts: 3

    well that is wrong. im trying new killer and i want to learn. i have no perkz and suddenly facing rank 1 and 2 :)

    i played many online free games. free games are so good in matchmaking because they do not make a game that player hate his life matching against players above 1k hour of game.

  • Member Posts: 5,501

    Dont worry about it, you will get better in time. Observe, Adapt, Improve, Conquer.

    It takes like 1 game to get enough blood to get perks on a character.

  • Member Posts: 4,467
    edited August 2020

    Yeah, the new matchmaking is utter garbage and the devs seem to be scared of admitting that. I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to quit the game. The new player experience is horrible (the massive grind and terrible matchmaking are the worst offenders) and many others feel the same.

    Also if you’re on console I’d just try to switch to PC, this game has been very poorly optimized for years.

  • Member Posts: 5,501

    No thanks, I like the new matchmaking system. Im getting evenly skilled players vs me.

    But I also play a lot, so i'm probably better matched. How much have you played?

  • Member Posts: 5

    I don't know if it's just me, but as a solo queue survivor I've lately had the easiest matches of my life. I keep getting killers who I absolutely demolish from rank 12-20 killers as a rank 1. So I would say the system is completely broken, but hey at least I don't have to sweat to complete challenges and earn bloodpoints. ;)

  • Member Posts: 8,601
    edited August 2020

    We're not told how it's calculated, we're not allowed to see what it is, we're not shown MMR results after the match, and there are dozens upon dozens of people reporting little to no change in matchmaking well after the supposed 10 game threshold. This would be called an obvious scam if it was any other product. The QA specifically mentioned there were protections for new players when that's a blatant, obvious, lie. Intentional or not, it's simply not true.

  • Member Posts: 10

    gonna take back what i said. ive been getting some rank 5-1 killers and looping them fair and square, escaping, and etc. it's working much better than the rank system. i've been told many times that the only reason i'm not rank 1 is that i've got no time for the game, and can only play in packs of 3-4 matches per day. that way, ranking from 15 to red ranks is very hard, now i get it. the mmr is indeed super fair. thank you bhvr, for the nice work you're doing. PRANKED YA!!! my rank 20 friend who dies in the first 5 seconds of matches is being matched against rank 1's. why, if he's not swf'ing with high-ranks? explain yourselves, mods.

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    Inb4: "But how did the match feel? Rank doesn't matter."

  • Member Posts: 994

    Now you have to do something the first time, instead of just pressing m1 and bully the killer. Carry the other ppl if you are so good or get rekt.

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    We were told it ran in the background for months prior to this update and that it would take 10 matches for the system to find your average skill level. Gameplay suggests that this definitely is not the case.

  • Member Posts: 43

    Survivor were supposed to need only 10 matches (if they are new or haven't played in a while) because they were collecting data beforehand.

    For killer it is 10 matches for each individual killer. But same as above, if you have played recently with a specific killer the system should have learned already about that.

    That's where most of the frustration comes from. They said that data was collected but people (especially streamer) who play a really a lot, should have quite the accurate rating, but the matching isn't accurate at all. That gives the impression that we got lied to - which set's people off. Additionally many have no fun playing because it's either too easy or too hard. I read a few exceptions where it seems to work, but well...overall it seems to be the minority by far.

    I read in a different thread, that the system is being looked at. Nothing more known currently, so all we can do is wait sadly.

  • Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2020

    I've been playing on ps4 for about 2 months now, and decided to get the game on pc to play with some friends. eventually i decided to play some killer and see if i could get up to where i was on ps4, where i'm currently rank 10. after 2 expectingly boring games, i figured maybe i'd start playing against somewhat higher ranks, like somewhere from 15-10. I hadn't even been playing that well so this just didn't make sense to me. After looking at their profiles, this was a 4 man swf, all with at least 1,000 hours in the game, one with 3,000. there is no reason a killer on their third game, after playing average games against people who just started playing, should be matched with this. Before this happened I believed, despite all of the other posts about all of the unbalanced games, that it could work at least most of the time. But after this, i'm not so sure.

  • Member Posts: 400

    Dont know if anyone has said this, but unfortunately its not just your mmr at play here. You also have the killers and the other survivors. Some assumptions here, but maybe the game takes the killers mmr, and tries to build a team that would be fair to play against. That would be my guess. So unfortunately its not entirely up to you, its up to everyone to play enough to get proper "mmr". I believe it takes at least a week if not more before we get more "balanced" matches. They claim the program have been running but considering it hasnt been trying to matchmake teams I believe thats where some of the weirder matches comes from.

    Again this is just speculation on my part. I cant recall having played a game that tried to implement mmr into its 4 year old game so for all I know this might be perfectly normale for the first while. And I would guess you not knowing the rankings of your team mates and the killer, would remove a lot of frustration from a lot of people. As some have said it seems to have been an ok match. I got a lot of similar results before the MMR so all I can say is, its not worse. Its just different xD.

  • Member Posts: 2,287

    I don’t see how this is supposed to work when I keep getting teamed up with idiots and ppl so new they won’t do anything other than hide on lockers until the birds come or stay still enough to attract the birds. Then they decide to follow you while you’re trying to disarm traps. I’m sure my MMR score sucks.

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