The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Rank matters (vets only)



  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    edited October 2018

    Is this guy seriously bragging about quadhooking a SWF? When i play leatherface with basement build that happens alot because not every SWF takes the game [BAD WORD] seriously and those people mainly want to play together ROFL. Basically quadhooks happen if the survivor SWF ######### up royally or just plays for fun while you tryharded the ######### out of them.

    so you havent, ok. i do it with michael, without a basement build, but its definitely easier with LF. let me know when ya get one.
  • Chi
    Chi Member Posts: 780

    Heavily disagree with this. I play this game a lot, and the way killers play at the red ranks, is just not fun to go against. Camping, tunneling and ruin every ######### game in the red ranks. I play this game to have fun, not to be competitive. The sponsored streamers, is it right to assume you are talking about the fog whisperers?

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @Lowbei said:
    ahh 2 months, sounds about right lol, i already said i stopped streaming two months ago. congrats you solved your own mystery of the missing videos haha.

    LOL at “the competitive scene is based on swf”

    you are beyond clueless. solo survivor is 10x more challenging than swf, you wouldnt know anything about it because you cant play solo. you are hilarious. skilled players dont need swf to play.

    "10x more challenging" keep telling yourself that.

    Skilled players don't need perks to play either but it sure makes the game a hell of a lot more fun, again, all the complaints about SWF seem to be the advantage that comms give, given the fact I don't play with comms you're just producing even more moot statements.

    Continue with your irrelevancy.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @only1biggs said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @TheBean said:

      Warning. this thread will either make total sense if youre a vet, or upset you if youre a casual. if you find yourself getting upset about it, back up and recognize that it wasnt intended for you.

    Your post, is a "stroke me" post, and I'm calling you out on it.

    You make a post in the discussion forums with intertwined arguments with a dismissal of anyone who disagrees right from the get go.

    Your post is like the killer main and survivor main posts who disagree with anyone who never reached rank 1 in THEIR side of the game. Those are the funniest.

    Your post also smells of someone who is jealous of others... like your a streamer or something who can't get people to watch them because they aren't entertaining enough to retain their viewership. TIP: Stop being boring.

    You basically made a big novel post crying about stuff in the game and then stomped their feet and ran into the other room while holding their ears, not wanting to hear alternate opinions.

    Just a big kid.

    He recently deleted everything off his stream channel and stopped streaming. I guess he realised he couldn't reach rank one on either side and figured it'd be pretty hypocritical to stream at rank 10 whilst simultaneously trying to dismiss anyone who disagrees with him that rank one matters when he can't even reach it himself..

    He posted a screenshot of himself at rank 17 killer in another thread I think. Not long after creating this thread. Not sure why anyone is giving him the time of day considering how obvious a troll he is. A really stupid troll, but still. Some are cute and annoying but this one...yikes.

    If what you're saying is true..
    OOOOF, rank 17 killer? Good god, hasn't played killer in so long he's been reset past rank 15, must be a serious case of the "git guds" for him.

    SWF is at all the tournaments therefore it is the "competitive" standard, anyone complaining about competitiveness while simultaneously complaining about SWF doesn't understand the games sheer need for it.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178
    edited October 2018

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @TheBean said:

      Warning. this thread will either make total sense if youre a vet, or upset you if youre a casual. if you find yourself getting upset about it, back up and recognize that it wasnt intended for you.

    Your post, is a "stroke me" post, and I'm calling you out on it.

    You make a post in the discussion forums with intertwined arguments with a dismissal of anyone who disagrees right from the get go.

    Your post is like the killer main and survivor main posts who disagree with anyone who never reached rank 1 in THEIR side of the game. Those are the funniest.

    Your post also smells of someone who is jealous of others... like your a streamer or something who can't get people to watch them because they aren't entertaining enough to retain their viewership. TIP: Stop being boring.

    You basically made a big novel post crying about stuff in the game and then stomped their feet and ran into the other room while holding their ears, not wanting to hear alternate opinions.

    Just a big kid.

    He recently deleted everything off his stream channel and stopped streaming. I guess he realised he couldn't reach rank one on either side and figured it'd be pretty hypocritical to stream at rank 10 whilst simultaneously trying to dismiss anyone who disagrees with him that rank one matters when he can't even reach it himself..

    He posted a screenshot of himself at rank 17 killer in another thread I think. Not long after creating this thread. Not sure why anyone is giving him the time of day considering how obvious a troll he is. A really stupid troll, but still. Some are cute and annoying but this one...yikes.

    If what you're saying is true..
    OOOOF, rank 17 killer? Good god, hasn't played killer in so long he's been reset past rank 15, must be a serious case of the "git guds" for him.

    SWF is at all the tournaments therefore it is the "competitive" standard, anyone complaining about competitiveness while simultaneously complaining about SWF doesn't understand the games sheer need for it.

    I always solo queue, but the game would be dead without SWF's. Tournaments are just insane being mentioned alongside DbD :')

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    edited October 2018

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @TheBean said:

      Warning. this thread will either make total sense if youre a vet, or upset you if youre a casual. if you find yourself getting upset about it, back up and recognize that it wasnt intended for you.

    Your post, is a "stroke me" post, and I'm calling you out on it.

    You make a post in the discussion forums with intertwined arguments with a dismissal of anyone who disagrees right from the get go.

    Your post is like the killer main and survivor main posts who disagree with anyone who never reached rank 1 in THEIR side of the game. Those are the funniest.

    Your post also smells of someone who is jealous of others... like your a streamer or something who can't get people to watch them because they aren't entertaining enough to retain their viewership. TIP: Stop being boring.

    You basically made a big novel post crying about stuff in the game and then stomped their feet and ran into the other room while holding their ears, not wanting to hear alternate opinions.

    Just a big kid.

    He recently deleted everything off his stream channel and stopped streaming. I guess he realised he couldn't reach rank one on either side and figured it'd be pretty hypocritical to stream at rank 10 whilst simultaneously trying to dismiss anyone who disagrees with him that rank one matters when he can't even reach it himself..

    He posted a screenshot of himself at rank 17 killer in another thread I think. Not long after creating this thread. Not sure why anyone is giving him the time of day considering how obvious a troll he is. A really stupid troll, but still. Some are cute and annoying but this one...yikes.

    SenzuDuck said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @TheBean said:

      Warning. this thread will either make total sense if youre a vet, or upset you if youre a casual. if you find yourself getting upset about it, back up and recognize that it wasnt intended for you.

    Your post, is a "stroke me" post, and I'm calling you out on it.

    You make a post in the discussion forums with intertwined arguments with a dismissal of anyone who disagrees right from the get go.

    Your post is like the killer main and survivor main posts who disagree with anyone who never reached rank 1 in THEIR side of the game. Those are the funniest.

    Your post also smells of someone who is jealous of others... like your a streamer or something who can't get people to watch them because they aren't entertaining enough to retain their viewership. TIP: Stop being boring.

    You basically made a big novel post crying about stuff in the game and then stomped their feet and ran into the other room while holding their ears, not wanting to hear alternate opinions.

    Just a big kid.

    He recently deleted everything off his stream channel and stopped streaming. I guess he realised he couldn't reach rank one on either side and figured it'd be pretty hypocritical to stream at rank 10 whilst simultaneously trying to dismiss anyone who disagrees with him that rank one matters when he can't even reach it himself..

    He posted a screenshot of himself at rank 17 killer in another thread I think. Not long after creating this thread. Not sure why anyone is giving him the time of day considering how obvious a troll he is. A really stupid troll, but still. Some are cute and annoying but this one...yikes.

    If what you're saying is true..
    OOOOF, rank 17 killer? Good god, hasn't played killer in so long he's been reset past rank 15, must be a serious case of the "git guds" for him.

    SWF is at all the tournaments therefore it is the "competitive" standard, anyone complaining about competitiveness while simultaneously complaining about SWF doesn't understand the games sheer need for it.

    LOL the screenshot i posted was from doing a mike daily, while a survivor main, playing a 4swf using darkest moonlight, most fog, and 3 brand new parts, and still killed 3 and one got the hatch.

    again your personal butthurt at me is hilarious but off topic. you two can keep getting salty at me all you want. take your personal salt to my profile instead of crying on this thread thats clearly not intended for you.

    and lol swf isnt at all the tournys, just the bad one the devs ran, which ive stated numerous times was really bad haha. hilarious that you think swf is necessary to compete, and shows your lack of skill.

    again, try to stay on topic, by taking your personal stuff to my profile instead of this thread :) 
  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @only1biggs said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @TheBean said:

      Warning. this thread will either make total sense if youre a vet, or upset you if youre a casual. if you find yourself getting upset about it, back up and recognize that it wasnt intended for you.

    Your post, is a "stroke me" post, and I'm calling you out on it.

    You make a post in the discussion forums with intertwined arguments with a dismissal of anyone who disagrees right from the get go.

    Your post is like the killer main and survivor main posts who disagree with anyone who never reached rank 1 in THEIR side of the game. Those are the funniest.

    Your post also smells of someone who is jealous of others... like your a streamer or something who can't get people to watch them because they aren't entertaining enough to retain their viewership. TIP: Stop being boring.

    You basically made a big novel post crying about stuff in the game and then stomped their feet and ran into the other room while holding their ears, not wanting to hear alternate opinions.

    Just a big kid.

    He recently deleted everything off his stream channel and stopped streaming. I guess he realised he couldn't reach rank one on either side and figured it'd be pretty hypocritical to stream at rank 10 whilst simultaneously trying to dismiss anyone who disagrees with him that rank one matters when he can't even reach it himself..

    He posted a screenshot of himself at rank 17 killer in another thread I think. Not long after creating this thread. Not sure why anyone is giving him the time of day considering how obvious a troll he is. A really stupid troll, but still. Some are cute and annoying but this one...yikes.

    If what you're saying is true..
    OOOOF, rank 17 killer? Good god, hasn't played killer in so long he's been reset past rank 15, must be a serious case of the "git guds" for him.

    SWF is at all the tournaments therefore it is the "competitive" standard, anyone complaining about competitiveness while simultaneously complaining about SWF doesn't understand the games sheer need for it.

    I always solo queue, but the game would be dead without SWF's. Tournaments are just insane being mentioned alongside DbD :')

    I solo, but I also stream so community interaction is important, if someone is intimidated by a 4MAN squad not using comms and having random perks they'll never be good at the game.
    Obviously no one knows we don't use comms but Lowbei definitely does yet he can't stop talking about me playing with my community He's a cutie.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    edited October 2018


    Rank matters by the way

    ty, what an awesome picture lol. 3bnps lol, fun daily
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    SenzuDuck said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @TheBean said:

      Warning. this thread will either make total sense if youre a vet, or upset you if youre a casual. if you find yourself getting upset about it, back up and recognize that it wasnt intended for you.

    Your post, is a "stroke me" post, and I'm calling you out on it.

    You make a post in the discussion forums with intertwined arguments with a dismissal of anyone who disagrees right from the get go.

    Your post is like the killer main and survivor main posts who disagree with anyone who never reached rank 1 in THEIR side of the game. Those are the funniest.

    Your post also smells of someone who is jealous of others... like your a streamer or something who can't get people to watch them because they aren't entertaining enough to retain their viewership. TIP: Stop being boring.

    You basically made a big novel post crying about stuff in the game and then stomped their feet and ran into the other room while holding their ears, not wanting to hear alternate opinions.

    Just a big kid.

    He recently deleted everything off his stream channel and stopped streaming. I guess he realised he couldn't reach rank one on either side and figured it'd be pretty hypocritical to stream at rank 10 whilst simultaneously trying to dismiss anyone who disagrees with him that rank one matters when he can't even reach it himself..

    He posted a screenshot of himself at rank 17 killer in another thread I think. Not long after creating this thread. Not sure why anyone is giving him the time of day considering how obvious a troll he is. A really stupid troll, but still. Some are cute and annoying but this one...yikes.

    If what you're saying is true..
    OOOOF, rank 17 killer? Good god, hasn't played killer in so long he's been reset past rank 15, must be a serious case of the "git guds" for him.

    SWF is at all the tournaments therefore it is the "competitive" standard, anyone complaining about competitiveness while simultaneously complaining about SWF doesn't understand the games sheer need for it.

    I always solo queue, but the game would be dead without SWF's. Tournaments are just insane being mentioned alongside DbD :')

    I solo, but I also stream so community interaction is important, if someone is intimidated by a 4MAN squad not using comms and having random perks they'll never be good at the game.
    Obviously no one knows we don't use comms but Lowbei definitely does yet he can't stop talking about me playing with my community He's a cutie.

    “Warning. this thread will either make total sense if youre a vet, or upset you if youre a casual. if you find yourself getting upset about it, back up and recognize that it wasnt intended for you.“
  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @only1biggs said:

    Rank matters by the way

    My favourite bit is where he scribbled their names out in chat but couldn't see the giant names on the left side of the screen ahahahaha.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    SenzuDuck said:

    @only1biggs said:

    Rank matters by the way

    My favourite bit is where he scribbled their names out in chat but couldn't see the giant names on the left side of the screen ahahahaha.

    lol again showing your ignorance, as its against forum rules to name and shame, and thus their embarrassing chat must be blurred out. now you know the forum rules. youre welcome.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @only1biggs said:

    Rank matters by the way

    My favourite bit is where he scribbled their names out in chat but couldn't see the giant names on the left side of the screen ahahahaha.

    I know! It would be adorable, but it's just obnoxious. So so stupid :')

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @RSB said:

    @Lowbei said:
    only1biggs said:


    Rank matters by the way

    ty, what an awesome picture lol. 3bnps lol, fun daily

    "but uhhh rank 17 SO IT DOES NOT MATTER REEEEE"

    Regardless of what he faced, we can all confirm the match making sucks and needs to be addressed, but doesn't take away from the fact hes playing at rank 17, lol.

    He wasnt likely to take a screenshot of him banging some actual rank 17s with level 1 perks is he.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @only1biggs said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @only1biggs said:

    Rank matters by the way

    My favourite bit is where he scribbled their names out in chat but couldn't see the giant names on the left side of the screen ahahahaha.

    I know! It would be adorable, but it's just obnoxious. So so stupid :')

    Bless him. Maybe he'll reach rank one and we'll take him seriously one day.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @only1biggs said:

    Rank matters by the way

    My favourite bit is where he scribbled their names out in chat but couldn't see the giant names on the left side of the screen ahahahaha.

    I know! It would be adorable, but it's just obnoxious. So so stupid :')

    lol again showing your ignorance, as its against forum rules to name and shame, and thus their embarrassing chat must be blurred out. now you know the forum rules. youre welcome.

    RSB said:

    @Lowbei said:
    only1biggs said:


    Rank matters by the way

    ty, what an awesome picture lol. 3bnps lol, fun daily

    "but uhhh rank 17 SO IT DOES NOT MATTER REEEEE"

    lol just doing a daily, that was from a fun thread haha. you peoples personal butthurt is hilarious but off topic :) 

    funny that your immaturity unironically matches your low experience level perfectly. i will let you guys spill your rage here, but i would recommend that you just go play the game and get more experience, then you wont be so upset by this thread.
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    SenzuDuck said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @only1biggs said:

    Rank matters by the way

    My favourite bit is where he scribbled their names out in chat but couldn't see the giant names on the left side of the screen ahahahaha.

    I know! It would be adorable, but it's just obnoxious. So so stupid :')

    Bless him. Maybe he'll reach rank one and we'll take him seriously one day.

    lol rank1 right now, solo no items no offerings, and i have been playing mostly just eso the last few months.

  • megdonalds
    megdonalds Member Posts: 742

    @Lowbei said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    @Lowbei said:

    lol what? i stopped streaming about two months ago, because ive been playing eso a lot the last few months. twitch auto removes all videos after a month automatically. you are welcome for me educating you about how twitch works.

    That's why this two month old vod of mine is still up "they just delete them all after a month".
    Yea, teaching me sooooo many things about twitch thanks pal.

    ill stream some rank1 solo survivor later tonight if you want :) 

    I'd rather watch something I enjoy.

    you are just salty that you got embarrassed for only being able to swf, while i solo only with no items or offerings.

    I think it's funny that you comment on the competitiveness of this game and talk about tournaments when all the tournaments are SWF clans that play this game day in day out and have tactics and play with comms, that LITERALLY makes this thread a moot point, the tournaments are SWF, the competition is SWF based, so killers should just learn to play against it because the "competitive" scene is all about SWF, if you can't play against SWF in public matches you certainly wont cut it in the tournys.

    im currently rank1 survivor since thats what i main this month.

    Wow, you can only reach rank one on one side every season? You must be a pro!

    haha yes, i am teaching you about twitch, as it auto deletes videos every month, unless you personally go in and save them, as you clearly have. but thats basic logic and you clearly know that you saved the video so stop embarrassing yourself lying on such an easy subject lol

    i only play survivor this month currently, but i still do killer dailies. all my killers are p3 50.

    you guys are getting too salty on a thread that isnt for you. your butthurt isnt necessary. SurpriseSurprise said:

    You realize you're being an ######### now, right? Rank does matter in a technical sense. All you're doing, trying to prove your vet status, etc. Is just a dick-waving contest at this point. It's off-topic and non-constructive.

    im not being an #########, you literally didnt read or understand the OP where it said that some uneccessary salt is expected, but the majority of the vet community agrees (20+upvotes, 5lols) which is why the title says its for vets.

    i didnt bring up myself, you senzu and burgers did, by searching my profile and my twitch. i am comfortable at rank 1 on either side, and i dont even swf. the irony that whats off topic here is the butthurt of a few salties, who need to stop trying to get upset at me personally instead of staying on topic :)

    "lol stop having a meltdown"

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @Lowbei said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @only1biggs said:


    Rank matters by the way

    My favourite bit is where he scribbled their names out in chat but couldn't see the giant names on the left side of the screen ahahahaha.

    I know! It would be adorable, but it's just obnoxious. So so stupid :')

    Bless him. Maybe he'll reach rank one and we'll take him seriously one day.

    lol rank1 right now, solo no items no offerings, and i have been playing mostly just eso the last few months.

    Rank 1 survivor is irrelevant, it's LITERALLY the easiest thing to do in this game is reach rank one as a survivor, you can rely on team mates and still pip, this is not an accomplishment, why don't you show us your cute killer.

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @RSB said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @RSB said:

    @Lowbei said:
    only1biggs said:


    Rank matters by the way

    ty, what an awesome picture lol. 3bnps lol, fun daily

    "but uhhh rank 17 SO IT DOES NOT MATTER REEEEE"

    Regardless of what he faced, we can all confirm the match making sucks and needs to be addressed, but doesn't take away from the fact hes playing at rank 17, lol.

    He wasnt likely to take a screenshot of him banging some actual rank 17s with level 1 perks is he.

    Players need to go through low ranks, to get to high ranks. Experienced people can;t automatically start at R1, so I don't see the problem with R17.

    We should look against what survivors he was playing, and they were definetly not noobs.

    Has P3 Myers, Has all level 3 perks, back then he'd have had to have been around rank 12/13 to be anywhere near rank 17 at reset, so even then, not even half way to rank one and wants to act like he's the bastion of rank ones.

    He's been saying his entire thread that it only matters if you reach rank one and stay there, he didn't even reach rank one before that particular reset let alone stay their the entire season.

    So... One screenshot, from months ago, of him having a R17 is the proof he can't be R1 now? He posted a screenshot of having R1 as a survivor. Screenshot is in this thread.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    RSB said:

    @Lowbei said:
    only1biggs said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

     @only1biggs said:


    Rank matters by the way

    My favourite bit is where he scribbled their names out in chat but couldn't see the giant names on the left side of the screen ahahahaha.

    I know! It would be adorable, but it's just obnoxious. So so stupid :')

    lol again showing your ignorance, as its against forum rules to name and shame, and thus their embarrassing chat must be blurred out. now you know the forum rules. youre welcome.
    RSB said:

    @Lowbei said:

    only1biggs said:

    Rank matters by the way

    ty, what an awesome picture lol. 3bnps lol, fun daily

    "but uhhh rank 17 SO IT DOES NOT MATTER REEEEE"

    lol just doing a daily, that was from a fun thread haha. you peoples personal butthurt is hilarious but off topic :) 

    funny that your immaturity unironically matches your low experience level perfectly. i will let you guys spill your rage here, but i would recommend that you just go play the game and get more experience, then you wont be so upset by this thread.

    I was actually supporting you, not butthurting against you, so... I think you misunderstood.

    ahh your quote was just added in the the rest, im stoned af and missed the sarcasm cuz i actually picture senzu screaming those words at the screen lol
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    edited October 2018

    @Lowbei said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    @Lowbei said:

    lol what? i stopped streaming about two months ago, because ive been playing eso a lot the last few months. twitch auto removes all videos after a month automatically. you are welcome for me educating you about how twitch works.

    That's why this two month old vod of mine is still up "they just delete them all after a month".
    Yea, teaching me sooooo many things about twitch thanks pal.

    ill stream some rank1 solo survivor later tonight if you want :) 

    I'd rather watch something I enjoy.

    you are just salty that you got embarrassed for only being able to swf, while i solo only with no items or offerings.

    I think it's funny that you comment on the competitiveness of this game and talk about tournaments when all the tournaments are SWF clans that play this game day in day out and have tactics and play with comms, that LITERALLY makes this thread a moot point, the tournaments are SWF, the competition is SWF based, so killers should just learn to play against it because the "competitive" scene is all about SWF, if you can't play against SWF in public matches you certainly wont cut it in the tournys.

    im currently rank1 survivor since thats what i main this month.

    Wow, you can only reach rank one on one side every season? You must be a pro!

    haha yes, i am teaching you about twitch, as it auto deletes videos every month, unless you personally go in and save them, as you clearly have. but thats basic logic and you clearly know that you saved the video so stop embarrassing yourself lying on such an easy subject lol

    i only play survivor this month currently, but i still do killer dailies. all my killers are p3 50.

    you guys are getting too salty on a thread that isnt for you. your butthurt isnt necessary. SurpriseSurprise said:

    You realize you're being an ######### now, right? Rank does matter in a technical sense. All you're doing, trying to prove your vet status, etc. Is just a dick-waving contest at this point. It's off-topic and non-constructive.

    im not being an #########, you literally didnt read or understand the OP where it said that some uneccessary salt is expected, but the majority of the vet community agrees (20+upvotes, 5lols) which is why the title says its for vets.

    i didnt bring up myself, you senzu and burgers did, by searching my profile and my twitch. i am comfortable at rank 1 on either side, and i dont even swf. the irony that whats off topic here is the butthurt of a few salties, who need to stop trying to get upset at me personally instead of staying on topic :)

    "lol stop having a meltdown"

    yes, stop having a meltdown and take your salt to my profile lol

    imma go pvp a bit. try to keep your butthurt off the thread, as its off topic, but i understand :) 

    you should reread the warning in the OP, its directed at you.
  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @RSB said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @RSB said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @RSB said:

    @Lowbei said:
    only1biggs said:


    Rank matters by the way

    ty, what an awesome picture lol. 3bnps lol, fun daily

    "but uhhh rank 17 SO IT DOES NOT MATTER REEEEE"

    Regardless of what he faced, we can all confirm the match making sucks and needs to be addressed, but doesn't take away from the fact hes playing at rank 17, lol.

    He wasnt likely to take a screenshot of him banging some actual rank 17s with level 1 perks is he.

    Players need to go through low ranks, to get to high ranks. Experienced people can;t automatically start at R1, so I don't see the problem with R17.

    We should look against what survivors he was playing, and they were definetly not noobs.

    Has P3 Myers, Has all level 3 perks, back then he'd have had to have been around rank 12/13 to be anywhere near rank 17 at reset, so even then, not even half way to rank one and wants to act like he's the bastion of rank ones.

    He's been saying his entire thread that it only matters if you reach rank one and stay there, he didn't even reach rank one before that particular reset let alone stay their the entire season.

    So... One screenshot, from months ago, of him having a R17 is the proof he can't be R1 now? He posted a screenshot of having R1 as a survivor. Screenshot is in this thread.

    Why isn't he posting a screenshot of his super relevant rank one killer then? Survivor, as we can all admit, is easy as heck regardless of SWF or not lol

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258
    edited October 2018

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @RSB said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @RSB said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @RSB said:

    @Lowbei said:
    only1biggs said:


    Rank matters by the way

    ty, what an awesome picture lol. 3bnps lol, fun daily

    "but uhhh rank 17 SO IT DOES NOT MATTER REEEEE"

    Regardless of what he faced, we can all confirm the match making sucks and needs to be addressed, but doesn't take away from the fact hes playing at rank 17, lol.

    He wasnt likely to take a screenshot of him banging some actual rank 17s with level 1 perks is he.

    Players need to go through low ranks, to get to high ranks. Experienced people can;t automatically start at R1, so I don't see the problem with R17.

    We should look against what survivors he was playing, and they were definetly not noobs.

    Has P3 Myers, Has all level 3 perks, back then he'd have had to have been around rank 12/13 to be anywhere near rank 17 at reset, so even then, not even half way to rank one and wants to act like he's the bastion of rank ones.

    He's been saying his entire thread that it only matters if you reach rank one and stay there, he didn't even reach rank one before that particular reset let alone stay their the entire season.

    So... One screenshot, from months ago, of him having a R17 is the proof he can't be R1 now? He posted a screenshot of having R1 as a survivor. Screenshot is in this thread.

    Why isn't he posting a screenshot of his super relevant rank one killer then? Survivor, as we can all admit, is easy as heck regardless of SWF or not lol

    You can check his achievements on his profile, just type "Lowbei" in Google, it will be on the first page.

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141

    Party Crasher
    In public matches, damage one Generator while at least 1 Survivor is Hooked, 100 times.
    74 / 100

    Swirling Death
    In public matches, throw 1000 Hatchets.
    203 / 1,000

    Cripple them all
    With the Trapper, catch a total of 100 survivors in Bear-Traps.
    10 / 100


  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @RSB said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @RSB said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @RSB said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @RSB said:

    @Lowbei said:
    only1biggs said:


    Rank matters by the way

    ty, what an awesome picture lol. 3bnps lol, fun daily

    "but uhhh rank 17 SO IT DOES NOT MATTER REEEEE"

    Regardless of what he faced, we can all confirm the match making sucks and needs to be addressed, but doesn't take away from the fact hes playing at rank 17, lol.

    He wasnt likely to take a screenshot of him banging some actual rank 17s with level 1 perks is he.

    Players need to go through low ranks, to get to high ranks. Experienced people can;t automatically start at R1, so I don't see the problem with R17.

    We should look against what survivors he was playing, and they were definetly not noobs.

    Has P3 Myers, Has all level 3 perks, back then he'd have had to have been around rank 12/13 to be anywhere near rank 17 at reset, so even then, not even half way to rank one and wants to act like he's the bastion of rank ones.

    He's been saying his entire thread that it only matters if you reach rank one and stay there, he didn't even reach rank one before that particular reset let alone stay their the entire season.

    So... One screenshot, from months ago, of him having a R17 is the proof he can't be R1 now? He posted a screenshot of having R1 as a survivor. Screenshot is in this thread.

    Why isn't he posting a screenshot of his super relevant rank one killer then? Survivor, as we can all admit, is easy as heck regardless of SWF or not lol

    You can check his achievements on his profile, just type "Lowbei" in Google, it will be on the first page.

    Sorry, if he doesn't reach rank 1 every season and stay there to play at rank 1 every season this thread isn't for him, an achievement means nothing if he can't reach rank 1 killer this season.

  • megdonalds
    megdonalds Member Posts: 742

    Funniest thing is how often and excessive LowBrain uses the words logic, salty and so on. He is literally the king of egoism and insults when nobody agrees him. And how @SenzuDuck proved he's great in creating lies and fake stories only to start trashtalk. In the end he's only running in circles, and i don't mean ingame, i mean that only-his-own-opinion-counts circles.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526
    edited October 2018

    @altruistic said:
    Party Crasher
    In public matches, damage one Generator while at least 1 Survivor is Hooked, 100 times.
    74 / 100

    Swirling Death
    In public matches, throw 1000 Hatchets.
    203 / 1,000

    Cripple them all
    With the Trapper, catch a total of 100 survivors in Bear-Traps.
    10 / 100


    Those are some pretty basic achievements for a "veteran" to have not completed, but his excuse will be "I've been playing other stuff". OMEGALUL

    I remember him saying the other day he's been enjoying the hag.

    40/300 on her achievement, yea man, you've clearly been playing her a lot, LUL

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @altruistic said:
    Party Crasher
    In public matches, damage one Generator while at least 1 Survivor is Hooked, 100 times.
    74 / 100

    Swirling Death
    In public matches, throw 1000 Hatchets.
    203 / 1,000

    Cripple them all
    With the Trapper, catch a total of 100 survivors in Bear-Traps.
    10 / 100


    Those are some pretty basic achievements for a "veteran" to have not completed, but his excuse will be "I've been playing other stuff". OMEGALUL

    @Lowbei said:
    altruistic said:

    Party Crasher

    In public matches, damage one Generator while at least 1 Survivor is Hooked, 100 times.

    74 / 100

    Swirling Death

    In public matches, throw 1000 Hatchets.

    203 / 1,000

    Cripple them all

    With the Trapper, catch a total of 100 survivors in Bear-Traps.

    10 / 100


    havent played killer other than dailies since party crasher was added a few patches ago, and i dont play trapper or huntress at all lol. 

    anyhow, im off to pvp for a bit. take your salt to my profile, as its off topic here :) 

    You said you were going to play PVP in your last comment, scurry along little one.

  • ForsakenLemon
    ForsakenLemon Member Posts: 42

    I feel like rank doesnt matter anymore because it is so easy to rank up, as killer I keep coming across a bunch of rank 1s with like 200 hours in the game, I end up getting 3-4 kills most games, also keep getting an influx of swfs who are like rank 1-2 who play with rank 10s and they get stomped every game, rank 1 is supposed to be an acchivement, but it doesnt feel like it anymore.

    Like my friend who only plays claudette with no teachables got to rank 1 as survivor, because you dont even have to escape, you just do a couple gens, heal some people and get chased a little, and boom, a pip each game, where you get a pip even if you tryhard and escape as it is rather hard to get a double pip

  • megdonalds
    megdonalds Member Posts: 742

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @only1biggs said:

    Rank matters by the way

    My favourite bit is where he scribbled their names out in chat but couldn't see the giant names on the left side of the screen ahahahaha.

    I know! It would be adorable, but it's just obnoxious. So so stupid :')

    Bless him. Maybe he'll reach rank one and we'll take him seriously one day.

    You can't take trolls seriously, never.

  • Countfunkular
    Countfunkular Member Posts: 405
    I won't lie. When I first met you on the do if you post you seemed honestly like an ######### but it's nice to know that you're not completely one at all.
    Though you did go to jail.

    Going and trying to make it as you do have a point I know some people in the comment section won't agree with that but to be honest at higher rank.
    It isn't Fun.
    It isn't fair.
    At the time I just want to run nothing but ebony

    However it is challenging and it feels pretty good to actually beat a full survival Squad. Now something I could disagree with is on average there are a lot of bad players.

    I wouldn't say there's a lot of bad players but there's a lot of people in my honest-to-god opinion that might play Survivor 85% of the time in a group with their friends.

    Hell, at least 75% of every ######### game it's going to have survived with friends using flashlights and broken perks just so they can show up and hope the beat me. 

    It's not just them either some Killers will use some pretty cheap tactics. Never in my existence have I seen a Michael use no one escapes death but I saw one last week and let me tell you I was actually disappointed.

    Now as for the bullying. That's not going to stop hell it's a tactic used by lot of squads to piss off the killer and force a chase that they can't win. Some average Killers will easily fall for it.

    Not to mention they see the squad load up together and not even switch tactics or even attempt to use a Mori to take someone out of the game early or even Franklin's demise to get rid of some of those flashlights in tool boxes.

    Believe me high-ranked play should be a very skill-based you kind of me instead I see so much cheapinus it's not even funny.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    edited October 2018
    I won't lie. When I first met you on the do if you post you seemed honestly like an ######### but it's nice to know that you're not completely one at all.
    Though you did go to jail.

    Going and trying to make it as you do have a point I know some people in the comment section won't agree with that but to be honest at higher rank.
    It isn't Fun.
    It isn't fair.
    At the time I just want to run nothing but ebony

    However it is challenging and it feels pretty good to actually beat a full survival Squad. Now something I could disagree with is on average there are a lot of bad players.

    I wouldn't say there's a lot of bad players but there's a lot of people in my honest-to-god opinion that might play Survivor 85% of the time in a group with their friends.

    Hell, at least 75% of every [BAD WORD] game it's going to have survived with friends using flashlights and broken perks just so they can show up and hope the beat me. 

    It's not just them either some Killers will use some pretty cheap tactics. Never in my existence have I seen a Michael use no one escapes death but I saw one last week and let me tell you I was actually disappointed.

    Now as for the bullying. That's not going to stop hell it's a tactic used by lot of squads to piss off the killer and force a chase that they can't win. Some average Killers will easily fall for it.

    Not to mention they see the squad load up together and not even switch tactics or even attempt to use a Mori to take someone out of the game early or even Franklin's demise to get rid of some of those flashlights in tool boxes.

    Believe me high-ranked play should be a very skill-based you kind of me instead I see so much cheapinus it's not even funny.

    thank you for your wise and experienced opinion sir.
  • xxaggieboyxx
    xxaggieboyxx Member Posts: 498
    Rank means nothing now. Getting constant 3k and 4k as huntress and Freddy because everyone at rank 1 is boosted now
  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697
    In all of my years in the dbd community having seen the most ######### stuff(il only say this once) in the world yours takes the trophy.  The stupidity is at its point with JUST the right amount of insult and defamy against anyone that disagrees. Il have to give a 10/10 for the perfectioning of the bait/insult post.
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    In all of my years in the dbd community having seen the most ######### stuff(il only say this once) in the world yours takes the trophy.  The stupidity is at its point with JUST the right amount of insult and defamy against anyone that disagrees. Il have to give a 10/10 for the perfectioning of the bait/insult post.
    “Warning. this thread will either make total sense if youre a vet, or upset you if youre a casual. if you find yourself getting upset about it, back up and recognize that it wasnt intended for you.”
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    @Lowbei, rank 1 is way too easy! It's more difficult to reach rank 1 as a killer but overall, it's just so easy in general! I have a few suggestions on how to make Dead by Daylight a actual competitive horror game!

    Make killers stronger: Every killer should be at least Billy's level in strength or nurse's level if the killer takes tremendous skill to play. Now survivors will have to hide from the killer and rank will be important again since you can't screw up against a killer.

    Discourage escaping and encourage Piping: Every survivor should understand that if they don't work as a team or if one person isn't playing at least 50% optimistic, they'll need to accept that they will get sacrificed and go for a pip.
  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @Lowbei said:
    pauloandrade22 said:

    In all of my years in the dbd community having seen the most ######### stuff(il only say this once) in the world yours takes the trophy.  The stupidity is at its point with JUST the right amount of insult and defamy against anyone that disagrees. Il have to give a 10/10 for the perfectioning of the bait/insult post.

    “Warning. this thread will either make total sense if youre a vet, or upset you if youre a casual. if you find yourself getting upset about it, back up and recognize that it wasnt intended for you.”

    The stupidity is at its point with JUST the right amount of insult and defamy against anyone that disagrees.

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @Nickenzie said:
    @Lowbei, rank 1 is way too easy! It's more difficult to reach rank 1 as a killer but overall, it's just so easy in general! I have a few suggestions on how to make Dead by Daylight a actual competitive horror game!

    Make killers stronger: Every killer should be at least Billy's level in strength or nurse's level if the killer takes tremendous skill to play. Now survivors will have to hide from the killer and rank will be important again since you can't screw up against a killer.

    Discourage escaping and encourage Piping: Every survivor should understand that if they don't work as a team or if one person isn't playing at least 50% optimistic, they'll need to accept that they will get sacrificed and go for a pip.

    Make it like indentity V 's ranking system.

    Now that is an actually balanced and competitive asymetrical game.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    Nickenzie said:
    @Lowbei, rank 1 is way too easy! It's more difficult to reach rank 1 as a killer but overall, it's just so easy in general! I have a few suggestions on how to make Dead by Daylight a actual competitive horror game!

    Make killers stronger: Every killer should be at least Billy's level in strength or nurse's level if the killer takes tremendous skill to play. Now survivors will have to hide from the killer and rank will be important again since you can't screw up against a killer.

    Discourage escaping and encourage Piping: Every survivor should understand that if they don't work as a team or if one person isn't playing at least 50% optimistic, they'll need to accept that they will get sacrificed and go for a pip.
    i agree its too easy. its playing at rank1 and building skill that matters. reaching rank1 is nothing :) 

    i think they should get rid of safety pips, and make it harder to pip in general.

    @Lowbei said:
    pauloandrade22 said:

    In all of my years in the dbd community having seen the most ######### stuff(il only say this once) in the world yours takes the trophy.  The stupidity is at its point with JUST the right amount of insult and defamy against anyone that disagrees. Il have to give a 10/10 for the perfectioning of the bait/insult post.

    “Warning. this thread will either make total sense if youre a vet, or upset you if youre a casual. if you find yourself getting upset about it, back up and recognize that it wasnt intended for you.”

    The stupidity is at its point with JUST the right amount of insult and defamy against anyone that disagrees.

    the irony that the only one insulting anyone here is you with the name calling. dont get yourself banned just because you got salty on a post not intended for you :) 
This discussion has been closed.