This should be a red flag to developers (Freddy OP!!!)



  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Ok then I would just start to actually teleport and I get the free hit.

    I do this to all levels of survivors. Baby survivors are easy they will jump at the drop of a fedora. Good survivors take conditioning. I fake it a few times then actually teleport get some free hits AND my pop. Now I have 1 on a hook (because likely I saw you with BBQ), a few injured, and pressure on a gen clear across the map.

    Not to mention the fact that even if you avoid him, if he has Ruin or Pop and forces you off a gen unless there was another survivor there with you that gen is regressing to 0. You avoided him but lost the gen. Good job.

    So your choices are commit to the gen and get hit or lose the gen.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Agree. I have no problem with killers being strong, but very strong and very easy and also licenced...dunno if I'd nerf him that much, just some more brainpower put into snares and some teleport restrictions so every gen perk doesn't become automatically insane on him.

    I got Freddy back when he was PTL and I loved him, was my first main + first killer I ever got to red ranks with but I don't even like playing as him now unless it's with pallets and a meme build (pill bottle + mad grit + agi + forced penance usually)

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    I actually really like the changes you proposed, but I am only asking for 2 tiny QOL changes in return.

    1: Make the dream world less dark for Freddy.

    2: When he teleports to a gen, show him his aura so he knows which way to turn after he teleports and remove the blood sound for more mindgames.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789
    edited October 2020

    All this does is show the correlation between skill floor/ceiling with kill rate, regardless of pick rate.

    And it shows it consistently with what the community as a whole believes as a whole to be true, too:

    -Freddy has the lowest skillfloor, therefore is the most lethal across the ranks, (on average) since even someone who doesn't know any clever tricks with him, can still get good value out of them.

    -Nurse has the highest skillfloor, therefore is the least lethal across the ranks, (on average) since in order to do well with her, you need to know her mechanics well, and in the case of multiple maps, there are tricks you need to know and things you must know to avoid as there are consistent deadzones, etc. (also she has game destroying bugs that probably affect a significant number of her chain blinks, which doesn't help imo) Even at red ranks, most players who pick her up aren't really Nurse mains, so naturally her stats become deflated, especially when lower ranks are included.

    These stats don't show anything directly relevant to balance, but it is possible to extrapolate some educated conclusions from this.

    That said: I don't think a radius decrease for Freddy's snares would hurt him; in fact it would be an interesting way to even out the main difference between his chase power and that of the clown. He doesn't just use up resources that he needs to regain over time when putting snares down, so he can just freely spam them and they're so big that survivors have no choice but to run through them or take an incredibly wide turn along the loop (while most likely still being hit by the snares' gigantic hitboxes anyway) thus conceding a hit anyway, meanwhile the clown has 4 uses of his power at base. Sure, he doesn't get slowed down anymore, thus slimming the gap between his and Freddy's power ever so slightly, but even that aspect of Freddy is still far stronger than the version the Clown has. Yet Freddy also has massive map pressure in addition to having the Clown's power without the major downside that is having to reload and truly think about his power usage.

    -Also, Freddy isn't the only killer with add-ons that allow him to slow the game down. (Bubba and Huntress have add-ons that do this on successful power hits and they're not even that effective, while Freddy's version of this are) However, he is the only one that achieves this slowdown without even having to interact with the survivors.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    They have said that they post those stats for fun, not for people to use as evidence or to make claims with.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    I don't mind strong killers either, but Freddy just has too much and is too easy and forgiving against all but the absolute top tier survivor groups.

    Freddy needs to be toned down and his affects move to his add-ons. It's just a bit ridiculous all the things he has in his base kit.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Yea I'd be fine with that. I didn't propose any QOL changes because I honestly couldn't think of any, but yea less dark DW would be something I'd want.

    IDK about the teleport thing not sure if that would actually help. I like the idea of making it better somehow though. I just don't imagine an aura helping to stop that really jarring teleport effect.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    I suggested the teleport change so his skill cap can be increased, he would be able to use the teleport mid chase and mind game, which is actually fun.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    I mean... did you read your argument?

    You are still twisting their words. They don't want you to draw a conclusions SPECIFICALLY FROM CHARTS.

    But if I have other evidence, including past stats...

    they said to not draw conclusions using their stats, and your first evidence is other stats that they also told you not to use to draw conclusions?

    face it mate, you created the discourse in this thread when you decided to use the charts the devs told you not to use(weakening your argument since it's at least partially based on faulty premises)

    and putting a literal bait in the title. You use bait, you get fish... why are you acting surprised about that?

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    (i edited the .ini file)

    Forgive me if I am misinterpreting, but isn't this straight-up not allowed?

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Eww, forever Freddy. I think swing chains is overrated ON ITS OWN, but with other perks and add-ons it isn't.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    They could be toned back a little bit, and he quite easy, but I don't see that happening any time soon because of where Freddy was BEFORE the rework.

    And at the end of the day, he's still a basic M1 killer, and I'd much rather see him than Billy everywhere again. Or Bubba. Against a Freddy, I know that they worked in a chase (no, I don't see snare-spam anywhere) but the Saw Boys just chainsaw all the time and one slight bit of latency or one slight angle correction and I'm eating a chainsaw.

    To me Freddy and Doc are where killers SHOULD be, but maybe that plays into my preference for playing a more control-style killer and game.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited October 2020

    Oh well then sure I guess.

    When the data is that consistent, and when we have that extra layer, YOU CAN BE DAMN SURE that conclusions can be drawn from it. And as I've said several times now, my conclusion is based on PLAYING THE KILLER AT RANK 1. If I can't use the only data available to me to confirm my conclusion then what else would you like me to do? I could play 100 games as Freddy but then you could sit there and pick that apart too. You have to accept some data at some point, or else you are just refusing to actually discuss the issue instead of refuting it.

    Fact is you can use the data to make predictions. The devs cannot sit there and say "don't make conclusions from this data" if the data is consistent as it is. THAT suggests something is actually going on. If they want to give us more data I'd be happy to alter my statements but I'm working with what they are giving us. You can sit there all day and say it means nothing which is honestly complete and utter bullshit. You know that something is up here, why you refuse to admit it is beyond me.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Slowgen perks, the fact he teleports to the survivor objective at the drop of a hat, survivors passively sleep in like almost no time at all, makes him so overpowered. 3 kills every match at rank 1. If the hatch didn't exist he would be a 4K killer every match. Waaaaay too overpowered.

    He should be nerfed before they buff another killer, which btw is well above 2k per game.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099
    edited October 2020

    I remember when I used to main old Freddy I would use this disgusting build.

    Black box, slowdown add-on, ivory mori, old Dying light, ruin and remember me.

    Tunnel the obsession out of the game and the game drags on forever.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Fair enough. I'd just be very careful with that to be safe.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    You’re wasting your time. People here see “don’t use these stats and immediately draw conclusions” and think that’s the same as saying “these stats cannot be used for anything and are completely meaningless”. They don’t understand that stats require some context and a desire to ask questions instead of a black and white “high/low number bad”. I mean look at how many people are saying the stats are garbage because Pig has a high kill rate, completely ignoring that there are other factors that affect kill rate besides their personal tier list.

    For what it’s worth I agree, Freddy’s kit is too bloated and he deserves some small changes. Having a strong, mechanically simple killer is not a bad thing but he just has a little bit too much going for him.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited October 2020

    No Black Box gives it away. Against a good rank 1 SWF they will know what you are doing and body you. I had a group do this to me, they protected the guy all game while pounding gens.

    The real build was Dying Light, Ruin, Haunted Grounds, PWYF, Class Photo, Z Block, and ivory. You use Class Photo to find the obsession quickly and get everyone asleep if possible. Z Block makes you look like base kit Freddy. Once you find the obsession, catch them. PWYF and Haunted will make it easier, Ruin buys you some time to do it. Once they are hook leave so they get saved, then tunnel and mori them. Once they are dead the game is over, everyone will always be asleep thanks to Class Photo and it will take a solid 4 minutes to solo a gen. Game. Over. I never lost a game with this build. Closest anyone ever got was one group go to 1 gen left, but it was a 3 gen. I didn't have a mori that game, but generally speaking you didn't even need it. As long as you got the hook early enough you could camp them.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Okay thank you. Good to know I'm not crazy. Someone else sees it too!

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited October 2020

    I mean, I'm just gonna quote Peanits here (from an older post, to be fair):

    So just to reiterate one last time, I really would not recommend drawing any conclusions from these stats. These are averages, not specific and incredibly detailed data that you should draw any conclusions from.

    Not "wouldn't recommend solely use these to bolster your argument" or "make sure you're not only relying on these stats." Straight-up "wouldn't recommend drawing conclusions."

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    He explained in very clear words what you are doing, and then you do it again.

    "Do not draw conclusions" =/= "data is completely meaningless"

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    It's not meaningless, but it is unreliable. That's why they recommend not drawing conclusions.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    all I see from that data is that people play freedy and win more often than with other killers.

    it doesn't say why, it doesn't say how.

    I could easily use the same chart to say freddy has a very low skill floor and therefore more people are able to play him well, leading to more kills on average.

    and I could use nurse to demonstrate the opposite. her kills are the lowest because she has the highest skill floor in the game and therefore less people are able to play her well, leading to less kills on average.

    just because you say "this proves what I said" it doesn't mean it actually proves what you said. You are just looking for a way for it to fit the conclusion you already have

    not exactly the quote I was looking for, but it gets the idea across.

    You already think freddy is op, so you are looking at things only in a way that shows he's op. instead of looking at what things actually are and adapting your conclusion accordingly.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    This is exactly what I was talking about with my comment, thank you for proving my point.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited October 2020

    But if the data is unreliable, then you SHOULDN'T use it. It's not good data. It's not WORTHLESS, but it by itself without the context of multiple factors is not useful.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    The fact that it's a very broad and general set of stats with no context is what makes it not useful to draw meaningful information from. BHVR knows this, and they're okay with this because they're only putting out that information just for funsies. I don't think it's a fair conclusion to come to without looking at more detailed and specific information that BHVR has access to.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited October 2020

    Except I had data in form of experiences. Again you take a comment out of context. Holmes is saying don't just go on nothing. If you have SOMETHING, whatever that something is, you can consider that data. My personal experiences playing as and against the killer can be seen as data. While I didn't exactly record the details of every single game, the fact is I am most consistent with Freddy and most oppressive with Freddy (and feel the most oppressed consistently playing against Freddy) compared to every single other killer suggests something. That something is supported by not 1, but 2 data reveals by the developers, the first of which included more detail stats. When looked at as a whole, I was able to identify exactly what makes him so good and articulate that in the OP, then provide clear and simple solutions.

    I mean, people that hate Spirit can't articulate their argument as well as I did in the OP. They say very vague things about it, don't have a clue what the solution could be (maybe because they have a hard time identifying the actual problem), and on top of that the data doesn't support it either. So it's faulty all around.

    My OP is not that at all. I have a solid well formulated points about Freddy, and while I only posted the recent data dump I could go back and get the previous ones (and I probably should... and may).

    You are intentionally strawmaning my argument so you don't have to admit Freddy is too strong and needs a change. I can and will use these charts to support my claims because that's how this ######### works.

    Again "do not draw conclusions" =/= "data is meaningless".

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited October 2020
  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803
    edited October 2020

    Why would you assume that it’s “bad data”, or unreliable? Do you know what bad data is? Something being an average and therefore a poor candidate for making statements about the state of the game is not the same as “bad data”. This is exactly what I was talking about, people who have no idea how data is actually analysed saying “but you can’t use this data, it’s bad!” No, it’s not. Its usefulness is limited but that’s not the same as being useless.

    Edit: I see that you edited your comment while I was writing my reply, so the wording is different but my point stands.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    The data isn't unreliable though. Unreliable data means the data itself was not clear.

  • DannyD
    DannyD Member Posts: 5

    Whenever i start a game with freddy. i auto dc.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Because they themselves have said that. They have said that those numbers are not taking into account many different factors and do not paint a clear picture of things. It's not good data with regards to drawing conclusions about balance because it is not showing why things are the way they are. Only that they are what they are.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    But the data is not clear. It doesn't give any information at all about why the numbers may be what they are.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    They have never said that their data is unreliable, they specifically said that it’s an average and therefore not good for drawing conclusions about the state of game balance from. Those are not the same thing.

    In any case I’m gonna bow out of this conversation, it’s only going to frustrate me. Have a good one.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    "not good for drawing conclusions about the state of game balance from"

    This is pretty much what I mean when I say "not good" and "unreliable."

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,784
    edited October 2020

    I don't know.

    I mean, it'd be really strenuous on my keyboard to link to the devs stating not to use the stats to draw conclusions, note that the killers in the upper tier are generally ones that people find 'unfun'/suicide against, and/or note that anecdotal evidence of playing in the red ranks does not mean anything to anyone. But hey, Nurse worst, amirite?

    Pretty hard to argue against nothing :)

  • Justalittlepeeck
    Justalittlepeeck Member Posts: 1,101

    Freddy is just easy to use at full potential and that's it. Compared to some other viable killers at best performance he's pretty bad.

    He's only actually strong when uses forever build, but otherwise he can't finish chases fast enough or pressure survivors heavy enough to "dictate" his pace of the game. In the end he's just an m1 killer who can end loops slightly faster, who can tp to gens and who can slightly passively slowdown survivors.

    If survivors know what to do and don't ######### around, he can be defeated pretty easily by doing gens and ignoring dream state. He can't snowball, he lacks instadown so chases last pretty long, his abilities don't spread damage or anything. Just do gens and drop pallets earlier. If he has noed - let him facecamp that one survivor and leave, you've won anyway.

  • carnage4u
    carnage4u Member Posts: 338

    Be careful of these stats? Did they post all the things that go into them? No one would call pig the #2 killer. These generic numbers really don't help provide good details.

    is Freddy Good? Sure, but one chart doesn't paint the whole picture.

    What are your expecations when you go in a match? I feel like some/many survivors get upset if not 100% of players get away, so I don't know if your mad you lost a player or two vs a Freddy player once or twice, and now want him nerfed, or if your SWF groups get stomped on constantly by Freddy.

  • Unironicalygoth
    Unironicalygoth Member Posts: 175

    Freddy is only op to stupid survivors who can't adapt to a game and have to loop every single tile generally never have a problem with Freddy also hes literally freddy Kruger sounds to me like you don't want one of the coolest horror icons done justice in the game. Sounds like you want a m1 like killer with a Freddy skin

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,784
    edited October 2020


    If you don't think Pig (or as we call her in the biz, Mini-Fred) is not worthy of that title with Stealth !!!BT DENIAL!!!, a Secondary Attack, and Slowdown (with add-ons that let you add EXTRA SLOWDOWN OPPORTUNITIES THAT CAN BE !!!FATAL!!! and EXTRA BOXES FOR JUST EXISTING ON THE MAP!!!), let me tell you about my games as killer and survivor in the red ranks :3

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    And that's what happens when someone takes the stats seriously and doesn't think about WHY he has such a high kill rate compared to other strong killers.

    Nurse weak, needs buff.

  • Ttwylerr
    Ttwylerr Member Posts: 106

    Now was that so hard to actually put up a discussion?

  • Bard
    Bard Member Posts: 657


    1. He's "invisible" if you're distant from him, meaning you're out of harms way and don't need to see him.
    2. He can teleport every, what, 45 seconds? And he can only target generators, so it's not exactly applicable in most chases.
    3. Being an M1 killer means you're just worthless. This is not Freddy "having power" over somebody.
    4. Getting put to sleep means you have no counterplay anymore, but you aren't "already dead". You're doomed, but it'll take him another 20-30 seconds to get a down, meaning you get tons of value.
  • Darst04
    Darst04 Member Posts: 6

    I do very much agree with a lot of your points, and although I don't agree with the stats either you did use your experience to back yourself up which I can relate to. I'm a red rank survivor and killer and often play both sides survivor sometimes with a friend or two and Freddy for me both sides is unfun and annoying. On the survivor side he is a pub stomper, without a coordinated team or very smart survivors( something you will rarely find solo or duo queuing) you're gonna lose. Unless you have a couple thousand hours, are a god looper, or get lucky rng a Freddy will get you sooner than later as he can mindlessly place bloodpools and shut down most loops. On top of that with most perks he can then apply pressure almost instantly after downing you and start regressing gens. On the killer side you just place bloodpools wherever keep them asleep and keep fake teleporting to gens and boom tons of pressure with almost no skill required. A bad Freddy will win a lot of matches, a decent one will win most, and a great Freddy will win everything except the most hardcore teams. I think that you're suggested changes nerf him a little too hard as it changes him a lot but he definitely needs some tweaks. I never play with addons so I can't speak on that but I can say that his bloodpools need to be tweaked so that they require more thinking and you shouldn't auto fall asleep if you get woken by a clock or at the start of the match making him have to hit you at least once. Having strong killers is great for the game as some killers are at the mercy of survivors rather than the other way around which sucks, but having a killer be strong with almost no effort required is just a shame and takes a lot of fun aspects out of the game like learning the character and having close games that make your heart race.

    Also on a quick side note if all you have to say the the discussion is about the op's relation to stats why say anything? He referenced it a couple times in his points, and prefaced it with his own experience. It's not helpful to the discussion at all if all you do is critique one point over and over that the op already brought up in multiple other replies, or at least bring it up as a point in a counter argument but don't only talk about it and that's the whole comment.