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This should be a red flag to developers (Freddy OP!!!)



  • Markness
    Markness Member Posts: 242

    He is still only an M1 killer. Survivors that do the gens spread out will beat him every time. The higher the rank you go, the more you see this. I don't care if a killer can pubstomp scrubs. The scrubs play bad and don't deserve to be rewarded with a weak killer, they should learn how to play (do the gens and stop crouch-walking around the map... rescue someone when they are on the hook and don't just let them die...). Bam, you've just beaten every M1 killer. The higher ranks you go, the more "dirty tricks" you see killers doing to compensate for them not having a chance when playing versus optimal survivors. Stop asking for nerfs, it just exposes you, Mr. OP for being a scrub at the game.

  • PulmonaryRex
    PulmonaryRex Member Posts: 15

    Dude... You're personal experience can't actually be used for data UNLESS YOU HAVE THE NUMBERS. Personal experience is subjective and yours could vary wildly from others. If you want to prove Freddy is OP you are really and I mean really have to spend an inordinate amount of time collecting data across multiple sources. Personal experience is not a valid form of data when you're discussing something that multiple people can use in wildly different ways. I am not trying to dog you but those numbers presented don't mean a lot on their own. Way too many variables that aren't accounted for, etc.

  • ThePolice
    ThePolice Member Posts: 801

    Hag, demogorgon, nurse can all teleport to objectives

  • eff
    eff Member Posts: 154

    Sooo basically he is a good killer and a good choice for killer mains?? Why should killers be weak so survivors will be satisfied?

    I never even lost the game to a Freddy main. Moreover, I didn't see them getting more than 2k in any rank. Hell, I don't even sweat while playing against him, Pig makes me more nervous.