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Why the "looping mindset" that survivor players have is detrimental and is slowly killing this game.



  • Member Posts: 37

    Or maybe unequip ruin and undying and put on chase perks instead. Problem solved.

  • Member Posts: 1,994

    I play survivor's not hard at all. I sweat FAR more when I am playing killer.

  • Member Posts: 141




    *laughs in spanish* jajajajajajajajaja

    To say your argument is one sided is an understatement.

    One of the only defenses a survivor has is wasting the killers time. Survivors are only able to double pip when playing with skill (and i use that word loosely because survivors almost NEVER work in a team).

    Double piping is not supposed to be easy.

    I will also give you advice that several streamers that main as killers do. Dont humor the survivor that loops. Go after the others. Yes the loopers will act altruistic and try to mess you up but that is when you can strike them to get them out of the way.

    Anyone who streams and is actually good as a killer will (not even saying it) will demonstrate it in their videos

  • Member Posts: 141

    Pathetic is someone that cries and whines about not being able to double pip.

    He even said in his argument that double piping happens to him at about a 50/50 chance. What more balance could a person want after 50/50?


  • Member Posts: 436
    edited November 2020

    I'm an idiot also. But you're probably still smarter than me.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    Survivors want to be chased for the whole game because interaction.

    1 VS 4 = I can't commit to chasing you survivors for more than 30 secs or gens pop like it's 1999.

  • Member Posts: 1

    Without the pallets and chase/looping this game would die out for sure. Hiding the whole game who be incredibly boring. You also have to look at it from a beginners (survivors) Perspective as well because usually they try to take the stealth approach when they first start out. Which is fine because everyone has to adapt to each map and each killer along with perks. But if you take looping out and the advantage for survivors to have that chase it wouldn’t be fun because beginners wouldn’t learn how to survive in a chase if you don’t want looping to be a thing anymore. You also have to realize the maps are pretty different some punish survivors when they use looping as their go to as well as using the stealth approach. I think this game is a huge learning curve and you need to learn to adapt. I’ve learned that I cant always hide and I cant loop every killer. Also for anyone that mains killer i highly suggest you play survivor and get use to being in a survival mindset it can really help you if you struggle with killer.

  • Member Posts: 46

    Serious question why is everyone calling killers by their human names?

  • Member Posts: 1

    see this why you just quit the game and go play hollow knight or smth instead of playing this fuckery

  • Member Posts: 951

    Honestly, i dont mind looping if it wasnt so detrimental to killer gameplay. Gens can be done quickly enough that even small loops can turn a game.

  • Member Posts: 479

    depends on the killer you use. Also, undying + ruin = for they repair 1 gen at most before they all die.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    But what about hiding in front of the killer? What about being chased by the killer, and you turn a corner and he can´t find you anymore. Is that skillful?

    This mindset is absolutly bad, because people focusing too much on that, and thus some killers that counter looping suddenly have "no counterplay" even if lots of survivors can handle them just fine. Look at Mrs. "nocounterplay" Spirit that has a killrate 2,5% over the median.

    And every week the forums are full of complains about her, because they is good at that one aspect of the game.

    The thing that is soo bad is that many survivors revolve the game about one aspekt, and then want to be equal 1v1 with the killer in that aspect, even if its a 4v1 game.

  • Member Posts: 1

    I disagree with this as a survivor main .we sometimes we have no other choice sweaty killers try and kill you off before any gens are completed ,so what is the fun in that we pip down just because you want to obtain a 4k i believe there should be a penalty for those that are ruining the game or hold the game hostage.i had a few days back where a doctor just spammed his ability and then down everyone but instead of hooking us he just left us all to just bleed out like ######### is the point in that.Stuff like That is the reason survivors start bullying the killer because if not nothing would get done. Its not just about stealth its about getting out anyway possible while having fun ,but lately that's not happening killers are messing that up .

  • Member Posts: 915

    I have to admit even though i made a few posts about how miserable my life as a killer main can be, that it has never been easier to play killer. I just play this game for 1 year but i have a friend who plays occasionally since 2016 and he told me, back then Killers were happy if they got 1k or 2k. When i play solo survivor i escape maybe in 1 of 5 matches, there is a reason why many in red ranks play in a swf.

    And there you can see my point already, the biggest issue for me is the discrepancy between solo survs and swf. You can match me against the usual potato solos rank 3-7 who are maybe even gonna do challenges, and i 4k in 9 out of 10 matches, even with Demo or Wraith. I'm pretty sure the current balance is not 2k/2 escapes. And i'm also sure that i'm not just "too good", because i easily get wrecked by a good team. Give me a 4 man swf with voice comm and i probably lose 7 or 8 out of 10 matches, even with Spirit.

    Killers get spoiled because they 4k most of the matches and when they play against an actual good survivor team they ragequit because those survivors show how abuseable some game mechanics and strategies in this game still are. Btw i'm guilty of this aswell. The game doesn't need to change the loop mechanics, it needs to balance the discrepancy between solos and swfs because from there on you can balance the entire game, perks, maps etc. ...

    I think a great part of the frustration comes from the fact that you can get a 4k at 4 gens left and in the next game on the same map you get a 0k including teabagging and bullying from a 4 man meta team.

  • Member Posts: 2,551

    survivors can mindgame too, for example, the most common mindgame is making the killer believe you're going to vault a window when you know he's going to pass around the wall, making them waste timeand gain some distance

  • Member Posts: 4

    Ok..... That would make the game a lot more boring for survivor. You sit, hiding, doing nothing until the killer finds you, and then you just accept your fate? Nah that's bull. The sad thing is people already play like that. And you don't need to specifically play spirit and nurse. Pyramid head, hag, huntress, oni, etc. are all very good killers. And you don't even need to play good killers if you practice a lot with bad ones. You can play anyone and still stay in high ranks if you're good at them. A lot of youtubers, for example. I do agree survivors can be really annoying to go against, but really only if they're in a swf. And swfs should maybe be needed, and that'd help fix the problem .

  • Member Posts: 37

    Im aware, I said they don't need to. A survivor can waste enough time without it, but if they mindgame correctly the killer isn't winning. Im also sure 90% of killer mindgames can be cancelled by running away from the tile to another.

  • Member Posts: 2

    Clearly even though you have almost 3k hours dosn’t mean that you have a decent opinion. You can play any killer and red ranks and stay at rank one. You being ######### at the game is no ones fault. And btw you are the salty one crying in forums for being ######### at the game. :D

  • Member Posts: 6,434
    edited November 2020

    When you start a sentence with... "We all know how killer games go. Find your first survivor, he runs in circles for 3 minutes, all the gens get done and they escape with Adrenaline/BT/DS/DH."

    First off, No. Not all games go like that. If someone is running you through the entirety of the time it takes to finish all gens, you aren't doing a good job as a killer. I know many would like to claim that you should be able to have so much amount of time to catch a survivor, but it doesn't work that way. You have to do your part too and understand when you need to break chase... because in reality, if they are dropping every pallet on the map they are wasting their resources should the killer decide to go for someone else.

    As for the meta perks that get brought into the match like BT, UB, DS. I'll give you the argument that they are common, but guess what is ALWAYS present as an option even if the killer doesn't decide to use it? Built-in mechanics like Slugging, Camping and Tunneling. All which those 3 perks counter. So in reality survivors have to bring perks in order to counter those mechanics.

    The looping "mindset" IS the game. You see that even in the very first launch trailer for this game. Stealthing is secondary at best.

    What we need is more interactive chases/plays.

  • Member Posts: 52

    How about no.....

  • Member Posts: 6

    As a player of both sides the chase is what I love the most about this game. It is really the true time you put your mind and skills against the other party. If you're looping a pallet as a killer and you haven't gotten a down after 20ish seconds the chase was just a waste of time. I'm no exceptional killer by any means but I know when to leave a chase. As a survivor I hate the people that hide all game as I'm usually the one who has to run around unhooking and doing gens all while trying to dodge a killer who is only really seeing me because everyone else is too busy urban evasioning at the edge of the map as soon as the hear a terror radius. I don't like hiding as a survivor, I like doing my tasks and the adrenaline rush I get from trying to outrun a killer. As a killer I'm much more satisfied when I down a survivor I was chasing rather than one who hiding in a bush. Do I think hiding is bad? No. There are times that it's extremely useful. But the game shouldn't be just based on your skill to hide.

    The point of this game is the chase. That's what attracts quite a few people to this game, it's what attracted me (besides the cool killers and such). As a killer it's boring af to go against stealth survivors and to be honest I almost always 4k them as they're too timid to do gens or go for saves if I'm even so much as somewhat around the area.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    And this thread is the perfect example of why if you don't have a decent amount of experience playing both sides in DBD on the regular, your opinions on balance don't mean diddly squat.

  • Member Posts: 230

    This. Just had another game with Micheal since daily and it literally was just this... I try to leave them and move on but they all did the same thing.... only option was to leave them and find another survivor and hope they're in a dead zone or chase them until I can actually hit them. Both resulting in one hook and 4 escapes.... even they knew there was nothing I could do. That's how bad it is.

  • Member Posts: 417

    Honestly, the most fun I've had in this game is playing a STEALTH survivor. Where minimizing noise and making sure to hide behind things was how I evaded the killer. And it feels like how the game should be played in my own opinion.

    I believe looping has taken over the game, and it's not fun for killers or survivors. Pallets and windows were originally a way to block chase paths. The problem is what to replace them with if they were removed.

    I'd rather have EVERY survivor have clothes that blend with the environment on any given map. Then add perks to help with tracking, and perks to counter it. In this way perks will augment stealth but it will be up to player skill to hide/track.

  • Member Posts: 464
    edited November 2020

    Just a shame that looping was the direction this game took, as it feels like the most creatively bankrupt way to extend chases. Run in circles and repeat the same jungle gym pathing every time vs most killers. Thrilling. Evidently it's not always this, but in my experience it ends up mostly being this.

    Thank God we have killers like Pyramid Head to rob survivors of their optimized looping kata which ends up with the use of the legendary 'boring' buzzword. We need killers to be made more 'boring' then.

  • Member Posts: 3,089

    Yes your right but I think he means the loops you can see over/ trough and the ones that are so long you have to hold a or let then do the gen right next to it

  • Member Posts: 3,089

    Funny you stereotype cluadet to stealth hideing is more than crouching in a bush its knowing what the killer knows being alert if the killers is also " hideing" and makeing the decision to commit to your attempt or sprint to the closest pallet

  • Member Posts: 3
    edited November 2020

    Stealth used to be the meta, (taller grass, way more fog, darker...) but once everyone got the hang of the game it became a benny hill simulator. The reason i dont play this game anymore is they added crazy stuff like DS you either have THE perks or you dont and the meta perks cheapen the gameplay. The game favors the survivors so much theres really no skill past a certain point or hour mark. You can get to red ranks in about 50 hours learning survivor past that id say its 1/10 skill running in circles, 1/8 luck, 8/10 unbalanced mechanics... dont get me started on SWF

    so dont pay attention to anyone "hour shaming" you

    I personally would play if it returned to its roots, with the dark atmosphere, got rid of terror radius unless in a chase, focus on survivor stealth again, just 4 isolated survivors trying to survive. Personally think they should prohibit 3rd party voice chat and make it in game giving killer a notification within a set distance but no direct communication to killer to avoid abusive speech to killer.

    Lastly, having a set of perks which are then rotated so the game isnt the exact same nonsense crutch perks and circle jerk

  • Member Posts: 2,551

    no, he means survivor's capability of hiding and not getting found

  • Member Posts: 20

    Sure I think behavior could add some more stealth options to the game(more brush, different hiding spots than lockers, maybe some sort of vent system XD) . But I don't want this game to just turn into hide and seek either. I think that good survivors don't ALWAYS loop. They can, but Blendette is a thing for a reason.

    And inherently looping doesn't make other killers bad that don't chase well bad. If you run deathslinger, you're going to have a better time on loops than say trapper, but that's because trapper has different strengths than deathslinger. Trapper excels at set up and making sure survs step in traps, just like pig excels at sneaking up and catching survs off guard by coming in a the right angle.

    Sure I think they could do things to make certain killers better (wraith, pig, clown) sure. But just because they "cant deal with looping" doesn't make them bad. It means you have to play differently.

    If you play right then you do get to sneak up as pig

    If you play right, you do hit unaware people with hatchets as huntress

    Don't get me started about hag, people walking into traps unaware happens all the time.

    I agree that maybe bloodlust could kick in a tad sooner, but that's it. I think this game is in a good spot as far as looping meta is concerned. (if I'm being really honest there are so many more things i would want changed before we even stop to think about the looping meta)

  • Member Posts: 1,790

    The ironic part is that looping is a result of adapting. With killers being faster, tending to race back to the hook, and stealth being a joke to all but maybe blendettes - looping is really all they got. What else is there to keep survivors off the hook long enough to even do gens - nothing really.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Hey I like the chase aspect of this game it's a lot of fun however the typical gameplay is run around the same piece of trash three times.

    When someone starts just running in circles around the same un-mindgamable junk trying to save the pallet for as long as possbile it just irks me. Not because its hard to counter but because its really dumb.

    Ring-a-ring-a rosey simulator isn't that fun and baiscally if you are the kind of person who tries to play the abuse hitbox mechanics by running around and around the same piece of trash I'm quite happy to one hook mori you.

    Not because it upsets me but its just not that much fun to play against and I'd rather not really play with you. So I either ignore you or remove you asap.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Yeah but define a good chase.

    Across several sections of the map with mindgames and doubling back is a lot of fun even if it costs you a gen its fun.

    Around and around the same rock till the pallet drops then around and around the next rock till pallet drops is really really lame.

  • Member Posts: 277

    I swear, most killers just want survivors to stand still for free hooks and then onto the next match so they can do the same, rinse, repeat.

    Because that is sooooo much better. Tons of fun for everyone then.

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    It's not stereotyping lol if you've played this game long enough you know the best hiding gameplay is the one I just suggested.

    Thing is once the killer does find you then your stealth is useless. You need to loop there's no way around it.

  • Member Posts: 720

    It's incredibly hard to stay hidden from the stealth killers, even with spine chill. Some of them get legit wallhacks on you. Doctor is a thing.

    I use discordance/tinkerer religiously and I can say that it's pretty much impossible to hide from those perks if you want to do gens. Whispers is another one that renders stealth almost useless.

    If you are playing someone like blight, billy, spirit, etc you can come barreling down onto a gen at speeds so fast there is literally no time to hide. Looping is a core mechanic and it's crazy people are on here arguing against it. Probably just people salty they got wrecked by a good survivor.

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    Basically yea. Imagine the game was just full stealth based. Spine Chill, Urban Evasion, Iron Will and Calm Spirit would probably become the meta. Claudette would be the only survivor people see which would be fun.

    Anyone who has watched the video I suggested would know stealth would not be a fun meta.

  • Member Posts: 9

    On paper stealth sounds thrilling but holding ctrl behind a tree while you hope the killer doesn't find you is about as fun as holding m1 on a generator or shift w across the map. All if the fun in playing survivor is trying to outplay the killer. The issue isn't the mindset, it's the current structure of the game and the high skill ceiling involved in playing both sides. Solo queueing is a death sentence and swf with a good team is almost too easy.

  • Member Posts: 479

    Thank God you now have your choice of killers that let you 4K players that are far better than you are because they give you every reward with zero skill. Thrilling.

  • Member Posts: 249

    Nothing false in his argument for you to point out, which highlights your arrogance all the more. YOUR opinion doesn't make his false. Trying too hard to sound intelligent to inflate your "argument" isn't helping you, and neither is your poor attempt to turn my comment back at me.

  • Member Posts: 1,256

    I said the same thing over a year ago and this same forum laughed at me, so good luck OP. The killers and survivors seem to enjoy it, despite what they may say.

  • Member Posts: 1,920

    Could a game...with any of those other killers...and still have fun...even without a 4k?

    Do killers only have fun if they get 4ks?

    It always makes me laugh when a killer chases me for more than a minute, finally leaves me, and then instantly downs one of my teammates. I'd love to know where all the god tier survivors are that you go against, cause they're rarely on my teams. When I play killer, if I find someone who is clearly better than I am and is going to take a long time to catch, I go looking for someone else. If a killer gets so mad that I'm better than they are and they're willing to chase me for five gens, that's on them.

    Should I just stand still and not run from killers? If I can't loop, what will killers stop doing in return?

  • Member Posts: 259

    OMG I'm so sorry you had to deal with that! I've gotten a decent amount of hate from this but I can shrug it off. Wouldn't wish it on anyone though. <3

  • Member Posts: 117

    If you have 2.8k hours than why do you allow yourself to chase a survivor for 3 minutes instead of the weak links? Troll or trash. Either way your complaints are ignored

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    Meanwhile people are currently complaining that immersed Survivors are unfun to face and should be banned.

    I don’t know what anyone wants anymore.

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    Running from the killer is a lot more fun and exciting than hiding. You change the game to focus more on stealth, and you basically make Claudette P3 the only viable survivor. You kill all the cosmetics, which people have spent actual money on. My LEAST fun games as killer have been games where the survivors just spend the entire time on that damned swamp map, immersed in the environment.

    I think most killers are viable at red rank. Not tournament viable, because the game isn't designed for four survivors who are working together. But that's a separate issue altogether. (Hag is Tournament viable for sure, though. She's at least as Strong as Spirit)

    Give killers a stronger starting point, give solo survivors some buffs, and you've probably got a more balanced/fun game. Nerf looping, and you take one of the few skill based move a survivor can make, and remove it from the game.

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