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Buried Underground Archive Challenge Broken

Platform: Windows/Steam
Description of the issue: First game, all 4 survivors hooked in the basement at least once - 3 survivors sacrificed in the basement, with 1 DCing whilst on the basement hook. Second game, 3 survivors hooked in the basement and 2 sacrificed in the basement. Despite all of this, no progress was counted towards the challenge.
Steps to reproduce: Attempt the challenge and fail miserably no matter how many basement hooks you get.
How often does this occur: Any time I attempt this challenge.
I just played 3 games back to back where I got at least 2 basement hooks (I'm at 6/8 for the archive) and I get 0 progression on the archive. I've stayed miles away from the hook, facecamped, killed in basement, hook in basement then let go, everything. Nothing works. I'm going to continue playing and trying to get this thing to work, but so far it has granted 0 progression.
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I've been trying this challenge (Tome V - buried underground challenge) on different killers now (deathslinger&Leatheface) and it still says that i haven't hooked any survivors in the basement, even though i already hooked more than 8 survivors there.
It was on rotten fields and iron works, the basement spawned in the shack both times.
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not worked for me too
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I am having the same problem. Have 7/8. Have hooked survivors in basement, but it hasn't gone up for 2 days.
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I have had this same problem! 6/7 basement hooks I am now on but shows 0. Should have been a quick easy challenge but no. I submitted a ticket on the website about an hour ago and have had a response that they are going to fix it.
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Having same issue for all compendium challenges, both survivor and killer. No challenges will complete or show new progression. Partial progression from before update appears to be preserved.
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It appears to be broken I suggest doing a different archive for now
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just tried, not working :(
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i have had 4 games where i hooked all the survivors in the basement multiple times and didnt even get a single credit toward the challenge getting old really quick
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Same issue here. Guess it's back to the survivor side of the challenges, especially as I don't have the clown. :/
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I am having the same issue. Tried it with different killers, no progress despite getting several basement hooks per game. Been frozen on zero for three days now.
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I have played several killer rounds, hooking several survivors in the basement each time. No progress to the challenge has been recorded.
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Same here, one game, all 4 in basement - progress 0/8
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I’m having the same issue but, on PS4.
I tried doing this challenge on Legion, Pyramid, and Doc. I know I’ve done more than enough to complete but still have 0 progression.
I did notice all of my games had basement in kill shack.
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Unfortunetly, same issue. I played 3 games with basement build and hooked at least 10 times. It doesn't work.
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Guess these recent posts saying it's not fixed answers my question :(
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same problem here. hooked some survivors in the basement. only have 1/8 so far. I love bugged challenges -_-
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I have had this issue too.. got 1 basement hook as trapper in one match, then got another one but it did not register.. the third game ended with no basement hooks and I got one (I assumed the one from the previous game showing up late)... then many games with many many basement hooks with different killers but no luck.
Still at 2 of 8 hooks.
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Still doesn't work. When will they fix it?
Could they extend the rift countdown then? A lot of people paid money for the rift!
Post edited by Psychedelic on2 -
Not tracking progress for me on PS4.
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Same for me. But I tried with different killers and seems to work on blight, I have 6/8 right now
Edit: not working anymore
Post edited by Baphumet on0 -
Add me to customers suffering from this bug as well.
Steam platform
Killer used Leatherface
Map - The Game
Shame, I was holding off on this challenge as one of the last this rift
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Same here. With trapper on Blood Lodge.
i got 4 kills and literally every hook except for one was in the basement. Damn. I felt so scummy playing like this...
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I am stuck on 1 of 8 (it worked for the first game) but have played multiple game and probably hooked 15 in the basement now trying multiple things to see if I can figure out what might make it advance vs not advance. the one success I got was on Lery's with Freddy. (not certain of the perks I had though)
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I am seeing this as well.
As hag on Leyrs -- 4 survivors hooked in basement, 3 sacrificed there, no progression.
As hag in Blackwater Swamp (Grim Pantry) - 3 survivors hooked in basement, 3 sacrificed there, no progression.
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Same, played 2 games as basement Demo - Mad Grit, Agitation, Make your Choice and Territorial Imperative. Gotten several hooks and no progress. I've also noticed "Territorial Imperative" hasn't triggered at all when someone went down there.
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Same. I don’t even like playing killer much but I’m on tier 68 and just want it done with. I got all of the survivors in one round down on those hooks, a couple more than once. Big fat zero. Very annoyed right now. By the time they fix it I will no longer need the points.
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Anyone try this, today?
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It's changed to "Hook 20 Survivors."
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Didnt have any problems with the challenge
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Issue still exists as of today.
Steam, with Leatherface.
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Sigh. Issue still exists as of today. Various games with multiple hooks, no progress.
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The Buried Underground challenge was adjusted a few days ago for the most recent Tome, this should no longer be an issue for that particular Tome.