Remove unbreakable
Ok so the survs aren't having fun so we have a terribly unbalanced perk that makes the game unfun for killers by punishing killing everybody too well.
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He killed everybody, he is good, but then crutch perks let the survs win
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yes it is now a risk to kill many survivors quickly!
Such a balanced game!
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Ah I see now!
"If you weren't so good and killed everyone too quickly you would've won!"
Don't kill everyone too quickly or too slowly and don't you dare use any tactics like camping or slugging!
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Because even 1 DS in a game is absolutely ######### devastating. It's a free heal, a 5 second stun, a wasted chase and a 20 second headstart for the surv
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This is not a viable play style if you aren't god of dbd or playing garbage survs.
The fact I have to explain this to you is a testament to your understanding of killer gameplay.
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I agree with the statement that you should be able to use whatever perk you want I think that some perks are a bit too strong to be used together so the best way I could think of this working would be like how exhaustion perks work where you can use multiple but you only really need one of them to be effective.
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"I slugged 4 guys and they unbreakabled" - This is exactly the reason why unbreakable exists.. to prevent killers to slug. It isn't sweaty, it isn't OP, it isn't being removed. Either hook people or deal with the fact that someones going to unbreakable.
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Extremely simple: Don't slug. If you win by slugging you dont deserve a win.
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i love how half of these guys commenting are entitled survivor mains...
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Lol, the devs have bent over backwards for years now to make this game the easiest possible version for killers and they still feel compelled to play toxic as all get out and blame the survs for their behavior. It is pathetic. And now breakable doors cause boatloads of dead ends that survivors have zero control over, DS was nerfed again for like the third time. I have said it before but seriously, the whiny killers up in this forum will not be satisfied until there are zero survivors, just a bunch of NPC's so they can get that 4k every game with no effort. You know survivor want to play this game too, but the devs make it more and more ridiculous for them every patch trying to appease 20% of their players. It is going to kill off this already declining game.