I hate Rank 1 Tunnelers.
I swear to god if I get one more Rank 2 killer who is desperate enough to tunnel and hook camp just to get rank 1 and use a Killer like the Doctor one more time im going to break something.
And of course, its someone who is throwing a tantrum over gens 3 gens being done after 3 hooks, without playing Gen Pressure or Perks at ALL.
You seem mad.
35 -
Yeah. Mad at being deranked for doing nothing the whole game and to be taunted when I died.
6 -
You have perks to help you. What is your perk build on any given day as survivor?
4 -
Wow yes. DS I can use once. And none of my teammates had BT.
7 -
Maybe you should go play killer. There are plenty of valid reasons to tunnel someone.
41 -
I also hate tunnelers at red ranks.
They get on a gen, and tunnel it until it is done.
40 -
Like? Give me an example. Considering he was basically proxy camping the whole match?
1 -
Literally any reason. Maybe they just felt like it.
Why do you feel so entitled to a good time? It's not the killers job to provide you with a good time. They have one objective. Kill the survivors. They don't have to justify the way they do it.
17 -
Just get good dood it’s not that hard to loop somebody have you ever heard of a pallet
5 -
Im not saying he should. Im saying its pathetic and annoying how easy killers can pip and have 0 skill.
2 -
If a killer is pipping, and camping, the survivors allowed that to happen. I don't see what skill has to do with this. The killer had an objective. Kill you. They accomplished that objective.
Survivor in and of itself is the least skill-based mode in the game anyway.
Telling a killer not to tunnel is like telling you not to use a toolbox and prove thyself on a generator. Just play better. Don't get caught.
10 -
Nah, I meant what I said. I wish I could scream it.
The idea that killers exist to babysit survivors is wearing out on MANY killer mains out there. Hence the complete disregard for their fun in the last year especially.
I've personally realize that when I play for my own fun, which is to play to win, within the rules set by the devs of the video game, I actually have more fun.
If this involves forcing someone to second state? Fine. If it involves eating a DS at 5 gens and sending the survivor to the next lobby immediately? Fine. If it involves hooking someone in the basement as Trapper or Hag and never letting them out? Fine.
When someone else pays for my games, they can tell me how to play. Otherwise they can cram it.
19 -
You do realize thats basically what your doing right though? Your purposely playing the non fun way for YOUR fun. Thats the equivalent of suvivors bullying you killer mains. I dont wanna hear it.
12 -
Also you dont have to play that way to beat SWF. Take Otzdarva for an example. He has proven it multiple times. Dont even hit me with that crap. Your argument is worthless. Your playing scummy just like those bully squads.
6 -
He's also proven that in order to do 50 4ks in a row, you need a build full of slowdowns on Spirit.
Spare me. Otz has proven nothing in terms of balance.
"You're doing your objective. Therefore you are scummy".
Fine, you're scummy for repairing generators. Stop repairing generators. Entitled survivor.
13 -
"Playing in an unfun way for your own fun". No, I'm purely playing for my own fun. I am literally not concerning myself with the other teams fun. I am supposed to be killing them. That's my objective. It's not that I'm doing it for the PURPOSE of you not having fun. I simply don't care.
Imagine being that entitled where you're complaining that I didn't play in a way you approve of. Get better at the game, bud.
12 -
Hang on, calm down.
I’ll agree that the killer is not responsible for the survivors having a good time.
”Why do you feel so entitled to a good time?”
Because it’s a video game. People generally expect that a video game, that they paid good money for, to be enjoyable when they switch it on. Sure, that won’t happen every time. BUT it’s perfectly valid and NORMAL to feel entitled to a good time from a product someone has purchased.
18 -
The wording was a bit wonky. What I meant was, "why do you feel so entitled to the killer providing you a good time". We ALL paid good money for it. It's not a one sided thing, and therefore that is an invalid argument. Fact is, in life, people generally don't enjoy losing. In any sort of competition. Whether that be a real life sport or a casual video game.
But to sit there and tell me that I'm scummy for playing to win *within the rules of the video game we are playing*? Get over it, really.
10 -
get good
4 -
This really is the solution. Survivors have everything they need to basically never go down. Perks, items, addons, god loops, completely safe pallets etc.
Everyone here complaining about camping and tunneling? I can tell it's because you're new to the game, or just simply bad at the game. I too tunnel out the weak link, which you guys fit the bill of, so to speak. Why would I blatantly put myself at a disadvantage to appease your fun when fun is subjective, and my fun is to kill the survivors, and win the game?
Spoiler: There's no logical answer you can give where you don't sound entitled.
6 -
Gaslighting - the tactic of someone without an argument. Sit down.
4 -
Its funny, because this is exactly what a entilted killer would say. Dont throw a tantrum about gen rush and perks then.
6 -
It's not entitled to play to win. I'm even telling you to use everything you can, perks etc to try to win. That's quite literally the opposite of entitlement. The only tantrum thrown here was you. I didn't throw any tantrums. I don't care what you use.
Just stop. You lost this debate a long time ago, rank 20.
9 -
I also play both sides and understand exactly what killers go through but I dont want to hear it from Killers. There are ways to play fun and skillful, and sometimes you will lose. Thats fun for everyone instead if throwing a tantrum and camping and making sure someone deranks because your too butthurt to not get a kill.
11 -
Sure there bud. You play both sides. With 10 hours in the game, I'm sure you do.
7 -
Lol. Did you actually watch his games? He plays nice only because he knows that he can beat 99% of players in this game with his 5k hours playtime. When he faces a tough opponent, or gets far enough in his streaks, he tunnels in every game and camps when survivors make a mistake by looping the hook or not rescuing quick enough.
And that's how most of killers in high ranks play. Literally the reason why they are high ranks. This game is not just about looping, it is about making right decisions when to protect gens, which gens to protect, when to chase, who you chase, when to leave the chase, also when to slug, when to tunnel and when to camp. Of course, you can handicap yourself for some reasons, but that makes you weaker as a player. You can do that if you want more challenge, but if you don't - no one has right to blame you for not doing that.
Post edited by Rizzo on12 -
Gens should lose 50% Progress and teleport to a random location if they get tunneled. Basically a DS for Gens. /s
10 -
No, you do seem to care though. You wouldnt be mad at this post if you didnt care what survivors did. Clearly you do if you complain about survivor entiltment.
1 -
I don't think I've done anything to express anger here. Unlike you, I didn't literally create this post out of anger and a desire to break things (which kind of takes away your ability to turn this around on me, so stop trying, buddy <3 ).
8 -
mhm typical lol your mad im not argument when you point is proven invalid.
3 -
Survivors tunnel their objects 24/7 while killers are not allowed to tunnel their object.
12 -
Was that english?
"I'm not argument"? I never called you an argument. Unlike you, I don't call people names when they disagree with me. Please, calm down, sir.
Also - *you're
6 -
Preach it, lol
4 -
If u guys didn't tunnel gens but make all 7 gens 99% I'm pretty sure the killer won't tunnel you. And after he lose his target u can pop 5 gens in 10 seconds :D
3 -
This is partly true. I personally don't care what survivors do or run, cause after nearly 6000 hours in this game, I rarely go against a team that 4 outs me. Or even 2 outs me, if I'm being honest.
However, you'd see a lot less killers inclined to tunnel or camp if the survivor meta wasn't literally full of second chances given to them for free, or even as a reward for failure.
2 -
Even Otzdarva camps sometimes to guarantee the win. I recall him doing so recently with Clown on Disturbed Ward during his 50 win streak. He had a 3-gen centered around the hooked person so he camped the guy to death while proxying the gens.
Sure you may not need to play that way everytime to win against SWF, but sometimes it's needed.
6 -
It's your and your teammates job to survive, not killers. If you're too easy to catch and your teammates don't help you, you failed at your objective and deserve to be kicked out of the game by killer who's job is to kill you by any means necessary. Survivors love to shift blame for their failings on killer, calling their gameplay toxic or unfun while survivors are free to do anything and nothing is ever taboo.
Have you ever seen group of 4 survivors working on a early gen, do it to 75% and then all stop and go find a new gen ? Obviously not, they have to do it before killer even manages to get there - tunnel then gen faster then killer can have chance to do anything.
It's then exact same thing as hard tunneling survivor out of the match - creating big time management advantage for your team. Yet survivors are just playing well and it's killers fault that he suck and didn't pressure gens but when killer hard tunneles bad survivors out of the match early, it's him playing toxic and never the survivors fault for failing to evade or outloop the killer.
Double standards
12 -
I'm just saying if you play with this kinda mentality you have legitimately no right to complain about anything, ever. It's not the killer's job to grant a good time, it's their job to kill; it's not a survivor's job to grant a good time, it's their job to survive.
That's how you can justify all the bullshit things in this game that stop it being legitimately balanced, like Ruin/Undying/Stridor Sprit with MDR+Yakuyoke, or a 4man DS/UB squad with toolboxes and a couple of OOO for good measure.
Because no matter what side you play, dbd is still a game, and games are supposed to be fun. If you're going out of your way to ruin someone's fun, no matter which rank or side you play, you're just a pretty bad person
4 -
@JimbusCrimbus is correct on every point.
pay attention to him, forum; as i know most are you are super new (less than, say, 3000 hours).
the reason you are upset is that you don't yet have the tools to combat what you don't like, but you will. you need more practice with that situation. be appreciative of every killer that camps in your trial for practice, not cry about it.
'oH, wHaT aM i SuPpOsSeD tO pRaCtIcE, rUnNiNg?!' no, identifying the situation and adapting; whether it's you being tunneled/camped or a teammate. i could write out what to do, but that robs your fun in the experimentation.
to say camping takes no skill shows how little you've played killer. camping is actually a fine art. you can't just do it whenever you want. i mean you could, but all four will escape. every time. try it. it too, takes experience to work correctly and into a win. why are you trying to rob the killer of their skill based fun, bro?
study youtube personalities more carefully, as most of the videos they upload are the trials where survivors ate paint chips as children. it's very misleading. it's the reason most of them are now worried about future content with MMR on. (side note: truetalent has really won me over this month with his candidness.)
i think the REAL issue that needs to be discussed is that you're worried about a pip. that's first month stuff. everyone's fighting for their bragging rights rank one, while experienced players roll their eyes at it. it's like saying, 'look i'm good, i'm wearing a green t-shirt.' no one cares and in my opinion it actually makes you worse. it means you're doing things in a trial you shouldn't be (as survivor). god, i can't WAIT until they get rid of that garbage and i don't have to hear, 'look bro, i've played a whole three days this month. i'm good.' ahhhhh, no.
4 -
Please actually read the entire conversation before inserting yourself in based on one post. You'd see I, verbatim, say I don't care what survivors do, and I'm not going out of my way to ruin their fun - I just simply don't care. I bought the game to have fun for myself.
7 -
Cool, glad you don't care, there's enough hypocrisy around without needing any more
But the "you" I was referring to wasn't you, singularly, but the community as a whole
4 -
You clearly don't play killer. if they are camping then they won't pip since the emblem system will punish them for doing so.
4 -
Can I just ask,
"pay attention to him, forum; as i know most are you are super new (less than, say, 3000 hours)."
Say someone's played since end of 2017 and has been rank 1 for years straight but due to personal life doesn't have 3k+ hours yet. Would you still classify them as new?
How about someone who's been playing in 2016 but stopped in 2019 with 2.8k hours? Would you say they're new, too?
4 -
Personally I'd say everyone's opinion counts equally, no matter the hours as long as they understand fundemantals of current DBD's gameplay.
Hours can't justify a bad opinion, like if 12k hours player said OG 2016 ebony mori was balanced, his hours wouldn't justify how wroung that statement is.
5 -
Ah if we had only a perk that gave killers an incentive to to keep survivors off the gens instead of tunneling&camping.
Something that in return required survivors to do something else than gens.
I really have the undying wish that the devs introduced something like this, so people could enjoy the game instead of ruining it.
8 -
Unlike a killer's investment in a survivor's sacrificial progress, generators can be regressed so it makes sense that survivors will, according to you, "tunnel" a generator. obviously this mechanic helps The Killer, because he can periodically go back to a generator that has a lot of progress investment.
1 -
I mean if a killer see's an injured survivor off hook, what do you think they should do? Let them be so they can go attend their tea party, or actually go after them because that's literally a free down? There's not a rulebook to tell anyone how to play. Yes it can be frustrating, but you have to basically move on from it and accept it.
3 -
As a person with the same mentality I feel like you don't see the difference between complaining about balance in the game and complaining about people using unbalanced stuff.
There are people responsible for the game being fun, and these are the devs. They should make the game balanced, fun for everyone, easy to learn, etc etc. It is their job and they get paid for that. Players are not. And complaints about gaming experience and balance are addressed to them, at least should be. As for players, you want to play Stridor Spirit? This is fine. Iri head Huntress? Go on. SWF with 4 insta-heals? Why not. No one has right to blame you for that. These are things in the game. However, that doesn't mean that these things should be in the game, or that people using this stuff should be allowed to roflstomp people who don't use that. And that's on devs. Not on players.
4 -
and i completely agree, which was my point in asking that question in the first place because the logic of "everyone under 3k+ hours is new and shouldn't be taken seriously" is flawed on so many levels.
2 -
Maybe instead of blaming the killer in this situation maybe start thinking if its your teammates who are to blame? If q teammate unhooks you near a killer and then just runs away without taking the killers attention away from you then of course the killers gonna go after you again your easy prey. Your teammates should always take the killers attention away from you after a unhook to prevent the killer from tunneling you down