Mmr is going to hurt the playerbase.
My entire group of friends and I played both killer and survivor during the 24 hour test for quite a bit of time (10 hours for me).
Matches lasted longer.
There were no absolute shutouts.
Gameplay seemed way more balanced with killers who did get 4ks having to work for it.
Gameplay seemed way more balanced with survivors having to actively play more aspects of the game to escape.
I have found most complaints about the SBM test coming from people who like demolishing survivors or completely bullying killers and didn't like the "challenge" SBM brought.
The one problem I had with the 24 hour test: Players kept their arbitrary ranks which is what people used to point at how SBM was not working - when most people agree that the current rank system is not an accurate reflection on... skill. Hopefully the next SBM test will see everyone pushed back to rank 20 so as to avoid this type of rank delusion when it comes to Skill Based Matchmaking.
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I am sure you have a link where it took him 2 hours to find a match and 30 minutes for 4 survivors to get into the match...especially since this person is a streamer. The problem with your hyperbolic statement is that there is AMPLE VOD evidence to prove that IF this did happen - it was a solitary issue - which would seem isolated to that one streamer. My longest wait period was probably 10 minutes as killer; which btw I play ONE killer and have only played one killer (Doctor) for 3.5 years at red rank. But since you have claimed that this streamer - had to wait 2 hours for a game......
VOD link please.
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Okay guys not to play devil’s advocate but op has a point. In fact, I couldn’t find a single game as killer since MMR went on. We’re talking about 20-30 minutes waiting only to see a “ failed matchmaking “ message. That’s actually why I started playing survivor.
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What if instead of trying to "not believe" me what if you go to Dowsey on twitch and look for the VOD yourself? See if I'm lying or not if your queue was short 10 min or so then you must not be that great with X killer, with Oni the max it took me was also about 15 min.
But here is his youtube vid and he explained what happened:
If you don't believe him or me, again ask him tomorrow when he is streaming, I'm not going to look for it since I was there in his chat and on another Tab I was watching OhTofu.
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He is telling the truth, there was a huge reddit thread about it because Dowsey took to Twitter to vent his frustrations. He ended up having to go against EMA who were stream sniping him just to get a game. What the poster has omitted is that he'd gone on a massive string of wins as twins prior to this (200 games I think with only 1 survivor escaping).
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I got instant games and the players were at my level instead of m1 bum rush squads.
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I watched the video. Hopefully he reported this to BHVR as it signifies AN issue with SBM. Since I have not heard of anything REMOTELY like this I am assuming it is some type of bug or error in the SBM. With such a low occurrence (with proof) of this bug/error/issue it leads me to believe that is something to do with his "record" of skill that created the issue - which I am hopeful that he actually reported to BHVR so that it can be looked at.
This occurrence is an anomaly and sucks to be the one it affected, but in a way I am glad it happened as it exposed the issue/bug.
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Nobody but the DEV know how MMR is going to work, and I'm not even sure THEY know yet either. Assuming they get it to work (which I doubt), we have no way of knowing if it will help or hurt the game. This is the undiscovered country, so to speak. To the people saying a working MMR will automatically be bad for the game, I have to wonder what you think is good for the game. That would seem to infer that you think the total lack of (or bad) matchmaking is good for it? That seems a rather weird stance to take. But then again, I'm sure many of you are simply parroting back what your favorite Influencer said in a video.
Me? I'm undecided, because we don't have enough information. In a perfect world, I think we should be given as close a matchup as possible. I happen to think that every single match should be a hard fought as hell. But then again, I like a challenge and don't get my jollies beating up on people who have no business being in the match with me. I find it weird that there are people who think getting matches that will require them to work will ruin the game. I mean like... wow... I don't know what to say to that.
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I had a horrible experience with MMR. As survivor it gave me potato teammates and baby killers or gave me the best of the best killers. As Killer all I got was red rank sweat squads as a rank 14. It was all over the place and a miserable experience.
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Just to try to make it clear again.
MMR - Match-Making-RATING:
This is a numerical value, which is even visible in some games like for example in overwatch or rainbow six siege. It determines the hight of your skill and is increased by wins and decreased by losses set in term of the indiviual game. In dbd ranks are used for this and it results in in Rank-based-Match-Making RBMM. It simply compares the ranks of player indifferent if a red rank Player has several 1000 hours or less than 200. I already read that some people made it to red ranks in two months since starting dbd, which is reasonable given the change to rank reset and the loss of old ruin which slowed unskilled survivor down from ranking up. Consequentially with less skilled survivor plus qol changes for killer ranking up got easier as well.
SBMM - Skill-based-Match-Making:
This match-making will use a hidden value which is determined by one's performance in game determined by a set of secret rules set by the devs. This is a skill based matchmaking ones the value has stabilized, for example "competitive" chess online starts you at 1500 and you have to play for a longer time to find out if you are a pro and get to 2,5-3k or not and end up below 1K. This is normally a months long process and won't be perfect at start, the reason while the devs try to get data for this value in the background for all player.
So to your topic MMR is already in the game but based on ranks instead of skill.
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actually MMR may be a good thing
they haven't kept track of SWF stats
But they will when MMR becomes a thing
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I'm not sure where you got the idea that the upcoming skill-based matchmaking is based on the number of hours played, but it's not.
The developers have not told us exactly how the matchmaking is going to work because they don't want people trying to cheat the system. However, here is a link to an old (it's from July 2020) post where they try to explain how skill-based matchmaking will affect the game:
I repeat, that is an old link. Skill-based matchmaking is disabled, there are no tests currently being run as far as we know.
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SBM would be just good for the game most of the people i play with are not very good at rank 1 and im not even that great a player but the current matchmaking system is throwing these players into games where they will inevitably struggle. If your good at the game, games will get harder, deal with it usually your just noobstomping most games and you don't realise it if your any good. This is why killers players on twitch can go on insane winstreaks a lot but most players are not them and the top 0.1% are getting into games with the 10%.
The big issue with changing the matchmaking system is they would have to aggressively balance killers according to the best players by nerfing things like spirit and nurse and buffing all the weaker ones to a point where a the top survivors will also get killer variety.
Honestly i think most the issues with SBM is that people don't trust the devs to handle balance issues well and that is fair the devs have had issues trying to balance the game for years now. I'm not saying its easy or anything balancing DBD is a hard ask but their have been more bumps in the road then their should have been over the years.
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I don’t get these posts from everyone at all.
How is a matchmaking system that matches players of similar skill level a bad thing?! It just doesn’t make sense to be concerned about this (if it works).
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It will leave the top of both sides suffering either longer queue times and/or only sweat games since both sides are similar cream of the crop. But that is the case for every pvp withatchmaking. The only difference here is that the top can't pride themselves with being pro league players since this game doesn't have any progressional competitive play and it shouldn't given the balance, bug and coding mess this game still is from an objective standpoint and the fact that it is 5 years old and not declared early access.
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So wait
you think matching me, 7k hrs with a 4k hrs killer and 3 between 40 and 400hrs survivors is fun? You want me, everyone to get matched that wrong? Just because you think people would get less salty about their straight not-smart teammates anymore?
You know that back in 2k16/17 bad teammates werent a thing right? And just since multiple matchmaking and gameplay changes it became worse and even more worse?
And you have the balls sayin that's ok? Are you serious? Do you even know how many players, especially veterans and core members hate this game because of that?
Sorry man but you can close your damn mouth, when Dead by Daylight needs SOMETHING, of all the little babu issues you have, Matchmaking is the biggest one - by miles.
And I don't care if MMR is not perfect, everything is better than what we have or have not now. Now it's just a get matched with everyone and I don 't want to get matched with al lthe annoying noobs at red ranks, I hate them.
So MMR better kicks in and matches me with people so that I have a chance to escape a game.
And Just for the record.
MMR doesn't mean you getc matched with highends. It means That you have an overall fair match. You know what's not fair? Matching me with 3 100hrs urban evading at the edge of the map experts that are scared af against a killer who's experienced as I am. You know what's fine? matching me with 3 500hrs people and a 500 hrs killer. So that way there is a chance because the killer isn't oppressive af for my teammates.
MMR doesn't mean 4 top survivors and one noob killer. It means 4 survivors get matched with a killer who's not an high end sweatlord. Means, even if I get matched (once again) with 3 100hrs survivors. The killer will be at their skill level to compensate. So that there's a chance to get some of us out.
So please Mr. Eternal Yesterday, let the others carry on.
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If it turns out to be invisioned as to be, it'll be good for people new at certain killers. Meanwhile people who sunk all their time into let's say Billy will be having trouble every game with how fast it can go, and therefore need to play Nurse or Spirit to have a chance. High MMR will basically expose the biggest glaring issues the game has, and maybe the devs could potentially look into it. But nothing is guaranteed though
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Thats what im trying to say, i just said it wrong.
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Well mmr is still the wrong term here since mmr is always involved ingames using matchmaking. The term you mean is the announced SBMM, which stands for Skill-Based-Match-Making.
Just so people don't get confused.