Pop Goes The Weasel: Problem? Or not?
It's certainly one of the more powerful perks in the game, but no more powerful than some of the survivor meta perks in my opinion.
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is fine, not all the killers are able to down survivors fast enought to be able to reach the gen anyways
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They do though. Watch that debate scott had when they were talking about hooks vs kills. Literally every person in there didn't even debate the idea that survivors are too powerful at high level, it wasn't even a question, it was just a given. Scott even said at the beginning. "We all know that survivors at high skill are too powerful" It wasn't even part of the debate.
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i think up to 220secs is too much. It should be 30-35% of actual gen progress, not always 20secs
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You watched the wrong video. And it is not a fallacy. Literally just watch a marth stream sometime.
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So we agree that both tournament player & streamer are above the average player, good.
We agree that most if not all tournament have restriction, good. Those restriction mostly affect survivor, killer player mostly used the strongest killer and still struggle to win.
Survivor streamer (heck even lot of killer streamer when playing survivor) who often play alone, mind you, often bully the killer in their game, make them lose lot of time. Killer streamer will sweat even vs none swf who are very good at the game, especially if the killer use a mid to low tier killer but it does happen vs top tier killer.
Thing is the ranking system & match making that is based on it is so horrible that you don't often find 4 good survivor in the same game. You often have 1-2 good survivor and 2-3 decent one that are moderately to well under the killer's skill which balance things out for the match. The killer will still lose more than 1/4 of his time of the pretty good survivor, probably more than 30s each chase which is more than what survivor need to do gen and have 2-3 escape.
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Well you gotta consistently get hooks to get value and keep up the pressure. It doesnt reward camping. Quite balanced IMO especially after the Nerf.
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I've got 6k hours in this game. I likely know far more how it feels than you do. I'm just capable of considering that it's just a game.
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Survivors shouldn't be unable to undo regression in half a second. Regression is not strong enough to enable that. If a killer kicks a generator, the survivors should actually have to take the time to stop it instead of being able to immediately and with no downside stop the miniscule, slug-paced regression that killers get with zero effort or thought.
And it really wouldn't change anything about SWF or solo. It would simply be a QoL fix that prevents survivors from casually and mindlessly stopping the only basekit slowdown in the game.
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PGTW is fine imo. The only time I've gotten mad at it was when a clown was tunneling a jake and we were pounding the gens and trying to save the jake. He was caught and killed, while the 3 of us were on the last gen. The ace (i think) got off first when the killer was coming and the tapp and I decided to commit. At like 99%, the tapp got off and got a skill check. We both got off and the killer popped it and that literally destroyed the game for us. Still a fun match but damn.
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I guess it would be a tiny nerf survivor but if killer still mindlessly kick gen, that's 2sec he's not pressuring anyone. But yeah it would mostly be a QoL for killer.
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It's hard to use, which is annoying because it's a pretty strong perk but when you're put in a position where you can't use it, like being in a chase or the generator is too far away making the time investment pointless then it can be pretty pointless to have.
It's why Ruin will always be the superior perk. Better regression and it does it automatically, rewarding killers for chasing and applying pressure. Pop, I find really only is as devastating in a 3 generator or something.