How could Devs decrease the amount of tunnlers and campers if they wanted to?



  • Magikazam
    Magikazam Member Posts: 182

    I disagree. this aint real life and politic this is a game. It balanced around the fact survivor are a team. You can't have the best of both world where survivor can solo the killer with their base tool kit but if they get in a bad situation they decide to get teammate to help them.

    If you want to play with no teammate go play killer. No matter how hard you try to twist it. The game is a 4v1.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,196

    I just wanna do my Survivor challenges.

    I'll trade you.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    OK then walk me through it if I'm doing something wrong. I press to attempt to escape the animation triggers I hit the ground and ....get hit before I can enter anything to make my survivor move...tell me if I have done anything wrong up to this point for your tactic

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited May 2021

    Lots of things have gone wrong there, although you leave out a lot of specifics. I can guess a few things:

    1. You need better Looping skills because you got caught and on the hook in the first place. Looping is a BASIC skill. Even so, everyone gets caught eventually, so we won't harp on this too long.
    2. You or the person rescuing you didn't do a safe rescue. They clearly tried to unhook you while the Killer was present. You can't stop that but that isn't the Killer's fault, but rather the Survivor who did the unsafe rescue. Are they unhooking with YOU between them and the Killer? What did you do wrong? I suppose get a SWF where you have people you can trust. The reason I think this is a BS argument is because I play Solo and I get rescued from Face Campers all the time. I have to wonder how it is possible that I'm so lucky and you are so unlucky. Did you make some God angry? :) I mean you make it sound like you defy all logical probability.
    3. Borrowed Time would make it irrelevant if you were hit right off the hook. Why aren't your teammates taking it? Again, I guess you better get a SWF if your luck is so astronomically bad.
    4. Why aren't you taking DS? If you get tunneled and grabbed again right after every hook it sounds like you are the PERFECT candidate for taking DS. You would get the stun and still be able to run away. Heck, load up on the Red Needle to so you can run pause for half a second and inject and then run so more. I mean, I can only give you these extreme solutions because you seem to have extreme bad luck. But DS would function and you have TOTAL control on whether you take it or not.
    5. Lucky Break is nice since you seem to not be able to loop that well. The first time you get wounded your red marks are gone for a bit. You could use your burst of speed to try to lose the Killer. Let someone else get hooked.
    6. Consider Deliverance so you can make your jump when the Killer swings at someone trying to rescue you. Even if they are camping you there is going to be a moment you can run. Some chance is better than no chance.
    7. Consider those Perks that let you try to get off the Hook. Yadda... Yadda... Yadda.

    I could go on and on but the best thing I can tell you is PRACTICE your basics so you aren't caught right away. Get a team since you can't seem to function as a Solo. I play Solo and do fine, but clearly you need somebody to cover you back. Hell, I can't stand you but I'll do it. You and I can SWF together. I'll talk to some other people too and you can SWF with us until you get to where you can stand on your own. It might help me tailor your advice a bit if I can see you in action. Basics. This game rises and falls on basics. Until you have them, get by with a little help from your friends (or frenemies in my case).

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    1. And 5. No I can't infinitely run from a killer they are faster than me and get faster as they go, although I can run for a couple gens eventually they catch up twice. Are you saying thay you are capable of never being caught by a killer? If so you must escape every single game right?

    2. And 3. No one is coming to save remember, when being camped just do gens is all I keeps seeing on here for dealing with camping, so I can't say I'm surprised by the the other survivors doing this.

    4. Took ds so that if I did manage to pop off the hook and got instadowned I could try and ds away. Didn't work.

    6 would be good if 1. I wasn't the first on the hook since you knkw thr first one gets camped and 2. Again survivors do gens when someone's being camped so there is no on coming

  • sesawyer3127
    sesawyer3127 Member Posts: 342

    I would have to ask the question of why then do ALL Bubba's do it from the start? I don't know why just Bubba's but, in almost every single game Bubba killer mains camp and tunnel from the get up in every match?? There is no reason to do it from the start yet these players do it without fail. Had three matches last night with Bubba's and two out of the three did it from the jump?? I don't even see the reason for doing it during the EGC because you should have been better during the game and pressure gens/players thereby making tunneling/camping obsolete. But no one wants to acknowledge that,,, or make believe the mythical unicorn of the SWF team makes you do it. The fall back argument is always "well, camping and tunneling are valid strategies" lol. So why bother arguing with those people, it will never change.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited May 2021

    As I've said to you many times before, you don't take advice. You have already decided you are right and it is hopeless. Anyone who suggests things to you has you argue with them. My advice, and offer for you to play with us is solid and genuine. You just like complaining about the game more than playing it. Pulsar has tried to help you. I've tried to help you. I've noticed other people suggesting things too. In every case, you have decided to argue with people that have thousands of hours on you. You can't tell me that on some level you don't realize that we ALL aren't crazy or lying to you? :)

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
  • Magikazam
    Magikazam Member Posts: 182

    Im sure rank 1 Bubba don't camp like you pretend they do, emblems system wouldn't let them get that far. Reason why Bubba is used a lot in those scenario is cause he can punish survivor bombing the hook.

    That being said if someone one go in game with the intention to face camp he will probably use bubba cause of that.

  • sesawyer3127
    sesawyer3127 Member Posts: 342

    Sorry, you are just wrong and it should not matter what rank they are,,, if they are doing it from the jump thats wrong but okay.

  • sesawyer3127
    sesawyer3127 Member Posts: 342

    Did you even read my post when I said from the start I have games where I see a survivor get unlucky enough to spawn close to the killer and get hooked in like 30 secs with no gens done and they camp. Camping here is not needed yet it is done.

  • Magikazam
    Magikazam Member Posts: 182
    edited May 2021

    Except im not. if you would have tried face camping a single time you would see it sink your bp and emblems a tons. If someone is camping you as a rank 1 chance are you don't know what camping mean.

  • sesawyer3127
    sesawyer3127 Member Posts: 342

    Well then you tell me, last night a game a Dwight got hooked 30 secs into the game with not one gen done and Bubba stood right by him three inches apart so no survivor could not even get in between them until he struggled then died and moved on to the next one. If that is not camping then my definition needs to be seriously updated.

  • Magikazam
    Magikazam Member Posts: 182

    I will assume that story didn't happened with a rank 1 bubba since emblem system make it literally impossible to rank up face camping. no matter how much you argue that just how the game work. you can 4k face camping you still at risk of a depip.

  • sesawyer3127
    sesawyer3127 Member Posts: 342

    Dude, I asked the killer afterwards,,, and I cant remember what rank he was but, it was a red rank killer main and he said he camps because likes to "fw people". So he was camping and I guess he didn't care what points he either did not get or lost. I am just saying there has got to be a better way than just fw'ing with people, I don't think that is too controversial?

  • BarbecueiChilli
    BarbecueiChilli Member Posts: 138

    here's how to avoid being tunneled

  • perezkarlo37
    perezkarlo37 Member Posts: 55

    But they still make it boring for us. But I get your point, but maybe, a survivor can get somehow not camped for an entire game. At least one rescue would solve this, but the problem is that the killer can camp you to death.

  • Magikazam
    Magikazam Member Posts: 182

    Camping can still be used a strat too. If I see people hiding near the hook you think I will leave?

    Sure it can be used to just be annoying but lots of thing have the same issues.

    Should we remove Flashlight cause some people use it to blind you each time they pallet stun you? It useless and make them lose time and it just to mess with the killer eyes. Sure Flashlight save is a strat but who care. It ain't fun being blinded with no counterplay each time I break a single pallet.

  • Wrathclaw88
    Wrathclaw88 Member Posts: 51

    Honestly - try lightborn - so much free hits against those pally flashys.

  • Magikazam
    Magikazam Member Posts: 182

    Honestly - try BT+DS - so much free escape against those camper.

    My point with flashlight was just to prove that even if a strat/tech is annoying, they often are in game cause there actual '''non toxic'' use to them and those a important part of gameplay that you can't remove. Do I hate it when I get flashed at each pallet? Yes. Do you hate it when you get face camped? Yes. Is flashlight save and proxy camping viable strat in the game that are important to the game? Yes.

    Unless they rework the whole game by changing hook we can't fix those issues

  • sesawyer3127
    sesawyer3127 Member Posts: 342

    A flashlight save is not exactly like sitting on the hook waiting for someone to die lol c'mon. A flashlight save doesnt kill you.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Maybe he was triggered after losing 3 gens in the first chase in his last 10 matches. Happens to the best of us.

  • konochivu
    konochivu Member Posts: 146

    If you find some trouble guessing whenever survivor is being camped or not - run kindred.

  • konochivu
    konochivu Member Posts: 146

    Oh ffs stop treating dbd like a 1vs1 game, it's a 1vs4. If killer is camping Bubba or have noed you l e a v e or use builds (detective's hunch, BT, kindred, etc) to attempt a cheeky rescue. I honestly doesn't see any problem giving killer 1 kill if they're willing to camp. It's sucks to be on the end of the stick but you have your job - stay hooked while others working on gen that's all, stop whining about being dead in a game where death isn't an escape.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    So just so we're clear you proposed 3 things, 1 never get caught ever 2 if you get got hop off the hook and escape and 3 get your teammates to save you while your being camped.

    The issue with number 3 is as you and many others have said is that the best strategy for a camping killer is to stick to gens. So I'm not sure why your surprised that when someone is being camped the other survivors leave them to die just like you recommended.

    The issue with number 2 is that when I get off the hook I'm hit before I have the option to move as in I'm pressing the input to move but before my character has the chance to I've been knocked back down. If I'm doing something wrong Here and there is some way to trigger a move sooner then tell it to me becuase all that I experience is get off hook get knocked right back down.

    The issue I have with number one is that I find myself unable to infinitely loop a killer thay is remotely close to my skill level, now i don't know of any survivor who claims to be able escape every game becuase they can outrun the killer forever. Are you saying you are capable of this?

    The problem with your advise is that it didn't work, when I pointed out the issues with it instead of saying that I didn't follow your instructions properly (which I may not have hence why I asked) you just said well you didn't take my advice, even though I told you I did take you advice, and found it didn't work.

    So kindly tell me where I went wrong in number 2, so I can try it again if it actually works for you it's shouldn't be that hard to explain where I went wrong

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited May 2021

    Your entire mindset just isn't right for this game. I hate to tell you but just as some dogs are untrainable, some people are wrong for certain games. I don't know what game is right for you, but DbD ain't it. :)

    Post edited by Moundshroud on
  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    Hahahahah awesome. When explaining how to deal with camping you certainly are entertaining. I would have thought you'd either admit your way doesn't work or point out what I'm doing wrong so that it could work, but I guess there's always the "pout and take your ball home" response. A bit childish but entertaing I'll give you that.

    For any other killer mains like mount out there, (or survivor mains either way), want to point out a way to escape being camped I'm all ears, just try not to get upset if your idea is bad and I point it out to you.

    Oh and try not to come up with solutions that involve other players coming to save you becuase if you remember they are going to be gen rushing as is the current strat for dealing with killers.

    Mount I notice you didn't confirm if you always escape as a Survivor since no Killer can ever catch you, guess that's not true either is it?

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I'm calm and done with it. I tried to help him; it didn't work. I'm moving on. :)

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    Haha if you don't like that I tested your advice and found it didn't work, either don't give bad advice, or point out which part of your advice I got wrong.

    I'm prepared to hear there's some button you can press to get off the hook and skip the animation or make yourself invulnerable but until you actually state what it is I'm going with it doesn't exist.

    But like the last time I asked you a simple question you refused to answer rather than admit you were I the wrong so I shouldn't be too surprised here either

  • TitEEsANbeeR
    TitEEsANbeeR Member Posts: 15

    Camping is getting ridiculous. Tunneling i don't have so much a problem with because it is the killers job to sacrifice surviors awarding them points and is actually a smart tactic. Camping , however is a weak tactic which really is shocking to see session after session by even low rank killers now, who really shouldn't have to camp because say what you want but devs have made it so easy for killers. Most are op'd now and if a player learns how to play them , they should never have to camp. Played a session earlier where the killer downed all four surviors, none of them having unbreakable so what happens? Survivor team is screwed. A killer should not be able to down another survior until after he hooks one first. Be nice if they got back to balancing the game and stop making it so easy for the killers. Along with the crap about the killer being able to close the hatch now which is stupid. The killer moves faster, can cover both exit doors easily because it takes awhile to open one. Time for them to start getting rid of some perks like the idiotic exposed allowing killers to one shot surviors, and get back to making it a challenge for killers to play not just survivors. Oh and i play killer too, and i have never camped. or pulled lame tactics to win because I like alot learned and know how to play a killer. js

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    Rofl. 'A Killer should not be able to down a second Survivor until he hooks the first,'

    *Bodyblocking the hook intensifies*

    Just imagine that; Survivors are immune to going down, so all 3 remaining upright block the hook & follow the Killer around, slowing them down & blocking chokepoints & hooks, immune to being incapped, because no one was hooked yet.

    Your post is nothing but 'Boo-hoo, Killers can win too easy. And I'm a Killer, trust me.'

  • TitEEsANbeeR
    TitEEsANbeeR Member Posts: 15

    Apparently you didn't read all that good. I said killers should have to hook one survivor before downing another. I'm a killer too, and i have NEVER downed a survivor, leaven him down and try to down the other 3 in hopes noone has unbreakable so i can beat all 3 because it's pathetic. So you can call it salty, boo hoo whatever, the fact of the matter is, they've made it way too easy for killers. If that is your playstyle to camp, pick up last survivor and carry him to the hatch, close it, then crouch up and down, acting like a jackwagon, or other lame tatics the most are doing, then you are unskilled and weak. Game used to be balanced making it challenging for both survivors and killers, now it's a hurry up an get whatever points you can before you die because of op'd perks. And if it weren't true then many killers like yourself wouldn't be so quick to respond about wanting them to balance the game out so you actually have to use some skill and hunt down survivors.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    Your post is nothing but trying to shame how I MIGHT play while pretending you're the better Killer (when I doubt you even play Killer). Which is the tactic of scrubby Survivors trying to get easy wins.

    'Lame tactics' and 'pathetic' and other little buzzwords meant to shame Killers into not trying their hardest to win.

    And your post literally said 'A killer should not be able to down another survior until after he hooks one first'. Which means the Survivors, immune to being downed, would just bodyblock hard to prevent that first hook.

    But continue to pretend you're a 'better' Killer because you NEVER camp or slug. I don't give a <redacted> what you do to win. I also don't give a <redacted> what stupid little rules you make up to hobble Killers.

    But just admit it for what it is; a thinly hidden attempt to shame Killers into not trying. Because you want easy Survivor wins against Killers trying to play 'nice' and not be 'toxic'. That's all these insipid little made-up rules are.

  • EQWashu
    EQWashu Member Posts: 5,105
    edited May 2021

    As you were asked earlier to remain civil in this thread ealier, I am going to close this up as that request has gone unheeded. Please remember to be civil and respectful with one another and their viewpoints, whether you agree with them or not.

This discussion has been closed.