

The most hilarious toxic comments you've recieved



  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,503

    I'm on the PS4, so players actually have to put in the extra effort to message me. Happens occasionally, though. One survivor messaged me to laugh at how I couldn't hit him when he 360'd. I told him I was new and didn't know how to counter 360s, and he actually gave me tips on it. That was kind of funny.

    Playing survivor, the most toxic message I got was someone calling me a "f@gg@t" when I first started playing because I didn't know how to play against Freddy, like with the "wake up" mechanic and all. When I asked him what I was supposed to do, his only answer was to call me that name again.

    Most toxic message I've received while playing killer was a couple days ago. I was letting the survivors go, but of course they refused to leave at the end of the match, kept me waiting for 5+ minutes. I finally went over to see what they were doing. I saw the hatch right next to the exit and decided to stand on it, because I didn't want to reward bonus points for wasting my time. After I did that is when they finally started to leave, with one remaining behind to dance around me for another few minutes wanting the hatch, and while they were dancing around one of the spectating survivors started messaging me, calling me a "salty prick," saying I was breaking the rules, they were going to get me banned, they had video evidence so I couldn't deny what I did, yadda yadda yadda. Lots of profanity.

    I don't understand how anyone could think standing on the hatch, especially when the exit gates are open, is a bannable offense. And the ironic thing was, if they'd left as soon as the gates were open or even just within a few minutes, they would have had the hatch, no problem. It's only because they screwed around so long that I came over.

    "Salty prick," because letting 4 survivors get 5k BP for escaping isn't enough when one could get an extra 2k for the hatch.

  • Member Posts: 845
    I got witch-hunted by the typical max toxic person, object of obsession Tbag, DS, Insta heal, and then left when i downed her with the Doc for the 4th time. I teased her about on Cbox and the got her banned for witch hunting, easily the bet one
  • Member Posts: 604

    Awn what happened to the "LOL" reaction? :(

  • Member Posts: 60

    Disabling messages from strangers on the PS4 was the best decision I ever made when it comes to playing this game.

  • Member Posts: 60
    edited December 2018

    @AlwaysInAGoodShape said:

    The scary thing is, if you wish cancer to enough of people, some of them will actually end up dying to cancer.

    Makes you think twice, huh

    Wishing cancer on someone for beating you at a video game... makes sense. People who say things like that and other variations need to go outside more often I think.

  • Member Posts: 60

    @Khroalthemadbomber said:
    "You're not allowed to use NOED unless you use a killer that has Frosty Eyes and must use that cosmetic to alert the survivors that you have NOED!!! How else can we counter it?!"

    If only I were joking...

    TIL frosty eyes is a requirement for running NOED. Lmao

  • Member Posts: 1,073
    @TheCatLady oh I truly wish I were joking about that quote lmfao. The salt in that end game chat was real.
  • Member Posts: 604
    edited December 2018

    Oh my god I reposted 3 times :angry:

    Post edited by TigerKirby215 on
  • Member Posts: 604
    edited December 2018

    Laggy repost sorry

    Post edited by TigerKirby215 on
  • Member Posts: 604

    @Khroalthemadbomber said:
    "You're not allowed to use NOED unless you use a killer that has Frosty Eyes and must use that cosmetic to alert the survivors that you have NOED!!! How else can we counter it?!"

    If only I were joking...

    Okay but what if I want to use NOED on a Killer who doesn't have Frosty Eyes?
    Survivor mains:


    Anyways here's my latest salty chat:

    Backstory: I saw a P3 Tapp in the lobby so as a meme I brought a Green Mori and some more decent addons to kill him. (I'm a Tapp main so I had to assert dominance.) I found P3 Claud pretty early on and she'd teabag me at every pallet and window like I'm not a Killer who can vault windows / pallets. I downed her and picked her up; completely didn't realize that she had Decisive cause I usually run Save the Best on Legion. (Didn't take it this time cause I didn't want Tapp to be my Obs) She didn't struggle for a few seconds and then DCed on my shoulders.
    In the post game chat (I kinda got dumpstered cause the map was bad; only two kills with one of them being a Mori and the other being the DCed Claud) the rest of the survivors were all fairly goodnatured about the match since despite only getting two sacrifices I put on some good pressure. I appologized to Tapp for Moring him telling him that "I'm a Tapp main too so I had to assert dominance." It was around this time that Claud piped into the chat to give me all the usual "######### killer", "Legion ######### joke character", "go learn a real killer #########" insults. When she read that I was a Tapp main well... see screenshot.

    P3 Claudette Salt. Two free escapes and when they don't work you DC and cry. :p

  • Member Posts: 604
    edited March 2019


    Post edited by TigerKirby215 on
  • Member Posts: 1,052
    "Uninstall the game. Trash killer. You never committed to a chase and it made the match take forever"

    This was from a DS meg who kept sprint bursting to the killer shack when they were on their last gen, so I used overcharge to kick the gen and moved on to hit any survivors I could get my hands on. I did get 4k in that match too.
  • Member Posts: 42

    not particularly "hilarious", but it's definitely salt
    to place it in context:

    • Killer, Freddy;
    • five gens complete;
    • this match is NOT SWF.

    I opened one exit gate (not sure about the other gate) and killer chased me back into the map.
    This is the one rare moment where I find the hatch.

    I didn't realize he/she was in a locker (with the intention of taking the hatch). Killer finds him/her with idling crows. I run out the exit gate to give him/her the hatch. He/She doesn't make it.

  • This comment wasn't directed at me, it was from one of my teammates to the killer, but it was still hilarious. A claudette on my team slow vaulted into a locker right in front of the killers face. In the post-game chat he accused the killer of hacking. I backed up the killer and he left a -rep on my steam profile. The best part is, i check his profile... 3 PAGES OF COMMENTS, ALL -REP.

  • Member Posts: 604
    edited December 2018

    I just had someone write a 5 paragraph essay in post-game chat about why I'm a horrible person for face camping.
    When the exit gates were open. By a Rank 15.

    Yes mister Rank 15 please lecture me and your Rank 7 SWF allies on how I should've just left the hook while the rest of you teabagged me and clicked your flashlights from inside the exit gates.

    *Edit Same Laurie went to my screenshots (have profile comments set to friends only because I got tired of all the salty comments) and said _and I quote:_

    lol winter event and you play like a #########

    your entire profile reeks of autism lmao dont expose urself like that

    How does one smell like a mental illness? Because I think "whoever smelt it dealt it" applies quite well to the guy with a picture of (controversial world leader) as their profile icon and proudly writes "all kiler mains r fagots and should kil selves xd" in their profile description.

    Post edited by TigerKirby215 on
  • Member Posts: 604

    Not really a salty comment but a really halarious moment: I just had someone ragequit against a farming Killer!
    I loaded into a match and there were only 3 Survivors. The Killer was Clown and after he hit someone with a bottle they instantly went down; Redhead's Pinky Finger. Oh joy.
    He downs someone twice and on the second time he Moris them. I automatically assume that it's an Ebony Mori because... well why would you run instadowns without an Ebony?
    The guy finds me and I loop him for awhile before he downs me. He picks me up and then stands still and lets me wiggle off his shoulders. I crouch in front of him and poke the belleh and he leads me to his Ruin, lets me pallet stun him, and then leaves. :)

    Here's the funny bit: He then found the Obession (D-Strike user) and downed them to get a Barbeque stack. As soon as he downed them they DCed. ;)
    The two of us laughed about it in post game chat. "Salty D-Strike user DCs against farming Killer LOL!" He only had an Ivory Mori and he said he had a Mori daily on Clown, and that the Green one was his only Mori which he didn't want to waste. The two of us gave eachother friendly goodbyes and wished eachother luck in future matches.
    Sucks to be that salty Nea lol.

  • Member Posts: 5,873

    @TigerKirby215 said:
    I didn't know if I should put this in Off Topic or General, but it felt appropriate to Off Topic.

    Anyways I just had a fairly toxic Dwight in a game on a map that my killer was ######### on who teabagged me at every pallet I dropped and called me garbage in the end game and told me to uninstall. The next game I got into another lobby with him and I gave it my best shot with a killer who I had actually good perks and addons on. I got a 4k that game.
    In the post game chat Dwight (who was the first person sacrificed because he sprinted into the basement when I had someone hooked there like a dummy) wrote "if it isn't the ######### killer again lol came back to be trash?" (As if I join his lobbies and not the other way around.)
    I asked him why he had to be so toxic and he told me "I like how you call me toxic even though I've done nothing to you."

    Teabagging constantly
    "if it isn't the ######### killer again"
    "done nothing to you"

    I'm 99% sure I got this little creature in my lobby today. He called me names and insulted me just because after he got unhooked, I went for him since I couldn't find the other guy.

  • Member Posts: 3,823

    "how do I turn up AI difficulty?"

    I gotta admit this made me laugh 😂
  • Member Posts: 270

    The best I have received is "Fini à la pisse"

    Basically means they implied that I was conceived using urine because I spawned next to a ruin totem xD

  • Member Posts: 604
    edited December 2018

    "ur actaly trash" "abuzng deep wounds to get downs LOL uninstal"
    So let me get this straight: I'm trash for using my Killer ability... to kill?

    THEY "LOOP" A FARMING KILLER (who's intentionally hitting walls and gens to show that they want to farm) FOR THE ENTIRE GAME AND THEN TEABAG AT THE EXIT GATES.


    *Less Salty Edit
    Why is it always the Claudette who replies to me saying "let me heal you for daily I have we'll make it" with "fuk u kil urzelf (default fortnite dance)"

    Post edited by TigerKirby215 on
  • Member Posts: 2

    I had to leave a fellow survivor, because the killer chased me to the gates. Turns out the survivor i left behind was a streamer, and he proceeded to call me a toxic shithead and threatened to expose me to his twitch channel. Also in his steam bio, he says hes "the best streamer in the world" , so he also has a massive ego.

  • Member Posts: 604

    @M4TU said:
    I had to leave a fellow survivor, because the killer chased me to the gates. Turns out the survivor i left behind was a streamer, and he proceeded to call me a toxic shithead and threatened to expose me to his twitch channel. Also in his steam bio, he says hes "the best streamer in the world" , so he also has a massive ego.

  • Member Posts: 604

    Imagine getting triggered over an iCarly meme.

    I've been getting so many salty Survivor mains calling me a salty Killer main on Reddit about this image lol. The last time I made a joke about Borrowed Time and Sprint Burst being OP I was told that Balanced Landing and Adred were worse. Now people are complaining that I called Adred and Balanced Landing OP lol.

  • Member Posts: 3,823

    @TigerKirby215 said:
    Imagine getting triggered over an iCarly meme.

    I've been getting so many salty Survivor mains calling me a salty Killer main on Reddit about this image lol. The last time I made a joke about Borrowed Time and Sprint Burst being OP I was told that Balanced Landing and Adred were worse. Now people are complaining that I called Adred and Balanced Landing OP lol.

    Some people don't have sense of humour AT ALL.

  • Member Posts: 604

    "looks like we found the worst killer in dbd ######### ######### lol"
    -Survivor holding my game hostage (Urban Evasioning around the map instead of leaving)

  • Member Posts: 3,823

    "looks like we found the worst killer in dbd [BAD WORD] ######### lol"
    -Survivor holding my game hostage (Urban Evasioning around the map instead of leaving)

    I don't get what kind of fun they get by not leaving when everyone else did.
    I'll admit i've done it, but just because those killer hardcamped my teammates and constantly hit them while being hooked.
    I'm like: "you bet i'll be waiting for you at the exit gate, and i'll also make sure you see me t-bagging you"
  • Member Posts: 604
    edited December 2018

    "dude stop ######### lag switching"
    "every time you get into a chase people start teleporting across the goddamn map"
    "either stop cheating or stop using library wifi"

    "or u started pinging my modem lol"

    Because yes: the reason you lag whenever a chase starts is because the person you're chasing is lagging. Not like you're the server host or anything.
    Dedicated servers can't come fast enough. Perkless Nurse who can barely track an injured target gets a 4k because 2 people DCed and the other two teleported into her. I really wish this game worked like League and DOTA where you got messages saying that Behavior banned someone you reported for clearly cheating.

    Imagine calling the Killer a camper because 3 Survivors hook swarmed and they didn't leave the hook.
    Imagine accusing the killer of tunneling when 1 person doesn't have Self Care and the Killer has Bloodhound.
    Imagine calling the killer trash when you all died because you kept wasting pallets and then running away from them instead of trying to loop.

    Post edited by TigerKirby215 on
  • Member Posts: 604

    "lmfao feng so salty DC when moried it's only game 4head" - Huntress who spams the mori animation on me until someone with an anti-hemorrhage syringe comes and instaheals me because I looped her for 3 gens worth of progress

  • Member Posts: 186

    "Killer, do you speak English?"
    "Then you will understand when I call you a #########."

    Made my day.

  • Member Posts: 155

    @MannyBot said:
    Alright so I have two "favorites"

    The first was I hooked a Dweight, and his buddies decided to stick around. Everyone was downed in a matter of seconds and all four sacrificed. I get to the end game and of course ever single person was calling me a camper.

    "I saw you all huddled right next to Dweight as I hooked him what did you expect me to do? Ignore you all and run to the other side of the map?" - Me
    "Yeah that's exactly what you should do, stop being a toxic a$$ed little camper." - One of the Megs

    In all honesty I had a good laugh at that one. I had forgotten that if the killer is still on the map after hooking a survivor they are camping. The next one is even better though.

    However the BEST happened when I played survivor with my brother and two randos against the Trapper. At one point trapper tried to hook me, but my brother was in front of him with a flashlight, and one of the rondos was behind him with a flashlight. He dropped me and got p*ssed off when I got away. The flashlight thing only happened once the whole game. He still managed to sacrifice my brother, and the other survivor that did not engage in the flashlight escape. It was a good game....but when we looked at the end chat I kid you not this is what I see:

    "What is with all you survivors camping the f*cking sh*t out of me!!" - Trapper (Take that in for just a moment)
    "How on earth did we camp you?" - My Brother
    "You guys made me drop my kill with those d*mn flashlight, fixed all of the generators right in front of me, hit me with a f*cking pallet, and kept unhooking each other! Why wont you just leave me alone!" - Trapper (Again just let that sink in)
    "Wait so we're campers because we completed our objectives, a core game play mechanic, and tried to rescue whomever you hooked?" - Me
    "Exactly! Just f*cking die and play by the rules next time you f*cking little campers!" - Trapper (DC/End of Chat)

    The only "toxic" thing that really happened in the game was the double flashlight save, but lets be honest here that was strategical and not toxic. The rest of the game was fine, and "normal." No-one was "butt dancing" as far as I could tell anyway, and we weren't going after the killer to bully him. This dude just wanted a free ride and for us to play by his own little made up rules, then call us out for camping the killer in the end chat! I don't think I have ever laughed as hard reading the end chat, as I did with this guy 🤣

    At first I thought that Trapper is joking.. until the last sentence lol.

  • Member Posts: 395

    @Vietfox said:
    I had a match against this guy and his other 2 swf + a random. I killed his friend but he dced before i could hook him for the 3rd time, random dced as well.
    2 swf remaining, that guy looped me well for 2 gens (thanks to adrenaline and deliverance) but managed to get him and kill him eventually.
    Btw, i was playing as the doctor, lvl 14 with lullaby 1, distressing 1, unnerving pressence 2.

    you do know how to take screen shots, right?

  • Member Posts: 3,823

    @Vietfox said:
    I had a match against this guy and his other 2 swf + a random. I killed his friend but he dced before i could hook him for the 3rd time, random dced as well.
    2 swf remaining, that guy looped me well for 2 gens (thanks to adrenaline and deliverance) but managed to get him and kill him eventually.
    Btw, i was playing as the doctor, lvl 14 with lullaby 1, distressing 1, unnerving pressence 2.

    you do know how to take screen shots, right?

    Yeah i do but sometimes i'm just lazy and take a pic with my cellphone so i can send it straight to the forums.
  • Member Posts: 395

    @Vietfox said:
    XxAtomicAlfiexX said:

    @Vietfox said:

    I had a match against this guy and his other 2 swf + a random. I killed his friend but he dced before i could hook him for the 3rd time, random dced as well.

    2 swf remaining, that guy looped me well for 2 gens (thanks to adrenaline and deliverance) but managed to get him and kill him eventually.

    Btw, i was playing as the doctor, lvl 14 with lullaby 1, distressing 1, unnerving pressence 2.

    you do know how to take screen shots, right?

    Yeah i do but sometimes i'm just lazy and take a pic with my cellphone so i can send it straight to the forums.

    fair enough. i thought that was the case.

  • Member Posts: 395

    @Vietfox said:
    XxAtomicAlfiexX said:

    @Vietfox said:

    I had a match against this guy and his other 2 swf + a random. I killed his friend but he dced before i could hook him for the 3rd time, random dced as well.

    2 swf remaining, that guy looped me well for 2 gens (thanks to adrenaline and deliverance) but managed to get him and kill him eventually.

    Btw, i was playing as the doctor, lvl 14 with lullaby 1, distressing 1, unnerving pressence 2.

    you do know how to take screen shots, right?

    Yeah i do but sometimes i'm just lazy and take a pic with my cellphone so i can send it straight to the forums.

    fair enough. i thought that was the case.

  • Member Posts: 155

    Today I was a killer and farmed with the survivors. One of them wasn't bright enough to notice we were farming and wrote me that he reported me for camping :DD. He probably thought I am tunneling one survivor or something lol.

  • Member Posts: 270

    @Vietfox said:
    XxAtomicAlfiexX said:

    @Vietfox said:

    I had a match against this guy and his other 2 swf + a random. I killed his friend but he dced before i could hook him for the 3rd time, random dced as well.

    2 swf remaining, that guy looped me well for 2 gens (thanks to adrenaline and deliverance) but managed to get him and kill him eventually.

    Btw, i was playing as the doctor, lvl 14 with lullaby 1, distressing 1, unnerving pressence 2.

    you do know how to take screen shots, right?

    Yeah i do but sometimes i'm just lazy and take a pic with my cellphone so i can send it straight to the forums.

    Lazy is the best way!

  • Member Posts: 193

    "Killer, do you speak English?"
    "Then you will understand when I call you a [BAD WORD]."

    Made my day.

    I think that ones more funny than toxic.
  • Member Posts: 767

    I was called a gay liberal.
    Sort of true.

  • Member Posts: 1,775
    Was vs a 3 man SWF trying to get my hit 4 people after blinking with the nurse who I'm fairly garbage with. 

    The 4th was saboing my hooks so he lost mercy.

    Of course the 3 knew where i was at all times, and gen rushed me while I was fumbling about. 
    Managed to hook one as there was no gens left, and made it hell on them to get them off until they basically swapped with the other 2 until I guess they gave up and let me have a kill. The solo had the sense to leave.

    Got sent memes about how terrible I was facecamping while they were being absurdly altruistic at the end.

    Saw the SWF composition, and they had one ranked a color or two above me. 
    The opinions of an SWF that tries that damn hard means nothing to me, but I let them know about their BS.
  • Member Posts: 155

    I was playing a killer and I was farming with two survivors and my baby started crying so I had to leave, I gave the controller to my husband to continue in the game. He didn't know I was farming, so he killed everyone. Can't imagine the hate spam I got in messages. I understand their anger, I explained them what happened. I wanted to offer them some good item from my inventory in next game to be fair. But they continued with insults and bs so nothing for them, smůla :D (bad luck in czech, it just sounds funny - pronounce is "smoooola")

  • Member Posts: 270

    @Luc_ius said:
    I was playing a killer and I was farming with two survivors and my baby started crying so I had to leave, I gave the controller to my husband to continue in the game. He didn't know I was farming, so he killed everyone. Can't imagine the hate spam I got in messages. I understand their anger, I explained them what happened. I wanted to offer them some good item from my inventory in next game to be fair. But they continued with insults and bs so nothing for them, smůla :D (bad luck in czech, it just sounds funny - pronounce is "smoooola")


    I had my door ring and I went to answer and was delayed, they finished the game and constantly messaged about me being a bot xD some people forget that the real world exists!

  • Member Posts: 155

    @Dead_by_David said:

    @Luc_ius said:
    I was playing a killer and I was farming with two survivors and my baby started crying so I had to leave, I gave the controller to my husband to continue in the game. He didn't know I was farming, so he killed everyone. Can't imagine the hate spam I got in messages. I understand their anger, I explained them what happened. I wanted to offer them some good item from my inventory in next game to be fair. But they continued with insults and bs so nothing for them, smůla :D (bad luck in czech, it just sounds funny - pronounce is "smoooola")


    I had my door ring and I went to answer and was delayed, they finished the game and constantly messaged about me being a bot xD some people forget that the real world exists!

    Haha do you speak czech ?

  • Member Posts: 270
    edited January 2019

    @Luc_ius I speak a little, I can speak French, English, Finnish and a bit of Czech and Polish xD

  • Member Posts: 155

    @Dead_by_David said:
    @Luc_ius I speak a little, I can speak French, English, Finnish and a bit of Czech and Polish xD

    How's that possible, you have some czech relatives ?

  • Member Posts: 270

    @Luc_ius I work in a job with lots of bilingual people so we all teach each other. I do not know enough to have a conversation though. Just enough to say hello and ask how someone is.

  • Member Posts: 5,176
    mcNuggets said:

    I was called a gay liberal.
    Sort of true.

    Lol, what's the true part? :lol:

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