Killer Meta is too overpowered

This is a general discussion about how these perks are too strong.
The killer meta is overpowered and is a substitute for skill.
Can't stop the gens? Use Ruin.
Prevent the objective? Use POP.
Need more help stopping gens? Use Undying.
Need even more help stopping gens and help finding survivors before they can finish the hard to finish objective? Use Tinkerer.
Need more very easy to obtain bloodpoints for OP addons and auras to find survivors and stop the objective? Use BBQ.
NOED instantly causes the need to do 10 objectives. Devour Hope does exactly that as well.
Meanwhile, the killer objective cannot be changed or delayed.
Way too strong and is very unfair. These need to be nerfed.
It promotes unfun and unhealthy gameplay. It is causing genrush teams to be the only way to have a chance to win. With it being impossible to hide from so many aura and tracking perks, and killers having less and less counterplay, sitting on generators with no interaction with killer is the only way to win.
Until these are nerfed, if the killer wins with these perks you can't brag or feel good in the endgame. You didn't win. The perks won.
I agree to a degree that it promotes unhealthy gameplay, but its not exclusive to killers. Both sides have metas that are extemely stale and unfun to go against
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Aaaa Sluzzy, honestly I missed your threads.
Many have tried to be like you none have reach your level.
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We should be able to agree that the survivor meta doesn't completely change the game in the survivor favor.
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When talking about the highest level, yes it does. While not many people even play at that level, survivors without a doubt have the upperhand
This is shown in tournaments, and usually survivors have restrictions and they still win the majority of the time.
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"it causes genrushing teams."
yeah that's kinda why people started running them
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You know who you’re debating with right?
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You proved the killer meta is overpowered. Only a tournament SWF can have a chance to beat it. The killer meta makes anyone a tournament killer. That's bad balance.
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Here's a genuine question Sluzzy.
Why do you care so much? Do you really think it matters? Do you think anything you complain about is going to get changes because you did something?
Do you think these posts are going to do anything? Because they don't. Barely anybody takes you seriously enough to have actual conversations, and at the end of the day, this is just another, generic post on a website that more or less does barely anything to change the actual game.
Maybe it's just because of my rapidly worsening mental health, or my general apathy towards the game, but all your posts are just starting to look the exact same as most of the other posts on this website. I don't know. It's just tiring seeing you and everybody else post the exact same things.
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the reason they all look the exact same is because most of their recent posts have all been complaining about the exact same thing
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Want an extra health state? Dead Hard
Want another extra health state? DS
Want yet another extra health state? Unbreakable
Want to save a ton of time after getting hooked? Deliverance
Want to be literally invincible? Deliverance + DS + Unbreakable
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My killer meta slowdown is No Way Out, Remember Me, Rancor and Noed. Some days I feel nice and swap out Noed for Bloodwarden.
Smh survivors, imagine rushing generators and not being smart and just plundering a key from a chest like you're supposed to.
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Not necessarily, while the killer meta definitely makes life A LOT harder for Solo Q's it doesnt make them a tourney killer
A Blight with 4 slow downs vs a solo q is the equivalent of a SWF going against a casual killer
This game only works when people "role play" it, once one side breaks out of character and plays to win it becomes unbalanced and stale
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R E T U R N ' S T
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Im very much aware, dont you worry
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ok good
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I'm talking about most of the posts on these forums. Some of them are completely valid, like the ones about performance and bugs, but I can't bring myself to care about any posts complaining about balance anymore.
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Not to mention the killers that are being used....
But on another note... as stated before the survivor "meta" was strong for how long (and I mean Unbreakable/DS/DH/BT not the new one)
Us as players have to adapt to whatever is thrown- for killers it was facing Unbreakable/DS/DH/BT X4 and now it's survivors that do gens with similar builds then as survivors it is Tunneling/Camping/Ruin and Undying (with or without Tinkerer)/ NOED (even though that's been an issue)/ Not knowing who the killer is until you saw them or had a teammate call them out.... But not all at once (why would the killer run Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer/NOED)
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Every match should be a fair chance. A Blight with those perks are a default win against solos and that makes them too overpowered.
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Just like how SWF are a default win against a casual killer
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Need even more help stopping gens and help finding survivors before they can finish the hard to finish objective?
This is going to be my favorite Sluzzy quote. Comedy gold
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Agree to an extent that the Hex perks require up to a ten objective game for the Survivors. While Killers only have one unaffected objective.
I thought we were supposed to see some Survivor totems at some point? Would be nice to lets say, block all reveal mechanics until its destroyed or, block all exposed mechanics until destroyed.
I think overall the game is dying for more objectives and the Meta has gotten quite stale. I've been burnt out for a good month now and rarely play more than a couple matches a week.
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SWF fix gen in 3 min.
Surviors is so Balance.
We need AI killers.
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Enjoy your long queues if killer gets nerfed.
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The Survivor totems, called boon totems by the developers, were mentioned in the Anniversary/Resident Evil stream. The next survivor hasn't even come out since they were mentioned.
If I had to guess, considering there is the possibility of a Original survivor paragraph this mid-chapter, I wouldn't be surprised if they come with these new types of perks.
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I do use DS+UN+Deli, but not for these reasons. I use UN because I like to play the game, not stay in the ground for 2 minutes while the killer chases other people. I use deliverance and DS because I frequently get campy killers and my teamates don't manage to unhook me, so I unhook myself. If that's the case, if the killer still want refuses to divide their pressure and chase me, I will give him more time chasing me since he likes chasing me that much.
You're very cringe and you don't know.
Don't want to get DS'd? Divide your pressure between different survivors.
Don't want to people recover from the ground? Don't let them in the ground! (OMG, I'm so smart!)
Someone self-unhooked because they are broken? Nobody is there healing because they can't be healed! Look close for a gen, someone probably is gen-rushing instead of going to save their teammate!
How hard is this? ROFL.
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Don't flashlights flashbangs and other methods to stunn the killer delay them?
Especially if you cause them to drop survivor?
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Is it too overpowered? Maybe and only when used by tier S killers.
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Sluzzy I'm glad you're back
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Just imagine what kind of impact Sluzzy would have if they were serious and posted like genuine discussions. A force to be reckoned with indeed.
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@Sluzzy , If you legitimately think the game is so killer sided, and you care about winning so much, play some killer. I'm sure if you get 20 4ks in a row with only clown and those perks. if you get the streak (and proof), you may have a case. if you don't get the streak, you know you can stop complaining. problem solved either way. : )
good luck! : D
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Even gen defense spam can't save killers against an actual competent team. If anything, a ton of killer stuff needs to be buffed or reverted. We should start with Pop being 60 seconds again.
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This is the first time I have seen anyone call Barbecue OP... Because of the bloodpoints. What in the world?
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Can't delay or stop killer objective? 🤣
Guess you haven't tried avoiding the killers. Downs are only as quick as survivors ability to fail at multiple aspects of play.
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You do realize this goes both ways right, and most killer characters even with these perks get obliterated by a strong sweat squad
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In this forum we do not accept that there is overpowered Meta perks for killers only survivors has those and we all complain about those perks until it gets nerfes we got ds and object nerfed now we are onto dead hard and we won't stop because we poor killers are too victimized that we need those Meta perks and no-one can complain about them only survivors are too powerful and needs nerfs
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Sluzzy no one trolls like you it sustains me <3
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only a noob thinks that killers are op...if we are talking about all killer except nurse and spirit... but we are talking about a gem of repairs with 0 looping skill
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Killers clearly are OP.
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You just proved my point by saying you use the perks to be completely untouchable.
These three perks just negate any pressure the killer has. And in a game where a 30-second chase can cost you 2 gens, slugging is about the only option. That's why so many games end in 3 kills with 5 or 6 hooks. The killer is forced to slug because they can't do anything else. Got a 4-man SWF on Haddonfield? Guess you just lose.
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Nerf killers? U kidding right? There is only spirit that can win a game vs premade and thats not 100%, killers should be UP and up good, so they all can do at least smth. Ppl who think killers is op probably playing on 20ranks with random
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if i’m not running gen defense perks than gens will get done faster.
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I call your bluff and raise you, good sir.
Survivors have a wide, high, and all-seeing camera.
Red Stain
Terror Radius
Time-consuming loops and pallet chains
Misleading scratch marks
Killer miss assist...aka aim assist
Survivor sided pallet stun hit denial
We won't even go into perks, items, and addons. I will keep it short and sweet on the BASE KIT.
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So nurse, blight, wraith, huntress, bubba etc are weak killers in your opinion? Also I play trapper at red ranks and get 4ks every match don't put label on me that I can't win because I don't play spirit I can because I practice and earn skills required to win
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wraith is b tier man so is bubba with huntress and they are easy can be run for few mins which buys ur team a win. Nurse and blight are strong but allows no mistake and if u do u lose. Im not talking about random, when im playing with randoms ( and thats most of the time) my team can lose to trapper or shape in 2.5 mins (all dead). To balance all this we need solo and party queue and different buffs for killers but that wont happen, so we need killers to be played vs premade and at this time they cant
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First of all tiers do not exist that's made up thing by streamers by tiers trapper is last on the list and most weakest one and I win with him 4ks against solo and against swf every killer is viable in any rank and no they can't buff solo and killers because that's not possible at all for that kind of thing they would need 3 seperate game modes and no swf ain't that op that they need to change whole game challenging? Yes? Impossible like you said? No because them playing together means nothing if they're less skilled than me plus most swfs are worse than solo randoms because of their altruism I play killer and survivor and I don't think any side needs buffs because I learnt that I have fair chances on both sides as it should this victim mentality that ppl have on those forums ain't it
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Sluzzy has returned from the void to spoil us again lets gOOOOOO
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swf better not because altruism lol, they good because of legal wh, they know exactly what ur doing, where u goin, when to repair gen and when not. Idk with who ur playing but on red ranks im getting 3-4 gens repaired in 1 - 1.5 min if im playing m1 killer, the killler can win only if he is mobile enough to def gens which is spirit nurse and blight. All other killers cant do ######### vs good evader, bcuz they lack mobility and u can spin them over shack for decades. Reason u win on trapper is because ppl is low skilled