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Generator Number 4 Popping Silently

MysticMusician Member Posts: 149
edited September 2021 in Bug Reporting

I noticed this both yesterday and today when I played. I am playing on Steam playing killer, it has been happening on every killer and every map. Every so often, a generator will pop while I am chasing someone, but it doesn't make the gen finished sound, a few times I caught it because I happened to see the notification go off in the direction, but a couple of times I noticed I suddenly had 1 gen less. It seems to mostly be happening when the second to last generator gets completed. I will try to see if I can record the issue when I play.

Edit: It does not only happen in chase or only for killer so I have updated the title to be more accurate

Edit 2 Here is my video, I have no idea why it is so laggy, my computer doesn't like it when I record DBD for some reason.

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