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Infinite Loading Screens



  • Regulus47
    Regulus47 Member Posts: 450

    For killer, it only seemed to happen when I burned the new Cursed Seed event offering. Five times in a row I used that offering, and each one triggered an infinite loading screen. The two matches I had after that I did not use it, and those were fine. The one match after that I burnt a Cursed Seed and got another infinite loading screen.

    This doesn't seem to happen when you burn them as a survivor. This could be coincidence but i would have needed to be astronomically unlucky.

  • Seiji212
    Seiji212 Member Posts: 183
    edited October 2021

    Literally every killer match for me. I’m giving up. Xbox, crossplay on, can’t say with it off since matchmaking takes way too long to bother that way.

    It would seem to me that this is an Xbox problem- only consistent thing I see in the reports is that cross play is on for everyone who’s bothered to confirm, with the sole exception of a couple of Xbox users.

    Guess I’ll go play for honor since that’s apparently the only reliable way to get a game with the trapper.

    Edit: this isn’t due to Mikaela- I’ve had matches load just fine with four of them.

    It isn’t any offering- I’ve had the bug with no offerings burnt and it was doing it yesterday before the event went live.

    not entirely certain here but I don’t think it’s any specific map either- yesterday I managed to play on each of them even if it took forever. Also if you wait for the error to resolve it usually tells you which map it was and I’ve gotten several.

  • adirgeforthedead
    adirgeforthedead Member Posts: 424

    Playing on Steam. SoloQ or with 1 or more friends.

    Loading into a match.

    Crossplay is on.

  • GorgonDorgon
    GorgonDorgon Member Posts: 94

    I was playing as the new survivor on ps5 with my friend on PS4 who was Nea. Happened while loading into a match with cross play on :)

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,062

    Steam, cross-platform on.

    Happens when loading into the match, after the offerings are displayed. Have not seen it happen with any other loading screen.

    Can happen both as Survivor and as Killer.

  • GrimoireWeiss
    GrimoireWeiss Member Posts: 1,452
    edited October 2021

    It has been happening to me at least half of my games as killer. Haven't experienced with survivor yet. Happened to me with Trapper, Huntress, Nurse and Spirit already.

    I can load into lobbies normally, it's just the loading match part that becomes excessive. I always end up closing the game so I don't know if it's truly infinite, but longest one was 10 minutes so I guess it must be.

    The loading was on normal matchmaking.

    I'm playing with cross platform on PS4.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
    edited October 2021

    Well crumbs, this is a real pain in the bumhole.

    Have to restart the game after every match.

    Event extention and regular bloodpoint drops? 🤗

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,197

    Happened just once on Xbox One when loading into a trial after the lobby. The loading icon was moving, but never got to the match.

    I exited the game and pressed "quit" on the application, then restarted it. I've not had an issue since.

  • JayDoesGames
    JayDoesGames Member Posts: 264
    edited October 2021

    I have this issue loading into a gme from joining my friends lobby via the in game system, or when they join mine. Game gets stuck after the offering screen. Disabling cross-play worked for one game, then the next crashed, so this doesnt not fix it.

  • Lecarde
    Lecarde Member Posts: 3

    So a followup to my previous post.

    This is the breakdown of my last 9 trials today, all played on PC through Steam:

    • Match 1: Solo survivor with cross-play enabled: No issue, trial played as normal
    • Match 2: Solo survivor with cross-play enabled: No issue, trial played as normal
    • Match 3: Solo survivor with cross-play enabled: No issue, trial played as normal
    • Match 4: 2 person premade with cross-play enabled: Infinite load screen when we should have loaded into the trial.
    • Match 5: 2 person premade with cross-play enabled: Infinite load screen when we should have loaded into the trial.
    • Match 6: 2 person premade with cross-play disabled: No issue, trial played as normal.
    • Match 7: Solo survivor with cross-play disabled: No issue, trial played as normal
    • Match 8: Solo survivor with cross-play disabled: No issue, trial played as normal
    • Match 9: Solo survivor with cross-play disabled: Infinite load screen, when we should have loaded into the trial.

    So for matches 1-3 cross play was enabled and worked. Matches 4-5 had it enabled and I encountered infinite load screen. Matches 6-8 had it disabled and I could play those matches fine. In match 9 with it still disabled I got the infinite load screen again.

    There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it. Sometimes the games get created and we load it, sometimes it doesn't.😕

  • kristyn_tee
    kristyn_tee Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2021

    Continuously stuck in loading screens this morning/afternoon 10/21/21. Playing in a SWF with 4 friends, crossplatform (PS5/Console) three of us playing as Mikaela. We sat on loading screen for 10-15 minutes each time. We tried to burn an offering to a map without a disabled offering to check if it was a map bug and it finally loaded. Each time we could only progress but shutting our game down and we all lost our offerings each time we were stuck. Appears to be an issue with the disabled maps if they are chosen randomly in loading? We also depip every time this happens even though its not our fault.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,823

    PC -- Steam, crossplay enabled. Happened in my first match as solo survivor today (first match of the day). Was stuck on the pumpkin screen for about 10 minutes and then got a message saying the match was cancelled and someone disconnected while loading. Played an event offering, in case that matters.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,726

    Happened to me yesterday while loading into a match when playing with some friends. I had crossplay on but it was a 4-man swf anyways. I was on PC, 2 of my friends were PC, and the last one was on xbox.

    I was playing Feng. I don't remember which survivors my friends were playing but nobody was playing Mikaela and we weren't using any of the new perks. Since we were friends, we got into the game by accepting invites from each other so the matchmaking system only needed to find a killer. The lobby loaded fine but then proceeded to never finish loading into the match. We eventually gave up and reset the game.

  • FixatedUser
    FixatedUser Member Posts: 14
    edited October 2021

    Happened to me 3 times in a row yesterday as Trickster, lost my bloodpoint offerings as well. And then once more as Spirit. Of course while loading into a game.

    PS4 pro

    Crossplay on

  • RangTang6
    RangTang6 Member Posts: 1

    random Solo Match, 3 Mikaelas and there were also three of the tangled seed offerings used. Infinite loading screen happened after that point

  • Sabofleur
    Sabofleur Member Posts: 8

    Platform: PC/Steam

    Issue occured when: Loading into a public match

    Loading was initiated: Matchmaking

    Cross-platform is on.

  • elyampedup88
    elyampedup88 Member Posts: 19

    I have had it happen when there is atleast of the new survivors in the match.

  • Godofthedead356
    Godofthedead356 Member Posts: 1

    Im on xbox one and every timee i try to play as a killer the Loading screen to start the game take a long time and the only way it stop if someone leave

  • SallyK
    SallyK Member Posts: 1

    It happened twice now with crossplay on. I play with Nintendo switch. Mikaela was only in one lobby, I played as killer and the other survivors were from different platforms.

  • S1xKTruu
    S1xKTruu Member Posts: 2

    Soo playing before and after The Midnight Grove update, i get stuck loading into the match but now with a new wallpaper to look at but if you leave out the game and go back in it works for a match then does it again. Also eats my offerings so i dont know whether to leave or just sit and wait an hour….

  • rooCraah
    rooCraah Member Posts: 138

    Gotten up to 10 infinite loading screens out of 12 attempts to start a game as Nemesis in random queue. Crossplay on, using halloween offering/BPS/puddings and halloween addon. I've definitely had infiite loads on lobbies that don't have a Mikaela, since I saw her mentioned a few times.

    Also can y'all stop stealing my offerings when I close the game with task manager 3 minutes into a loading screen? or do you just expect me to wait for the loading screen to time out even after it's well past the point where a match has ever actually started? Trying to get nemmy from P2 to P3 but the infinite loading screens have me unable to use a pudding/streamer every game as I normally would on the 1-50 path before prestige 3

  • XombieRocker
    XombieRocker Member Posts: 324

    Playing on PS4.

    Playing as Demogorgon.

    Crossplay is on.

    Get into lobby just fine.

    Match loading starts, see offerings and all that.

    Loading progress bar reaches all the way across the screen, but match never starts.

    Eventually I just turned it off.

    This happened last night around 9:15pm.

  • puncher
    puncher Member Posts: 118

    I am experiencing this issue right now.

    My platform is PS4 Pro. I was trying to play as survivor. And it took a really long time to load in but I finally loaded in.

  • Supernova53965
    Supernova53965 Member Posts: 2

    I'm getting so annoyed with dead by daylight. 4 times in a row I was disconnected from host. This new update is really messing things up and the infinite loading is stupid.

  • Blossom_kindred
    Blossom_kindred Member Posts: 6

    Is happening to me, playing in Ps5, join the lobby as killer and Survivor

  • gnehehe
    gnehehe Member Posts: 510
    edited October 2021

    I can't even reach the title stage. Black screen for minutes after the EAC check: "DbD.exe not responding" ... I do not even see the typical "Press Space" message.

    This is the first time since 2016 I have this weird issue!

    /Edit: discord seems to cause this issue (maybe a bug with its overlay)

    Post edited by gnehehe on
  • Logmein
    Logmein Member Posts: 1

    This issue has been happening to me since the Halloween event started today

    Playing on PC

    Playing as solo survivor with crossplay enabled

    I'm able to load into a lobby, but as soon as the match begins loading, I get an infinite load screen.

    Turning off crossplay, I'm able to successfully load into the match without issue

  • Queen21Nate
    Queen21Nate Member Posts: 1

    Mine happened every match now. Happens every time loading into a match. I would sits here for 30 minutes 3 different times and even went into verify the integrity of the game but still happening.

  • Dropbear1209
    Dropbear1209 Member Posts: 2

    What happened is that when multiple people disconnect once the game starts the loading screen was about half an hour and then it showed me that they disconnected and I could return to the lobby after that

  • spidera1
    spidera1 Member Posts: 18
    edited October 2021

    If you don't offer the new offering, you load into the game fine.

    At least i stopped and infinite loading screens disappeared.

  • TheOptimiser
    TheOptimiser Member Posts: 138

    Loading into a match as Survivor, me and one friend, cross-play on for both of us. PC users. Steam users.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    My sister had a theory that perhaps it was happening to me and not her because I reset the game for a new daily (which didn't even work this time, oddly enough). I get it through normal matchmaking, when the game is loading into a match via matchmaking. However, sometimes it doesn't even let me queue. Killer only so far. Crossplay on/ps4.

  • rysm
    rysm Member Posts: 258

    I was loading into a match as a survivor with crossplay turned on, on PS5 platform. Has only happened once and all other matches up to that have been fine. Had to close the game on my PS5 as it was not responding at all.

    I wasn't using the new survivor or any of the new perks or any of the updated survivor perks if that makes a difference lol

  • rysm
    rysm Member Posts: 258

    Loading into a match as a survivor with cross play on and the infinite loading screen happened. I wasn't using the new survivor or any of the new perks or any of the updated survivor perks. I also wasn't using an offering. Has only happened since today and all other survivor matches have been fine yesterday and the day before (minus in-game crashes).

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,774
    edited October 2021

    For me it happens while in a SWF lobby and after we all restarted because one of us broke the lobby (not appearing in the lobby for some but not all members) then we load into a match. It infinites while loading into that match, every time so far.

    I was Yui for one such occurrence, Claudette for another, and Nancy for three in a row yesterday. Haven't experienced it yet as killer.

    Xbox1x with Crossplay on

  • Metzu
    Metzu Member Posts: 86
    • Happened while loading into a match, stuck at 100% loading progress for at least 10 mins.
    • 3 Steam Players and 1 Crossplay; all survivors had the same issue, not sure about the killer tho.
  • Mysticwarriormj
    Mysticwarriormj Member Posts: 95

    I had the issue while playing killer, just a really long never ending loading screen. I closed the game out after a few minutes.

  • SkylarPup
    SkylarPup Member Posts: 112
    edited October 2021

    I'm currently streaming and in a infinite loading screen right now.

    Maikela Reid, Solo Survivor, Cross-Play On, Steam. It's been happening since the Mid-Chapter update.

    This is the second infinite loading screen issue I had happened since my stream started.

  • GenJockeyNance
    GenJockeyNance Member Posts: 687

    It's only happened to me once so far. I was playing Spirit, I was loading into a match that never actually got in game.

    PS4 - Crossplay enabled.

  • Lellyna
    Lellyna Member Posts: 3

    this has happend to me solo queue 2 man 3 man and 4 man it seems to be random can't dertemine what causes it

    on steam

  • palotheas
    palotheas Member Posts: 118

    It's happened a couple times to me now, last time was just now.

    I was playing solo queue survivor, normal matchmaking with crossplay on. The loading screen was for loading into the match.

    Some extra info: Took about 8 minutes before someone dced, I'm assuming it was the killer since I could still see the ping of all the survivors in the end screen and the killer had the dc icon. Also 1 survivor was on a different platform and the killer was on a different platform. I'm playing on pc on steam.

  • KariFrozen
    KariFrozen Member Posts: 1

    so some matches where the killer leaves and i see what map it is its the maps that add-ons are dissabled for

  • Gooby_v1
    Gooby_v1 Member Posts: 3

    Playing on Steam

    Loading into a match, all Survivors on PC (Steam), Killer is either PC or Console.

    Cross-Play is ON

  • MaDWaSTeD
    MaDWaSTeD Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1
    edited October 2021

    I play on Xbox Series X

    Could it be happening if the game is trying to give us a specific map? And since the game has 5 map offerings disabled, but a chance to still get those maps, maybe those maps arent loading properly?

    Things i do know,

    - Has happened regardless of what survivor i play (Mikaela, Yui, and Jake had it all happen to me, my teammates played as other survivors and also experienced this issue)

    - Has NOT happened whenever i bring in a map offering for a specific map (obviously only the ones that are not disabled)

    Edit :: This occured while bringing in the Ortmond Resort offering.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    Chain blocked trying to play killer.

    Nice event.

  • FeryGEN
    FeryGEN Member Posts: 628

    Out of 10 matches for Nemesis, I got into infinite 8 times, while I noticed that if I do not take offerings, then I get into infinite more often (possible coincidence). I have a VIDEO where I downloaded endlessly! Yes Yes! I was waiting.

  • foolishmortals
    foolishmortals Member Posts: 38
    edited October 2021

    Playing on Steam. Playing as the Plague. Loading into a match. Brought a bloodpoints offering from a past event and I don't want to give it up, so here I sit until someone else disconnects.

    Hey, someone did as I was writing this, so I'm free! The map would have been Temple of Purgation. Cross-platform is currently enabled.

    Edit: Here I am again. Survivor solo queue. Crossplay still on.

    Post edited by foolishmortals on
  • Ghostbabe
    Ghostbabe Member Posts: 1

    I've gotten the infinite loading screen everytime I try to play killer. I've changed my set up but it hasn't helped. The survivors aren't the issue either, I just can't seem to play killer. Which is very frustrating. Playing on Xbox.

    My Crossplay is ON

  • IceTea
    IceTea Member Posts: 4

    I am playing premade with 1-2 other friends, cross platform enabled, cannot load into many games, I can play maybe 1-2 games before not being able to load into another due to “disconnects” but it’s been happening for hours now.

  • ThePolice
    ThePolice Member Posts: 801

    Loading into a match as nemisis, so far it’s happened twice on him and nobody else

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