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Infinite Loading Screens



  • Member Posts: 801

    Loading into a match as nemisis, so far it’s happened twice on him and nobody else

  • Member Posts: 4
    edited October 2021

    Playing on steam.

    3 party lobby. Mikaela, Dwight and Nea

    In the match lobby the 4th player was on steam too (Ace).

    It always happens to me when i dont click the "ready" button in the match lobby.

    Crossplay on

    Edit: I realize that every time i have an Event Challenge, infinite loading screen happens. Also everytime i restart the game the challenge deactivates.

    Post edited by Droelzel on
  • Member Posts: 2

    Its been fine most of the day but in the past 30 minutes, it’s happened every match. Most recent one was was 3.5 minutes on the loading screen before getting error code 500. Xbox Series X, cross play enabled, solo queue, Feng, Nea, and two Mikaelas.

  • Member Posts: 266

    Every game I've played so far since the update. Xbox one cross play on.

  • Member Posts: 2,327

    10 times in a row now. Attempted to play as Spirit. Tried removing any equipped challenges, perks, add-ons, offerings. Always ended up in an endless loading screen. Survivors have always been varied so no specific one are always in the lobby.

    PS4 w/Crossplay active.

  • Member Posts: 6

    playing on xbox gamepass on the PC, Infinite load screens have occurred when loading in the match.

    This happens after the offerings screen, with crossplay enabled.

  • Member Posts: 3,627
    edited October 2021

    I had it multiple times today, crossplay on, playing on steam.

    So far I only had it while loading into a match, I think I always have been on SWF today

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    It only happens when loading into the match. I have crossplay enabled. Even if someone closes the game when this happens, the match isn't cancelled but is stuck in the loading screen.

  • Member Posts: 3
    edited October 2021

    Solo survivor and killer I can get into the loading screen right before the match It seems to affect the other players and when one leaves the loading stops and goes to end of game screen it started on the 20th of October and still happens there has been no expectations so far I have cross play and I play on x box 1s

    Also I have turned off cross play and it now works

  • Member Posts: 70

    It happens to me almost every match when it's night in my country (Spain); I dare to say 4/5 times I try to join a match I end up closing the game to restart. During the day it happens few times too. At this point, playing Dbd after having dinner is a lottery; I don't decide if I play a game; the game decides if it wants to be played by me.

    PD: the match I get to play I go to Haddonfield as killer... x)

  • Member Posts: 176

    Platform: Steam/PC

    Role: Survivor

    Queue: Solo

    I noticed that when I equipped the new Steve perk, the one that used to be Second Wind, it caused the game to be infinite load.

    Thats the only thing I changed in my build and it started happening.

  • Member Posts: 1,874

    Didn't have it all day now 3 straight times I have it.

  • Member Posts: 6,827

    Stuck in another infinite loading screen on XB1. 😡😡😡

  • Member Posts: 3

    I posted one already but I turned off cross-play and now I can play but I do not think I can turn it back on and not have the infinite loading

  • Member Posts: 1

    It happened to both me and the person I was playing with, as well as someone in our custom last night but only when my partner played killer (with perks).

    Platform: PS4 Console (for everyone)

    Cross-Platform: On I believe?

    Who everyone was playing: I was playing Dwight but it also happened whilst playing Nea and Cheryl, while my partner (whose playing killer triggered this) played Ghostface, Legion, and Doctor, and our friend was playing Feng Min each time.

    We were playing a custom and everyone joined either through invitation or by simply joining from the Friends menu on PS4. My partner seems to believe it only happens because of perks being on. We just tested this by trying to play a custom game (just me and my partner there this time) without any perks, items, or add-ons at all and it loaded through fine.

  • Member Posts: 117
    edited October 2021

    Xbox One player. Crossplay on. Lobbies with Mikaela seem especially susceptible to long/infinite loading screens, but may not be exclusive to lobbies with Mikaela. Happens in custom games as well.

    Edit: Just tried loading into a new match with no Mikaelas present, nor even the presence of any of Mikaela's perks. I was Killer. All the Survivors DC'd due to the long loading. Maybe an issue with cross-platform server sync?

  • Member Posts: 60

    Cross platform enabled playing on Xbox S. Infinite loading screen is happening after getting into a lobby - Just sits there, fully loaded. Then when I force close dbd I have to reselect the halloween tome challenge I had previously selected

  • Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2021

    Playing as killer on Xbox one, infinite load screen with crossplay on and off, didn't make a difference for me. Noticed that the selected challenge clears after infinite screen. What did work was going into a match with no challenge activated. Tried turning a challenge on and got the infinite screen loading into the next match.

    Edit: played a couple of matches as survivor. No issues with challenges or crossplay. Something is wrong with killer challenges being active.

    Post edited by Doohickey on
  • Member Posts: 71

    The only time we've experienced the infinite loading is when we are trying to load in as a 4 man SWF. We split off and tested it as 2 groups of 2 survivors and there have been no issues loading in.

    We are all PC Steam players and with crossplay on. This started yesterday.

  • Member Posts: 89
    edited October 2021

    thats not the issue "2 man is good, 4 man is bad" the issue seems on my end when the cursed seeds are played, 2 games they were played, didnt load, 2 games they werent played, did load

    btw all 4 games were queued as a 2 man, so that shoots your theory down immediately

  • Member Posts: 4

    For the love of god, 3 infinite pre-game loading screens in a row. Nobody wanted to go for a 4th. Each time it was a console killer. 1 maury Ghostface, 1 double Iridescent addon Bubba, and 1 we didnt even care to check because WHY IS THIS SO UNPLAYABLE AFTER ALL THESE YEARS. GUYS. Isn't this the ENTIRE POINT to the PTB?? Did you guys not try to start the game before releasing this?

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    PS4, crossplay off. Have played as both killer and survivor. Anytime there is a Mikaela in the lobby the loading screen entering the match takes way longer, sometimes load in but most times someone DCs. PS4 fans usually start going crazy when loading screen gets stuck.

  • Member Posts: 1
    • When the issue occurred (loading into a lobby, loading into a match, etc.)
      • Loading into a match
    • How the loading was initiated (e.g. accepting an invite, matchmaking, etc.)
      • Matchmaking (solo queue)
    • Can you advise if you are playing with Cross Platform on or off. Thank you.
      • Cross-platform: On
  • Member Posts: 6,827

    There were no Mikaela’s in one of my infinite loading screen matches today. This is so hard to tell what’s causing it.

  • Member Posts: 113

    2 man swf, happens every time one of us brings a med kit with bandages add-on.

  • Member Posts: 5

    On pc, both crossplay on or off.

    Infinite laoding screen when loading into a match.

    Group up as swf. 2 player.

    Happens one game out of 2-3

  • Member Posts: 141
    edited October 2021

    Both times I've crashed my archive hasn't remembered the Halloween challenge I selected after completing the previous one, no clue if this is the correlation but it's all I've noticed so far.

    Edit: This is not the issue

    Post edited by Juicyman on
  • Member Posts: 1

    It's happening to me from Assasino, it started happening at 1:08 am (BRT) on the 21st, after the offers were burnt my screen keeps loading infinitely

  • Member Posts: 8
    edited October 2021

    When the issue occurred (loading into a lobby, loading into a match, etc.)

    Loading into a match (post-Offerings).

    How the loading was initiated (e.g. accepting an invite, matchmaking, etc.)

    4-person lobby (I invited the others). The 3 people in our party had synchronized game tips on their loading screens, while I was desynced. Testing now with me as a guest of the invite vs. me inviting them. Crossplay enabled.

    Edit: Just had a successful solo queue experience where I was Mikaela and burned a Cursed Seed offering...

    Post edited by Pip on
  • Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2021
    • Steam
    • Loading into a match
    • Both solo queue and 2-man swf
    • playing Mikaela every time
    • cursed seed offering every time
    • cross platform on
  • Member Posts: 1,620

    Xbox Series X, cross play on.

    I get the infinite screen when I start to load into a game from a lobby. I’m SWFing with between 1-3 teammates.

  • Member Posts: 1

    Been having this issue since Wednesday. Happens two to three times a night on loading screen to start the match. The most frustrating things is I lose my pips because I have to force quit.

  • Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2021

    I'm playing solo killer on PS4 console. I am able to get into a lobby and ready up, but once I get into the pumpkin loading screen it gets stuck at 100% and stays there for 10+ minutes. Eventually the end-of-game lobby where the players are running shows up and it says a player disconnected during the loading time. This happened with crossplay enabled and with it disabled, I tried both ways. It has happened 3 times in a row, and I've tried playing ghostface each time.

    Also, probably unimportant, but every time I get kicked out of a game my selected tome challenge pauses? Kind of weird.

    Edit: I played a game without a Mikaela and it worked fine. That might be the cause, as some people have been saying.

  • Member Posts: 89
    edited October 2021

    PC - windows 10


    crossplay - on

    so far have had infinite load with the event offerings (cursed seed) being used twice in a duo swf, without the cursed seed the game loads like normal and had 5 games in a row where the game loaded

    solo now, gonna play a cursed offering and see if it loads or not (since the friend i was playing with, you know, actually wanted to play the game)

    update the solo game 3 cursed seeds were played, my teammates were all either console or at the very least, non-steam players, and the game loaded, so i dont know why the first 2 games didnt load if it wasnt the newly introduced offering

    Post edited by Hito420 on
  • Member Posts: 3,250

    Occurred on ps4

    Occurs about 1 in 5 times when playing on killer.

    In fact, it's not infinite, it's finite. 10 minutes of waiting will bring you to the results screen.

    If you wait 10 minutes or so, you'll get to the results screen, where you'll see that one of your survivors has been disconnected from the match. The cause and effect is unknown.

    Crossplay is turned on.

    (machine translation, JP)

  • Member Posts: 1
    • When the issue occurred (loading into a lobby, loading into a match, etc.)
      • Loading into a match
    • How the loading was initiated (e.g. accepting an invite, matchmaking, etc.)
      • Survivor Matchmaking. I was playing with one other friend.
    • Can you advise if you are playing with Cross Platform on or off. Thank you.
      • Cross-platform: On

  • Member Posts: 27
    edited October 2021

    Seemly Random. Might be new survivor triggering it. It happened every other match last night and so far both matches I have tried to get into today are infinite loading screens. Please tell me you will extend the holiday event if this isnt fixed in a timely manner. I dont want to miss out because I can't get into a match



    Cross Play on Trying with out Cross play now

    Edit: turned off Cross play and got into a match

  • Member Posts: 28

    Not sure if this is related, but I can't even get that far. I'm stuck on "Preparing to login" and eventually it just says I need a network connection to play, which I know for a fact I have.

  • Member Posts: 2

    i'm also stuck on infinite "preparing to log in" limbo. prior to that i had to keep disconnecting from infinite loading screen matches.

    Steam user, Windows 10, all that jazz.

  • Member Posts: 74

    I had an Infinite Loading screen, and had to force-close my game. Now I have this Preparing to Log In issue, as well.

    PC, restarted game, restarted Steam, restarted PC, nothing works. Can't play.

  • Member Posts: 1

    Trying to play pig tonight and have gotten the infinite loading screen twice. The match just wouldn't start. Finally ended with a match cancelled error code 500. I'm on a ps4.

  • Member Posts: 74

    Also flushed my DNS, still cannot log in at all.

  • Member Posts: 1

    Hey! I’ve been playing survivor few days now, on and off and can always find a game. Even towards night when it does take a bit. However, when I go to killer I cannot even manage to load into one, or if I do..I do so infinitely, only few instances has it just booted me like a restarted the game. Every daily ritual I have, which is of course maxed at three, also resettled and ends up requiring me to play killer, therefore I’m stuck never actually earning anything.

  • Member Posts: 3

    I am on console and posted here already but after I turned off cross-play after a few matches it broke again but I turned cross-play back on it worked so if you have this bug then turn off or on cross play for a little then switch it back

  • Member Posts: 968

    Platform: PS4 pro

    Connecting to match as killer

    Crossplay enabled

    Issue seemingly not present connecting to match as survivor solo, or in group.

  • Member Posts: 71

    It....wasn't a theory. I was sharing what was happening when I experienced the issue so the devs can track any trends. Yeesh.

  • Member Posts: 1,814
    edited October 2021

    EDIT: Tried again at 11:30 pm EST and managed to load in after a protracted wait, instead of timing out.

    Logged in via Steam on a PC and played two matches with no problems at 4:30 pm EST.

    Tried to log in later, at 11:15 pm EST, only to encounter a loading time-out bug on the first game log-in screen (the one after the intro cinematic):

    "No Network Connection"

    "In order to access this content, a network connection is required."

    I force-quit and restarted the game to try again with no luck. I force quit and relaunched Steam to try again with no luck. I restarted my computer to try again with no luck.

  • Member Posts: 119

    it occurs upon startup of the matchmaking waiting in the lobbies for half an hour on steam,xbox one,switch,and ps-4

  • Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2021

    I burnt a Macmillan Estate offering -> got an infinite loading screen

    I burnt a Coldwind Farms offering -> got an infinite loading screen

    My friends(yun-jin, adam francis, and dwight->blight/nemesis/ killers) that I was playing with were stuck in the infinite loading screen and then DC'd and that pulled me out of the infinite loading screen to the lobby. They experiences the network connection issue, then I was able to load into a game and play (adam francis, yun-jin, and mikaela reed characters->trickster killer) -> they were all console players and I'm on PC. Then my friends got past the connection issue, we jumped into another match and then another infinite loading screen(same characters as mention before->doctor killer). Then jumped into another lobby with friends (yun, adam, feng, and meg->trapper killer) and another infinite loading screen.

    I also had a game where the killer burnt a Coldwind Farms offering as well -> got an infinite loading screen.

    Not sure if there's any correlation between characters/killers/offerings. But that's the best I can do to help. (error code: 500 upon disconnect).

    Signing off,


    Gossip Girl.

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