Bubba needs a nerf bat to the ground. His special is too strong and lasts for too long.
bubba is fine, he only needs some tweakings so he just cant face camp without counterplay. thats it. maybe a little tweak down to purple chilli + green beast marks cause the only thing you see is those addons in high mmr so you have big dumb long durations on the chainsaw wich can destroy pretty much any pallet in the map without having to mindgame at all. other than that he is fine.
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dude, Bubba can turn. I have tried to run tight corners and it does NOT matter. Bubba's will still make every turn I make WHILE swinging their ability and still catch me
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Myers = to instadown, needs to charge up Tier 3, which takes a long while, AND is not forever. It runs out and he has to do it all over again.
Ghostface = to instadown, has to stalk you to fully charge
Bubba = to instadown.... nothing. he has to do nothing. he just runs at you and starts swinging.
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Bubba = to instadown.... nothing. he has to do nothing. he just runs at you and starts swinging.
Except he slows down when he charges his chainsaw, he can bump the horrid hitboxes of objects used in looping, and a pallet will take him out of his chainsaw.
But sure; brush over all this flaws to pretend to be right. It's only dishonest. 🙃
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Myers = needs to charge Evil Within to Tier 2, then to Tier 3. This takes some time. And then Tier 3 runs out and Myers has to repeat the process.
Ghostface = needs to stalk a victim to fully charge. Only works on the players stalked. Needs to repeat process every time.
Okay I forgot Billy. But Billy has counterplay. Billy charges in a straight line and you can dodge him. One mistake by Billy in a failed charge, and survivor gets a lot of ground.
but... Bubba? No pre-req. From the start of the match, in the very first chase against someone, with no need to stalk or slow down or watch you, he can just run right at you and start swinging his chainsaw to instadown everyone in his path. He can spam this all game long. He can even turn corners with it. He gains ground on you while swinging and turning corners and insta downs.
Combined with the face camping, he can deny an entire team attempting to save someone from a hook.
But somehow Bubba is fair.
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Bubba is the new target, huh?
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Except he slows down when he charges his chainsaw, he can bump the horrid hitboxes of objects used in looping, which puts him in a tantrum, and a pallet will take him out of his chainsaw.
But somehow, you 'forgot' to mention these things.
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You're the one being dishonest. I have tried to use TIGHT corners and use several corners in succession to get away. Does NOT work, Bubba will turn too while still swinging. I have experienced this first hand.
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I mean lets be real, he is pretty busted. He can be looped but with good addons he shred all the pallets quickly. 1 mistep against a Bubba and the game is over if he wants to facecamp at 4-5 gens left with endgame perks. Which is pretty stupid, that the survivor team automatically loses because 1 person got chainsawed too early.
But realistically he is gonna eat the facecamping nerf the devs talked about in the QnA. Of course I abuse the crap out of it, but it's a really poorly designed character. At least Billy takes some skill
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vault a window
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Huntress and Clown have both an iri addon to insta you I know it's with an addon but killer mains have them stockpiled anyway and you forgot billi he insta downs you to just like bubba with the one difference that he only downs one but that and that bubba isn't racing over the map are the two differences to make them different from each other
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Billy has counter play. I have faced GOOD billys before, and I got instadowned within first couple minutes of match when the billy charged from halfaway across map and surprised me, but i never felt he was OP. You can make billy miss when he charges.
But BUBBA?/!? the guy can turn corners while still swinging.
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That is pretty incorrect.
I have seen PLENTY of Bubba players facecamp the first people they caught and leave the match with only 1 kill. Heck, I've seen they mess up and end up with zero countless times.
He can be countered by a window and by doing what a Survivor should do: gens. I do think that his rework was a bit too much and there was a better way to fix his weaknesses, but this post is greatly overestimating his strength.
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im only talking about base kits. people with iri addons cannot have them every game, so they are kinda rare when you playa gainst them
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Didn't you already make this thread a few days ago?
Bubba, like Billy, has to charge his saw fully before he attacks. The saw has a sound cue. That gives survivors some time to avoid it by dropping a pallet, vaulting a window, jumping in a locker, or even hugging a really tight corner and hoping Bubba bumps or goes wide.
If you're in a dead zone, you're screwed, but then I question why you ended up in a dead zone in the first place. Bubba has a 32m TR; you hear him coming, unlike the stealth killers you brought up. He's a killer that you need to pay attention to your surroundings and flee early if they won't help you when the killer arrives - another example of this would be Trickster.
Plus Myers and Ghostface just lunge and down you, which is harder to avoid when the conditions are active. There's almost no windup time.
Bubba being able to flat out deny unhooks is BS, but his saw itself is fine.
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Vault Windows and git gud. Bubba's biggest strengths are his ability to eat up Pallets and camping. Save up on Pallets, force him to bump into objects, vault Windows and deny his camping by doing gens
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Nothing I said was dishonest, so you're wrong.
Bubbas bump into invisible hitboxes all the time, and you're little anecdotal story does not change that fact.
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Myers and Ghostface require you to be stalked beforehand.
Bubba has no such pre requisite. ANd dont talk to me about revving up his chainsaw. He does this while chasing people.
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Oh, what a surprise. Another complain-n-cry-topic. yay
Bubba is ok as he is. A chainsaw means, you can down someone for an instant. Would you like to remove his chainsaw and instead give him a... mop or a toy-chainsaw? You also forgot to mention "The Hillbilly" which also owns a chainsaw and can insta down survivors. Yea, it might be unfair on some perspectives. But Bubba is easy to outplay. And if you get matched with a face camping Bubba and get caught as first person, then you are unlucky, no doubt, yup yup. But your team should rush gens then and get the f out of the match. There's not much to do against that. There's 2 kind of Bubbas. Face-camping Bubbas and Good Bubbas.
When will this tsunami of complains and tears finally stop? 😴
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Well ghostface is one of the worst killers in the game for a reason.
Also you forgot billy.
Yeah, bubba can instadown, but he has to rev the chainsaw and gets countered a lot by windows (please run bamboozle on him).
Myers does have to stalk you for instadowns, but once he does, he can just swing - no chainsaw revving required (and he has a bigger lunge in EW3).
I’m going to word this carefully because I’m not denying his ability to ensure a kill by facecamping - bubba’s ability while used in a chase is completely fine and no changes are needed.
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Again; I did not say anything a lie, so you're wrong. Just wrong. Stop.
Since you decided to copy/paste your factually wrong statement form the OTHER 'Nerf Bubba' thread, so will I:
Bubbas bump into invisible hitboxes all the time, and you're little anecdotal story does not change that fact.
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Well that is just because they are bad. Want me to link you a facecamping Bubba who has gone on a 50+ winstreak in MMR by facecamping with an endgame build? I do it all the time, it's not rocket science. Get a down in the first 60 seconds of the game? You get a 2k no matter what and almost always the 3k.
No other killer can just stand in front of the hook and get guaranteed kills. He is gonna eat the nerf bat with the facecamping changes. I would expect he will no longer be able to turn his chainsaw on around a hooked survivor. Enjoy him while you can, I certainly am. But I don't for a second think it's not stupid and broken lmao.
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So a guy using a chainsaw that has Rev up time, swings it around like a lunatic while not running faster than base speed and potentially can clip onto corners or debris is considered a non requirement for instadowns?
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That would be nice actually.
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Dbd forums moment
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Well, that is just because those Survivors were bad.
You see how dumb this argument is? I can easily say that every single Survivor this guy has encountered was bad, just as you can easily say that every single Bubba I've encountered since he got reworked was bad. Both of us would look incredibly stupid doing so.
The truth, however, is that there are variables. When Survivors know what they are doing and what they should do to counter him, Bubba is not going to triumph every single time, regardless of his build. And vice-versa. A good Bubba player can beat a good team of Survivors, regardless of their builds. The same rings true for every single killer.
And no, this isn't a matter of "enjoying him" while we can. I don't play DBD anymore and have no interest in a reworked character. This is about Bubba's strength.
Which is nowhere near the level that this post claims it to be. Look around ya, matey.
Most people agree.
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I'm honestly not sure if you are serious.
By your own logic, the problem isn't Bubba. It's facecamping. Facecamping is something the devs will be removing soon, and their systems change is currently undergoing internal playtesting.
Bubba is honestly on the weaker side if he doesn't camp. He's predictable, gets destroyed by vaults, tight loops and clutter. There's a reason Bamboozle is basically mandatory on him.
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I can usually guess when the last gen is about to pop. You guys can camp as much as you like for now... it's not against the rules. Hopefully, we do get those camping changes in the future, though.
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I'd love nerfs to certain maps and survivor spawn locations. Gen speeds? No, it's already boring sitting on a gen. Lets not make gens take longer.
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The truth was like a blood-red crack through my brain. Chili recipes and BBQ statistics floating in the air, glimpsed out of the corner of my eye. My eyes? Someone else eyes. I used some smart faces eyes for some time. Things looked good, made sense. I found some quiet and serenity, her smart whispers explaining the world to me and which plants to pick to enhance even my World's best Chili.
But in my sleep angry voices called out and I felt then reach out for Smarts, yanked and pulled at her, till she ripped lose and I fell into my old, ponderous self. The World closed to me once again and all the clever words drifted away, like smoke in the wind. Smoke, like Barbecue.
A new voice rose up in my mind, a dark voice, a bitter and angry voice. It scared me, so I gave in to its urges. This voice had a face, too. A strong face, the face of an athlete. But her eyes were an endless, bottomless, timelrss void. Its eyes knew a time beyond time. I don't understand this things, this concepts. It scares me even more. I wish Smarts could explain it to me, she would find the right words. But I comply, just to make her stop whispering in my ears. Athleteface, the Fogwhisperer, the voice of the Entity.
So I get back to my work. The repetitious act of hunting, of whacking then with the cattle hammer, of revving my beloved Chainsaw and get close, oh so close to them. Let them know fear, if only to drive my own fear away for another short while. Chili! I must cook chili. The World's very best even though I am missing some herbs, but that's ok, I got plenty of meat. Athleteface mocks me again. She reminds me of days of the past. My older brother taking me with him on a trip. We camped at the lake. Simpler times. Didn't I like camping, Leaderface, a timid, yet stern face suggests. He always has the best of ideas. Yes, I like camping. There is no lake in the desert, though. But I know a place that's just as cool and damp and cold as these simpler times at the river. Yes, Leaderface insinuates, bring them to the basement. Everyone will have a jolly good time. Everyone will get hooked and won't want to ever leave.
You will have to bring them all here, or it will get pretty ugly for you. You might get hurt. Your family might get hurt, whispers Survivorface. You know what needs to be done, in order to survive, right?
Survivorface. He has a kind look on his face, but his eyes, his aweful, empty eyes. Smarts would have known a clever response, but I don't. My mind is slow to react and sluggish. A slug? Somehow I smile at this. Slugs are even slower, and easy to squash. Smarts would like them to, and had a funny story about them. I'll make those survivors some big Slugs and go camping with them. Smarts would have loved that. So I grabbed my Chainsaw and went hunting.
And all the while Athleteface, Leaderface and Survivorface laughed The Entities cruel and heartless laughter, for tonight Hope went to the slaughter.
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It doesn't really matter what the people in this thread think. BHVR doesn't care; they have announced facecamping will be addressed and that is that. So it's in the works; and I guarantee Bubba will be hit by it because when you think "facecamping" there is basically only 1 character that comes to mind.
The fact Bubba is braindead easy to play, and gets guaranteed kills is a problem that hopefully will be resolved. Going against a camping Bubba is literally the most boring thing there is in DBD and I will be happy to see it gone. Oh? My teammate went down in the first 30 seconds? Well I guess I just lose and hold M1 in the meantime until I get around to dying. The sooner it's gone the better lol.
And im a hardcore killer main and even I recognize how terribly designed it is. You basically only play it to grief.
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I remember the first time I went against a competent buba, then I realised that punishing him is far too easy with distance lockers and windows and hes still super easy to go against still one of the worst killers imo. your two examples you compared him with ghosty and meyers? lets see, amazing abilitys to get accross the map undetected, what does bubba have? He has one advantage which is currently face camping but in the most recent dev QnA they basically confirmed bt as base kit in the works, so fear not hes going to be heavily indirectly nerfed as a result.
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Whenever you read words like "braindead" or "guaranteed xyz", you know that you are ankle deep in BS.
I would guarantee that your braindead post stems from getting rekt and facecamped and now you throw around this kind of narrative. Bubba has one problem: his kit makes him expertly suited to facecamp, which is a shame, since he is actually pretty well designed and fun to play.
But braindead? If you are brandead and don't want to facecamp, then he ain't that easy, bro. It takes some skill to navigate the maps and different loops without hitting anything. And while Bamboozle can mitigate some of his greatest weaknesses, you still have to pick your fights.
Braindead. How I hate that word. Its mostly used by people to describe their most hated aspect of the oppositions kit.
"DH is so braindead. Just press a button and gain a third health state". Guess what? If you are a bad survivor, DH won't carry you. You need to have a feeling for the flow of the game, when the killer might swing and an eye for the area. The best applications of DH are the unexpected ones that make clever use of the i-frames, distance, unexpected direction change and a vault behind you instead of in front. This takes some skill and is far from the braindead use that some killers attest to survivors.
But same goes for such "braindead" aspects of the game like Bubbas chainsaw, Spirit anf Blight power or Pinheads Engineers fang. All this options are strong, but you still need game sense and experience with your chosen killer. Nothing is just plug and play. Try for yourself how "braindead" Nurse or Bubba play. Also, don't just let 2 or 3 games be your deciding factor. Killer have different MMR. When you start a new killer, you usually crush nearly every game, till the game acknowledges that you know howcto plqy said killer and pairs you off with actually skilled survivors.
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There was no glory in this. I hadn't asked for mmr. Trouble had come to me, in big dark swfs. The good and the just, they were like gold dust in this city. I had no illusions. I was not one of them. I was no hero. Just me and the chainsaw, and the basement. My options had decreased to a singular course.
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Someone is crying about a D tier killer... Wow
Git good.
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Definitely not a team game, survivors should try to kill other survivors by disrupting their act while escaping.
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It's a team solo game. SWF and voice comms ruined it, but you're supposed to have to weigh every risk of helping a stranger; will they help you back? Will they leave you to die? Will you both die?
SWF ruined it, because it was never meant to 100% be 4V1. It was supposed to be 1/1/1/1V1. Sure, You COULD help your teammates, but you only win if YOU escape.
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Bubba himself is fine though granted some of his addons are a bit nuts. However, I will agree that the facecamping aspect is a huge problem and people on here severely downplay how effective a gen delay build is on him with that playstyle. The ability to down the unhooker if they attempt to trade, hit the unhooked and then chew through borrowed time in one swoop doesn't sit well with me personally. That being said, when people actually play him properly he's a very strong killer and it would be a shame to see that strength taken away.
As the poster above me said, facecamping is being targeted by the devs and the likelihood is that Bubba won't escape the nerf bat. There is no way to resolve the problem he presents without changing his kit some way.
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Today's Headlines: The real reason why players who owns Bubba becomes threatened after they win so many times
Random Survivor Player: How dare you kill me so many times! I'll find where you live, and I'll take you out and crush your teeth out!
Me: I doubt that players who owns Bubba makes other survivor mains becomes jealous and forces them to do it.
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“Abuses his ability to instadown”
what are you smoking? He is meant to instadown people
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Billy is high skill ceilling and low reward
You want to remove the only thing bubba has going on for him (camping) and give no 1v4 in compensation ?
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It all boils down to this. When you play against Bubba, everyone essentially has permanent exposed status. Unlike Oni, Ghostface, Shape etc, he doesn’t have to earn it.
The only other killer that has that same ability is the hillbilly. Now compare the difficulty of scoring a hit for the AVERAGE DBD player on each of those killers. Bubba is infinitely easier to control and unlike hillbilly, he can easily use it while looping. Secondly, he can use it to hit multiple survivors, which the hillbilly also cannot do.
He needs a severe nerf. I hate playing against the hillbilly. Every time I have a game against one, I honestly wish I had disconnected by the time it is over. I would rather sit in the lobby for however long rather than face a Bubba anymore. There is a risk/reward bell curve and I never see anyone score enough points in a game against Bubba. I think the reason his kill rate is so low is because it doesn’t count a disconnect as a kill. I’m confident that he’s the killer with the most disconnects.
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This is a game error, not a specific killer
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How about we nerf pig?
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What a great idea, even more arbitrary cooldowns are the best.
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right, and the aforementioned killers are bad killers
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I don’t disagree with the points you make at all when comparing him to other instant downs killers.
However, looping a bubba is relatively easy, and his chainsaw doesn’t pose that much of a threat.
UNTIL he gets someone on a hook, that’s when the intentional toxicity happens.
I personally think a good nerf would be to make him similar to Pyramid Heads cages, and have the hooks move locations if Bubba is camping.
OR have his chainsaw completely deactivate when he is within x meters from the hooked survivor. Maybe just far enough so that, as long as the survivors play the unhook properly, the bubba cannot reach them and get a double down, or even an instant down right off hook.
The second idea is more balanced to me than the first one. The second idea still allows bubba to camp like any other killer should he choose too, but he would just have to use his regular power, but it also gives the survivors the opportunity to get their friend off the hook, or trade hooks if need be, so it doesn’t have to be a “rush gens and let the first person die on hook” game.