I'm so happy people are finally realizing this game is so killer sided



  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960
    edited January 2022

    And it doesn't mean "nerf killers, buff survivors" until it goes in the other direction like it is now where killers might as well give up unless the play a certain way.

    You and alot of others can say "play better" but what does that mean "if mmr is to high just afk until its lowered?" "Play nothing but nurse and blight cause rushdown is the only viable option now?" "Quit the game entirely since the devs want the game to stay a survivor circlejerk thanks to the meta evolving into safety net perks?"

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904
    edited January 2022

    Noone said anything about auto winning. Noone said anything about being entitled to wins.

    The threat of elimination is what drives you to escape but you have to admit that in a lot of scenarios that threat is virtually non-existant.

    As survivor there is little to no need to hide from the killer and you can play as bold as you like. Somethings off about that.

    Just because some 1000's of hours streamers can pull off perkless win streaks as killer does not demonstrate that killers are OP.

    "if you played better you should be enittled to a win" You are never enittled to a win for any reason, anything can and does happen in game that could undermine the outcome even if you played better you may die, that random variance is part of the excitement. Expecting a win because you feel you played better is part of the problem and leads to a lot of the in game toxicity. The I feel cheated mentality.

    I'm not saying killers are weak etc etc what I'm saying is that with the current game state survivors are often much less pressured to complete their object than the killer is. This creates a sense of game pressure that goes in the wrong direction in terms of theme.

    Survivor is a team event, if the team is bad then they will mostly die, but that makes solo queue players say its not fun, so they buff survivors 1v1 in the name of balance but what you get then is disbalance at 4v1 and that's what the game is overall.

    So chasing 1v1 becomes less viable and we see a jump in things like camping, tunneling, interaction between killer and only 1 player all game leaving the rest to just sit on gens, sitting on one gen each then becomes the most efficient survivor play, why do bones or interact with the killer when its better to sit on gens and smash them out.

    Everyone complains about these game elements while constantly calling for changes that kinda promote them as the most viable. Its like repeatedly punching yourself in the face to cure your bloody nose.

    Yet when you point this out the counter argument is always you just want easy wins as killer. That response is part of the problem. I don't want easy wins as killer, I want threatening games as survivor.

    Killers with antiloop, map pressure, unpredictability, power ups that slowly build them up into something threatening like tombstone Myers. Interesting varied powers that make facing each killer a different experience.

    Yes I will probably die more if I have to change up my playsyle against different killers but that's not a bad thing. What is a bad thing is every killer being countered by the same bland looping over and over again with the same meta of perks.

    That's dull, stale and predictable but that's the 'balance' everyone is calling for, while complaining endlessly about the staleness of the gameplay it promotes.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093
    edited January 2022

    As a Pig player, I'll second what someone else said and state that her kill rate is absolutely bumped up by players who are new to the game and don't understand what the RBT even does (much like Pinhead's kill rates have been bumped up due to new players not knowing what the Puzzle Box is, or why it needs to be solved -- the game is VERY unforgiving to new players in many ways).

    While I'm normally getting very solid survivors in my Pig matches, the glory that is current SBMM -- and the shortage of killers -- means I do get some very inexperienced players showing up in my lobbies more often than I should. In one recent match, I had an Adam die to his active trap because he was working on a generator(!) with it on -- and it wasn't even the last gen (it was the the 2nd or 3rd gen their team finished, so it wasn't even the NEXT to last gen). He literally died to the trap seconds after he popped the gen. Based on their perk loadout in the endgame screen, they looked to be relatively new to the game. I'd like to claim that's the only time I've seen something like that over a significant time playing Piggie, but it isn't -- not even close. Even experienced survivors will occasionally do risky things they shouldn't (setting up a Boon and healing, bodyblocking a hook, etc.) with an active trap, assuming it'll be easy to get off -- and then unlucky RNG and a key in the last box across the map ends up with them dead.

    Pig isn't as bad as many people like to claim she is, but let's not go using the kill rates to make wild assumptions, or else I'll make the equally erroneous assumption that your favorite killer to play has the worst base kit in the game using those same numbers, which we both know is obviously not true.

    ETA: You also left out her very low pick rate -- only 5 killers are selected less than she is: Pinhead, Twins, Freddy, Hag, and the Deathslnger (who might as well be tied with her in pick rate). The easy assumption should be that another reason her kill rate is as high as it is, is that the few people who DO play her have actually gotten good with her, leading to a better kill rate than let's say, Huntress, who clearly is a stronger killer, but is the most-picked killer, and has presumably people playing her who are learning, or not very good with her.

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188

    the game is killer sided aganst solo players

    the game is survivor sided in SWF mode (if they are decent and coordinated enough).

    i dont think anyone can convince me of the contrary.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    Well continue not accepting any new ideas or thoughts. I've heard that really makes you grow as a person.

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004

    I'm a fairly new player (just over 100 hours) and I'll admit that Killer is getting far less fun to play, I often get matched up with survivors with far more time in than I have and it's just rough as hell.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    What they really need to show is kills before the 5th gen is done. Survivors that die after the gens are done are just throwing and inflating the stats.

  • DomoBear19
    DomoBear19 Member Posts: 16

    Naw Man Micheal myers needs a buff his Tombstone with the lock of hair takes forever to get all the way up.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    The issue with them is that they are not casual players like most of the community. I for one can't play at their skills or level and can't play "skummy" so for a lot of us it's very Survivor Sided

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    I see a lot of killer variety in my games. Nurse and Blights aren’t the only good killers.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Scott Jund and Otzdarva, two of the most famous Killer Mains ever with thousands of hours each, do not have trouble with Killer.

    Ergo, Killer is not hard.

    This is forum math.

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188

    you dont need to be humble when you know u are right, u are humble when you want or have to learn, if u are sure about something always defend it, and after 4k hours i know i colected enough evidence to say that solo q is killer sided.

  • geeca
    geeca Member Posts: 28


    I realized that I probably made the title a bit misleading. I meant it as more "not as survivor sided as people make it out to be" than straight up killer sided."

    A little misleading 🤡

  • TheDarkTyrant
    TheDarkTyrant Member Posts: 2,074

    Probably because killers are leaving which means they obviously aren't going onto the forums to complain about whatever side.

  • MikaKim
    MikaKim Member Posts: 334

    The game has been killer sided for some time now. The stats alone highlight it.

    But this killer dominated forum will nerd rage till they're red in the face, just to try and say its anything but.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,294

    How so? A killer can bring a post gen 5 build with NOED, No Way Out and Bloodwarden.

    Why is it that anytime survivors win, they're op, but when killers win, the survivors are just bad?

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759
    edited January 2022

    Keep living in your bubble. 🙄

    Technically my Trickster is "OP" because i win more than i lose with him. Then you look at what the survivors are doing and they just sit there on the gen and let me get close, Then they just hold W and let me land all my knives for a quick down. They don't understand how to use tall structures to waste copious amounts of my time or to run early when the lullaby starts playing .

    Eventually i get a team with a combined 20k hours (i am not even kidding or spitting hyperbole) and at best i can land 2 or 3 knives between all the trees and junk they keep between us as i chase, while always running away super early. They never run in a straight line and do a quick side step as they run that doesn't seem to slow them down at all but makes the majority of my knives miss.

    Body blocking is also common amongst good survivors. as seen here.

    Killers win when the survivors are severely below their level.

  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939

    That video: That looks like a very coordinated SWF.

    I think the reigning hierarchy of crappiness in DBD still remains: SWF---------------------------->Killer-->Solo queue.

    SWF's has such a crazy advantage it's insane. My Solo queue matches are a gong show.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,294

    Unless you are convinced that you are playing 100% optimally with no way to improve in any way, shape or form, none of that shows anything against what I said.

  • Katie_met
    Katie_met Member Posts: 422

    Personally I'd argue for the most part that the game is survivor sided in a casual sense, however the game can become massively killer sided simply by camping. The camping and tunnelling mechanic makes the game killer sided imo since it's so easy to just use lethal, down a survivor a just camp at the hook all game. Even if the unhook happens and is coordinated, you probably got a few injures or even a down or maybe pushed the hooked survivor onto second, easily providing an opportunity to snowball.

    So I would say a fair few aspects in this game are survivor sided, but the one mechanic of camping can easily favour the killer, which I think ultimately makes the game killer sided.

  • AlkaloidssOP
    AlkaloidssOP Member Posts: 254

    Well the OP has never played killer in his life. Or at least for more then 2 games.

    Bless your ignorant heart.

  • FreddysMain
    FreddysMain Member Posts: 289

    It depends who you’re up against and what perks you use!

    i stand no chance against really good survivors as a team 🤷🏻‍♀️

    when I play survivor I rarely escape but I do well in the game. If I get a pip I class that as a win. 🤣

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
    edited January 2022

    Simply because that's how chase works, you'll know mindgaming is more or less gamble and doesn't work against people who actually good, and looping is pretty much palette tour with no real way to improve.

    And since any average SWF can casually crap average (or, little stronger than average) killers thanks to "legitimate" cheat tool called "voice comm", you can only win against people who is bad (unless you use actually decent killers or the bubba).

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Don't forget you can take rancor for one additional kill and also use endgame perk to down one more survivor.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,294

    As evidenced by what?

    Everyone repeats this mantra and no one proves it. Several killer streamers have shown the opposite. Kill rates are over 50%, and have been for over a year.

  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960

    Yeah are they winning though just because you see them doesn't mean they don't suck.

  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960

    Cause it is all controlled by how the survivors are in the game but, along with that most meta perks are also way too forgiving so when you have people ######### up and be constantly saved due to DH , hook swarmed a survivor and got downed but ds is still activated or ds activated even though they run into a locker unsafe then it's hard not to think so.

    Also for the usual end game build it is reliant on hexes that can be destroyed or hooks that can be avoided.

  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960

    Maybe cause people use cherry pick statistics ,misinformation, or used videos that pin point to specific occurances that can't factor in many issues going on with why people think it's one sided.

  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960
    edited February 2022

    Still though, how would they buff them? Perks would be a ######### buff and it seems no one wants to buff basekits.

    Post edited by CyberDragoon656 on
  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,840

    Why do I have a 60.5% escape rate over 500 matches as a solo survivor then? Seems it would be even higher if I was coordinating with a SWF no?

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    I'm pretty sure at that skill you can achieve 95% escape rate as SWF.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889
    edited February 2022

    i actually win more matches than i lose as killer and i'm prety sure i have relatively high MMR on my 2 mains (playing against comp survs here and then). There are some nasty things on survivors side but Otz is right, "the side who brings the most nasty stuff usually wins". I play both sides 50/50 and when i play against a pig with best add ons and Noed and the fitting playstyle (tunneling survivors who just want to get rid of traps), chances are high she will just win. If i play in a team with 2 event toolboxes and 2 ranger medkits, 2 boons, 4 dead hards and 4 DS, chances are high we will win most matches.

    Mindgames work if done right, there are some coinflip scenarios but if the survivor doesn't see you they have the same chance of winning as you. So it's fair. Voice comm doesn't do much if you're bad at looping and go down after 10 seconds, Swf's are harder to beat than solos for sure but most swf's are beatable (i rarely play alone nowadays and i still die a lot).

    There is a lot of RNG in this game, you can completely destroy one team in a match because of a single mistake by them or just good RNG, and next match you get completely destroyed because of one msitake or bad RNG. It is what it is...

  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960

    The thing is however I must ask obviously part of it is due to a lack of experience that's just how games are but for this one how many times was it irritating to lose only cause of survivor perk builds

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    This game is Behavior sided they want this game to be as balanced as possible even tho its not at times otherwise people wouldnt play both roles

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    The problem is, you can win with just SHIFT+W and voice comm for plenty of killers.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,294

    DS is the perfect example: it is one of the most counterable perks in the entire game. If you get hit by it, you played into it.

    And yet, it's not the killer that's at fault here, apparently!

    NOED? 'lol, just cleanse all five totems'

    DS? 'I can't go after a target that wasn't just pulled off the hook!'

    Again: survivors need to 'git gud', but killers just need their hand held, apparently.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    mfw this thread is still going busy

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    I mean best counter of DS is eat it and down him anyway.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    Cool, so when can killers expect to gain the ability to stop ds from being activated in the match by the simple act of interacting with 5 items on a map?

    Oh wait, that's not happening, no survivor perks work like that, and noed is just a terrible perk to try and use for an analogy.

    I keep asking, but none of y'all will answer, what do you believe the correct amount of totems to remove would be to stop 1 of 4 killer perks from ever being able to activate in the match? To me, that's a pretty significant advantage you gain, as there are no other perks that can be removed before they provide any benefit.

  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960

    So let's me see what I can understand from this.

    So for one if a person gets off one hook then turns to helps swarm another hook they should keep their ds for doing a bad play? If a person gets off a hook and just runs ,not even doing a run then walk set up to try and hide their scratch marks but just runs into into locker where it's obvious they hid there they should keep ds.

    NOED: well guess what if boons can be constantly lit and relit over the span of a game it shows survivors have enough time to cleanse totems also lately the placements suck anyways.

    Right now the meta for survivors is rewarding bad play ds and bt for getting caught and downed, DH flat out is a safety net perk ,UB now thanks to boil over can easily make multistory maps unbearable, same with adrenaline but that one isn't seen as much

    And if you are saying killers act like they want their hand held then atm survivors are getting their hand held thanks to how forgiving the perks are.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,294
    edited February 2022

    Do you really think you'd want that? Do you really think it'd be an okay trade-off to spend a full minute scouring the map for five interactable objects just so you can disable DS, with the added benefit of not actually knowing whether the survivor has DS beforehand, either.

    You'd never take that option. You'd never waste that much time on the off-chance that the survivor has a perk that you could also disable by simply going for a different target.

    That's the point of the analogy: NOED requiring either a ton of extra work or a ton of luck to 'counter' is fine, but DS is a problem because apparently killers are too dumb to switch targets.

    So for one if a person gets off one hook then turns to helps swarm another hook they should keep their ds for doing a bad play?

    They can't. If they touch that hooked survivor, DS goes down. They can bodyblock, sure, but then you can just slap them down and leave them on the ground.

    If a person gets off a hook and just runs ,not even doing a run then walk set up to try and hide their scratch marks but just runs into into locker where it's obvious they hid there they should keep ds.

    Which is it? Are they running into a locker and making it obvious where they are, or are they hiding their tracks? Either way, how much effort does it take for you to NOT walk up to that locker and NOT press the interact button?

    NOED: well guess what if boons can be constantly lit and relit over the span of a game it shows survivors have enough time to cleanse totems also lately the placements suck anyways.

    And here's another example of how dumb the killer bias can get: Yes, survivors have time to deal with totems IF DOING SO COMPENSATES THEM FOR THE TIME SPENT ON IT.

    There's an enormous gulf of difference between blessing a totem so you lose scratch marks or get massively increased healing versus breaking a totem for no benefit whatsoever. Because remember: Over 80% of snuffed dull totems contributed NOTHING to stopping NOED.

    Right now the meta for survivors is rewarding bad play ds

    This is the exact point.

    Survivors aren't being rewarded for bad plays by DS. It won't do them any good against a killer that keeps that perk in mind. It's not survivors getting rewarded for bad plays, it's you being punished for making a misplay.

    Which loops back to the point I was making: The forums are stuck in a mindset of 'survivors win = survivors OP, killers win = survivors were just bad', with absolutely zero nuance. The constant mention of DS as a contributor to 'survivors OP' perfectly shows that sometimes killers just lose because they played poorly.

    Bitter pill to swallow for these forums, it seems.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    Not for DS, but for DH? absolutely. Though I notice you didn't actually answer my question.

    And again that's to prevent the perk entirely. When it does activate, a single totem is all you have to deal with to remove it, just like any other hex. With the current boon meta, you don't even have to check all 5, as (if my own experience as a survivor main is anything to go by) there will end up being at least 3 boons in play, giving you a 50% chance to find the right one out of the 2 totems left. Hardly a major hassle.

    And that's my point. Noed has the exact weakness of every other hex perk, yet people act like they are forced to remove all 5 totems every game. Well, it's up to you, as it should be. You can break 5 totems (or rather break the 1-2 that aren't booned) and make sure a dangerous advantage is never given to the killer, or roll the dice and deal with it when/if it appears.

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188

    Since when is it killer sided? It's survivor sided and killers are the ones that are suffering

  • tester
    tester Member Posts: 792

    Low skill killers are probably suffering. I win most of my matches as killer.

  • tester
    tester Member Posts: 792

    Watch Otzdarva. I was bad until I spent a few days watching him. Also, I was bad at huntress until I got monitor with crosshair function.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,294

    Not for DS, but for DH? absolutely. Though I notice you didn't actually answer my question.

    Sure, go for it. DH gets blocked if the killer spends 3.5 seconds interacting with 5 different objects scattered around the map at random. I doubt it'll make things better, but knock yourself out.

    As for your question: The amount of totems would depend on the effect. Something strong like Ruin should go in one totem. Devour Hope could maybe get away with having two, due to its ramp-up mechanism. But NOED is way too strong to require 5 totems.

    When it does activate, a single totem is all you have to deal with to remove it, just like any other hex.

    But at this point, the killer instadowns, and has 4% extra movespeed. You still have to do an objective, the killer's attention isn't split across the map anymore, and you might have some people on death hook, or you might already be missing someone.

    Unless that totem spawns right under your nose while the killer is too far away to save the hex, NOED is going to do damage.

    there will end up being at least 3 boons in play, giving you a 50% chance to find the right one out of the 2 totems left. Hardly a major hassle.

    Those three boons will likely be the most central totems, which means NOED is now off in some out-of-the-way corner somewhere. And if the two totems are on opposite sides of the map, you're still going to waste a ton of time if the first totem isn't the correct one.

    And that's my point. Noed has the exact weakness of every other hex perk

    But it is way more powerful than any of the other hexes. It offers almost the same benefit as Devour Hope, except that one requires a considerable build-up to get going, while NOED pops for free.

    And none of that is taking into consideration how NOED interacts with camping.

    But again, that is somehow always the survivors' fault, but killers aren't responsible when they faceplant their way into a DS proc.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    It's low skill survivors who suffers most even with all those extremely survivor sided nature of this game, and there is SO MANY thanks to their popularity.