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What are the devs ideas on reducing grind?

Member Posts: 3,022

They shoot down anything the community puts forth, so I'm curious as to what the devs consider? Rank reset is a patch job, at best. Even if you have the time to get to Iri 1, two million won't get you far on a single character, especially if you have progress in others. Bloodhunts are rare and far between. Anniversary event is once a year, so cakes are again, rare. Halloween events don't do much.

I finally got a friend into the game due to the free weekend, and he's already considering backing out because of how daunting the grind is. It's an incredible amount of time to invest, especially with such a faulty MMR system in place.

So, what's the plan?

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  • Member Posts: 8,366

    I don't think rank reset goals were supposed to be a solution to the grind, I think they're supposed to be the game's progression system to give you a reason to care about grades.

    As for what their ideas are, I don't think we've been given any examples just yet.

  • Member Posts: 8,611

    I guess they see it as something that encourages people to play more. But I have a feeling more people are put off by the grind entirely or play in spite of it. The player retention from the Resident Evil bump looks laughable

  • Member Posts: 4,992

    Not much, just anything that reduces the grind right now is only a short-sighted fix that will still need to be addressed later.

    Wait, what?

  • Member Posts: 3,197

    People's playtime doesn't benefit them at all (which is why protests where people stop playing are useless), people buying stuff with actual money does.

    And even if it did, I would bet the grind discourages people from playing as much as it encourages it. The state of the grind makes the game feel inaccessible to many, especially newcomers.

  • Member Posts: 3,389

    They explicitly stated it's supposed to ameliorate the grind to a degree.

  • Member Posts: 8,366

    Didn't they say the exact opposite in the last QnA? I might be mixing that up with a different bloodpoints thing, but I'm pretty sure they explicitly said rank reset rewards were not intended as a grind solution.

  • Member Posts: 3,389

    They did not say it was a solution, but that they hoped it would be helpful. Peanits says it, I believe.

  • Member Posts: 3,660

    I would also separate the daily quest into two sections. 3 for survivor and 3 for killer. 6 in total

  • Member Posts: 10,404

    Remove perk tiers! It's quick, it's simple, and any alleged downsides of doing so have been massively overstated. Besides that, there was an idea that a double bp event could happen every weekend. I've had an idea that we get to choose 1 or 2 things that we never want to see show up in the bloodweb, so we get more of what we want and less of what we're never gonna use. Sadly, none of these ideas will be adopted.

  • Member Posts: 5,530

    they were gonna rework the prestige system

  • Member Posts: 1,567

    The "removing perk tiers is not a long term solution" is BS. It would take around 5 years to reach the current levels of grind (from the perspective of a new player).

  • Member Posts: 3,024

    It would be as easy as adding a chance to get tier II and III perks without having tier 1

  • Member Posts: 416

    And then they make it something strange instead, like increasing the BP cap with each prestige

  • Member Posts: 6,871

    they haven't shared any ideas but perk tiers need to go or raise the BP cap to 2 million.

  • Member Posts: 1,567

    They are not fixing it on purpose.

    They use this insane grind to lure people to play during "double-bloodpoint" events, to make people to log in and use Bloodpoints promo codes, to make people play for rank rewards. Also if they ever add some sort of role incentives/rewards they will pay for it probably with Bloodpoints.

    If the grind gets lower, Bloodpoints will become less valuable and they can't use the above mentioned "techniques".

    But of course IMO they are destroying the player base with this, new players will be less likely to stay with such huge grind in the game.

  • Member Posts: 5,295
    edited March 2022

    I can picture bhvr going full EA mode and add even more microtransactions.

    "You can play for hundreds of hours and hope your bloodweb gives you DS. Or you can pay us $4 and unlock it now" /fine print"does not remain if you prestige"

  • Member Posts: 1,586

    Some very easy solutions to implement would help a lot:

    1. Remove perk tiers
    2. Trade-in system to sell your existing items/offerings (maybe get back like 1/3 of original BP cost or something like that). So many BP get spent on useless add-ons and offerings
    3. alternative to #2 - eliminate the least-used add-ons and offerings

    Unfortunately, I don’t think the devs actually want to reduce the grind. They’ve acknowledged that they know it sucks and is a point of frustration for some players, so it’s a known issue and they’ve chosen not to do anything about it.

  • Member Posts: 843
    edited March 2022

    Their idea must be really damn good if permanently reducing all current and future grind by 2/3 isn't good enough for them

  • Member Posts: 1,243

    That's good news,I cant wait for it,on another topic,is it also true that an anti camping mechanic is being in the works?

  • Member Posts: 6,564
    edited March 2022

    This is seriously so wrong if they are thinking people are playing because of grind makes them play. I am not playing half of killers, actually more than half. Why? Because i have not perks on them and i don't wanna grind. And i already bored the killers i am already playing. I am sure most people who did not max all characters are bored for same reason.

  • Member Posts: 2,744

    That's good to hear you guys have something in mind hoping we get more news soon :)

  • Member Posts: 1,599

    Should I continue to P3 all of my Killers, and unlock all the perks on all the Killers?

    I wouldn't want to waste the time doing all that work for ya's to do something like "Oh we removed perk levels, but don't worry here is a measly 1m bp to make up for it" like it was with the Bubba masks and other times things got removed. Alot of work goes into unlocking content, and then just to have it removed for just a 6k iri - like dang, didn't know I put that much work into getting something so little. Like something is better than nothing, but right now if I know that something "big" is coming to deal with the grind, I don't want to waste a lot of effort getting p3 and full perks on all the Killers just to get slapped in the face. Though I also don't want to just put it off if finishing it now would be better lol

  • Member Posts: 1,586

    That would be fantastic if this is true. Thanks for sharing and looking forward to seeing what it is!

  • Member Posts: 1,567

    Everyone is looking forward to this day! We have been looking forward to it for months, probably years! We all know it is here Soon™!

  • Member Posts: 68

    They added SBMM, that made people play less, so they did in the past.

  • Member Posts: 1,662

    I wonder if new exclusive prestige rewards will be a thing (to those who prestiged before the grind cut). I'd miss out on them because I haven't prestiged anyone and don't want to lose old offerings and items. But, I wonder if there will be.

  • Member Posts: 1,021

    The grind in this game is unbearable due to the fact that you're entirely at the mercy of the bloodweb RNG. There needs to be a reliable way to unlock some perks on certain killers without forcing us to spend possibly several millions of bp just to get a single tier of a much needed meta perk. For instance I haven't seen BBQ on Pinhead throughout the 150 levels I had to put into him to get him to p3, that's how bad the bloodweb is.

  • Member Posts: 312

    You have content creators that can bring such words out there in a very good way.

    What if you give them a "script" like "hey, listen {name} you are a Fog-whisperer, you can tell them about stuff we test but are not finished and may not come to the game at all"

    almost like it is done with product placement. I get my main information from youtube videos and then look deeper into it. Of course, there is a ton of misinformation and misquoting, and I TOTALLY understand the problems that pull through that.

    But what I can see is this problem of people wanting some information like the icons you teased, where you said "oi, that's what we had in mind, it may be never done" Ofc I met people who said "oh they do this" and I told them "yeah but they also said it may never get released.

    Clear information is the best way to keep trust, and the community is awesome, from the concept trailers to art to funny videos to insane stuff all over the place. But there's also this angry side that is sad because the game can be frustrating, the majority never had to do anything with game development, maybe saw some indi-vlog or a tutorial on youtube, but ofc that is just a small portion that feeds into the Dunning Kruger effect.

    When content creator A says "Ey they put me in a lobby with hackers to punish me" then suddenly the forum would be full of people claiming they have proof it happened to them too. I mean that happened. And it shows that clear communication would eliminate such things.

    Player numbers are a big one. "oh declining..." but we only can see so far, and no one looks in the specific data, or how the numbers are made except "ay fewer numbers so bad".

    What annoyed me personally about the last Q&A was this problem of feeling disconnected from the information, if an answer is "yeah we do something but we don't talk about it... why take the question in the first place? Of course, I understand the concept of "We hear you, we know what you want".

    It makes me feel like there is this whole problem of "We would feel bad if we leak something and then it turns out to be wrong" but the same happens every day, with people guessing the next killer, and then it is... not him... You didn't promise anything, you didn't show anything directly, but everyone understands it's supposed to be like that... a puzzle, a hype...

    When we take this formula and would apply it to features that are thought of, especially ideas that are already in the bin, why not share it?

    "Hey we had this crazy idea of putting this flying monster in that grows and eats survivors but we scratched it because it was too broken and surely not healthy" Maybe even with a recording of a blob of grey mass with broken animations as a video... stuff like that.

    These are things that would connect directly to the forums, youtube, social media in general, and most important the community.

    I hear people say "Ay they only do this for that" and there are people who agree. If it's a lie or not, direct communication about such stuff would help immensely. Not eliminate it, but surely help...

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    Because it no longer encourages people to play, especially the newcomers, a friend of mine tried the free weekend but he saw all the blocked content and the bloodweb thing and decided he didnt have enough time for this game.

    A bit of grinding is ok, it feels like a reward when you achieve wathever you are after but in this game grinding has grown into a massive monster.

  • Member Posts: 3,759

    I really hop it is a good solution.

    But there is this matchmaking thing where they worked about two years on - and the solution is not what was expected.

  • Member Posts: 1,451

    Not to mention the aura reading effect for Pinhead with BBQ is really useful.

  • Member Posts: 238

    why can't you share info now on it? instead of like waiting till you show it up and we all complain about it and you launch it anyway even with all our negative feedback like it is now for sbmm? tell us what you are working on so you have early feedback

  • Member Posts: 843

    The real grind is waiting for the update to reduce the grind

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