Blight is long overdue for a proper nerf
He doesn't have four opportunities to attack with on most loops. 10s (to recharge 5) is a very significant downtime, given it means he is zero power M1 115% during that time, and something experienced players can play around well. The only reason it seems short is because most other killers have absurdly long downtimes which is part of a design problem with them. Blight's rushes are entirely mindgameable if you understand the map and how the power works.
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So what that's exciting.
Why are you playing if there is no threat of death in a survival horror?
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I main killer and I main Blight. What's exciting about knowing that you're going to win every game? That's dull, and even when playing survivor, what's exciting about knowing that you stand no chance of escaping?
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Because when you do escape its actually rewarding to do so. Loss isn't guarenteed even against a good blight.
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I believe in fairness. Blight isn't fair. He's not far from being fair, but he's just a bit OP.
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Personally I believe he performs fine because he does evenly against people of even skill, and bad matchmaking putting people who aren’t as good at playing against Blight vs the Blight isn’t Blight’s fault.
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It's basically 5 blink nurse, except she can refill all of her blinks if she hits you.
They need to reduce the number of rushes he can store and rework alchemist ring. Maybe slow down the regeneration of rushes.
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Except he can’t go through walls, but sure. Alchemist Ring is beyond busted. Basekit is completely fine.
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And that's a fair opinion to have (no pun intended).
I like the idea of assymetric gameplay where as a team you may get 1 or 2 people out but for the most part you are screwed against the killer.
I play DBD to create a horror survival experience for myself, that means you should struggle to survive. Oppressive killers that are really scary and hard to escape make the game exciting.
I get the idea of competitive fairness in PVP but at the same time the unfair nature of the theme is what really got me into the game, can you survive a slasher flick style of scenario. No you probably won't, I don't want it to be fair as that's not scary, its scary because its unfair.
Killers should be individually strong and survivors should only have a chance if they work well as a team because its an asymetric 4v1, but people want 1v1 competitive fairness which doesn't really work in this setting. How can you have 4v1 assymetric game with 1v1 competitive fairness without completely disbalancing the 4v1 element? In there lies the problem.
Its why I think blight and Nurse are good killers because 1v1 they are a lil opressive when played well but a coordinated 4v1 can still escape against them. This is the game as it should be rather than weaker killers that at most pressure 1-2 survivors each game.
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You literally just need to nerf alchemists ring and he's pretty much fine.
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His basekit is the problem, alchemist ring is just icing on the cake.
Blight is the killer that has everything.
- One of the easiest killers to use
- One of the easiest killers to learn
- Best mobility of all the killers
- Best map control of all the killers
- Best perk synergies of all the killers
- One of the best down potentials of all the killers.
- One of the easiest powers to use.
- One of the most powerful power to use. (It's basically a 5 use Dead Hard)
- The only thing he doesn't excel at is his power is more difficult to use in loops. But you compare that to all the M1 killers, who have no anti-looping powers and he's still better than most of the killers even at this.
It's stupid how strong Blight is compared to the other killers.
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Blight is one of the most balanced killers in the game, he is strong, not op. Alchemists ring is the only op thing about him.
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Alchemist Ring? Sure
Base-kit? Hell no
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- wrong.
- wrong. He has a higher skill ceiling than nurse because of bump logic, and the inability to run loops as killer normally will make him even more difficult to learn.
- yes, and that's fine. there will always be a best in that category, and that isn't a problem.
- Map control and mobility go hand in hand and again, that's fine. You just enjoy abusing huge maps and holding shift+W against normal m1 killers and don't wanna learn to play around it.
- That's hilariously false. A large group of decent perks in the game can't effectively be used by blight as they require basic attacks which he typically doesn't use. (Ruin/Pop/Tinkerer/Corrupt doesn't count because that's a good synergy on every killer)
- Again, that's fine. Learn to play around it. Killers have had to play around the same survivor strategies for YEARS without those strategies EVER being changed, you can do the same.
- You've clearly never played blight if this is your opinion, period. The amount of understanding of tiles, bump logic, and collision for EVERY map object alone makes his power have one of the highest skill ceilings in the game.
- High skill floor/ceiling powers should be powerful. Why should a difficult to use power be bad...wouldn't that lead to the killer being treated like a second Twins?
- You literally contradicted your 7th point with this one. If a power is difficult to use at a tile, then it is not an easy to use power. That's like saying huntress' power is easy to use because it's easy to hit a survivor standing in the open, or that killers are too fast because they can catch you in a dead zone. This is such backwards logic.
You say it's stupid how strong blight is compared to the other killers when in reality, it's stupid how weak many of the other killers are compared to blight at high mmr. The sooner you realize it's not a blight being too strong issue and it's a "the other killers are too weak" problem, the sooner you'll be able to formulate better opinions.
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I main Sadako, Freddy, Trapper, Plague, Hag, Pinhead, Billy, Twins and have dabbled in all the others. Blight is easy to use and easy to learn except for Wraith. Sure there are little techniques that make him even more insanely powerful but you don't need them. If you think Dead Hard is overpowered then there's no way you can't think Blight with 5 Dead Hards isn't anything but easy. All the other killers I main are way harder, I'd love to see you play any of the ones I main and then say they're easier than Blight.
That's hilariously false. A large group of decent perks in the game can't effectively be used by blight as they require basic attacks which he typically doesn't use. (Ruin/Pop/Tinkerer/Corrupt doesn't count because that's a good synergy on every killer)
No, it's not false at all. Who in their right mind is going to use "decent" perks when the perks you named "Ruin/Pop/Tinkerer/Corrupt" are the game winning perks. Blight synergizes with the best killer perks better than any other killer in the game.
No one could give a flying-flip if Blight can't use Coup-de-Grace and Franklin's Demise. Those "basic attack" perks aren't perks you use to win a game. I can't even think of a "basic attack" perk that is even meta. What a stupid argument.
You've clearly never played blight if this is your opinion, period. The amount of understanding of tiles, bump logic, and collision for EVERY map object alone makes his power have one of the highest skill ceilings in the game.
High skill floor/ceiling powers should be powerful. Why should a difficult to use power be bad...wouldn't that lead to the killer being treated like a second Twins?
Yes, I have played Blight and Blight is fun to play because he's overpowered.
Twins is a powerful killer and is one of the best killers in the game. She's difficult to use but can still win high end games. You want a easy to use wrecking ball that no can stand against.
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Have you considered your anecdotal experience is just that, and doesn’t trump actual performance data over a large-scale mass amount of data of players versing other players of even skill on even maps?
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imagine using anecdotal evidence and assuming that your own personal experience is law. Not to mention dude actively ignores me calling out their contradictions. With such flimsy arguments and ideas like twins actually being a strong killer, I'm not surprised that they won't use statistics to form their arguments
Post edited by EQWashu on2 -
"Too strong" when any SWF can easily deal with him.
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"Calling out contradictions and Flimsy arguments", you say. Let me quote two of your arguments...
That's literally all you said to 2 of my arguments. You don't even have arguments. You aren't even able to articulate why I'm wrong and the only argument you were able to articulate basically agreed with me, the argument about perk synergies.
What you are doing is called "Projecting". Basically you are attributing to me of making flimsy arguments when it's actually you that doesn't seem to be able to form a substantial argument. Why do you even write responses unless you are going to take the time to present your opinion better.
I love debating and I'm willing to change my opinion if you can present valid points. But you aren't.
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
Can you guys stop spreading lies? Hug tech AKA looking down to slide is NOT an intended mechanic it is a BUG. I've already posted this many times here WITH ACTUAL PROOF but this same person keeps spreading this misinformation .
" Any players who are seen exploiting bugs in-order to gain an unfair advantage that normal gameplay would not provide can be seen as a bannable offense. "
Remember this.
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Hug tech is not looking down to slide. Hug tech is sliding by starting pressed up against the surface (“hugging”) to remove collision. Looking down to slide/approaching a surface at an angle to slide is intentional. This is what’s referred to as a scoot slide. If you’re going to complain, you should at least double check what you’re actually talking about.
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You literally got that information from me xd Do you even know how scoot slide looks like?