^ For those of you who don’t think this isn’t important at all. It’s a thesis that got the highest pass on why representation in media is important.
Lastly, before it’s brought up again:
Courtesy of @GoodBoyKaru .
Excited to read his new entries in the tome. Glad I have him p3 with all perks!
7 -
Pretty decent choice, I probably would've chosen the same dude if I were in charge of expanding on an extant survivor's story with some LGBT themes.
I look forward to reading the new archives for him, I'm curious to see what the story is!
7 -
As a fellow gay person myself, here's the part where I don't really care. shrug lol
Ohhhh they retroactively made a character gay. Big POG. It took them YEARS to do that. But yes, let's give them all the praise in the world, for taking this long, do to something as important as representation, and half-assing it like normal.
60 -
Oh joy. More virtue signaling
40 -
Sorry you're so triggered by this. Fortunately it actually has zero effect on you if you don't like it!
20 -
Oh ffs... utterly ridiculous
32 -
I think it would be better to make a new character rather than just go back YEARS in the past. It feels forced, sorry.
55 -
I personally think it's an excuse for more David x Dwight fanart.
15 -
Didn’t David already have a girlfriend in the lore? I’ll have to read the time to see if they did it well
22 -
They have become gay the character with less gay vibes of the entire game, the same thing Blizzard did in Overwatch with Soldier 76, haha.
12 -
Not really triggered. Don't try to spin it that way. I'll shut that down real quick.
I just see it as such a low effort way of representing.
32 -
It's certainly funny to me that it took them years to declare an existing character gay (with a retcon). I would've thought that was enough time to at least create a character from scratch with representation in mind, but I understand most of the people who wanted representation already thought of him as gay, so I guess it's an easy choice from that perspective.
7 -
I dunno, considering that they're doing it properly (IE, making it a proper part of the story and not just mentioning it offhand a la Soldier 76) I think it's a little more defensible that it took time.
BVHR work slowly in general, but at least this delay was for them to do something substantial, not just confirm a character as gay and leave it at that, y'know?
5 -
I WON I ######### WON
32 -
20 -
They can add any new character to the game, why retcon?
3 -
I still don't know why the skin they gave him makes him look like Jonah's twin lol
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I have to point out there was never any mention of a girlfriend in any of his lore. I'm more inclined to believe it was kinda already hinted at in his tome, if not purposefully.apparently it was mentioned, my bad.
4 -
Feels disingenuous to make an already existing character lgbtq+ always felt like a half assed attempt at representation
21 -
As a gay man myself, I'm very happy for representation.
But I'm entirely not surprised that it's the basic white guy the gays thirst over lmao. His cosmetic sales are going to soar even more now.
7 -
Wont this just encourage hate on twitch?
i.e Bubba masks.
Post edited by Barbarossa2020 on3 -
Would it be disingenuous if they wrote a tome for David that made him straight?
Existing characters are perfectly valid, and since BHVR like doing lore through tomes, it makes more sense to make their first big push for representation an existing character so they can use a tome to explore it.
8 -
I always thought ACE is gay?
8 -
Oh that’s fair enough then. Anyway I’m excited to read the tome and I hope bhvr didn’t end up writing it poorly
0 -
Yeah Memory 342 from the secont Tome mentioned an ex as a she.
He meets with Tommy. Tommy has no room for him in his apartment. Wishes he did, but he doesn't. Mick wants to help but his old lady won't let him. Same with Bill and Harry.
His ex has moved on and she doesn't want to see his face. Something about being a shithead. He can't live in a hotel room forever, it drains the account. He remembers a face he recently spotted in a crowd at his last scrap. They were friends since they were toddlers. He was a genuine friend even if they went separate ways. King looks him up. Castledrive. He hails a taxi.But to be fair, that can easily be either retconned with gendering the ex differently or just saying that he tried to date women in the past while he was struggling with his sexuality. Sadly not uncommon in our society.
11 -
To be fair actually, he has had one confirmed.
So this story will likely be him coming to terms with his sexuality after this relationship
13 -
So instead of making a new character they just dumpstered an existing one that people may have their own ideas about.... cool.
It's fine i guess. exceptionally lazy and will annoy people.
17 -
Ah, my bad, I skimmed over the tome part.
0 -
As a bi dude I feel the same way. I get super gay vibes from Ace but really... if it comes naturally then that's fine. Adding that to the lore this late is just sloppy.
9 -
this is like soldier 76 from overwatch
3 -
Somehow i have several views on this.
As a gay person myself i think its nice that BHVR did this.
Does it seem forced? Depends on how you look at it.
In a simple way it does but if you think about it a little more its not.
We learn more stuff about the characters over time with tomes and other content.
It takes time as there are lots of characters and we can assume that they are just as complex as a regular person.
It could have been any of the original characters so i guess they just had to pick one.
Introducing a new character for that would have potentially rubbed some people the wrong way and they would have called it a "token" character.
Doing it the way they did seems fine.
12 -
Good and... Who cares? This is a game about escaping from a killer/killing people, not a dating simulator...
7 -
Cool, they finally did something that will have absolutely zero impact on the game itself only after yeqrs of preaching their care for diversity. My onky hope is now people will focus on things that actually matter in this game, like mechanics and balancing.
2 -
To be fair I'm pretty sure there's fanmade dbd dating simulators
4 -
Overwatch had a picture of Soldier and his boyfriend in one of the comic years before they said it.
1 -
I care. A lot of people care. Just because you don't care about representation doesn't mean nobody does.
17 -
Or... just a thought, it could be read as more 'true to life' in that you likely know many LGBTQIA2+ people or have encountered them in your life, and have maybe made some assumptions about them or thought they were one thing and discovered (or not) at a later stage that you were wrong. A lot of gay men aren't effeminate, super-obviously gay (though there's of course absolutely nothing wrong with those that are) and are assumed to be straight by people unless they are corrected. I know, being one of them.
13 -
I have some views on this
- I think it’s fine I don’t really mind but
- i think this will backfire badly cause when Leatherfaces masks were removed they were removed cause people were being racist and only killing colored people.
- by announcing David is gay it’s pretty much enabling every Homophobic person to tunnel, camp and be toxic. This is going to end up like the leatherface situation again.(maybe not but it Could happen).
0 -
nice, hope to see more of this as the game's lore continues to be expanded
not looking forward to the hissy fits that'll be thrown in its wake though, judging from what i've seen already in the forums and elsewhere :/
9 -
People are gonna be horrible regardless
2 -
Lady Dimitrescu is a real hit on ADULT sites... even now. Honestly, I can't blame people for liking that Milf *Drools*
1 -
I’m so happy about this! 🏳️🌈💛
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Doesn't make much sense to me honestly, but ok. If this make you feel happier why not?
0 -
Glad you guys finally got your representation you have wanted.
Post edited by DrDeepwound on1 -
A new survivor would have been better but BHVR have clearly chosen David because he’s established and very popular.
However stupid to anyone who isn’t a bigot it may seem I can fully imagine BHVR thinking that whilst many players would, a large number of other people would not purchase (even with shards) or play as a newly released confirmed LGBTQ+ survivor. Much better to choose the guy who many people main and will have P3 on. Plus if you want dead hard you have to level him up.
So the stats for people playing their confirmed gay character will probably be great and will grant them some imaginary internet brownie points from people who care about this sort of thing.
Whatever their reasons it’s still incredibly lazy.
3 -
which comic was it?
0 -
To be fair, you can be gay and still had a girlfriend in the past.
Either because you were not sure about yourself being gay or because you feel that it would be "normal" to date a girl.
I mean, why not? There are quite a bunch of gay players who really like David. And inclusion does not mean that it have to be new characters. And for those who dont really care about it, they will be fine with David being straight or gay.
10 -
I highly, highly doubt that.