NoWayOut should NOT activate when the last survivor gets the hatch closed.

I think it is very annoying being robbed of an escape because the killer brought no way out. It is very problematic that it blocks both gates because it gives the killer much more pressure and solidifies that the survivor won't escape. In fact, the survivor will only have a chance if they end up getting lucky with gate spawns, but knowing how most are, they will die.
Hatch robs the Killer from a 4K, I think No Way Out countering Hatch is fine
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The Hatch was a mechanic intending for the survivor to be able to have an alternate means of escape, something that can rob that is unfair.
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So something that can counter an rng depending mechanic which is a free escape without the survivors input may I add, and the killer has to get the tokens too, is unfair?
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Killer counters their free hatch escape and suddenly, its "I was robbed no fair time out."
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No matter how you put it, the Hatch is a pity escape the Survivors have after losing.
Having a Perk (not a base-kit feature, a Perk, that also needs Tokens to be useful) that counters that is fair
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A) No Way Out doesn't need a single token to work. It has a base value that always works. Tokens are extra
B) If the killer's closing hatch, they likely have 3+ tokens
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Your the last survivor in the trail and the hatch was closed on you. That's already a bad situation for you. I don't see why no way out shouldn't work in that situation, the killer has already worked hard to get the 3k at that point.
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You really care about getting a 4k? Imo if the last survivor has to rely on hatch, you have pretty much won the game.
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Yes, I care about completing my objective, I don't like when a RNG pity mechanic for losing robs me of my objective
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Survivors should die instantly after the hatch is closed to save everyone's valuable time
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No, Hatch, Endgame Collapse Etc is there to make sure the game reaches its end.
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Last 2 survivors stealth it out for 20 minutes...
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So? The killer has played all that match with 3 perks, has managed to kill 3 people and somehow its unfair if he denies a free escape? At that point why not just make the 4th survivor instantly escape as soon at the 3rd dies?
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It's not a free escape if it doesn't work 100% of the time
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The Killer gave up one of their perk slots to have the gates be blocked in endgame for a bit. Sounds like the perk doing exactly what its supposed to do.
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I don’t see why it shouldn’t activate in that scenario. If you got hatch closed on you well then that means the killer already got their 3k and won the game. You’re not entitled to an escape just because you survived the longest, and while it certainly does make it more difficult, it does not make it impossible, nor should it.
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When its me I just hide near a gate. Most killers arent going to extensively search a gate area before checking the other gate, and then I just open the gate and leave before they can make it back.
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Entitled survivor.
16 -
I agree. The 1v1 endgame is already heavily skewed towards the killer without a perk making it impossible for the survivor.
It would also be an easy fix, make it like Rancor so that it activates when the last gen is repaired rather than when the exit gates are powered.
5 -
The killer got to that point with 3 perks, not even like a hex totem that gets removed less than a minute in, but they just stomped without at least one of their perk slots doing anything at all. For a relative comparison, do you think Adrenaline should do anything when the hatch is closed? It could easily be the difference between a slug securing a 4k and an escape.
If you're fine with one but not the other, you are biased.
13 -
DBD players when someone brings a balanced perk to counter a thing: "Clearly this is unfair"
Have you considered ending up in that situation means the killer did better than you all? 3 of the 4 people died before all gens were done. Why should you and your team’s failure be rewarded when the killer brought a perk specifically for one of its intended uses? That is entitled. If you don’t like it, bring a key.
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Cringe lol
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Honestly No Way Out should just disable the hatch from being closed.
If the survivor jumps into the hatch they instantly die like in the bed scene from Nightmare on Elm Street 1.
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You are comparing Adrenaline to No Way Out lol
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The hatch was added bc of situations where the last surv(s) were not able to finish gens and prolonged the game by just hiding, with the intention of making the killer dc. To at least reduce such griefing scenarios hatch was added pretty early on (it was not there from the start).
So you could argue, if the survivor would just be good sportsman and admit defeat when it's unwinable, hatch wouldn't be needed.
16 -
yes? neither does anything until the gens are powered or the hatch is closed. No way out can find and trap the 4th survivor in endgame while adrenaline can help them either get up off the floor and disappear or flat out outrun the killer and reach a strong loop in endgame.
2 -
both of the situations you mentioned are lackluster in hatch situations. For the first one it was your fault for slugging and the second one they will die to EGC. Stop crying lol
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I trade this for Decisive Strike not activating when all the generators are done, deal?
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Remove it and you know what, killers are forced to slug out last two survivors and makes game much much worse for everyone.
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I'm not the one crying a perk should lose its functionality in order to LET. ME. WIN.
First scenario gives the survivor a second chance for free when they were already dead, Second scenario doesn't have to happen in front of the killer, it makes them lose track of the survivors locations and revert to patroling the doors, which can vary between close to each other and exact opposite sides of the map with multiple obstacles blocking line of sight between them.
You want the hatch to be a free escape after you've already lost, which it usually is. You're just upset that a killer giving up a perk slot for the trial up to that point was able to deny that safety net.
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Terrible deal lmao. Either way having no way out block the exits when hatch is closed is fair. It’s their perk
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The perk does exactly what it says it does.
Perhaps if you petition BHVR with your extremely poignant and well thought out argument, they will consider changing it.
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killer already got self penalty with that perk, lots of people slug for all kill so thats not a special case of lost
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Funny that I see this post after I had a Mikaela die to endgame because of No Way Out
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The hatch and end game collapse were both added to avoid hostage like situations, not to "give a chance" to either of them.
No way out works like every other perk that requires gates being powered, so i don't see the issue
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Done fifty times over. That's a win/win for me.
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I see no good argument for this. "I should be able to have a chance to escape after my pity mechanic was closed"
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100% with this, another second chance why not.
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I might be missing the point, but why should the survivor be allowed to escape after the killer clearly got to a position where they won?
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Lol who ever talked about Adrenaline? Stop this us vs them crap, this thread is about No Way Out.
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I do think perks on both sides that "activate when exits are powered" should be changed to "activate when last gen is completed."
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It was brought up because it follows the same activation criteria regarding the hatch. I was right to as well since they then went on to lead the argument to them not being comparable and not being willing to keep their logic consistent.
4 -
Wow just wow.
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It really shouldn't. It always baffles me that Remember Me got hard nerfed because it was too unfair for the final survivor (at least I think that's why), when they could have gone the Rancor route and just given it an "all gens completed" requirement. Then almost 2 years later they release a perk that's even more effective, still don't give it an "all gens completed" requirement, let it stack with Remember Me and then proceed to buff its numbers AND give it a notification so it screws over the last guy even more. It makes absolutely no sense.
I don't get why people are so against it. Most of the time unless the gates are very far apart it's very hard for the survivor to get away once you close hatch. Where's the fun in continuing to play a match when the other side has 0 chance of surviving and you basically have to do nothing to get the kill? May as well just have the Entity auto-kill the last survivor at that point.
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Actually the initial version only worked when last gen was done. When they updated the perk to make it not bad they removed that.
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just take the L and move on
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That's what I thought but the wiki description said "When the exit gates are powered" and I couldn't find anything to contradict that and thought I was misremembering. Apparently it's because the initial version didn't have the "interact with the exit switch" requirement. The wording still makes it sound like it should've worked when the hatch was closed though.
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The hatch was a mechanic added to the game to stop survivors from taking the game hostage when completing gens appeared to difficult.
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That is a lie. Otherwise BHVR would implement a different mechanic
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As far as I know if you're the least survivor and Adrenaline activates you don't automatically win. It's a very stupid comparison because NWO is problematic in a certain scenario, completely removing the options for one party, the other one is not. Trying to keep this comparison is grasping at straws just for the sake of saying yourself you're right.