Does Pinhead's power relate to his lore? If not, how does it have a place in a PvP game?
And how is his power not being given a second look now that he's received the same buffs that Pig and Trapper have? I don't own the character, but it seems like his box spawns in a corner of the map where survivors are not present. Is this to reduce RNG? If it is, fine. But gens have been increased by 10 seconds and a survivor's ability to last in a chase has been nerfed. Wouldn't RNG be more fair at this point, given that time is of the essence for survivors -- solo survivors, specifically --, and they don't have the time to run to the other end of the map to get the box? There's someone on the hook, someone going for the unhook, someone off gens to get the box, someone in chase. There's still four gens to be done.
Was he balanced prior to the buffs or was he underpowered? That could explain why his power isn't being considered for a rework. He did have the highest kill rate according to the latest official statistics, though.
Why is information spoon-fed to him? Why does he have a direct teleport to the box solver? It's a PvP game, things should not be spoon-fed. Think of all the characters -- both killer and survivor -- that have to learn to navigate RPD. But here's Pinhead with his direct teleport; press "E" for escape, press "teleport" for spoon-fed travel to desired location. Why does he still have add-ons that lengthen the time to solve the box?
If I'm playing a shooter game, it should be skill versus skill. It would not be fair that my enemy has three AI minions to help in his fight against me. It doesn't make sense that Pinhead that should be able to crutch so hard on passive powers and spoon-fed information in a PvP game.
I do not think you want skill versus skill if you are complaining about Pinhead, man. Just don't go there.
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If I'm playing a shooter game, it should be skill versus skill. It would not be fair that my enemy has three AI minions to help in his fight against me.
You have 3 actual players to help in your fight against him...
As for Pinhead he's managable. You choose where and when you are solving the box. Solve it at a place with a strong loop or far away from gens and he'll regret teleporting to you.
Solve it while he's carrying someone and he won't be able to teleport at all without giving up his hook
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Must've never seen his movies. I haven't either, but I've seen the movie recap version on YouTubes "Dead Meat" channel. Channel full of horror movies in a nut shell. DBD did get Pinheads lore and power really accurate and very well done between the DBD and movies version.
The chains with hooks the only physical weapon that's seen that he uses and the box he always knows when someone is messing with it and teleports to the box holder with 3 other Cenobites.
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It's a PvP game, and Pinheads crutch on passive powers and information he does not earn. I understand that if the killer player wants to use his chains it's one of the more skillful things in the game. The fact is that you don't need them to easily 4k. He has the highest kill rate and it's because of his passive power. Passive powers don't belong in PvP games.
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Half the time I ignore the box, because it's an obvious pull away from where the generators are.
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To answer the title's question: Yes, it is.
To respond to the thread as a whole: my mans really complaining about Pinhead...
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Dead by Daylight is an assymetrical survival-horror game revolving around four (4) survivors versus (1) powerful killer.
Your definition of PvP seems to be limited to shooters like CS:GO only. Even Apex has characters (one of which being free, mind you) that has a “free” tracking passive.
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A-are you asking to add more rng to dbd?
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The box summons him in the movies. It is pretty accurate.
Good survs avoid getting caught with the box pretty easily.
Watch Otz´s video where he explains the spawn mechanic if you like to know.
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There's only so much time for solo survivors to complete five gens and open an exit gate before all four are killed. Someone's hooked, someone goes for the hook, someone in chase, and someone has to run to the other end of the map for the box. The math doesn't favor the solo survivors in that case. He has the highest kill rate in the game for a reason.
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You're right all of these op passive powers on survivors that speed up the game don't belong in a pvp game! Survivors don't earn the botany healing speed up or prove thyself gen speed up so why should they have that option.
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Highest kill rate in the game.
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If non-RNG makes things not work out math-wise, yes.
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Highest kill rate in the game.
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Nurse has the lowest kill rate in the game...
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Idk why does lore have to do with how they play in a pvp game. Hell John Cena just got added to fortnite and he's widely known for being a wrestler on WWE.
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Strange statement to make when:
You don’t even own the character yourself, ergo can’t have personal experience playing with him.
The stats you’re referring to are outdated, not to mention from across all players. They explicitly mention not to draw any conclusions from them, yet here you are.
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But having spawn logic for the box is more skillful for everyone. Even in solo queue, its not hard to get an idea where your teammates are and where the killer is to then determine where the box would spawn. For the killer too, it rewards them for knowing the location of the survivors and either retrieving the box themselves (slowing everyone down) or intercepting the survivor on the way to the box.
Making it RNG dependent would be way worse in my opinion. I would waste more time having to actually guess where the box goes than having a chance at making an educated guess.
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Nurse is suboptimal on Switch, controller, last gen, and new gen consoles. Nurse has the skillest floor in the game and there's no practice mode against bots. That's why she has the lowest kill rate in the game. She does not have the kill rate in the game among PC MKB players with more than 10 hours on her.
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Highest kill rate is meaningful. The reason why is because he has the strongest passive power in the game.
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Ah yes pinhead, the one who plays just like nurses power but you have to aim after and it's only a slow antiloop which can instantly break...
Pinhead is garbage, was okay on release but now hes bad against any good group of survivors sadly...
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Fornite is a skill-based game that tries to minimize RNG, especially in competitive play. I've played the game since before there were battlepasses, I've never had the feeling that skill wasn't part of the interaction like I have when playing against Pinhead.
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Talking about his passive power. Highest kill rate in the game means he's not garbage.
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You can admit that those statistics don't show the proper picture of nurse's strength yet think pinhead is too strong because of the same statistics. DBD is not a PvP game where the player with the better aim wins it is a 1v4 asymmetrical horror game where the big picture 1v4 is more important that just individual chases in the 1v1. Managing pinhead's box is the 1v4 and the only strong part of his kit that's why his anti loop isn't that powerful. It's the same with pig or any other passive slowdown killer they sacrifice something to get protentional slowdown.
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The buffs killers received were to increase kill rates. According to the latest official statistics, he has the highest kill rate. I don't have much of a problem understanding the spawn mechanic, I'm trying to understand why he doesn't need a rework now that buffs were given to both those that needed them and those that didn't need them.
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Pinhead's kill rate is easy to explain because of the obvious strength of his passive power. There's only so much time for solo survivors to do gens, get unhooks, last in chase, and run to the box and solve the box. They don't have enough time before getting killed is the explanation.
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I bet the statistics have changed now. He is only good against players who don´t know how to do the box.
I play him sometimes and if the survs are a bit experienced you almost never see the chainhunt active.
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So his power should be nerfed because every 15 games you go against pinhead and your teammates have other priorities? If your teammates aren't doing the box you should be taking initiative. Expecting anything out of teammates who could be doing archives or hiding in a bush is setting yourself up for disappointment. Survivors have more than enough time to do gens & deal with the box they just don't want to.
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IF, big if, pinhead needs nerfs his numbers should be tweaked. Making the box RNG is awful and cuts both ways, If it can RNG spawn under a survivors feet it can also RNG spawn under pinheads and insta completing the box for either side on spawn is not very fun
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Pinhead getting a chain hunt because the box spawns at his feet would be extremely bad design. If it spawns at the feet of a survivor, he still has a "go here" teleport when they begin to solve it. If that's what it takes, it should spawn at a place where a survivor can reliably retrieve it before Pinhead.
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Are survivors just dumb? What does that make Pinhead? He has the infinite Tinkerer notification to "go here" when a survivor begins solving the box. Pinhead's design does not ask much of the player.
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He earn it by getting the box before the survivors.
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I'm guessing you've never watched any Hellraiser movies? Pinhead is pretty bad to the bone. He's the ultimate.
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His power should be reworked because it's, yes, OP. It's Op, I've said it. Especially against solo survivors.
I do do the box.
Look at all the complaints, from both survivors and killers, regarding learning how to navigate RPD. Pinhead gets the "press E" ability where he can magically teleport to the desired location.
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I haven't. PvP Pinhead is pretty lame, though, in my experience.
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A passive power that results in the game's highest kill rate isn't earned by learning a formulaic spawn logic.
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Hellraiser Bloodline is a good one. Hellraiser 2 is also good. His powers should be OP. It's Pinhead.
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This is the best answer I've heard. If it's lore-related, okay.
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He's a weak Killer, he needs buffs
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You complain about chain hunts while also complaining about him teleporting to the box, but that stops the chain hunt from happening. YOU control where he teleports and when you can easily wait until he's occupied picking up a survivor or doing literally anything else to solve the box.
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He has the highest kill rate in the game.
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It's not a complaint. He already had the highest kill rate in the game prior to the patch because there is not enough time to do gens, unhooks, chases, heals, totems, boxes, gates. Chain hunt is a passive power that swings a PvP game massively in favor of one side. In order to prevent a chain hunt, it results in Pinhead being spoon-fed information that requires zero game sense. His power asks nothing of the player controlling him. Everybody says survivor is easy. It's a PvP game. His power does not belong in it.
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And the majority of the Survivors are bad at the game, therefore an M1 Killer like Pinhead with a passive that hinders them (like Pig, who also had a high kill rate) has a high kill rate.
Also Nurse has the lowest kill rate so those statics don't really mean anything
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"PvP game" do you know what PvP means or do you just throw this term around hoping your argument makes any sense? His power requires him to learn how to approximate box spawns based on estimations of the other survivors locations and even the best pinheads can't guarantee it spawns in a certain spot. Survivors are "spoonfed" where the is box is at omg no game sense and they're even visually shown when chain hunts are going to start!
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He has the highest kill rate according to outdated statistics based on overall data that was explicitly said should not be used to make conclusions like this. Pinhead is honestly pretty balanced, with a weak anti-loop ability comparable to clown and a minor slowdown that can be completely nullified by a skilled survivor. You can build him to make his slowdown more oppressive, by always being able to find the box before the survivors can solve it, but it require using a bunch of perk slots to do so. The chain tethers are all rng based already, and often spawn from angles that survivors can break instantly.
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Nurse is suboptimal on Switch, controller, last gen, and new gen. PC MKB players -- nothing against them -- with at least ten hours on Nurse do not have the lowest kill rate in the game. There's no practice mode with bots, either, and she has a high skill floor. Survivors can be bad, that doesn't mean that Pinhead doesn't ask much of the player. Infinite stall, infinite Tinkerer notifications.
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Every Killer is suboptimal on Switch.
Nurse is a worse on controller, but not suboptimal and still playable.
10 hours on Nurse don't mean much, play 10 hours on Nurse and show us results of you playing against equally skilled Survivors.
Pinhead doesn't have infinite stall, he has a 1v4 Power that is fully in the hands of the Survivors. The only way he'll find the box is if he's lucky or the Survivors showed it to him.
Infinite Tinkerer? Since when does Pinhead have Tinkerer in his base-kit? You even played h-oh wait you don't even have him.
Disscussing Pinhead with you is worthless, I see
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Survivors are given an aura reading to prevent infinite stall. How difficult would matches be for the Pinhead player if survivors had no way to know where the box is? How playable would it be? It's free chain hunts, a passive power. Regardless, he has the add-on that obscures the box's aura.
For all the talk that survivor is easy mode, what about Pinhead? When you really break down his design, how much does it really ask of the player?
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No mechanic in this game is that hard to understand once you have enough hours put into. He has infinite Tinkerer because whenever a survivor tries to solve the box, Pinhead gets a notification to go there. How many DBD players have complained about the labyrinth that are RPD's hallways and corridors? Pinhead doesn't need to be bothered with it. He just teleports wherever whenever he gets the Tinkerer notification.
I'm not complaining about Nurse. She's kinda spooky and Pinhead's kinda lame.
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Killer: Juggle 4 survivors and keep track of their perks, 7 gens, hook states, the box, chasing with an anti loop that's actually more difficult than nurse without the reward of a guaranteed hit
Survivor: Occasionally deal with the box, drop pallets, hold m1 on gens and not 3 gen, occasionally cleanse a hex, unhook people, heal