Your SBMM system is messed up, can you fix mine?

So im an insanely good survivor, probably not the best but no doubt definitely high mmr without trying to sounds cocky, it's not meant as a brag I'm just competitive.
However, I usually dont play during the time DC penalties are off but this time I kinda had to as I'm so busy working it's the only time I could get on. So i though I'll avoid randoms quitting by finding a swf in an LFG.
Now in that LFG I stated I'm a high mmr player looking for other good players that arent gonna DC, must be good because you will verse high lvl players.
However I ended up with people lying and being the worst ever possible team, even after a 7min chase they was just running around and only 1 gen got done. I got camped by the bubba.
After this I decided I to go solo as I do 99% of the time, but now every game is like new players both killer and survivor and I cant physically do 5gens and the chases and escape. No matter how good I loop I eventually run out of pallets especially if my team just throw them without ever looking behind...
Can you undo that the last day? I'm close to just uninstalling at this point because it's not fun in the slightest, killers dont mindgame at all so it's kinda boring gameplay loop wise and my team arent even a team, they're legit urban around the map...
welcome to mmr hell. there is only one way out and that is grinding.
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We do not adjust players individual matchmaking rating for them - the system takes care of this itself, the more you win the higher your ranking will be.
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So why did one game mess up the whole system...
I'm not being funny but I'm versing killers who cant even follow scratch Mark's, like I can run straight through killer shack as the killer searches all the lockers... they dont even know how to moon walk.
I'm WAY above that level. I'm at the level where I didnt even care about spirit needing a nerf or half the nerfs you have done.
That one game took me from the top straight to the bottom, this isnt a skill issue this is a SBMM issue...
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Still getting impossible games to win with no one even doing gens....
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SBMMR is bad designed and we all know that. Everything is about Kills and Escapes, nothing else and this is a terrible design. It should work out for how many gens u do in a game / how long do u keep a chase in play without going down / how many safe unhooks u do etc. on the survivorside and how many Downs and/or Hooks u get (Pallet-Saves = a point for down, Hook = 3 points for the Hook or something like that) on killer side.
Out of this, you get a Rate, lets say 1.000 and this is your MMR. It changes every game and u are in a Section. For example: 0-500 MMR = Low-Level, 501-1.500 = Mid-Level, above = High-MMR.
You could do it with 5 levels, Very Low, Low, Mid, High and Top for example to separate.
Just related on Kills and Escapes is absolutely wrong, but hey, the Lead Game Designer actually thinks DBD is like Hockey, so what can u expect? ;-)
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is mmr calculated new after every game or once a day?
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It's more the fact iv gone from versing known good comp players and even streamers who 4k most games and now it's the complete opposite where the killer is bad and the survivors arent doing anything.
Like I completely agree it's an awful system but all this because I joined 1 game of very low mmr and now I'm stuck
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The system doesn't lie, you're right where you belong, brother
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Try actually reading the post and comments. I can assure you I dont belong here, I dont go from matching against good players and doing well verse them to suddenly match with completely new players that cant even do the basics
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Skipped lobbies and long wait times go BRRRR.
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How do you know that it's not just a function of wacky matchmaking (for everyone) right now? I wouldn't worry too much unless it keeps happening for dozens of matches across many days/times/etc.
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Your MMR finally caught up with you and have put you in the region you belong to.
Just joking btw.
That is why i stopped playing a little over a year ago, MMR shouldn't be in this game and it doesn't really make sense either.
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It could be, it does certainly happen especially during event but I went from insanely good killers and team to the next day completely new players...
Like killers are physically hating on me because they assume I'm smurfing it cheating when I just want to live and go back to the usual games I had
I dont mind mmr too much if it worked and was actually based on skill, atm though it's just not and having this issue happen to me has just made the experience miserable