Should Ruin get a buffed regression speed?



  • AverageAshEnjoyer
    AverageAshEnjoyer Member Posts: 427

    150%, take it or leave it

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,258

    How was it oppressive? You break the totem, and if the killer's guarding the totem they're not guarding the gens. Wow, having to break 2 hexes? So oppressive. Wrong, wrong, and wrong. Killers didn't get instant value from Ruin/Tinkerer. They'd have to go pressure the gen, and on the off chance it didn't get done in their face, they'd still have to hang around a while because if they chase 1 off, another can just come behind and finish it, or at least stop it from reactivating Tinkerer again, in which case the killer would just have to guess that someone got on it and come back. Both Tinkerer and Ruin have been annihilated, and you never see them anymore. But we're to believe that their old versions were THAT much more powerful? I don't think so. Solos/bad survivors can skew results a lot.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,258

    Not in execution. They punished killers who used perks like Ruin, which only rewarded them if they pressured gens and left hook. Trust me, killers have never been more punished for not relying on slowdown. Freddy and Ghost Face didn't stop being Freddy and Ghost face overnight because of that 'buff'.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,258

    The results of bad data. I bet it was top 5 killer perks... across all levels. But at the top specifically it never saw play. It just got cleansed or straight-up ignored. Gen regression was and still isn't even worth it against the top, so you're better off using Corrupt (which was nerfed) and Deadlock. And then guess what? The perks they shaked up and made people start using, now are all being called OP. Yep, Overcharge/Call Of Brine OP, because majority of survivors are incapable of gen tapping.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,617

    I understand your frustration but my suggestion is based on reducing camping and tunneling. Killers need an incentive to leave the hook combined with the disincentives. Before, you couldn't make Rank One by just straight out down the first camp them out and getting to Rank One was a source of pride. BBQ and Chili's BP bonus made it omnipresent and the BP bonus along with the aura reading incentivized the Killer to leave the hook. Now we have MMR which only incentivizes kills and no juicy BP bonus for BBQ & Chili stacks. We do have more anti-tunneling tools than before (although I think DS needs its nerf reverted) and a anti-camping tool (that I think needs a buff) but there are no incentives for Killers to not tunnel and only a few that encourage multiple hooks (Scourge Hooks and Pop although Pop was nuked to oblivion).

    This part isn't directed specifically at you; I'm just taking advantage of my post to state it but personally I think the game would be better off overall if Killers had incentives to not camp and tunnel combined with the disincentives and, in my opinion, the survivor portion of the community should have less resistance to buffs that promote that.

    I don't expect to win every game but I do expect to have fun and I have more fun in a game where hooks are spread around and everyone has a chance to play. I fortunately often get teammates who help me punish hard camping and tunneling by hook trading and doing gens so it's quite often a 3E or 4E instead of a 4K but those games are boring. I'd rather have a close game, win or lose, that's exciting with Killers that spread hooks around and don't camp than a game that's just hit M1, the occasional hook trade, open the exit gates and either feel sorry for the sacrificial lamb or be the sacrificial lamb. I think that healthier games would be more easily achieved with incentives combined with disincentives against camping and tunneling.

  • mischiefmanaged
    mischiefmanaged Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 374

    I can potentially see "deincentivizes camping" because Ruin doesn't do anything if you camp, but no other regression perk helps when you camp either. PGTW, Eruption, CoB, Jolt, etc only work if you're actively harassing generators/survivors. I think Deadlock and Merciless Storm are the only remaining perks that are slowdowns that assist camping. And Merciless Storm you can ignore if you'e good enough at the skill checks.

    Jolt itself is probably one of the healthiest regression perks in the game. But that's a different conversation.

    I don't really understand how it incentivizes spreading hooks other than the deactivation condition. You'll still be benefited most by targeting 2 specific survivors and trading hooks between them even with the deactivation. Someone out of the game is the most effective regression perk in the game.

    I generally find the CoB/Eruption meta to be kind of annoying, but I'm not sure a Hex: Ruin meta is more healthy as I think it sets the meta to be around random totem spawns. Also, while I don't think Ruin is strong right now, I don't think it's weak. It's probably more just weak because the regression isn't as good as the other regression perks, it has no synergy with them, and it can be deactivated by the survivors. But it's also still too strong to not be a Hex perk anymore since the effect is persistent and passive.

    Maybe if there was some kind of middle ground? I wonder what would happen if it was changed to be similar to PGTW where the regression was faster if the generator had more progress.

  • SpaghettiYOLO
    SpaghettiYOLO Member Posts: 236

    So bump base regression up to what Ruin used to do. 200% of .25 makes it .5. I've been saying regression speed should be increased instead of adding more time, which means nothing in most games because of the amount of repair speed perks in nearly every game.

  • KblokoBR
    KblokoBR Member Posts: 209
    edited November 2022

    This is a completly worthless perk right now, get 1 kill loose it (if he endures lighted up at this time) and NORMALLY regress a non working gen lol. its indeed RUINED.

  • KblokoBR
    KblokoBR Member Posts: 209

    Lmao, now we see from who bhvr takes opinion in consideration

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    Clearly not me lmfao their changes are whack

    Anyway found the user who doesn't know what base generator regression speed is part 2

  • KblokoBR
    KblokoBR Member Posts: 209

    For sure, you would high up the game showing how broken actualy base regression is.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    Ah yes, base regression is so broken that it takes 360 seconds to regress a generator from 99% to 0%. It is 4x slower than Survivor progress on a Generator without any speed modifiers, and the only things that make gens worth kicking are OverBrine and Eruption.

    How absolutely gamebreaking.

  • KblokoBR
    KblokoBR Member Posts: 209

    It was an IRONY my man, ruin is deep sht now, if you asked about a buff it doesnt get clear to me

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    I'm literally saying to buff base regression up to what Ruin used to be like, which is an overall killer buff like babes I am begging you to use a calculator and some critical thinking

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,604

    I've been complaining that the base gen regression is (phrase I can't type)

    And Ruin being fitted with it only proves my point...

    It either needs to lose the deactivation or let it be 200% Gen regression

    And that "mini Pop" isn't worth a (word I can't type) right now

    As @GoodBoyKaru said (sorry for bringing you back into this) it takes 360 seconds to fully regress a Gen that takes a SOLO Survivor 90 seconds to repair (and complete)

    So yes I would love to see Ruin came back to it's former glory... MHAHAHAHAHAAHahahahah.... heheheheh

    I would also like to see base Gen regression be increased to .50 charges per second... and changing all of the regression perks (mainly COB and Overcharge)

    Also what's the lowest Gen progression lost... 8% from Jolt (I think so if something else exists then I'm sorry)

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    you can use overcharge. it applies hex:ruin after 30 seconds to a gen. it buffs base-kit regression to 200%. I am not sure what your complaining about? Personally for me, I do not like gen kicking perks because they're not time efficient for me. I wish there was a perk that kicked generators for me automatically and applied my perks without me having to kick generators.

    The closest perk to that is oppression but it does not apply the gen kicking perks. If there was a perk that automatically kicked the nearest generator for basic/special attacking a survivor with short/medium cooldown, I would use these perks a lot more.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    I can also use Call of Brine.

    Or we can stop relying on perks to make regression even semi worthwhile and just make it better from the getgo and subsequently nerf OverBrine to keep it at the same level as today .

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 755

    I was fine with the 200 being lessened bit; wish it was 150% instead of 100. But the extra downside of losing it after you kill a Survivor makes it worthless. It didn't need it, because it was a hex perk to begin with. Survivor can counter it by simply doing the gens ans committing to it, or seeking the totem when found. It helps Killers whom is good at pressuring multiple Survivors off gens, and if a Survivor dies; whom cares the Survivors are less likely to do gens, if it was a 3 gen situation or if they not even doing the last few gens; or worse case scenario, they didn't even bother completing a gen and waste all the time bullying the killer with Flashlight.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700
    edited November 2022

    I think Ruin is fine how it is, IF IT WOULD NOT BE A HEX-PERK ANYMORE!

    You have a mediocre auto-regression, which deactivates after one survivor dies.