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The way eruption is carrying killers in solo q is actually insane



  • Member Posts: 285

    bbbbut SWF!!!??? - literally 80% of the survivor player base are solo q players

  • Member Posts: 1,065

    1- like getting 3 gen did not depend on map and killer. If you get a map where 3/4/5 gens spawn together, good luck with not getting 3 genned

    2- what? How can you even predict that? I had games where i could loop the killer for 30 sec, and then for 1min or 2 min after. The chase duration can vary by map, pallets, killer and surv perks, looping experience. The amount of factors and possibilities you have to consider is enormous.

    3-And that is the problem with eruption, you either lose time getting hit by something you cant predict, or you lose time abandoning your half repaired gen so that you can avoid being hit. And as the match progresses, you are exponentialy losing the chance to "go for another gen" as by endgame it is common that the 3 gens remaining are kicked.

    4- That is the same as going 'spectator mode' as you cant do anything anyway.

    5- and? This game is balanced about survivor getting downed eventually. And you dont need every survivor to be a god looper because of one overtuned perk.

  • Member Posts: 118

    4- Correct, you shoudlnt have replied. You dont want solutions, you want excuses!

  • Member Posts: 118

    Ask Killers how often they play hex builds and survs spawn immediately near their hexes, without ANY chance of the killer to defend them.

    Is that fair or fun? certainly not! Is your situation fun? ofc not. But its RNG sometimes its in your favour, sometimes its not.

    Most of the time it is in Favour of survs. Simply by the fact most bad RNG doesnt even affect survs that much.

    Multiple generators spawning to close is literally the only one that is really affecting.

    Use the new energy perk of vittorio. Pump it up at the second to last gen and release it in the 3gen, it really isnt that difficult.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    I will just sitting here watching killers making excuses to defend this perk.

  • Member Posts: 118

    I quote you as often as I want. And as often as you write that BS that you do!

    This is exactly the point. YOU are talking about your PoV, viewing it out of YOUR angry surv main angle and nothing else.

    As long as you dont take 2-3 steps back and view the bigger picture, you wont even be able to scrath the surface of a balance discussion. You got tunnel vision, thats it...

    The opinion that "most of us" share? I doubt that. Just bcs you and the other surv mains that barely play any Killer games at all got the time to cry over reddit and forums, that doesnt make you a mojority. Just bcs your voices are loud doesnt mean you are a majority in numbers. As long as there is no statistical evidence of that matter its just your subjective view of things. nothing more nothing less!

    You obv didnt even understand what I wrote. I know that soloq is frustrating at times. But the solution is not nerfing EVERY usable Killer Perk into the ground. (like ruin/pop/etc) And its not only SWFs, like I said already, even competent SoloQ Survs are almost undefeatable if not matched with an S-Tier Killer.

    So how is my "PTSD of losing 1 match a month against a good SWF" less worth than your "PTSD" of being incapacitated for 20 secs bcs you clearly fcked up ingame? Again, Hypocrisy!

    Your putting your fun and your enjoyment over the others while expecting THEM to care for you!

  • Member Posts: 663

    When hags swamp creature outfit was on the tome I played wraith and just made a 3 gen. Didn't even use the meta perks cause I didn't have them unlocked. Was a easy win. And those dudes knew how to use flashbangs my lord. I probably have one hour as killer.

  • Member Posts: 118

    But this is the point. You will never get out of the circle of "This is to strong and that is to strong" if you dont balance SoloQ and SWF.

    As Butchering SWF to a point where it feels like SoloQ is not an option, the way to go should be Giving SoloQ enough information and abilities to communicate to alleviate the difference between SWF and Solo.

    From there it is WAY easier to balance Killer and Surv perks/addons/abilities as you dont have to think about the fact that one have a ton of information and the other doesnt.

  • Member Posts: 118

    1- Like I said earlier, thats RNG. Its not always in your favour. But if you play surv most of the time, its more often in your favour than not!

    2- So youre telling me that you could estimate the playstyle of your teammates better over time and with experience and therefore get out of the way of erruption if you have game knowledge? Oh no what a bad thing!

    3- You lose time, exactly. Thats the point. And why is that bad? There are tons of perks that make you lose time on both sides. You just have to know how to use that "lost" time the best you can. If you dont have a 3 gen and there are more than 2 survs remaining it is practically impossible for the killer to keep all 3 gens kicked while chasing a survivor without one of the gens getting popped.

    4- You say so. Under 2 you complained about the information you need to counter erruption, but here you prefer to not get information at all bcs why exactly? You dont want to get out of your way to win. You want to hold m1 for 90 sec and thats it....

    5- Right, eventually. In the current state of the game, looping a killer for 3-4 gens is not a "rarity" its the freakin standart. With the amount of good loops/pallets and 2nd Chance perks you are really bragging over one good killer perk that requires time and effort to play around?

  • Member Posts: 285

    I literally have no problems with any other killer perk even as a solo q player, my frustration only lies with Eruption because it is way overturned and the game does not give you any help to deal with it, I am literally talking about Eruption only, I am not really sure how many times I have to explain this. I also literally wrote that even if Eruption is not changed solo q players need something to deal with it then, coms / ping system anything - the only point of my thread is for the devs to realize that the weakest role in the game needs help and not to get kicked while down whit this perk (highest picked killer perk atm)

    What bigger picture are you referring to? That lack of solo q help is miserable and made even more miserable because of lack of coms by this perk or the fact that SWF are not touched by this perk at all? Like I do not understand why you constantly bring this entire attitude of survivor mains = bad when my point is to discuss this one perk and nothing else, like the devs changed stuff, escape rates are now in killer's favour when counting swf as well, is it maybe time now to look at solo q and make sure opressive perks like these do not go live now that we helped killers?

    I meant most of in this thread - it's a fact.

    What other killer perks I asked to be nerfed ? lmao

    Because you losing one match against a good swf is literally one time thing that clearly does not help your judgment when it comes to the actual situation of the game - where the majority of solo q players are frustrated and think this perk is bs because of lack of counterplay

  • Member Posts: 118

    Your Title literally complains about a Killer perk that "carries" them through games.

    You cannot complain about ONE Killer Perk that carries while the other Side has COUNTLESS Perks carrying them, for years!

    You want easier games! Just admit it at this point...

  • Member Posts: 285
    edited December 2022

    exactly one killer perk should not be able to have this much impact on the match, just like how one survivor perk should not be able to (so old dead hard, old ds etc)

    I do think Eruption carries the match and changes the outcome way too many times, hence the need to make this thread and discuss it with other people.

    As far as I am aware all crutch perks have been nerfed and changed on the survivor end, people only got better with using new DH I guess, the survivor meta does not exist anymore that is consistent and reliable like the combo of ds/dh/unbreakable/iron will was

    SWF being able to abuse the game and rig it in their favour is a problem but I am not really sure how does nerfing them exactly solves the solo q problem I am discussing here so your constant mention of swf is really confusing me

    I do not want easier games, I actually have no problem facing Blights and Nurses (literally made a thread about it), my only problem is this oppressive perk making games super frustrating and feeling like I am constantly being robbed of my time with nothing I can do about it aside from playing with other people on coms

  • Member Posts: 1,065

    First of all, we are talking about counters to eruption. Now

    1- if you depend on gen RNG or be matched against a certain killer, then it is not a counter. So saying "dont get 3 genned" is meaningless when you have good chances to be 3 genned without the survivors' fault.

    2- What i am tell you is that, especially in soloQ, is impossible to know how long can a random teammate last in a chase because it is required for you to know an excessive amount of factors that you cannot realisticaly measure. As i said before, chases depends on map, how many pallets, looping skills, killer perks, survivor perks, luck, items, killer addons. It is nonsense to say that you can see all this and correctly measure the length of a chase while repairing on other side of the map.

    3- But the problem is not simply "losing time". It's the amount of time you lose for a single activation. Other popular perks like pain res makes you lose 10-15sec per hook but eruption punishes you for a whopping 40sec, and leaving a half repaired gen to find a new one can set you back even more.

    4- what use can i do with the information i get AFTER eruption activates?

    The point in 2 is getting info BEFORE you are hit so you can prevent the hit.

    5- Looping the killer for 3-4 gens is the standard? Really? that is just delusional. If survivors could pull that off as frequent as you make it sound, kill rates would plummet. We would be talking less than 30% killrate

  • Member Posts: 663

    I'd like easier games please and thank you. Nowadays everyone's sweating.

  • Member Posts: 318

    You know, this recent trend of discussing how overpowered Eruption is has been surprising to me. At first, during the RE release, I thought that this perk was cool in concept but very hard in practice ESPECIALLY for Killers that have a hard time with traversal.

  • Member Posts: 118

    Oh really? you wanna talk about hook sabos that make ppl not hookable if executed right bcs their wiggle status is not regressing anymore? Basically making them Immune?

    You wanna talk about OtR which gives you undetectability from EVERY aura reading perk/addon in the game, makes you non hearable in close proximity AND gives you endurance for 80 FKN SECONDS? and all that for LOSING a chase? Thats not even an achievement...

    You want to talkt about one of the strongest perks in Surv Meta, Borrowed Time, which got Enhanced AND gave to all Survivors for free?

    Shall we continue down the list of perks that can Change the outcome of the game in survivors favour by simply having them? no skill involved?

    At this point, Its really hard for me to take you serious...

    Again, for the third time, I NEVER said to nerf SWF... NEVER... are you even reading and understanding what Im typing?

    There are several ways of outplaying Erruption in Solos as I mentioned. But you dont aknowledge that as it is not easy enough. It takes practice and game knowledge but you dont want to get better...

  • Member Posts: 1,579

    Considering my solo escape rate hovers between 20-25%, with killers averaging close to 3 kills, yes I'd like some easier games please.

  • Member Posts: 118

    1- This is the Point I make throughout this argument. You have to take a view of the bigger picture of the game. Erruption is not the Problem. The whole imbalance of the game is. RNG in this case is a huge part of it. Complaining that, sometimes, you get harder games bcs of bad Gen RNG is hilarious compared to the other side, that gets ripped of many Perks/Playstyles (namely hexes) bcs bad RNG will completely strip them of their Perks without any chance of counterplay. And thats just one example...

    2- It is impossible to pinpoint exactly. I get that and that is the point. You get an estimate. You get to read Players. Killers do this all the time within split seconds (e.g. range killers aiming and reading survs dodge paths). Takes time, takes practice but rewards.

    3- Exactly and that is the point of the perk. Just like BNPs and Prove Thyself can finish a gen without the killer even finding the first survivor. If you know the Killer has erruption and you get on a gen that is regressing you basically know what you have to expect so you either got the chance to wait till your Teammate is down OR you gamble and repair and hope hes good at looping. Its not like you dont have the choice. And like I said, there are a million things you can do while youre incapacitated. But most survs prefere to stand infront of the gen and wait. This is YOU adding way more value to the perk than it has. You all complain about missing information you dont have. Yet if you have the time to gather this information you refuse to...

    4- If I have to tell you, what to do with information like remaining pallets, gen spawns, totem spawns, tile spawns, exit gates, basement spawn, etc. I suggest you do some research...

    5- I dont know how often you watch streams or spectate other players, but literally every game without corrupt or deadlock means literally 2 gens down before your first hook at bare minimum. As survivors throwing millions of map offerings like eyrie, giddeon or garden of joy with infinites and recently fat shaming spots that turn good loops into god loops, 3-4 gens before your first down becomes more and more common. Which makes Erruption even more important. Bcs these 40 seconds may make the difference between lose or draw or even a win...

  • Member Posts: 1,065

    The point is you are supposed to be giving 'counters' to eruption to somehow prove irs 'balance' as you were telling the other user yet none of the things you mentioned actually counters this perk.

    In 1, you rely in luck and gen RNG. And being matched against a killer who does not try to defend a 3-4 gen area the moment he spawns. So not a counter.

    In 2, you proposed an impossible method to know when a teammate is down and then said one should take a guess. Not a counter.

    In 3, you proposed a method equally as bad as being hit by eruption, to leave the gen. And then you said you should get hit and take the time to do something else, which is still bad as incapacitation does not let do anything.

    In 4, you are not even proposing a counterplay, just saying 'get hit and do something else' while incapacitated. More of nothing.

    In 5, you are proposing every survivor to massively overperform in chases so that eruption never go off. Saying something like "survivors looping 3-4 gens is standard" when that situations are the extremes ones, and fully reserved to SWF which are not the ones suffering from eruption.

  • Member Posts: 118

    Why do I have to give you counters? I gave you opportunities to play with the cards youve been given. If you want to walk that way, whats the counter of Dead Hard? Whats the counter of OtR? Waiting? Chasing someone else? In both cases the Killer is losing time. So its not a direct counter. If you argue around that, nearly every Perk has to get reworked bcs there are no "direct counters" to them...

    1- if you have bad RNG you complain. Yet, if RNG is on your side, e.g scourge hooks are very miserable placed, hexes spawn near survivor objectives and get immediately cleansed, you take that and call it a day. how come so? Even tile spawns are RNG and 99% in favour of survivors. Havent seen anyone complain about that? its RNG thats the whole point of it... You cannot complain about a mechanic if it is not in your favour, yet if its in your favour its fine. Either you complain about RNG as a whole or not at all. Just "bad Gen RNG" is completely onesided!

    2- If it is Impossible, how is it that me and a lot of other players do it regularly? I dont have a problem with erruption as survivor. And I exclusively play soloQ. Tell me how this works?

    3- that is the point. If you dont want to get hit by erruption, method A. If you get hit, Method B. Its called adapting. But according to the mass DCing after DH Nerf, I get that most Surv mains cant adapt to the simplest situational changes. Everything outside of holding m1 and Shift+W seems to be to much to ask for...

    4- I told you about 10 things you can do while being incapacitated. You dont want to do that. Its your problem but stop complaining then. If you dont have any use for information I suggest you got a lot to learn in playing survivor...

    5- Overperform? By running in circles through spots survivors fit through and killers dont? by running infinites that technically are not possible for the killer to win if run correctly? ######### are you talking about? do you even have more than 100hrs played as a killer?

  • Member Posts: 670

    Eruption is being more annoying and overpowered than old DH, it needs to be toned down asap

  • Member Posts: 118

    In 10 Games i get around 2-3 Hook Sabo plays.

    Coordination? Alexis Toolbox gives you a guaranteed sabo even if the killer hits you. no Counterplay possible. What kind of coordination is required here?

    Even Flashlight saves have been made so incredibly easy that there is no Coordination required...

    OtR: Oh well the perk, that doesnt require any active doing from survivors besides equipping it (which is hard, i get it...) is terminated in endgame? Oh how ######### unfair if it carried you through the fkn game bcs otherwise you wouldnt have reached endgame... Oh and you dont get the speedbuff of BT when OtR is equipped? really? Check your facts! What the heck do you want? Endurance stacking like on PTB? Where survs could have 4-5 Health States? Are you really trying to justify that? Just open up a forum post requesting an AutoWin Button bcs the killer dared to look at you... Thats just a joke rn...

    BT-Still gives you distance. For what? A skillcheck. You complain about a perk, that takes effort to consecutively apply on all gens, yet all the perks you mention as "nerfed" still work and require little to no effort and still provide massive value... Double Standard!

    Survivors are not "OP". I never said that.

    I said, the Game is heavily survivor sided. That is a HUGE difference! The more stuff you write, the more I understand that you dont get this difference, which makes any Balance discussion with you obsolete...

    Your thread is crying about a perk that is carrying killers, while the other side has tons of perks carrying. It is about balance. You cannot strip one side of all their possibilities to play efficiently while the other side gets handhold and pampered all the time. Its about balance. But again, following your argumentation, you lack the game knowledge to understand.

    I wrote a post about that. Again, you dont read, you dont understand. This is going nowhere...

  • Member Posts: 1,065

    Because you were answering to someone who told you how would you counter Eruption, and then everything you said did not counter this perk in the slightest. You are just ranting about survivors perks/addons without presenting any evidence that actually support that eruption is not overpowered against soloQ, which is the main topic of this post.

    1- If you rely on RNG then it is not a counter, no matter how much whataboutism you want to use.

    2- that is anecdotic, if i told you that i lost 3000 consecutive matches against trapper would this convince you to nerf him?

    3- the point is that 40sec of time advantage for the killer should not be left uncountered. and you are still comparing it to DH when it has nothing to do eruption.

    4- but this is not a counter. You are supposed to be giving counters as you previous answer to the other user. What kind of counter is "get hit and watch your surroundings"?

    5- infinites are gone, the running spots were fixed, telling me that it is standard for every survivor to loop every killer for 3-4 gens makes me believe you barely play dbd and just come to the forums to rant.

  • Member Posts: 4,661

    OtR: (...) Oh and you dont get the speedbuff of BT when OtR is equipped? really? Check your facts! What the heck do you want? Endurance stacking like on PTB? Where survs could have 4-5 Health States? Are you really trying to justify that? Just open up a forum post requesting an AutoWin Button bcs the killer dared to look at you... Thats just a joke rn...

    Where did you get this idea of the speedbuff being gone? OTR does not stack with basekit BT, simple as. OTR doesn't negate the basekit BT, but basekit BT negates OTR, if the killer tunnels hard enough. That's the entire problem with OTR. No one's asking for Endurance stacking from PTR back, but the swap from DS to OTR was a ginormous buff to tunnelling, and some of the dumbest design BHVR has ever done.

    BT-Still gives you distance. For what? A skillcheck. You complain about a perk, that takes effort to consecutively apply on all gens, yet all the perks you mention as "nerfed" still work and require little to no effort and still provide massive value... Double Standard!

    Skillcheck? BT does not involve any skillchecks. Do you know what BT does?

    Your thread is crying about a perk that is carrying killers, while the other side has tons of perks carrying. It is about balance. You cannot strip one side of all their possibilities to play efficiently while the other side gets handhold and pampered all the time. Its about balance. But again, following your argumentation, you lack the game knowledge to understand.

    The only 'carry' perk I can think of for survivors is Hyperfocus. I'm pretty sure none of the others can actually qualify, since they either offer very inconsistent value, or very little value. Maaaaaybe CoH, but I doubt that, too. I don't know what perks you are thinking of, but most of the big survivor perks have generally been perks that are necessary for a more balanced gameplay, the so called 'band-aids'. BT, OTR and formerly DS are examples of this.

    And I'm honestly starting to think the Exhaustion perks collection are, too, at this point.

  • Member Posts: 285

    Yeah it's going absolutely nowhere because you keep bringing up stuff that you don't know anything about when it comes to actual survivor experience in your average solo q matches and talking about some perfect scenarios that survivors have which mostly never happens with solo q plays and keep ignoring the simple fact that eruption is unfair against solo players and is way overpowered in crucial scenarios when it changes the outcome of the match (which in my games happens too many times to simply agree that this perk is balanced lmao and you yourself probably never experienced or you would actually know what I am talking about)

    You are also talking about survivor advantages as if we are not living in post survivor meta nerf patch and the game is SWF sided since they get a bunch of perks for free, but regular survivor games are not like that at all, you are the one lacking game knowledge and just want to spew your nonsense about survivor advantages and some perfect situations that are exceptions not rules,

    I mean even with skewed stats that devs are showing without dcs and with SWF included survivors escape far less than killers win which tells you all about how ''survivor-sided the game is'', your entire mentality, and the way you are talking about survivors just screams SWF op!!! just dismissing the fact that your average solo q match against a killer of the same skill is mostly a slaughter fest simply because lack of coordination and based on the current state of the game, changing eruption would improve the game at least a little for the weakest role in the game since expecting devs to help solo q after years and re-balance the game again after they just did and forced this entire new stupid meta is a stretch, but changing some numbers on one perk that is now the highest picked killer perk and has received complaints from the community about how unfair it is due to its effect and lack of counterplay really is not that far out there when it comes to complaints about the game.

    the point is I think Eruption is unfair against solo q players and carries the killer to wins that would be either impossible or much harder to achieve against solo q players who played well up until that point and that its effect is way too good in a situation where it matters the most while easily countered by comms and that perk should be changed / nerfed to something that can give the killer advantage against both swf and solos when getting a down but not in the same vein as it currently does against solos only thus not being properly balanced at all.

    If you think that something that is oppressive against the weakest role in the game and borderline minor inconvenience against the strongest role in the game is properly balanced and should not be looked into, I really do not know what to tell you anymore

  • Member Posts: 2,264

    Just had yet another match where I got hit multiple times with Eruption and the killer won entirely because of this perk as we were all solos. I even tried gen tapping like people did in the old Ruin days... it does not work of course.

    This perk seriously needs to be addressed but sadly I cant see that happening until next year now :(

    Situation is beyond ridiculous

  • Member Posts: 1,081
    edited December 2022

    After reading through your posts, I'm going to have to say its a skill issue.

    Eruption is wreaking havoc in a large percentage of games. If you are not feeling its effects you may need to play more and get your MMR a bit higher. At lower MMR a decent killer could win perkless and addonless pretty easily, so Eruption wouldn't seem like much of an issue.

    It reminds me a bit of console players saying Nurse is fine. Like, no, she isn't, but they don’t understand why.

    Post edited by Omans on
  • Member Posts: 263

    Honestly I don't think it's the perk but the fact that a 4 year old can 4k a Solo Q lobby easily. I don't even remember the last time I DIDN'T get a 3 or 4k as a killer.

  • Member Posts: 8,591

    Try this exercise: equip Corrupt Intervention and load yourself into a custom game on any number of maps. In particular Suffocation Pit, Azarovs Resting Place, Dead Dawg Saloon, RPD, Sanctum of Wrath, Torment Creek, Rancid Abattoir, Coal Tower, Gas Heaven, Thompson House. That's just off the top of my head. Load in and see how often a 3 gen is literally blocked off for the survivors at the start of the match. If you down someone within 2 minutes and hook them anywhere near those gens, you have a 3 gen for the rest of the game if you're sentient and proxy that hook.

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