Drastically rising amount of disconnects and self-killing is making me loose love for this game

Apologies if I am putting this in the wrong place-- I created a forum account today after 4 years of playing the game to make this post because I'm at my wits end.
For reference, by self-kill I mean the survivor kills themselves on hook from 0 hooks to dead from one hooking event OR, upon someone being able to unhook them fast enough so they can't kill themselves, the unhooked player runs at the killer to be downed and then killed.
Today, the number of rage DCs and self-killing is staggering. A year ago, a DC was rare and even then survivors and killers alike would feel bad about a DC, that they'd mutually farm for the remainder of the game. I'm not saying that was good or bad, but speaking to the rarity of the situation and mutual feeling of knowing rage DCs is a bad practice.
In the past day, only 2/10 games I solo queued for had no one rage DC or self-kill. DCs happen usually upon first down in the early game or right before death on second hook. The first situation is much more punishing. In response to this, someone usually self kills or DCs in short succession.
Please create heavier punishments for DCs past a grace 1 DC, or, tie it to a different punishment if it happens after a certain event (ex. A down). Additionally, please try to find a mechanism to either punish players for self -killing (0 hooks to death) or lower the punishment for the survivors that stay (bloodpoint and rank tick/pips specifically). A nice solution would be 0 de-pips if a player DCs your game regardless of what follows.
In either case, please, please do something. It's gotten so bad these past few updates that my friends and I are considering leaving after many happy years here. The DCs and self-kills have made the game incredibly not fun to play.
Thank you for your time reading this,
Unfortunately it is not a problem that can be easily fixed, survivors DC'ing is just the symptom of a much deeper problem, not the root cause.
I do not advocate for people DC'ing/suiciding on hook. But you cannot put all the blame on people who DC.
A few days ago my first DBD game was against a killer who picked Midwich offering. Within 30 seconds of the match, you can guess it, I hear the Nurse sound, baby Meg gets downed and then we all get exposed from Starstruck. Just after getting exposed, I immediately thought "This is ridiculous, I should DC" and at the exact same time one of my teammates DC'd in front of me. I decided to stay, needless to say we got spanked within minutes, the Nurse of course did not give hatch and after the game I saw her profile with 2000+ hours and lots of toxic comments implying she was only playing Nurse on Midwich.
Imagine coming back from work and expecting to play a chill game, and this is what you get, people would rather not play. I don't even think Nurse is OP (at all), but when the game starts like this you can tell within seconds that you're going to have a very unenjoyable match. Add stupid teammates to the equation, a dysfunctioning MMR, repeated loss streaks, unhealthy playstyles (facecamping etc.) and toxic end game chat, yes I know people will come here and proudly say "I never disconnect, it's poor sport etc.", but showing the world how moralish you are is not going to address the problem: DBD is a game where the worst possible unfun situations can happen out of any video game I've played.
A game is supposed to be somewhat fun, but if 5 people play and within the first 30 sec of the match already 4 of them have the impression that they are wasting their time, but the game forces them to stay, then something is severely wrong with the game itself, and of course people will DC no matter the penalty.
A good start to fix the problem would be to fix MMR so that you truly have 50% chance of winning. Getting 10+ loss streak in a row puts everyone in a very defeatist mindset that is not healthy in a game where you can suicide on hook.
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Then please don't play this game. If you do not have the patience or fortitude to follow basic team etiquette, this is not the game for you.
You're not the only person looking to relax or have fun. You immediately screw over 3 other people's game if you DC or self-kill.
I highly disagree; this game shouldn't be won at a 50/50 chance; this game is much more complex than that. It is a skill game, and folks should understand that.
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Yes, we absolutely can put all the blame on the people that DC. It is literally exclusively and solely a problem with their maturity. If they can't handle going against certain parts of this game, they should not queue up. In fact, stick to single player games entirely, if they don't care about ruining the game for everyone else the second the game isn't the way they want.
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They should absolutely increase DC penalties and get rid of the hook quit option. We ALL have bad matches, but if you're someone that DCs the second you don't get your way, I got no sympathy for you.
Yeah, they should also do things to mitigate some of the worst playstyles/aspects of the game. However, at the end of the day if you're DCing or quitting on a regular basis....you ARE the problem. Please stop ruining the game because you never learned how to handle adversity.
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We should stop trying to punish people and start idk, looking at WHY they DC?
Maybe people DON'T find being slugged the entire match fun? Maybe they don't like getting gen rushed? Maybe these things aren't good?
I'll show you exactly what's gonna happen.
People keep DC'ing.
Increase DC penalty. DCs drop. Playercount drops.
Hook suicides rise. People complain.
Remove the ability to self unhook. Hook suicides stop. Playercount drops.
People go AFK. People complain.
Banning people for being AFK. Playercount drops.
People start throwing themselves at the Killer and spamming rushed actions.
You see? It doesn't matter what punishment you think up if you don't address the root issue.
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Please play stardew valley or something if you want to relax and chill. When one person gives up just because they get downed or the killer isnt someone they wanted you ruin the game for 3 other survivors. Even for the killer in some sense.
Many killers just want to get the game over with after the first ragequitter so they just kill the remaining 3 as fast as possible, making the survivors think the killer is being sweaty. No we just want to move along. Not everyone likes farming.
When first person ragequits for whatever reason, survivors give up. If there is 5-4 gens left there is absolutely no point to continue and prolong the game. So i personally go to the killer and ask to be let out.
Play the game. Lose or win. Dont just babyrage and DC or first hook #########. If you want to relax. I really do recommend stardew valley. Excellent game and can be multiplayer as well!
Also whoever is supporting and saying survivors DCing is valid due to camping and tunneling and because or eruption... I have no words for you.. Stop supporting this bad behaviour.
You don't know how the game is going to go and if the killer is going to tunnel and camp if you babyrage quit in 15 seconds of the game! Thats just you being entitled.
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This 👆
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I don't think it's a problem. Like someone said early, this is a skill based game. If you don't have the skill to be in a particular match, you leave, instead of wasting your time. People who complain about DCs are really saying that they can't win without other people to help do the heavy lifting, i.e. it's really a lack of skill on their part. Be good enough to 1v1 a killer. That's what hatch is for.
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How do other asymmetrical multiplayer games deal with this problem?
Imo you can't "fix" the players, people will DC for any reason. The penalty system was a good start, def keep that.
Just not for the remaining players in the game. Are bots still planned to fill the gap?
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So... if i read this right, then suvivors dc/suicide because they don´t get tunneled or camped? But instead have to wait occasionally 25 seconds?
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Ask yourself the question what is fun in this game and how the current plans of the dev currently look like.
personally i think the decision makers at bhvr don't know what makes their game fun. therefore one wrong decision is made after the other.
this shows up when playing, when the players ask themselves why am i still playing? the disconnects are the result of it.
the survey alone is so long that half of my friends gave up in the middle because they didn't feel like it anymore.
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up to a certain level it is skill based, beyond that the map rng determines the outcome of the game.
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If you are loosing love, try tightening it.
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Not enjoying the game seems to be part of the normal play circle. Basically everyone takes a break from DbD from time to time. So if the people don´t enjoy playing the game, then they should just take a break instead of ruining the game experience for everyone else by disconnecting/suiciding.
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I see a lot of people saying DCs are the result of games not being "fun" or the game is "boring".
Why don't I see people constantly DCing when their side is winning? Or when they get a ridiculous map in their favor? (Yeah, I'm looking at you survivors that never DC on Garden of Joy)
Hmmm....seems strange.
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I play both survivor and killer and recently it dawned on me that I never DC as killer but I admit there are games where I do leave as survivor.
As with other examples, I find it hard to blame team mates (not advocating) when we get a sweaty Nurse slugging at 5 gens and they don't want to play against it. The same with the huge increase in unnecessary tunnelling off hook even with 5 gens still up, how can people be expected to just tolerate this without complaint?
I will be honest, I am currently on a 15 minute time out which is not something I like to admit but the games have been that horrible and I think I am just going to stop playing today as the vast majority of matches have not been enjoyable at all.
I don't understand people who play killer and tunnel someone out at 5 gens so they inevitably DC and then the match is pretty much ruined. How can this be fun and can you really consider it a win that you made the match so unpleasant for someone else they decided leaving and taking a penalty is preferable to having to tolerate you?
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You can say this but when a killer tunnels someone off hook at 5 gens can you really expect that person to want to keep playing the game with them?
We aren't captives here by force, we are all here trying to have fun and enjoy a game and if you cant play nicely or fairly with others then you cant expect them to just be your plaything and they will inevitably choose to just leave.
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Hahaha i was thinking about answering with the exact same recommendation for a relaxing game 😁
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The root issues are a weak spine to tough through pvp games and the missing balls to simply quit a game and switch to anotherjf it isn't 100% to their liking.
Pvp games never are or were games to chill and relax.
I would never start a round of R6S, lol or valorant with the intent to chill and relax because me being absentminded and unfocused would lose my team the game.
And unlike a whole lot of people i still feel a kind of obligation towards the team when queuing up for such games. Sadly that makes me part of the minority and a dying breed.
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Ehm, this being a game with the concept of 1vs4, it should be basicly impossible to 1v1 the killer indefinitely, aside from a matchmaking mismatch, so your whole point is "hope the killer is worse than you and matchmaking bored them".
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They die. (The games i mean)
Afaik DBD is the ONLY asymmetrical pvp game that has managed to survive for a longer period of time.
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Maybe don't fixate so much on your "tunnel at 5gens" scenario.
I as a friendly killer had my fair share of people DCing simply upon getting downed first and faster than they liked. No tunneling, no camping and no slugging but often the instant DC. And don't get me started about times when penalties were off.
And no you arent captives but when you hit ready you say that you are ready to play this game with 4 other people knowing that you can get any of the ~30 killer on any of the however many maps. You KNOW what could come and don't get to cherry pick, neither the opponent nor the map nor how the first minute of the match goes.
IF you have a problem with that and want to leave to the detriment of the 4 other players that now can no longer play in any normal gameplay loop: DONT QUEUE UP IN THE FIRST PLACE.
That's what responsible people do.
Edit: And i am not.talking about you specifically, matriosity, but in general in any team pvp game without refill.
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Improvements to the solo experience would probably alleviate “some” of the dc/suicides.
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Don't get me wrong, I do understand the frustration as a solo queue only (these days) veteran I suffer the consequences of DC's a lot myself.
But I also play a lot of killer and I very rarely if ever have DC's and I think it is no coincidence that I never tunnel off hook, I don't camp and I don't run horribly broken and unfun builds. My main killer was Nurse too but I can honestly say I have never even used Starstruck on her and I never slug at 5 gens etc.
Sure I have had people DC literally the second they hear Nurse, or for no apparent reason with another killer. But the problem is only worsened by people who decide to play killer in the most unpleasant way in a game where your opponents cannot retaliate with a headshot or an outplay if you decide to tunnel them out etc
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You normally have decent takes.
I'm disappointed.
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PVP games can absolutely be chill and relaxing. I literally play DBD because I find it relaxing. As Survivor I don't care about escaping, and as killer I don't care about 4king. I focus on building my skill - everything else will follow. It's probably why in the 2 years I've been playing, I've only ever DCd twice. Once when my old headphones went on the fritz and once when the killer and survivors started trolling me because I didn't want to farm. IMO more players in this community need to play more chill. We aren't the ones DCing. It's the competitive lot who rage quit.
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The game is in a bad state for survivors. That’s why this is happening more than usual. Nothing more to it really
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The amount of tunnels and campings are killing my love for this game
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Obviously it’s a combination of all the aspects that make survivor unbearable. Please use your common sense.
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Yeah the worst state it has been for solo, at least in my personal experience. I think that’s a huge reason for the uptick in dc’s.
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I would say the blame goes to the devs on how the game is designed. If a killer wants to go sweaty and start tunneling right at 4-5 gens then they do what they want to do. I will easily take the penalty if a killer does this at 4-5 gens or slugs. Survivors are trying to win as well, if we are in solo's and the match starts that way, it drastically changes how the match will go. There is a big gap in winning percentage from 4v1 and 3v1. So, why would I give you hooks/kills when you decided to make it drastically difficult for survivors to win? As long as these strats exist, we should have a give up option so that way we can move on to the next, hopefully promising, match.
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Changes are coming. Ppl ######### talk the devs a lot but they listen, it might just take time.
In the meantime, equip perks that rely on your teammates' death. My suggestion is Sole Survivor to open the gates faster.
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People keep bringing up "tunneled at 5 gens left" but frankly if 5 gens are still left when you get tunneled out of the game, the survivors played badly.
Also if you want to dc anytime a killer decides they want to kill someone, you are only rewarding the killer for playing in the way you don't like.
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> load into match
> didn't notice marys letter during loading screen (game wouldve inexplicably crashed otherwise)
>its nurse
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My common sense tells me, that survivors biggest enemy right now, are other survivors.
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Sorry but not sorry.
I have only once ever intentionally ragequit in any of my pvp games and that was here in DBD because a group of survivor blatantly abused a fat shaming spot right into my face.
Other than that i have never rage quit neither DBD, rocket league, R6S, lol nor overwatch no matter how boosted my teammates behaved, i got spawn killed (R6S) or how much they fed the enemy team.
I always dug through a bad game because for me it has something to do with decency in those games to finish what you signed up for and anything else, outside of real life issue, is a weak mentality. Either pull through to the end or don't try at all.
I hate ragequitter as much as cheater, maybe even more since the former vastly outnumbers the latter.
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I only play solo survivor and there are 2 scenarios I will DC:
If a Nurse has starstruck I leave immediately and I encourage everyone to do the same. Ideally I would like to make that combo unplayable by having everyone collectively refuse to play against it.
Also if a killer slugs me and leaves me there to hunt down my last teammate for the 4k I will DC to give them hatch.
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Well, you're just weird then.
I leave QP OW games all the time. I hope around Arcade games. When I played Siege me and the boys would just dick around in casual and then leave.
I guess we're weak minded idk it was fun tho
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Congrats. You figured it out. Most players are bad.
Unfortunately, the skill level required to make tunneling ineffective is much higher than the skill level required to tunnel.
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First let me say hello and welcome to the forums!
I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts on this. I understand your frustration around player quitting.
The DC penalty is kept small at the beginning as things do happen (such as an emergency). And with the penalties stacking, it's intended to give appropriate consequences with recurring behavior.
I'm afraid someone dying on the hook is near impossible to monitor, given factors such as missing skill checks, failing the 4% attempt, etc.
That said, we value your feedback and will continue to monitor things such as DCs and how they are affecting gameplay.
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This is a really smart idea; League does something like this. In League, people who DC, AFK, or self-kill go to lobbies with similar people until they do X number of games.
To the responses of "lets address the root cause", that's a much more complex and nuanced fix than a more short-term, robust solution of curbing etiquette. There will always be people that DC or self-kill, but the numbers are too high. Those people are ruining this game for the rest of us at the current numbers.. most games would never let it get this bad. Please address it, Behavior. Rooting for you
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As someone who has played this game for 3 years now (and not trying to make an excuse for them), its been way, way worse. They did a lot to curb the original frequency of tunneling and camping. Haste and endurance off hook; new perks specifically for this (Off the Record, etc).
Now we need this attention to self-killing to bring it to "normal" numbers.
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As an other commenter said, this isn't a 1v1 game. The game is balanced for starting at 1v4. If this is your understanding, please refresh with the game's wiki for the basic objectives.
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It’s hilarious how willing people are to tell on themselves about their immaturity and entitlement.
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Good job missing my point about pvp games without refill, which is part of sieges normal queue for example and yes, if i were a random with you and your buddies dicking around i would hate you just as much. Just like my group hated every individual ragequitter.
A whole friend group is hardly subject of this discussion and therefore a mute point but go on. I was talking about individual ragequitter and not team wide decisions like leagues surrender majority vote.
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Only in a community as immature and entitled as this can you find people unironically defending a loophole to ragequit without getting the penalty for quitting.
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Respectfully, I think there is a way to flag self-killing, airing on the side of false negatives, too. The "trigger" could be several events in short succession ( oversimplified ex. on first hook, going from hooked to dead due to player actions on hook in 30s and within the first 3 minutes of the game).
There has so be some solution beyond simply "its not possible". That feels so discouraging to hear, given other games have solutions because this is a known player behavior
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Or just not having a way to self-kill in the first place.
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I could say the same about you.