Is time for 3 gens to leave.



  • TWS001
    TWS001 Member Posts: 345

    Apparently Hag is good at this too. First game of the day on The Borgo. 55 minutes of not leaving one tiny part of the map and the game is eventually over. 😖

    Can't wait to be told Deja Vu could have prevented this from happening and magically make the Hag move from the three red highlighted gens and told me what was obvious from about 1 minute in.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140
    edited January 2023

    If planted 3gens were to be prevented through base kit, then Hag better get some love. Keeping a web is a whole part of her playstyle, thanks to her snail speed and multiple counters.

  • BlueRose
    BlueRose Member Posts: 658

    Funny I think I never really seen so ppl complain about 3 genning this much untill the knight came out. In my opinion the problem of camping 3 gens that the start of the match has only became a thing because of two things. One is the knight and the other is the current meta.

    On the knight, it seems to me 90% of the complaints about camping 3 gems at the beginning of a match always involved the Knight and no other killer. Reason I believe this is true is because I firmly believe the knight is one of the wrost design killers in the game right now. His power is honestly worthless in chase other than forcing ppl out of loops which I think artist can do that better. Outside that his power is only really useful camping 3 gens. So I think BHVR should look at the knight and make changes to him to make him more useful in chases and fun to play and play against.

    The other problem is eruption. It's no secret that this perk is problematic for soloQ and should be charged in some ways. Personally I want the incap effect be replaced with another less oppressive status effect like a repair/healing debuff that gift of pain gives for a set amount of time.

    That said I think these are the only things need to change when it comes to 3 gens. If you spend the gens out further apart you only going to make m1 killers even more miserable to play. Unless you want more nurse and blight mains in the game then yeah go ahead and do what you suggested. You can't change one thing

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188
    edited January 2023

    bring perks to avoid it. is called corrupt intervention, protects u at the beggining of the game in that very important first chase. besides thats not RNG related so makes 0 sense to bring that

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    3gen situation is not the problem, it has always been in the game and until 6.1 it wasnt a concern for almost anyone as they were breakable except in very special situations when you had Ruin and it spawmed on the generator cluster in certain maps.

    It became a problem after 6.1 with the new regression perks and base buffs because breaking one now is almost impossible when you pair Ecrutchion+Brine+Overcharge.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,141

    I'll lose 3 gens over exhaustion being removed any day of the week.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    Deadlock + no way out is the funny

    I used to use corrupt until the nerf

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,972

    I always hear this and it changes nothing. Everyone wants more and still resorts to those tactics. Some high-mobility killers will still patrol and protect a three gen. Same with tunneling, slugging, and camping. These are the go-to tactics of many. The devs made gens slower, and still, we see gen regression perks in every trial. I'm not convinced more buffs will promote new playstyles.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    3 gen is not a guaranteed win for killers. Survivors still have the advantage when it comes to progression vs regression.

  • gnehehe
    gnehehe Member Posts: 510
    edited January 2023

    ^, Yes!

    In this case, the Deja Vu perk will only reveal you - from the start - the annoying drag out strategy from the killer (constant TR in very small area of the map, kicking back all possible gens after 10 sec chases)

    Alternatively, the Alert perk can also reveal this strategy very early in the game

    Once Eruption perk is confirmed, you simply do this:

    • you press escape, then
    • you click on disconnect with the left mouse button
    • you take the small 1min penalty (because you hardly ever DC in usual games)
    • you move to next game

    If you are still not convinced that this is the smartest move to do (esp in soloQ games), watch this YT movie from Hens

    Finally, it is very easy to do/replicate, and this is the worst part, period!

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,177

    Not with the increase in regression stacking. I had a match the other week where there was a three gen where one of the three gens wasn't quite close by. Now, albeit this was with the Knight - but it was miserable. He had gen regression perks in play and Two survivors had two CoH boons in play at one point. Despite that and between three of us we couldn't get any of these gens done. We all just have up in the end after about 20 to 30 mins because it was just deadlock.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    There are only 2 common regression perks (off the top of my head, maybe more) that work without the need for survivor interaction, both can be stopped by just gen tapping. If the killer is getting regression from downs and hooks then that's on the survivors. When survivors split on gens, the killer can only ignore you all to kick (losing the gens to war of attrition) or has to take a chase.

    Watch good survivors in this situation and they will stick on gens and only pull back far enough to see if the killer takes the chase. No loadout of gen perks can stop this unless the killer is getting multiple activations from the downs/hooks.

    20+ minutes due to a 3 gen is a great example of inadequate Survivor efficiency. That just shows one or more players is too hesitant on returning to a gen.

  • TWS001
    TWS001 Member Posts: 345

    I agree about survivor inefficiency. This is why the build normally works to hold the gens. Solo Q has no Comms and uncoordinated survivors for the job. A decent SWF will no doubt beat it after not too long.

    Have managed to break the tactic a couple of times today though. Both me and another survivor had distortion to block his Nowhere To Hide after the gen kick in one game, so we could hide really close to the furthest out generator of the 3, without being revealed. He also had Prove Thyself and I'd lucked out and got a decent toolbox from a chest. We managed to get it done by the time he realised what was happening.

    In the other game, it was on Dead Dawg, but wasn't great for the killer as he had chosen the gen on the main building balcony as one of the 3, so me and another survivor could see the other survivor getting chased and both let go for the Eruption. Getting up the stairs took him too long but I still got downed at the exact time the gen completed, but still made it out in the end.

    It can be beaten definitely, but in Solo Q you need switched on survivors and the killer to get distracted by another survivor just long enough which is not an easy thing to do with no comms.

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    "It's time to 3 gens to leave."

    I would like someone to explain to me how we can eliminate the fact that: if on a list of 7 elements arranged on a given surface, we eliminate 4 that are close to each other, the 3 that remain will necessarily be close to each other.

    It's just mathematics.

    It's kind of like saying, "I do NOT want the shortest path between two points to be a straight line!"

    The ONLY solution to "remove" a 3-gen would be to enlarge the maps so much that even if the last 3 generators in place are the "closest" to the initial set, watching over all three would be impossible for the killer, even a nurse.

    So, I let you imagine the size of the maps that this would imply, and the non-playability that it would cause for the killers, if by chance the survivors break his 3-gen.

    The problem is not, and has never been, the position of the generators.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    There's no excuse for survs to even allow a 3 gen, besides soloQ, Eruption and a good Nurse / Blight.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,177

    This entire post completely disregards the entire premise of a 3 gen where the killer deliberately doesn't take chase because they can easily defend the gens from one spot.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Pretty sure I addressed it.

    If the killer is taking no chases and focusing solely on gen defense; the survivors need to utilize this and pressure gens with tapping or full on repairs. When the killer turns their back, immediately undo the regression. Find the chase drop radius the killer is using and hover outside when they get close.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,287

    Pretty sure you still live in patch 6.0 or older. This does not really work in gen-kicking meta. You can guard your 3-gen indefinitelly now. Provided survivors do not know perfectly what to do OR they are waaay better then you (you can't even injure them in a minute). Otherwise gen kicking meta regresses all 3 gens quicker then 4 survivors are able to progress.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,177

    Exactly the point I was trying to make. The advice given is completely ignorant of the fact it doesn't work most of the time; fine in premise, not fine in reality.