Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Winning without tunneling at high MMR is near impossible

There is a mathematical problem in DBD. Gen times are simply too quick, even excluding genrush perks, items, or addons. It takes an aggregate of 450 seconds of gen work to pop all gens, or 112.5s per survivor. Even assuming perfect conditions for the killer, a survivor team that splits up on gens against a killer that tries to 12-hook then, even with 20 second chases every time, the math still favors survivors. Survivors are simply too efficient. There is a reason why 3-gen 4-slowdown is such a meta strat right now, along with tunneling someone out early: it's because it is near impossible to win consistently without this strategy, without the survivor team throwing big time.



  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188

    i can agree to it but only when u play B tier killers and below, killers who can apply tons of pressure rather quickly can do it but i dont expect u doing it with wraith for example or pig... so i do get it and is normal.

  • DudelPuma
    DudelPuma Member Posts: 329

    "I lose because I'm HigH mMR and the genes are rushing" or "I can only play Nurse, Blight, Spirit because I'm HigH mMR" are just excuses and the stats clearly show that MMR is a hidden embem system, btw: earlier it said "the people in the red ranks gene rushing i can only play nurse" and everyone knows how bad the MM was xD

    finally understands it, if mmr really only worked a little bit, then all killers would lose most of the time except Nurse, Blight, Spirit and not Wesker, Dredge, Plague are the top tier killers in the kill rate xD and by the stats you can also see the relation to the general MMR a few percent are shifted which is also logical, I mean if instead of "high mmr" (top 5%) you take 0-20% 20-40% etc... of each mmr then you have in all different mmr classes, different percentage of killers (the kill rate)

    dbd has no MMR! you can take a banana and give it the shape of an apple and paint it but at the end of the day it will remain a banana, bhvr can say "MMR" as often as it does at the end of the day it's basic a bad matchmaking simple like the emblem system and NEVER a skill based matchmaking

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,896

    The mmr system is not good at all. Simply because its soft capped and "high mmr" actually isnt that high because your starting mmr is higher than half of the soft cap.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    This is absolutely true. In both directions.

    Gens can be slower and they can be faster. The baseline should always be a reasonable amount, especially when one side only needs to hold m1 and hit occasional skill checks. There's just an absurd amount of variables with too strong of an impact on any given match, especially when such a large number can be loadout focused on either side.

    This is also a great point, but begs the question: there's always plenty of talk about bringing solo and swf closer together, but why does that never extend to tightening the gap in killer tiers? The basekits and addons never seem to keep up with the game around them, and a lot of times they get made worse instead of better when they get reworked so it feels like a monkey paw scenario to even ask.

    Basically the game needs a metric ton of normalization.

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,067
    edited January 2023

    When killers are saying this, they mean "I can only play Nurse, Blight, or Spirit if I don't want to tunnel , proxycamp, use strong addons or slowdowns to win consistently". And that is true.

    Also, this streamer is known for doing clickbait content, for the majority of players (survivors). In the past, he also said Lightborn was broken because no counterplay. He will say anything to get views.

    I stop listening when he talked about "the killer community". Excuse-me but what community ? The 1/5 players of the small DBD playerbase ? Lmao, what a joke.

  • bunnyfengenthusiast
    bunnyfengenthusiast Member Posts: 471

    How do you win against a coordinated SWF with full meta perks, predropping every pallet, splitting up on gens across the map, calling out where you are at all times and who you're chasing, avoiding each other's gens, and taking hits for each other? The only reliable strat is to tunnel someone out ASAP, and hold out a 3-gen. This is also what you see high level players do, along with a lot of camping to force trades/advanced hook states.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733
    edited January 2023

    While I appreciate the hyperbole, its simple: Gens take absolutely zero skill to do, and are only really limited by efficiency. The more organized and efficient survivors are, the faster they get done. The more killers are able to bust up that efficiency, the slower they get done, which amplifies the dynamic shift away from survivor and toward killer advantage. You could argue about killer not taking skill because of X reason, but they are always up against another player when interacting: Gens don't fight back, so the same is not always true for survivors.

    For the record I also think that players on both sides wildly misjudge their own skill and even grasp of the mechanics of the game. Thats a major flaw that comes with outcome based focus in a game with extreme variables that detract from skill as the determining factor of said outcome.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    It definitely does not do that.

    I think, right now and not counting the issue I had yesterday, no more than 1 person has gotten out of the gates against me since the 15th, iirc.

    Idk if other people share my experience but that's what i've got.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,426
    edited January 2023

    The devs have said only a small percentage of the player base are at high MMR. So I can't see them making any sort of balancing around that level. To get into high MMR in the first place, for both killers and survivors, requires alot of sweaty play. That energy won't change once you're at that level. The survivors you're facing in high MMR are there purely because they utilise the most gen efficient perks and best tools. You're not going to find meme or fun builds in high MMR unfortunately. Sweaty survivors will get sweaty killers and vice versa.

  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456

    High MMR doesn't mean jack in this game, it's the same as old red ranks meaning that the skill level of "High MMR" is incredibly inconsistent because of how easy it is to reach it and stay there.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,440

    Not true in any capacity, since the stats show that even the top 5% mmr dies a lot to meme killers like sadako, if so many people of the highest mmr can die to such a joke killer you are still facing potatoes in high mmr, meaning you can still win easily without doing things like tunneling.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Mm, MMR starts to break down at the absolute highest levels of play - because they tweaked the cap, ironically due to super top tier players complaining that their games were too sweaty and long queue times.

    For us intermediate folks though, it's been a godsend.

  • Forza
    Forza Member Posts: 109
    edited January 2023

    here's my 2 cents

    always try to 3 gen

    but while u patrol these gens, also at least patrol the 2 or 3 gens closest to them

    running at least call of brine is great for this. but you need a killer who can apply pressure as you're patrolling these gens. anything that can get close enough to at least get 1 hit.

    so the strategy is to try to get a hit on someone working on a gen. if they make it to a pallet or vault, then try to get them to drop the pallet, destroy the pallet, kick the gen, and keep patrolling. slowly you'll grind away at their defenses this way

    never over-pursue a survivor unless you can down them quickly. this is #1 mistake killers make.

    always hook the first 3 survivors but never hook the 4th survivor. leave them on the ground and keep patrolling gens.

    if your killer can't reliably get a hit on survivors working on gens then this strategy isn't very good. you need to apply pressure by keeping survivors injured and having gens regress after u kick them.

    also just have good game sense. if you notice a weak link on the team then you should tunnel them out, especially if the other 3 are very good.

    if you can't reliably get a hit on survivors working on gens consider trying the fearmonger perk to negate sprint bursts usefulness which really puts a damper on this strategy, as well as monitor and abuse which will often times let you get much closer to the gens before survivors react, making getting the hit more reliable.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Because every game is a well coordinated 4 man swf. Will you have those games, sure. They aren't as common as everyone likes to claim. Under those conditions you might need to tunnel to win. That is not the average game though.

  • ProGamerMD
    ProGamerMD Member Posts: 26

    When the median playtime of this game is 190 hours or whatever it is, saying you are in the top 5% seems meaningless. Most people are not good at this game, even the people who play several times per week. It would be more interesting to see the stats for the top 0.1% or 0.01%.

    Peanits comments of camping/tunneling being required because you've "climbed above your comfort zone" only makes sense when talking about lower MMR players. You see comp teams camping and tunneling with the strongest killers in the game and averaging maybe only 2 kills. Same goes for plateauing and losing half the matches. Doesn't happen for better players.

  • AverageAshEnjoyer
    AverageAshEnjoyer Member Posts: 427

    Yes, because MMR totally works.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    True, but I don't think that's what the OP was meaning.

    Even if the most optimal strategy was fun, it'd still be sweaty. That's how high ranks work

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Exact to what Peanits said. Whatever you use and how you play, MMR put you to place that it should be work half of the time.

    Your try hard should be equally matched with other try hard.

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,265
    edited January 2023

    he never said lightborn was broken lmao he outright calls the perk bad

    as for clickbaiting 90% of his videos are titled along the following: "Thoughts on current hot topic/random idea from stream - Dead By Daylight" or "Best of stream highlights" with the majority of the thumbnails just being his face or a random snapshot from the video if you consider that clickbaiting then idk

    Post edited by Steakdabait on
  • NewPlayer100102
    NewPlayer100102 Member Posts: 515

    You are so insightful.

    If only you could go to their balance meetings and fix this for us.


    Why is tunneling an issue if people are playing solo anyway? It only annoys me when I SWF and I have to watch a match as an out. It doesn't even feel like illegitimate play, like a lot of odd things survivors have evolved into doing, like bodyblocking. Tunneling feels rather like the natural, although unfun thing to do.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Because I would like my matches to last more than 3 minutes.

  • NewPlayer100102
    NewPlayer100102 Member Posts: 515

    Just do another one?

    I understand it isn't fun, but thats like a core game issue. Something that maybe they should sit down and rethink for their next project.

  • Jay_K
    Jay_K Member Posts: 429

    Agreed with majority of things but I do have an issue. with this statment.

    "All that aside, I really wouldn't assume you're at high MMR (not just you, OP, but anyone). The actual distribution of people across all MMRs is like a bell curve. There's a lot of people in the middle and very few at either extreme (high or low). The vast majority of people will fall somewhere around the middle. While I don't doubt that some folks here truly are playing in the high MMR range, the amount of people there are so low that it's a really bold claim to make when you can't even see your rating."

    Are you ever going to proove this. The information we have been given about MMR in the past from the devs leads to a lot of assumptions. Such as if you escape you gain MMR, if you kill you gain MMR, you die you lose MMR and 3 or more escape you lose MMR. So based on this if you average a 3k or higher then its very safe to assume we are at top MMR level. If you really really want to shut down the MMR discussions on "high mmr gameplay" then let us see our own MMR level in game. Doesnt have to be something everyone sees but similar to grades make it something just the player sees. The statement " it's a really bold claim to make when you can't even see your rating." is kinda ironic don't you think. I personally think its very bold to claim that players arn't high MMR (which we have based on logic and what we have been told about the MMR system in the past) without giving us any proof of this what so ever.

    Let us see our personal MMR levels and then according to the logic that very few are at top MMR then the "top mmr gameplay" posts would stop.

  • Quizzy
    Quizzy Member Posts: 862
    edited January 2023

    Truly love this statement. Personally, i could careless about losing as a survivor. If a killer is hard tunneling my teammate, i will very likely sacrifice myself so that person can stay and play longer. If i lose, oh well. My mmr will decrease, and ill get a killer that most likely wont tunnel and more than likely be easier to win against. A crazy cycle, but thats the beauty of matchmaking.

  • DudelPuma
    DudelPuma Member Posts: 329

    That's the problem! the mmr cap has made bhvr so low that you are matched with every hundred hour player who has no idea of ​​gameplay dies in sec etc. so it is clear that this is about 5%, there is no 0.1% once 1% and below, the cap would have to be increased for this (as before)

    when mmr came out the soft cap was 1900, was increased to 2000, then it was reduced for "quick queue time", which didn't lead to anything except that the experienced good players left dbd or almost only played swf , when the "killer buff patch" came, the solo q went under completely and the few remaining experienced players (including me 8k+ hrs) then also thought to themselves "why should I play with a hundred hours of players when I play swf or killer myself can?", then I sometimes read in the forum "where are the experienced (good) players gone?" well, quite simply in a swf, killer or they have distanced themselves from dbd, which is also understandable, let the people in csgo who are global match with people who are silver-gold or in League GrandMaster-Master is matched with bronze-silver, You'll see the good players running away from you, I mean there are always new players, but will they put thousands of hours into the game like the long-time players? i don't think so, most of them will dabble around in dbd a lot more and probably put it aside in the end, but anyway bhvr can do whatever you want if you think you should leave matchmaking in the game, which doesn't involve skill has to do and is just frustrating, even for new players

    example (I have experienced this several times): solo q: my mates inexperienced hundred hour players, me alone with 8k hours against a 6k+ hrs main Nurse, blight, Spirit players (who even play comp) Of course I can't carry that alone, really fair matches thanks bhvr, or I'm like "ok then I'll play swf!" we thousands more than thousands of hour players often get killers the few hundred hours have the 0-1 hook at 5 made gens, fun and interactive directly from bhvr, thanks again "fun by daylight"

    TOFFU Member Posts: 116

    Nice joke....

    90% survs have prove thyself = you spawn - cross the map -- 2 or 3 gen pop - go tubnel/dc/afk/camp

    I had 25 games with 20 of them swf

    Swf=breaks the game. Counters any killer any perk any build.

    No build can counter what swf voice comm gives you...

    But instead of balancing game you buff solo q to be like swf cheaters

    Killers not fun, killers is suffer to play, swf and genspeed ( in solo q would be ok just nerf prove thyself ) are reasons why game is unbalanced, why killers suffer.

    All you need to do for survs is bring swf voice comm to win.

    As killer you need to be God Tier player to win swf and only if this swf not tunnel gens and try to bully....

    How about aura surv perks??? Why would swf for exp bring aura to see killer near hooked surv???? No they just say it on voice = +1 perk.....

    Swf voice comm is like having 3 loop perks to run forever drop 300 pallets while 4 perk is prove thyself for coordinated 30 sec gen while in chase... And 5th perk is voice chat giving you full map aura on everything with exact locations....

    How blind are you not to see it???

    Why i would want to play dbd killer when its 90% games unfair and how everyone say i must accept loose vs swf.....

    Nice new patch now solo q can counter half killer perks just by looking when surv is to be hooked down, now more genrush prove thyself bec they know when chase active etc...

    I deleted game

    Why i cant choose as killer to play vs swf or not?????????

    All who would say that then swf would not be played at all bec all killers will cancel swf - you just confirm the problem that swf is op breaking the game

    Add a choice to killer

    Or for exp if its swf every surv in swf must bring RADIO perk which is giving nothing but its obligatory.....

    Devs you forget that killers are ppl, who also want fun...

    Running 3 min loop with 300 pallets/windows and see 3 gens pop on 1 hook is funny for surv but not killer....


    we are people

    But as game is going all killers will be bots soon

    Low skill ppl still say why no eruption nerf in new patch? Ahah

    If you dont see that new patch totaly destroy eruption just bec you can see before someone go down...problem is in you not eruption etc

    4 vs 1 impossible so ppl tunnel JUST TO HAVE A CHANCE TO WIN

    i quit