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Behavior has always rewarded rage quitting survivors

Everytime survivors start rage quitting or dcing, behavior has always rewarded them by nerfing the killer or killer perks. So why shouldn't they act entitled and dc over anything they don't like right? They are literally rewarded for acting this way. If the killer rage quits it doesn't matter because it's just one player, compared to FOUR players, so survivors rage quitting matters more and is always rewarded. As killer i get plenty of reasons to rage quit, for example, 2 gens popping right at the start because i didn't bring corrupt, DEAD HARDS, highly coordinated swfs, loading into badly designed maps like Gideon, Garden Of Joy, Coldwind etc. But you just gotta suck it up buttercup and play the game instead of quitting.

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  • Member Posts: 14,883

    I never said those were legitimate reasons? I actually said that survs are getting punished the same way which definitely should not change..

  • Member Posts: 5,948

    I wanted to point out that both sides dc for the most ridiculous reasons. Imo they should change the penalty. One dc should leave you with a 10 minutes penalty, 2 with 15 minutes, 3 with 30 minutes and after that multiple hour / day long penalties.

  • Member Posts: 14,883

    I would be with you, but there are those legitimate reasons so I think the first dc should really not be as punishing.

    i mean in some cases it’s not even on your side and you still get the penalty.

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    to everyone asking for a proof: that statement obviously wasn't provable but what they meant probably was, survivors constantly dcing makes game unbearable for both ends and they blame it on the state of the killer. and contrary to killer dcing, when a survivor dcs 4 other people have to play the already lost/won match out. do i agree? survivors quit way more often and this yes, makes the game quality drop, so i also think this might have a little impact on the direction the game is going.

  • Member Posts: 5,598

    They didn't slowdown the Gens speed... all they did was added more charges to complete it

    Yes they do take longer to complete but that's due to the increase in charges needed... not because they actually slowed down progression

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    Didn't survivors start ragequitting en masse in protest to try to revert the meta shake-up a while back like the Decisive Strike and Dead Hard nerfs? Didn't seem to work though, maybe they didn't ragequit hard enough.

  • Member Posts: 1,704
    edited March 2023

    "do you have any kind of proof for this statement?"

    It doesn't always happen, but there are times that it indeed does.

    Spirit for example who got changed a few times, many survivors did dc against here.

    Another killer would be nurse, although bhvr doesn't really know how to change her.

    These are just a few from the top of my head tho.

    But it does happen on both sides, tho 1 side does mostly take longer than the other.

    Coincidence? 🤷🏼‍♂️

    Who knows, i don't work for them (luckily 😅)

    All i wish is people would and could just play out the match normally and have a normal and civilized argument about the stuff they deam to be OP or even underpowered.

    Edit: none of it is directed directly at you

  • Member Posts: 14,883

    Who knows, i don't work for them (luckily 😅)

    eh. I think BHVR is a pretty good employer. Especially in the video game industry.

  • Member Posts: 1,704

    I wouldn't know, i don't work there so I can't judge whether or not they are a good employer.

  • Member Posts: 14,883

    Well, I obviously don’t know from hands-on experience. But i did inform myself and it seems very much believable as employees do confirm this, they win awards etc.

    but oh well this is going off-topic and you gotta live in Canada (or move to) anyway [or GB as they just expanded there]

  • Member Posts: 6,101
    edited March 2023

    No. The only people I saw claiming that were killer mains. I'm a solo survivor who frequents survivor spaces and never once saw any sort of coordinated effort or anything of the kind. It was a silly conspiracy theory.

  • Member Posts: 410

    No its not a good indicator. If it were a good indicator and the devs do something to "Balance" around dcs. All Killers would be able to hit with M1 and nothing mor. If it is a good indicator. Can you tell where addonless trapper is Op. I played a Trapper match and after my first down with two M1s the surv dcs. So at your logic this means nerf Trapper.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    “Mass DCing”

    2 people DCing isn’t that. People DCing every game against legion on the other hand is a good indicator that something should be changed

    Same goes for killers mass DCing on old haddonfield.

  • Member Posts: 410
    edited March 2023

    I only see survivors dcing all the time. The last dc from a killer was a nurse on RPD like three moths ago and the last surv I saw dc was yesterday and not only one. Three in total dced yesterday one as I played Trapper. Two as I played survivor in two differend matches against a blight and a nemesis.

    Yes on old Haddonfield I saw some killers dc, but most of te time they dced, because one of my random teammates brougth the offering. If I get send on a bad map as killer its bad yes, but I cant dc, because map offerings get thrown like 70% of my matches. If I would dc every GoJ, Gas Heaven, coldwind and red forest I couldnt play the game for weeks.

    On the survivor side I only agree the dc against a spirit, because she basicly have no counterplay.

    Legion is fine, its borring to mend yes, but if you wouldnt heal against him he wouldnt use his power

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    A documented example, with the devs confirming that they only nerfed him, because so many people disconnected.

  • Member Posts: 1,704

    Something they should have never said because after that disconnects were being abused to get spirit nerfed twice, then nurse and i might have missed a few.

    I don't mind if developers are open, but some things they need to keep to themselves.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Neither the nerf, nor the statement should have happened because of that. But well, the devs didn´t knew back then, what effect this could have.

    And yes, people still try really hard to justify getting something nerfed, by disconnecting/suiciding.

  • Member Posts: 2,176

    Okay, let's say the OP is right, just for the sake of argument, and that BHVR rushes to fix issues when survivors DC.

    What else do you want them to do?

    You can rage all you want about that they shouldn't, but that won't change anything. To continue as a videogame, BHVR needs people to play. If people refuse to play against certain things/elements the game doesn't have a future. It doesn't matter whether they are right or not, the survivors have much more of a veto power over the game than killers do. It only takes one out of four survivors to ruin a game. If 1 out of 4 killers disconnected on me, okay, that's livable, I'm right onto the next game. If 1 out of 4 survivors disconnect then pretty much every game is ruined.

    The only real possible solution (other than fixing the issue) is increasing the DC penalties. The downside is you risk potentially angering a lot of players who get disconnected for other reasons, bad internet, computer bugs, etc.

  • Member Posts: 857

    Oh yeah! Like how BHVR nerfed Nurse into the ground because people complained about her!

    Or how they nerfed Blight into the ground because people complained about her!

    Or nerfed Spirit into the ground because people complained about her!

    Or nerfed kill rate to 60% because survivors complained about not escaping often!

    Man, those survivor sides folks at BHVR!

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    And before that they first nerfed gen times to make camping even more viable. Also, dead hard was nerfed. Yes, its still wildly used, but so is self care. Do you think self care need a further nerf?

  • Member Posts: 1,065

    That is some extremely biased way to see things. I mean, how can you be sure that a certain survivor DCing in a certain situation led to a killer nerf or a surv buff?.

    Also, How do you know that certain survivor nerfs or killer buffs were not made by killers mass DCing in the same way you are describing?

    I have seen lots of killers DCing when hearing the sound of two old COH boons, or when seeing +2 old Dead Hard users. Or lobby dodging when seeing a surv would take a key and another a map with Old Hatch.

    I could also say "Behavior has always rewarded rage quitting killers".

  • Member Posts: 1,994

    Nurse was literally just nerfed, in no small part because of the barrage of dcs and complaint threads from entitled survivors.

  • Member Posts: 5,605
    edited March 2023

    It can be pseudo rewarding if you think the trade off is worth it enough i guess to deny perks or just not play out a doomed match. One pain res that will stop the last gen pop? Dc on down. Killer opens the door when your on the ground? Bloodwarden incoming. So dc in arms or on ground. Its a little petty for survivors to do but ive seen it and had it done to me. Also if its a skull merchant hard 3 gening at the beggining of the match with the kick duo some people will just...take the 5 minutes. Not worth the hour i guess.

  • Member Posts: 489

    People were dcing and hook suiciding when Killers got their basekit buffs a while back. Contrary to popular belief, this community can mass dc and suicide based off of popular opinions and knee-jerk reactions. The majority is fully capable of being wrong.

  • Member Posts: 300

    Like a mere 10 seconds bt means anything LOL, killers are ever so tunnely and bitter as heck they just wait it out and down the survivor again, specially if that survivor really rub their ego like running them for 3 gens +

  • Member Posts: 300

    how was blight nerfed to the ground?

    Spirit=shes still annoying and broken with that mother daughter ring cherry/blossom, that audio queue is no nerf if anything its a buff cause its just so annoying hearing that phase , and unless your some pc player that use head sets that that phase sounds does absolutely nothing and you only can pray you got a lucky pallet or window which is far too rare

    Kill rates are far higher than 60% lol ever since 6.1 to now

  • Member Posts: 489

    People mass ragequitted when the basekit Killer buffs went live. This community is full of sheep and overreacts to stuff heavily.

  • Member Posts: 6,101

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