What strategies do survivors want killers to use?

So survivors hate camping and tunnelling. OK. Now survivors hate 3genning. How is it killers are supposed to kill?

These are the very best ways for a killer to get 3/4K.



  • cannonballB
    cannonballB Member Posts: 387

    Camping and tunneling is whatever to me because they can be countered if the survivors are efficient.

    Before 3-genning, all survs did was complain about camping and tunneling. It might be "whatever" to you, but it's not to the rest of the forums. So then your only answer is:

     I want them to shift to a chase focused game because that's what's most enjoyable for the majority of players.

    And what do you base this on?

  • BougieBlackChick
    BougieBlackChick Member Posts: 316

    Exactly. People who tunnel someone out immediately, face camp and BM on hook or slug everyone immediately are just being dicks. There’s no reason to play like that every match. Then these same players complain about people DCing against them every match.

  • BougieBlackChick
    BougieBlackChick Member Posts: 316

    That’s not an excuse to play toxic. And by toxic I mean BMing on hook or immediately slugging all 4 people out. There’s no reason for that unless you’re being a jerk. Again, killers are not entitled to 4K every match the same way survivors are not entitled to escape every match. This isn’t supposed to be an esports game.

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    I don’t mind camping and tunneling. I shamelessly use those tactics myself when I play killer. I do hate deliberate three genning because it there is literally nothing the survivors can do about it except be forced to bring three-gen-breaking perks into every match and also play SWF on comms so you can perfectly coordinate your timing the get that last gen done. If you don’t do those exact things, you have three options: 1) DC; 2) play an infinitely long match; or 3) sacrifice yourself to the killer and they probably won’t hook you so you have to go through endless cycles of being downed and healed until you finally bleed out.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    I agree been toxic has no excuse and the only one of those I consider toxic would be slugging all for the bleed out hitting on the hook is the same as tbagging.

    I hate to break it to you but humans are competitive by nature and want to win its why sports are such a big thing. I just found out that connect 4 has a pro version named connect 5. The majority of people playing a online pvp game is competitive to some degree and wants to win.

  • Entitled_survivor
    Entitled_survivor Member Posts: 828

    it's fine..some killer players can't win without tunneling or camping same way some survivors can't win if they aren't with their toolboxes on a gen because their looping is bad,,looking to pick a 3 gen from the start to camp is a whole other thing and should be reportable under the "refusing to progress the game" if you intent to drop chase as soon as people go away from the 3 gen but even if it never becomes reportable we all know 3 gen strats will be nerfed since the forums are boiling about them more than ever since skunk merchant got released

  • NerfedFreddy
    NerfedFreddy Member Posts: 394

    Strategies that are not based on exploiting/abusing something that bhvr hasn't fixed yet. Strategies that are based on skill, good sportsmanship and fair competition

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 1,678

    It used to be that the chase was the most important aspect of the game.

    With Ruin/Undying a killer got nearly zero value if they didn't spread pressure to various survivors. The only 'free pressure' with that build was the time spent hunting for the totems. Even if you brought pop it wouldn't activate until you earned a hook. Every part of that requires a chase.

    Even Pain Res/DMS (which as a combo is literally unchanged, DMS provides the information) had the same thing, in a different order. You earned the perks on hook and then spread pressure to block gens and force people to spend time healing instead of repairing.

    With how most people play now, gens are the most important aspect of gameplay.

    People drop chase to kick gens all the time, because the chase is less important than the gen kick now. There's nothing to 'earn' with the current perks, they're always active with or without a hook, so there's nothing that ensures the game is progressing. More and more games it's like instead of 'killer' the role is 'saboteur'.

    And if the killer decides that it's time to play 'gen kick simulator 2023', there's literally nothing the survivors can do to force a chase. The options at that point are 'give up' or 'slog for 40 minutes and maybe win'.

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 433

    It's not that 3-genning in itself that's the problem, survivors do it to themselves quite a bit. Sometimes killers force it from the start but it's mostly a survivor-sided issue, have played both sides enough to have seen both scenarios.

    The real problem comes from the complete aggressiveness of it from the killer side (I've seen this mainly with Sull Merchant, The Knight and The Artist) and it just drags the game out to 20-30-40 minutes, because the killer refuses to leave their precious 3-gen to chase, if they do chase it is very rare and they drop it almost immediately to go back and kick the gens that the survivors may have gotten a little progress on. Rinse repeat, until the survivors ######### up enough times to die on hook (if the killer is inclined to hook downed survivors) or just DC because they have better things to do with their time than to play a waiting game with a paranoid killer.

    That is why survivors hate 3-gens, couple that with perks like deadlock, DMS, Jolt, Pain Res Overcharge, CoB etc. It's just even more of a nightmare, without even touching on map offerings and other BS.

    And I'm saying this as a 90% Killer main (play 10% survivor), I despise killers who actively seek out a 3-gen even though I understand where they're coming from given how fast survivors can blast out gens.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237

    3-gen kicking strat

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 433

    Oof, those builds look almost exactly like a team I went against the other day, but I only got one kill because they were a semi-organised SWF that had a designated gen-jockey (Feng), healer (Claudette), lookout (Meg) and one runner (Zarina). They were so cocky the entire game, I managed to down Zarina and Claudette in a corner of the map where there were no hooks and I couldn't find Feng in time to stop her from finishing the gens so they got a 3-man out.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    It can be reportable but from what I understand it's a case by case scenario.

    Best example I can give is this ...

    Killer either IDs the 3-Gen and keeps the Survivors away from it to ensure they make a 3-Gen mistake or the Survivors make the mistake themselves. The Killer then defends it but dosnt chase a Survivor or get baited away from the 3-Gen isn't reportable.

    If the Killer refuses to chase and just hovers around the Gens just smacking Survivors that get too close is reportable.

    Mind you that's just my understanding from various responses that Mandy and Penits have given so don't take it as full facts. Because like I said it's a case by case scenario and up to the report team if they consider it holding hostage or not.

  • Entitled_survivor
    Entitled_survivor Member Posts: 828

    sounds one of those things that no action will be taken without recording of the game

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,896

    The last four killers released have been anti-loop (Dredge, Wesker, Knight, Skull Merchant to a lesser extent). Dredge and Wesker have really good anti-loop. Tbh Knight does as well with his recent buffs. So it’s a lie that BHVR hasn’t been releasing killers that do well in chase.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,498

    I usually have gone for 8 hooks before finishing anyone off with those add ons and still won 2-3 gens left. And I suck at spirit so it's skill issue if you can't win with other strat with S tier killer.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,498

    It's still unneccesary to tunnel 5 gens left. But ultimately it's bhvr job to incentive killers for spreading hooks and they have done the opposite... Rewarding survivors if they're not tunneled "blood rush". Nerfing ds which was actually keeping tunneling down. Nerfing BBQ and pop goes to weasel which both encouraged killers to leave hook and go after different target.

  • BougieBlackChick
    BougieBlackChick Member Posts: 316

    Call it what you want, if a killer is gonna BM me on hook or tunnel me out at 5 gens because they “must” 4K thereby removing my ability to actually play the match, yes I will DC. Entitlement is thinking that others have to stay in the game with you while you play however you want. Even when it ruins their ability to actually play the game. Survivors are not meant to be fodder for the killer to do whatever they want.

  • Eelanos
    Eelanos Member Posts: 406

    They are the best ways, and there's no one saying otherwise. But everything that disrupts the normal flow of gameplay is just frustrating.

    So, the concept of the game is, a killer is on the loose and the survivors have to avoid him while completing objectives. Each time they get hooked, they have it a bit harder to complete their objective.

    The problem with these strategies is that they interfere with what the game is supposed to be played like, kinda like how people made a fuss about Knight not fulfilling the fantasy it was supposed to be fulfilling.

    • Camping hooks is a fast way to lose a player. The killer won't move or chase others, they'll just remain there until the sacrifice is complete. You cannot complete all the gens in the time the killer is doing nothing, so it feels like you just queued for a tie-or-lose match. The worst feeling goes to the camped player, who could have been caught in the first minute of the match only to leave with less than 2k Bloodpoints for standing hopelessly on a hook for a minute.
    • Tunneling is a less effective and somewhat more fair version of camping. The killer may go and interact with other players, but will drop chase immediately to put them back on hook once rescued. The problem with this one is, again, the one getting tunneled isn't given time to recover, and so they have to do whatever they can with whatever health and perks they have. While chasing is one of the more enjoyed aspects of the game, getting tunneled can dramatically reduce your Bloodpoints gain by not being able to touch a single objective the whole game. Variety is the spice of life, after all.
    • Slugging is harder but it's the one that feels the most like straight up cheating. If successful, you can speedrun several hook states one go. Keep in mind that you don't need to slug everyone at the same time to apply pressure. One person bleeding out and another one on chase means 3 people off generators at minimum. If you successfully slug 2, you've successfully brought the game to a halt. The killer doesn't have to hook people to win, which feels like a betrayal of what the game is supposed to be about. The worst part is ending the game in a slug, where the only thing survivors can do is crawl to some hidden spot to bleed out to death in hopes the killer doesn't hook them, which makes survivors feel hopeless and frustrated and makes killers angry at survivors for doing... well, the only thing they could feasibly do in that situation instead of just giving up.
    • 3-gen camping is what I consider a design flaw, but people cling to it claiming it's a strategy and therefore the devs have embraced it as such. You should not, at any point, make the optimal strategy be standing still and shoo survivors away until they give up. It betrays the principle of chases, it betrays the principle of hooking and it fails in delivering the fantasy that you're facing a killer when they're really not that willing to go and kill you. No one, and I mean, no one signed up for this in the game, whichever side they're playing. It's straight up tedious to face and it makes the line of what "holding the game hostage" means really blurry.

    What the game should play like is: the killer downs someone, hooks them if there's no survivors around to perform a save, then go off to down someone else if they can't find any survivors in the immediate vicinity to perform a rescue. After kicking a gen, the killer leaves to find someone else as long as there's no survivors around the generator ready to continue repairing it.

    No one is asking killers to throw by disregarding information they already have, like ignoring survivors gathering around a hook or a generator, or getting ready to perform a flashlight save in plain sight, and at least I don't think the blame is on the killers when a situation where slugging or camping happens due to natural gameplay. What people hate is that the game does little to prevent doing this without any reason to trigger this kind of gameplay.

    Camping bubbas don't camp because they're forced to, they camp because they know it's an easy 2k.

    Tunneling killers don't drop chases because they're forced to by the survivors, they tunnel because the game puts every single warning on the rescued survivor, from the hook rescue sound and visual warnings to the scratch marks, blood pools and grunts of pain of the rescued survivor. The game is making it easier for you to find the weaker target instead of encouraging you to find someone else.

    People that 3-gen aren't generally at fault for doing what they do, but the game reinforces this gameplay by not giving an alternative way to progress the game at a stalemate and by releasing killers specifically tailor-made to camp gens.

    The game is just terribly designed, in such a way that the best strategy is the one that people enjoy the least and betrays its own rules the most.

  • IrlClownMain
    IrlClownMain Member Posts: 21

    All strategies are fine really, I just hope people don't automatically resort to playing in unfun ways for no good reason. I get if a game is going downhill, and a light tunnel is needed but camping the solo queue dwight at five gens is just kind of unfun and generally annoying to do/go against.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    3 gen only sucks when they refuse to even attempt to chase.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    Exactly all things like this requires video evidence because they can't just take someone's word on it

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    Yea but we can't expect the Killer to continue the chase away from the Gens into deadzones that's where many seem to forget about "The Killer Refuses To chase"

  • jotaro
    jotaro Member Posts: 173

    Kinda like killers hate looping, flashlights, medkits, and survivors just trying to do the literal main objective.

  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949

    Ugh another one of these complainy us v them posts trying desperately to justify literally playing the game 💀.

    These posts are getting old atp. OmG HoW dArE tHe KiLlEr/SuRvIvOrS tRy To WiN 1 MaTcH oF DbD? Let's spit some real facts here for a minute. I can personally garauntee the people who make posts like this trying so hard to bash 1 side for sweat are the exact same killers/survivors that talk massive trash and insult people because only they are allowed to sweat. People have been talking about camping/tunnelling, 3 gens yada yada. Big whoop. Meanwhile you guys always seem to leave out killers that complain about Genrush, Bodyblocking, and Swf. You guys have this unbearable ego while constantly victimizing yourselves over a video game. I cannot even begin to count how many posts where someone is crying about not playing by a "rulebook" and getting salted for it.

    What I'm trying to say is people who make posts like op are usually the same people that complain in the exact same manner about something else while spouting us v them nonsense

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Ehhhh. You can’t put wesker in with those few. Those killers are anti-loop by “I’m gonna make you hold W to the next tile”. Boring….

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 433

    Like a lot of Skull Merchants lately. Had two back-to-back who did this, would chase at the start of the game but only so long before they'd drop and march back to their three-gen kicking any gens that had progression along the way.

    I can't imagine it was a fun way to play, because it's winning by exhausting the survivors out of their resources.

  • NerfDeadHardPLZ
    NerfDeadHardPLZ Member Posts: 70

    how can you slug 4 people when there is a perk called unbreakable ?

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184