Survivors Average BP Gains Should Be Increased



  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,648

    More BP = More BNPs

    No thanks.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,242
    edited March 2023

    The amount of BPs you get for doing gens in particular is ridiculously low. You shouldn't need to bring a perk in order to get a fair amount of BPs for doing the game's literal objective. Grouping up on gens to get more bps also encourages you to play in a suboptimal way. The whole way that objective bps are rewarded just makes zero sense in general. At the very least they should add a form of the system they use during events. The system where the entire team is rewarded BPs whenever a gen is completed. Maybe give survivors 1k BPs every time a gen is finished while also increasing how much you get for repairing solo. A person who gets tunneled for five gens would at least get something in the way of objective score while the gen jockey would also be rewarded for doing the objective.

  • Skill_issue
    Skill_issue Member Posts: 542

    i think it is more of a trade off for playing the more relaxing role (ez mode of 4 vs 1). playing killer is usually more stressful compared to survivor. i have started listening to music/podcasts when i play with survivor (with tenacity as a perk) since it is usually so chill.

    it also depends on how your teammates play as well...less altruism if they are good at looping and you don't get unhooks because the dont get hit/get downed...if you really want to gain extra bp run a build with a boon totem (and boon obviously)and for the people( if you get a chance to use it) and prove thyself

  • Nirgendwohin
    Nirgendwohin Member Posts: 1,251
    edited March 2023

    as an example, here is a game where the killer hunted the wrong people and the game was over very quickly. Everyone escaped and the killer didn't stand a chance, but half the team got less than half of the possible points and the rest just over the half mark.

    there was only one hook / unhook the entire game. I wasn't even hurt once. why is there no reward for that?

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,295

    Part of the problem, IMO, is that one of the four score categories for survivors has almost no scoring events. The survival category has like two or three score events that give, what, a hundred points?

    And then you get like 6K for escaping.

    If survival had more scoring events, it'd even things out a bit.

  • Bartlaus
    Bartlaus Member Posts: 1,026

    If the devs implement a way to spend all bloodpoints at the push of one button, then you have my support. At the moment I spend a lot more time in the bloodweb simulator than in the match. I can't tell you how many BP I earn on average as a survivor. Often I get between 25 and 30k, rarely less than 20k. Then there are the 100% bonus points + bps and cakes from my mates.

    Nevertheless, I support this idea because I am for fairness, even if it doesn't affect me.

    I can't say why the devs never changed it. Maybe they wanna encourage us to play killer?

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,954

    Its funny you say it isn't a discussion about meta and yet you just mentioned it and talked about it, gave an argument about it. Yet you seem to complain to me again and again that it isn't a discussion about meta. Its rather Hypocritical.

    I'm am not even discussing them, I mentioned them as related issues. But you are making your best attempts of jumping on that trying to make me to think I'm going off topic when its clearly related. This game is ripe with intersecting systems and one change somewhere affects things elsewhere. Mentioning concerns about related systems isnt trying to change the topic, its valuable insight.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,466
    edited March 2023

    Agreed. Some changes to start:

    Each generator completed gives all survivors 1000 survival points, escaping gives 2000. So you're actually rewarded for reaching endgame and dying, just like killer is rewarded for hooking but not getting kills. It's stupid that you either get 0 if you die or 7000 if you get out. Also incentivizes selfish plays.

    Increase BP for a solo gen repair to 2500 or 3000. Increase skillcheck bonus to 150 from 50. Nerf Proves BP bonus to 50%.

    For Boldness or Altruism I don't know.

  • HPhoenix
    HPhoenix Member Posts: 599

    I have no problem getting BP since I came up with, in my opinion, the best BP Famring build for 2023.

    Which is Prove-thyself, Sabotaur, For the People and CoH.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,954
    edited March 2023

    So it's a flimsy argument to say I don't want survivor to have more BPs because they will use it on more items.

    More Bloodpoints is gonna mean more items, Item prevalence increased a lot when the bloodweb changes rolled in.

    I don't see how your personal usage of bloodpoints invalidates the assumption that giving Survivors even more blood points will increase the problem further. You think everyone will just start leveling Killers with the extra bloodpoints? Hardly.

  • Gamall
    Gamall Member Posts: 487

    The bro is just scared to face survs with stronger items/add-ons.

    Leave alone your poor entitlement man, that's not a valid argument

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,954

    if you have an issue with certain items, fine argue that but limiting the amount of BPs earned is not the way to go about it.

    I think you misunderstand, Im not arguing for points not to get looked at. Except outside of non interaction with the Killer, it seems to promote a passive playstyle.

    Now idd like to know what makes you think "both role spending" is as high as to make my concerns invalid.

    Games with 4 BNP has nothing to do with being scared, its just very boring and non-engaging.

    If you think that notion is entitlement, then we have a non argument.

  • That_One_Friend
    That_One_Friend Member Posts: 277

    They need to do something about killer powers in chasing/hunting category. It absolutely sucks getting Hunter points as Twins cause Victor doesn't grant chase points, only deviousness. It reflects on the survivor side too as they don't get chase points for interacting with the killer. PH cages should grant rescue points, maybe as its own thing but still grant points. IDK how to fix Plague's heal bp gain cause if you cleanse you allow her to have one of the best projectiles in the game.

  • Hex_TunnelBait
    Hex_TunnelBait Member Posts: 36

    I really like the idea of having a 40K cap, but with no cap on each individual category. Especially in the current tunnel meta, where the tunneled survivor probably has no chance to earn any altruism or objective points and the non-tunneled survivors dont earn as many chase points based purely on the choice of the killer.

    There shouldn't be a situation where a survivor is contributing to the team's escape, be it through gens or killer distraction, for free because the game stopped rewarding them.

  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 592

    We killer mains can buy a lot of really powerful things with blood points as well. Scoring is off in some categories for survivor. I see low bp earnings on the survivors I face all the time. I am directly responsible for that because I play killers that deny chase points like wraith for instance. I am also directly responsible for this when I play characters with gigantic terror radius's survivors tend to get way more BP. You are gravely mistaken.

    The killer you face greatly effects the amount of bp survivors can potentially get and that isn't right. I say this as someone who doesn't really play survivor anymore at all because it isn't in a good spot.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,954
    edited March 2023

    Not really, idk about you but sometimes it seems the extra good addons only show up every 3 bloodwebs.

    While when I play Survivor will get a med kit almost every bloodweb.

    Its not equal at all.

    Because I think you're concerns are misplaced.

    No, it isn't misplaced when those systems are clearly related. if anything those systems needs a rework before Survivor blood points are raised.

    As for "Passive play" the whole objective of survivor is to power enough gens to power the gates and open then escape (I know you know this). Sure, doing gens is the most boring part (for both roles) but why is it considered less than and worthy of less? Like I wrote, before you can distract the killer until the cows comes home but is no one is doing those gens it's for naught. So yes, to bring it back to the OP's argument I don't see why you deserve less BPs for doing that task.

    I think its considered less worthy because it isn't really part of the game, the game is the interactions between Killer and Survivor.

    Like being a Face Camper or Gen Jocky is pretty much not playing the game imo.

    Could be a clue Survivors are called Survivors and not Gen Repair men? Obviously you need to Survive, not be a maintenance engineer.

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,867

    Yes, absolutely. I run "farming" builds on both killers and survivors and while I easily get around 35.000 bp per killer match, survivor, even with maximum farming effort, rarely gets over 25.000.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,954
    edited March 2023

    You don't survive anything by just fixing a generator and you DO get points for escaping too.

    Survival has to include the Killer and I think this is why most points are given for such interactions.

    But ofc you wont get the correct answer of this from me, only my thoughts. You should ask bHVR about this.

    I don't get why the most passive play should reward you more than it does, it seems logical to me that it would not.

    Post edited by JocelynAwakens on
  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,954

    Fine with me. I would have liked to figure out where I was wrong about it tho. Thanks for the conversation.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687
    edited March 2023

    The problem is over focusing and the survival point category.

    If you look at a killer, by just playing regularly they will generally get a spread of points acorss all categories. Brutality for hitting survivors and gens, devious for using their power, sacrifice for hooking.

    Survivors, however, when playing normally run into 2 problems. What they gain points in, is dependant on the killer and your team. If the killer never chases them, they get almost no boldness. If the killer chases them all match, they get almost no objective/alrtuism. If your team takes all the unhooks, you get barely any altruism. The second problem is that survival points are very rare, you get 7000 for escaping, a few hundred from certain killer power interactions and self healing, and thats it.

    What should happen is score events need to be added to even this out.

    Survival points: Instead of getting 7000 when escaping, survivors should get 1000 every time a generator completes while they are alive, and 2000 for escaping.

    Altruism points: If you are in chase, near the killer, or on hook when a generator completes, you gain some altruism points, something like 500-1500, for distracting the killer, so your team can successfully complete the objective.

    Objective points: Simply being alive when a generator is completed should award some objective points, probably about 500. Being in chase, near the killer, or on hook when this happens ens awards an extra 250.

    Boldness: I think this category is mostly fine, but could use a few extra score events for when the killer doesn't chase you much in the game. Things like taking protection hits should award some boldness in addition to altruism, and completing generators near the killer or within the killer's terror radius should grant boldness. This doesn't need to be a lot though. There is always boon or cleansing totems for boldness too if you really want it and aren't being chased.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,595

    Grant 250 to 500 survival points for every generator completed while you're still alive. Survive all the way to endgame but got downed and left to die by your team? Good job for making it that far, here's some points.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,954

    it seems you are arguing that doing gens is not as worthy task as doing other actions in a trial and thus should award less points.

    I'm not arguing for that, it seems that just is the way things are and I'm fine with how those things are given the concerns I raised before. We don't know for true what values bHVR had when they set it up. I can only give what I think bHVR believes in and defend my own concerns which has been blown off as illegitimate before.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979
  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,180

    That's why I added the "damn close to it" part :D

    I think it is "technically" possible but it takes a lot of things falling into your favor (namely getting 12 hooks and having some of them in the EGC because those ones are worth more points).

    I have maxed it out before but that was an exception, not the rule

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    So you guys haven't seen the tweet that's literally teasing this?

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    This is from multiple days ago.

    It also doesn't seem very fast

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    The whole scoring system for survivor needs reworked imo. New scoring events need added and maybe move different scoring events to different categories (Example: Move the escaping a chase scoring event to the Survival category instead of Boldness).

  • Yoshirama
    Yoshirama Member Posts: 367


    If the killer tunnel everyone out, they still get 30k BP

    If you get tunneled, you just receive like 5k

    How's that fair?