We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

My proposed changes to Deathslinger

Grindixer Member Posts: 19
edited April 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Deathslinger is in a pretty good spot at the moment, middle of the road balance. Despite this, I would love to seem some QoL changes to make him more fun to play and play against. I have came up with a few suggestions, not all changes are intended to go through if BHVR magically decided to read this post. All changes will be listed with a problem, and a proposed solution.


• Problem: Deathslinger having a 32m terror radius while still being 4.4 m/s. While we shouldn't make him 4.6 m/s to keep him in line with other ranged killers, he needs some compensation.

Solution: Make his terror radius 24m again, but also add a slight lullaby to 48m (or 32m). This would make him still able to get the drop on survivors and use M&A again, but not a better stealth killer than wraith like before his nerf a while ago. The lullaby would be a slight tune similar to Trickster (Ex: piano keys, chain rattling, banjo, etc.) but not as loud as Huntress

•Problem: Deathslinger quite similar to Trickster, and other lower tier killers has little to no map pressure, He is a 1v1 killer by design and suffers because of it. We shouldn't make him OP with teleportation or something, just a change to give him some pressure.

Solution: Change the mend upon successful spears to 'lodged spears'. The spears would be a debuff on survivors who get shot by Deathslinger, either successful hit or broken chain. The spear prevents survivors from healing to full, and extra bleeding, but can be ignored entirely. (Could also hinder a slight percentage?) The spear could be removed after a long animation, and would be automatically removed upon being hooked. The 'lodged spears' would add some pressure to just shooting survivors and not pursuing a chase with them.

•Problem: No counter play in chase. Despite having a slower ADS time, it's still very easy to zone a survivor with your gun. This makes Deathslinger still slow to play but also to play against.

Solution: Make Deathslinger's ADS time slightly faster to make him feel better to play. Also give a very obvious audio cue (similar to Huntress) when he ADS's. This would make him more interactive but also more fun to play.

•Problem: The Deathslinger is bald.

Solution: Give us a skin with Caleb (Deathslinger) having a full head of hair. Very easy because BHVR loves to make skins to make money.

Please give any more suggestions and tweaks in the comments! I almost suggested an addon pass/ specific addon tweaks but that would be a whole entire other post. Thanks for reading!

Post edited by Rizzo on
