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Error 8007

I am from PC windows version. Since the update I have not been able to enter the game again because I get error 8007.
I have the same issue.
On xbox beta pc.
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Yeah having the same issue. Someone please let me know if they found a way to fix this. Wish I bought it on Steam.
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im having the same problem on xbox for pc and have tried all possible fixes
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just a note on this connection error . error code 8,007 all other games work perfect on microsoft xbox for pc
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Hi, thank you all for flagging this issue...I'm hoping you could assist us in resolving this by supplying your game logs which you can find here: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\DeadByDaylight\Saved\Logs PLUS your Windows ID. Thank you. You can upload them here, it is secure as the files are all encrypted.
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I've had the same problem since the new update came out. Before it was live, the game was working just fine (some bugs here and there when playing killer while streaming but oh well) but now everytime I try to start the game, I get the same error screen. Here's my log as requested and my ID is DanteCollt.
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I'm also a Microsoft windows xbox pc user having this issue since the update. I had no prior issues of this error till I downloaded the mid chapter. ID LoboDaquaTTV.
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The latest two logs I had trying different things to connect. Same issue of ec 8,007
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Hello, I have exactly this problem, after this last update
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Same issue, I'm on Windows version, getting error 8007 since the update.
Please, let us just connect to Steam like all the other platforms on PC has been allowed to do.
Epic, Steam and even the now gone Stadia was allowed, but we've been just ignored.
The Windows version still gets all of the issues that the other versions does (mostly, some are console exclusive), plus ALOT of extra issues with the Windows version ever since it came out, yet we've never received a Windows/game pass exclusive "sorry for the issues" bloodpoint reward or anything. If Steam had the same issues that the Windows version did, we'd all have received 50m+ bp by this point for those issues over the years. Not being able to start the game for days/weeks, having to reinstall the game every single patch, even minor ones for years etc etc.
Just let us connect to Steam, like all the other PC platforms have been allowed, so we can move away from the Windows version and be done with the issues. And please, for once, give us a reward for not being able to play the game at all this time, even though you've never done it before.
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I also have that problem :) Please fix it, thank you!
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What do you mean by Windows ID? Where and how can I find it?
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Me want limited edition t-shirt.
What is this windows you speak of?
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I am having the same issue, I do not understand the whole log thing. I am using Xbox games pass for PC. I have more then enough storage space on My hard drive. I have spent a lot of time and money on this game for it all to be lost.
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windows id can you elaborate a bit username , email ??
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i have reset the game , (on x box for pc microsoft game pass) uninstalled the game and reinstalled and on another computer , uninstaled xbox app and reinstalled now it wont install
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Please fix. I was about to get back on after a while and really wanted to play.
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Windows Store says version and it disconnects after saying initialization successful
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Came here to say I am also a windows pc game pass player experiencing this issue. I already submitted a log file in response to a ticket I submitted last night, so I won't repost it here unless that would be helpful. Is there any update here? It's very sad seeing all the excitement around the update and not being able to play.
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I can't upload the logs. I keep getting a 'permission problem' error. my ID is ZingerBox9734
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It already works for me, but please activate the cross save in the windows version so we can run away from here
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Thank you for the confirmation, you were very helpful in supplying your logs for us to look further into the issue.
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I'm still having the problem, have tried to reinstall, fix files with Xbox app but nothing is working.
Now I'm trying to uninstall and remove localappdata folder and install again.
If I have a solution I'll post it here for the others if they are having the same issue
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Well it seems that also doesn't work for me, I'll attach my log also if that helps you
I would love to move to another platform and still have my progress and my dlc that I've already bought.
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The issue is being investigated, we do not need any more logs from players, I believe the initial one helped to guide where the problem was occuring from.
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Did you do anything that lead to your connection working again, or did it fix itself?
Yes, please give windows store users the option to move to another platform. I know it's easier said than done, but we would be incredibly grateful get away from the windows store specific bugs.
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yup im in the same boat, gamepass for pc. after latest update cannot connect to servers after initialization is complete. stuck on the title menu. would love to really play my favorite game. also i am in agreement with everyone else. would love to transfer my profile and FTL cosmetics to steam. hell im willing to purchase this game twice just to have it on steam
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I opened a ticket already but maybe this logs can help, I play on Windows store edition.
Do not work since the MAJ 6.7
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What about everyone else still having this problem almost 3 days after the update? This is honestly embarrassing. If you guys are unable to keep WinStore version working as Steam or Epic does, just allow cross-progression on it already so we all can move to a platform that gets attention from the devs.
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3 full days so far where we have been completely unable to play the game.
We're missing the start of the new rift, meaning we'll end up being behind, and at this point we might not get back into the game before the “SHOPPINGSPREE” code stops working (if it still works, lots of codes seems to work for just a day or a few days, it's been 3 days since that code came out), costing us 200k bp right there alone etc etc.
Please, just let us move over to Steam, together with all bought DLCs, skins, etc and just remove DBD from the Windows store/game pass at this point, it's clear it's not even close to a priority what so ever anyhow.
If even Stadia, a platform which never had that many users, got higher priority than Game Pass, with it's 25 million users, it's ridiculous.
Let us move over to Steam ASAP, and give us 50m BP for all of the issues we've had to endure, without getting any compensation for those issues in those years, while Steam users have gotten ALOT of compensations for much, much lesser issues.
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Just came to say the same thing. I'm also having this problem ever since the new update, and I'm also on pc windows (Game pass)
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How does this keep happening? The Windows Store version always seems to have problems when new updates go live... shouldn't these issues have been understood and resolved by now? Being completely unable to connect for three days is incredibly frustrating. And this is on top of other problems with this version, such as achievements never tracking properly during the entire two years that I have played this game...
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has anyone had success in sorting this, tried all the recomendations from Sandra from behaviour , reseting router , all updates up to date , cleared all tmp files , done the ipconfig flush reset etc, im having this problem on 2 computers that are working perfect for every other xbox pc game except dbd , ubisoft , epic games , steam all working even dbd on the same compuer using steam or epic games , this is a microsoft problem we need to hound microsoft i suggest everyone gets intouch with them
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04/21 and it still doesn't work, no communication from Behaviour, do they put the problem aside?
04/21 And it still doesn't work, no communication from BHVR, do they put the problem aside ?
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I noticed OP has been updated to indicate this should be fixed via hotfix on the next update.
Historically, every post-chapter patch has been released more than seven days after release. That’s an unacceptable timeline when a whole subset of players’ games are unplayable.
If there was an outage for that long on the Steam edition, an update would roll out immediately. I’m so, so tired of the Windows Store version of this game being neglected.
After over five months of not touching the game, I and my friends tried to get back into it and this is yet another reminder of why we haven’t/literally can’t.
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"Should" be fixed in the next hotfix? And we don't even know when that is?
It's likely not today, which means most likely at the earliest it's Monday, basically a full week of not being able to play the game at a minimum. It could be two weeks though, or four, we just don't know.
If this happened to the Steam version, it'd actually be prioritized, and it would be solved in hours tops, not days or possibly weeks.
If this happened to the Steam version, they'd get millions in BP. We're likely going to get nothing at all, like always.
Great BHVR. Feels good to be treated like a 3rd rate member of the community for years. Really shows how much you actually care at all about your player base.
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It's not Microsoft for once, it's BHVR simply not caring about WinStore players just as usual.
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Hey all,
I haven’t really posted yet but been following this thread closely in hope of a fix.
I saw another poster has been dealing with Sandra as have I. I sent through a report seeking ammendment the moment the mid chapter dropped. Though Sandra is trying to fix this the best she’s done I still have error and can confirm this was nothing to do with my end.
im 100% in agreeance with all I highly regret starting this game on windows pc and wish I played through steam to begin with to ensure this as they never have issues like this.
I love this game but as everyone else I am quite over loading in on a patch day when codes and other great benefits are in the game and just my game crashes due to a game pass error, or a connection error which is to do with the game not my actual connection to a game. Not just that, but codes never working for us, always having to wait for things to be fixed for us on winstore. I’m just becoming tired of missing out playing with my friends. Recently with the meet your maker shirts we couldn’t redeem them due to not being cooperative with our platforms at first which was a mistake and then fixed, also being unable to obtain the meet your maker cross over items due to having to own on that exact platform.. Now I understand these things are all just minor but the amount is where I’m frustrated.
I know I’ve spent quite a bit of my hard earned money in this game, to now be unable to even play is frustrating. It’s just hard to always be the group missing out. It hurts and if behaviour read this. Please listen to our concerns here, we don’t want to have to leave this community and wonderful game , we really hope there is opportunity for us to change to steam or something else. We miss this game, we miss playing with friends and were missing out on all the new content, codes and benefits other platforms recieve.
that’s just where I’m at. I really hope for a fix before this weekend or an opportunity to change platforms.
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Why didnt I just spend the 10 bucks and buy the steam version 2 years ago 😭
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Would it help for us to all call xbox support to report the outage? It's pretty ridiculous that they advertise DBD as one of their windows store and game pass offerings, yet we can't actually play the game even when we spend money on it - isn't that false advertising? At minimum they shouldn't have the option available to purchase the game through their platform when it isn't playable, I believe that is fraud.
I'm not blaming behaviour here, because I've done contract work for microsoft in the past, and I know how chaotic their internal processes can be. I'd like to believe that the issue is on their side, and that behaviour would have resolved this faster if they weren't being blocked by microsoft's own inefficiency. So what can we do to have some agency in this matter, or advocate for cross-progression so we can move away from the windows store?
Even when the game is playable, I have to relaunch the game every few matches because it disconnects in lobby so often (usually when I join the queue,) and my internet is not causing the issue. My connection is stable and I have no connection issues with any other game. From what I've read, this is just one of the perks of being a windows store user.
If we buy the steam version, is there some way impacted users could migrate our accounts despite cross-progression not being available? It'd be nice to play on a functioning platform, and the only thing stopping most of us is that we've already put hundreds or thousands of hours into our windows store accounts.
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Well, it's clear that the Windows Store version comes with challenges that Steam and Epic doesn't have to deal with, so part of the blame for all of these issues for years is absolutely on Microsofts side, no doubt.
However, BHVR is the devs, ultimately it's their game and their responsibility. If something messes up on Microsofts side, it's BHVRs responsibility to sort those issues out as fast as possible, even if it's not BHVR's "fault" that they happened.
It's like if you rent an apartment, but then you let your younger sibling stay there over the weekend while you're out of town, and they throw a party. You're still responsible for any noise complaints, possible destruction etc that your younger sibling may have caused. It's still fair if you're kicked out because of it, because ultimately it's your responsibility.
The easiest and best solution, is to allow us to move over to Steam, then release a final patch for the Windows Store version telling people that they need to synch their accounts and move over to Steam within X amount of time (lets say a year), if they want to be able to keep playing the game, and keep their progress, DLCs etc.
Then they can just completely stop support for the Windows Store/Game Pass version, BHVR doesn't have to deal with the issues, and neither does us players have to deal with it anymore either.
If BHVR would just put a little bit of time and effort into moving us all over to Steam once and for all now, and give us 50m BP for the years of issues we've had to deal with without any compensation for those issues during those years, then BHVR doesn't have to deal with these issues ever again. BHVR will save time, money and effort, dealing with the complaints, fixing the issues, dealing with Microsoft etc, and the playerbase will save a lot of frustration, time to try to sort these issues on their side (which almost never is on the players side at the end of the day, the issue is almost always somewhere between Microsoft and BHVR), and we can just play the game like most other people.
I have brought up these issues in the past however, and kept pushing until I finally got the answer, at least back then, that absolutely zero thought or effort had been spent into letting the Windows Store/Game Pass users synch with Steam, like Epic and Stadia had at that point.
I think the issue is BHVR ran into problems synching progress between Switch and Steam, and then decided that they wouldn't do ANYTHING at all about synching progress between consoles and Steam, until that issue is fixed. It's been years though, and most likely they're never going to sort out whatever the issues were that they had with Switch. Sadly, that means that Xbox/PS players will never get cross-progression either, and we, who use Windows Store, gets bundled in with Xbox, even though we're on PC, and we'll never get cross progression either. It's dumb. BHVR needs to change their stance and sort this out once and for all, and then just stop supporting the Windows Store version completely, they clearly feel like it's not worth their effort to deal with anyhow.
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Same issue here, same platform. I haven't been able to play in a few days. I've updated my drivers, my software, verified and repaired my files, my internet is connected through Ethernet, and nothing is working. This happens a lot when new updates come out, and usually one of those things fixes it. But this time nothing.
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I also have the same connection problem when the game is playable I have to restart after a few matches. It's been like this for years and they never fix it. That's ridiculous. Now I'm with error 8.007 since the patch was released and no forecast to be fixed. I wonder if we could sue the company for all this negligence.
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Made an account on the BHVR website just to say I'm having the same issue. If you are looking at this and in the same boat, I suggest you do the same. Maybe we can bring some attention to this issue. This has happened to me after a number of updates, though this has been the worst.
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This is not a good look for behavior. I have over 1500 combined hours in dbd, I've been playing off and on since launch. I regret buying my dlc and making my progress through game pass. Literally just give us the chance to transfer one time to steam, or put more love and care into your game. Two bad chapters in a row, and then just completely ignoring a whole part of your customers/fans for half a week now. I love dead by daylight, it is my favorite online game by far, and yet every day it gets harder and harder to support behavior. The only changes they make anymore are just number changes, everything that was fun or exciting is getting bled out, and when people do actually want to play they can't. There is so much potential in dbd, and it feels like they keep constantly and purposefully throwing that potential away. ---->Please, please, please, have more transparency and listen to the community<----- 90% of the flak y'all get would go away if y'all just do that. But yeah the biggest thing is LET US TRANSFER TO STEAM for the love of god, how are you gonna do it for switch and stadia but not windows.
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same here 8007
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Same problem! My friend logged into his account in my PC via teamviewer and the game just works normally in Xbox and Steam. I logged my account in his computer and same 8,007 error. The problem is in the account, not in the computer or our internet. Meaning: we cant do anything to solve :/
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I have had this problem since the update I haven't been able to play in days. I have Uninstalled several times I too am on Xbox game pass PC. And I have every pack and several characters prestiged I can't just switch to steam. Has anyone had a resolution? What did you do? It's driving me nuts
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let it be known that this is day 4 and i have not been able connect to DBD. i will be back everyday to update the days until this problem is fixed. please