So instead of deadhard everyone is just using sprint burst now?

so are you going to nerf sprint burst?
Instead of an ability that could only be used when injured, had to be timed perfectly, half of the time didn't work because of the server lag even if you timed it correctly everyone I come up against now is just using sprint burst....
which literally can't be countered, is 100% guaranteed to work, requires 0 skill and has no draw backs.... I really struggle to understand why you changed dead hard to only work when being tunnelled because it's that unreliable that you just wouldn't pick it now over DS, Off the record etc.
I'd much go up against a survivor with DH and wait 0.5 seconds to bait it out like any good killer would instead of complaining it was overpowered...
like wise when I play survivor now I enjoyed using dead hard because it was extremely situational against a GOOD killer that didn't bait it out, now I have to wait until i'm hooked to get it for my second state so instead i'll just use one of the boring exhaust perks that are guaranteed to work from the match starting ....
Dead hard made you think about when you would use it where as the other exhaust perks are just switch your brain off dull.
I've been saying it forever people don't realize how strong SB Is it stops a chase from happening and if the killer commits then your in a good spot because you SB to a favorable loop.
I never really used DH ivr always been an SB user.
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I didn't even come up against DH much and when I do I just bait it out ... it was one of the most fun mechanics in the game to time and bait out but instead they've made it almost useless just to force the last few people using it to use the other boring exhausts like lithe, balanced landing ... Too busy listening to beginner killers that can't bait a 0.5 second ability out.
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But by dint of complaining about everything that exists in this game, I'm amazed to know that the devs still want to work on it
Not to mention that now coming to say that "dead hard" requires skill is a change from what people were saying before the PTB...
Let the devs nerf gen rushing perks first before asking for even diversion to be nerfed
Post edited by Rizzo on5 -
Yeah but you have to walk around the whole map, which means you aren't doing generators fast enough
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I too enjoy slot machines.
Honestly, about everyone saying what you're saying are people who abused the perk and wished it never was nerfed. But it feels more convenient to dress up some fantastic tale about killers liking to go against really obnoxious situations which exceed all of their control, right?
I have never met a killer main who enjoyed going against Dead Hard and I have high trouble believing such people exist. Or maybe we'll hear tales from a killer main from 2016 who enjoyed having all their hooks permanently broken and thought this added spice to the gameplay.
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are you for real? "abuse" a 0.5 second ability that you just have to bait out? I'm honestly baffled at how some killers can't grasp how to bait a 0.5 ability but a 100% guaranteed sprint burst right as you swing for them and miss is ok ? LOL
13 -
Good Survivors dont walk around the map when using SB.
If you want an
essayexplanation, I can but Im pressed for time atm.4 -
Sprint Burst has ways to play around it while sometimes DH does not. That's why SB is pretty fair and I can't see it needing changes.
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that's it , make a statement with no actual facts LOL tell me how you play around sprint burst then ? i've just made a wraith quit because i just hid until it was ready, went back to gen then sprint burst away as soon as he came anywhere near me .... there's nothing you can do about it.
how can you not play around dead hard? what is it about BAIT IT OUT do you not understand? it's half a second.... i'm so confused at how people can't grasp this LOL
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How to tell the world you have never played killer without saying "I don't play killer."
Sorry your crutch perk got nerfed. Better luck next time.
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It's shocking to think that after nerfing the most popular exhaustion perk into the ground that players would use a different exhaustion perk.
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That's the point. You shouldn't be able to heal yourself multiple time and half the time it takes the killer to get that health state. You can still run medkits and there other healing perks to speed it up.
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I’ve been seeing way more Lithe than Sprint Burst.
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so are you going to nerf sprint burst?
They are.
"In the last few weeks we've noticed that Sprint Burst made its way into the meta and it can be very frustrating for killers to be denied of free hits right next to gens, so from now on Sprint Burst will require you to be hooked 3 times before you can use it and it will give you the Deep wounds status".
10 -
Before patch it was DH>Lithe>SB>BL
Lithe was always better than SB because you could still sprint without accidently activating your perk.
SB is useful but you have to walk everywhere so you don't activate it. That's why SB was more fair than DH
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no u don't have to walk everywhere. U can 99 it and have full control. Sit on a gen and if the killer pull up use it. Lithe require u to take a bad route sometimes just to proc it. SB allow u to be safe in A DEAD ZONE. The best thing about SB is the versatility.
●You can 99 it! bait a swing and SB off which could be the equivalent of hitting a dh
●You can Traverse the map quick with it and sit on a gen to get it back.
●You can make builds around it with fixated and vigil. Which make dropping chase a bad idea for the killer given how fast u can get it back & get right back on the gen.
●You can fool killers into thinking u got lithe or balance at the beginning of the game. SB after dropping from a hill or before vaulting a window (this can sometimes fool even good killers)
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Sure man let me just bait out 12 dead hards a game at pallets where I get screwed either way. or the fact that the perk made playing Demo, Trickster, Huntress, etc utterly unplayable on console
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No good survivor does that.
DH wasn't hard to bait. The only time you were in a lose lose situation was at a pallet.
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Honestly exhaustion perks are overrated.
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TBF most players probably cannot 99 a sprintburst. And even then you can’t really do anything productive while it’s 99’d
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People see anything in the game that remotely agitates them and want it nerfed to the ground.
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Yes, SB stops a chase from happening, but the Killer has the freedom to decide if they wish to engage in the chase or go for someone else depending on where the Surv runs to with SB. Minimal time is wasted and the Killer managed to chase the SB user off a gen. Plus for the Killer.
Against DH, the Killer has already invested more time into the chase to get that first/second hit. If the Killer drops chase because of DH, the Survivor will probably heal up and hop back on a gen, that means the Killer has just wasted time with no profit.
It’s also easier to bait a SB out than a DH because there isn’t an activate button for it. The moment a Survivor runs, they either use SB or is still exhausted. A Survivor can run, vault, do 360s, vault windows and the Killer still won’t know it they have DH ready or not.
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Fearmonger + GF = dropped survivor
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No they're nerfing smash hit and maybe overcome
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It's mix of Lithe and Sprint Burst and the occassional Balanced Landing. Seems to be a good mix of exhaustion perks. Definitely isn't just SB.
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Sprint Burst is pretty strong, but no : I've seen a bunch of Lithe and Balance Landing.
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This is going to come as a surprise but SB has been a meta perk since 2016. As time moved on we got more exhaustion perks but it has ALWAYS created distance where none existed.
Maybe it's time to make all exhaustion perks reset only by being unhooked or unhooking someone. We could have all the exhaustion perks except DH be "loaded" on game start so that you get to use them immediately.
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You can just 99 your Sprint Burst!
Sure, but the point is: OP's original claim of "no downsides" was bullshit
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Well...people have been saying that this would happen ever since a Dead Hard nerf was even suggested. There's not really any valid reason to be surprised that it's happened.
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Dh can't always be baited out there are many 50/50 situations and around pallet's it can be uncounterable in some specific situations. I don't think dh is death even now you still can use it 2 times instead max 3 usually before.
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Is this going to become a trend with exhaustion perks now? Because Lithe, Balanced, Overcome and Smash Hit can all be used to escape or prevent chases, especially when paired with synergy perks. Personally I much rather have to work harder and accustomed to starting chases, than playing DH chicken with every chase.
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We players want the easiest things...
DH- Used to be used anytime after an injury... but now if you want to use the perk you need to save another Survivor safely
SB- One just has to hold the run button and wait 40 seconds and do it again or they can get the exhaustion to 99% and bait a swing and zoom away
Which one is easier to use??? See what I mean
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I would rather go against SB than go against DH all day long
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and sprint burst is 100% going to work no matter where you are.... I honestly can't understand this argument at all.
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Baiting it out was not the issue. The issue was it became so common that every killer felt it required to just stay on survivors' butts for a few seconds. That means killers were actively being discouraged from attacking survivors, and that's a foundational critical problem.
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that's not a critical problem that is a layer in the game... if it was a 2 or 3 second ability you'd have an argument but complaining about a 0.5 ability is just stupid. it had to be thought about, now there's nothing to think about because most survivors are just going to sprint away or balanced landing etc... that's not engaging for either player
It's really just killer privilege, you don't want to have to think about anything and just be able to down a survivor as soon as you're close to them.
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It didn't happen. OP is coping with the loss of DH via this thread.
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It's not just a .5 second ability, though. Going up to ANY injured survivor would always end up being a chase for a good 2-5 seconds before being "allowed" to take a swing.....for every survivor. It got pretty ridiculous. It got so bad, sometimes killer would intentionally swing and miss just to "blow" someone's DH so they could follow up with the real attack without giving the survivor a speedboost from the faux attack.......even if they ended never having DH, at all. When killers are just swinging at air constantly (and yes, even streamers like otz and spookyloopz would see this happening often - even calling it out when it happens), then there is something wrong.
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SB is fine. DH wasn't.
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Is sprint burst is actually giving you trouble and you're not just exaggerating...
Fearmonger. That is all.
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Nah, I am not concerned. Yes, SB can be irritating, any exhaustion perk can, but it's not on the same level of irritation then DH. When 6.1 destroyed DH and no one was using it for 2 weeks and reeling from the impact, we saw all kind of exhaustion perks being used, including lobbies full of SB, but the perk never became the new meta.
The thing with SB is this: yes, it is really strong, but it's front loaded. It can stop a chase from being initiated and the killer can then decide if its worth pursuing that survivor or go somewhere else. Vigil and Fixation and clever pauses can help you to regain SB mid chase, and you can 99% it, but both cases are really rare and not something you see from your typical SB user
DH was always a surprise and you had to threat every single survivor like they got it, and it's power was ultra back loaded: quite literally it took effect in the 7 frames just before you downed a survivor and reaped the benefits of a long, arduous chase. And survivors had become so good to use it, that it lead to a lot of lose/lose situations. It was just awful, and each successful DH eroded my will to play the game again.
Like I said, SB can be irritating, but it's not so plug and play and just the next exhaustion perk on the chopping block.
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only kind of works on undetectable killers, otherwise start walking the moment you hear a tr and then you're not exhausted ready to use SB if the killer actually chases you.
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All of these are good tips. I'll add one more that I hope more people understand and waste less time walking around: know when you will need the Sprint Burst and when you won't. If you are going to a gen that has very safe loops close to it (e.g. a gen in the main building), just run to it. You don't need the Sprint Burst there and keeping it is only wasting your time. You only walk to places where it's less safe (gens besides hills, gens in dead zones etc). There are also more little tricks you can do with SB that I don't see people talk about but I'm not getting into them here.
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Sprint Burst is completely fine. Old DH wasn't. One requires skill, the other did not.
Old Dead Hard was able to be activated at any time while you were injured, gave you a free 3rd health state + Speed Boost from being hit, and could be used to make it to pallets and windows.
With Sprint Burst, you have to wake the whole game at risk of using the perk. And once you use it, you have to wait 40 seconds to give it back.
Sprint Burst is a more high risk, high reward perk than Dead Hard ever was.
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I’m sure Fearmonger will be used more and it will be called “busted” or “unfair”.
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I think it comes down to how abusive dead hard was.
So say you're against a good team, this is how games would go:
The first teammate would take chase and then dead hard would come out, then there teammates would protect them and someone else would come and take chase and this would happen over and over while the gens were getting done and everyone was healing.
Sprint Burst is a fine perk, it gets people to safe spots but it isn't abusable and this is the difference, I feel
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i think people need to look up the word "abusive" and what it actually means
there is nothing abusive about a 0.5 second ability that has to be timed correctly to work and most of the time doesn't work anyway because of the server latency...
It's almost like killers just want an easy game where they don't have to think about any of the perks survivors have LOL.
If you want the game to be so boring to the point where "if I press M1 next to the survivor i want to GUARANTEE they will get hit" with absolutely no counter play then fair enough.
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If you want the game to be so boring to the point where "if I press M1 next to the survivor i want to GUARANTEE they will get hit" with absolutely no counter play then fair enough.
This is like saying "Mario is boring because he jumps every time I push the jump button."