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When will there be a update that prevents camping



  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited April 2023

    I do play killer, and I've never had to rely on meta regression perks. I literally never used CoB, OC or PR, so these nerfs have zero affect on me as a killer. Meanwhile survivors are less efficient at healing. Bonus.

    Stop being a meta slave and maybe the world won't end every time they inevitably nerf the most powerful meta perks.

  • Member Posts: 185

    I'm wondering the level you play at cause thinking you can win games against good survivors without camping/tunneling nor regression perks... is out of my understanding capabilities.

    Can you end a chase in less than 2 minutes with a M1 killer against good survivors ? No, so what are you talking about ?

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited April 2023

    Ah the classic "I can't do it so you must be a low level than me"

    Have you considered that you're at a higher MMR than you should be because you've been relying on crutch perks to carry you?

    FYI, the 'top MMR' is comprised of the highest 5% of the playerbase. So what you're doing is trying to dismiss 95% of the playerbase.

  • Member Posts: 637

    There are two things I’d like to comment - one is directly at your point about potential weaponisation (which I agree) is that the current status quo is that MANY killers do camp. I think the potential weaponisation would shift the status quo but it feels unfair to think “well, yes killers can use this unfair strategy, but it’s hard to change because survivors can turn it into a survivor sided unfair strategy.. so let’s just keep it as a killer sided unfair strategy”.

    Having said that, I DO agree with you that the best approach should not be one which just switches the status quo to another unfair one. But it must be changed altogether.

    problem with reassurance or any perk related change is that it can be used in many cases unfairly even when nobody is camping. Kind of like saying, here is a bat to use to hit the killer over he head if they are camping - but it won’t stop them being h it even if they aren’t - patently unfair.

    I do think that there should be an inbuilt non perk mechanic which punishes camping severely and has certain conditions.

    1. If killer doesn’t move away from the proximity though no other survivors nearby, then hook timer pauses for survivor and they gain points from their teammates who are on gens. Gens themselves should have skill checks removed and faster to complete if a teammate is being camped beyond 30 seconds (with no other teammates around) and increase bonuses to compensate for the lack of opportunity to gain other points (chases, boldness etc)
    2. Remove healthy grab, or turn into a locked animation that results in a trade (hooked gets unhooked but unhooked automatically gets picked post unhook)
    3. Auto down weapons deactivated if 30 seconds have passed and one teammate is in proximity to save. Auto down weapon restricted to one down when more than one survivor is present
    4. Number 1 doesn’t apply to endgame

    what do you think of the above? If there are exploits for the above then hopefully we can think about ways to negate those but I personally believe the above is a fair failsafe method in most cases.

  • Member Posts: 136

    I agree that COB should keep higher regression BUT should have the info removed to encourage people to couple it with surveillance and not other op gen regress perks as we’ve seen that heavily abused before.

  • Member Posts: 185

    I agree that COB + surcharge were way too strong, the regression rate was too big but devs have been too heavy on the nerf.

    Also devs are basing all their changes on the kill rate stat... which is terrible as it is inflated by tunneler/camper. So they think killers get 55/60% kill rate while in reality, killers that do not camp/tunnel might have a kill rate of 35/40% (above average players).

    When i'm looking on Twitch, there are pretty much no killer players anymore... it means a lot, the role is too stressfull and the game is way too unbalanced.

    Prior to this patch i had mostly good games on both sides, it doesn't mean i was winning all the time but i had fun almost all the time. With 6.7.0, as a survivor it is a tunneling fest (and i understand why) and as a killer i face gen rush META S.W.A.T players...

    It is mostly not fun at all.

  • Member Posts: 136

    They’ll figure it out, it’s their job after all. First things first is releasing a fun killer! It’s been a while lol

  • Member Posts: 185

    I do not think they will, i cannot deny that the game has improved for 1 year but they are far from achieving a proper balance state.

    Both sides are using broken mechanics to get easy win.

    Killers are camping/tunneling, using one shot add ons if possible etc... before that they spammed the kick gen META when it was OP etc...

    Survivors are spamming syringue, antiseptic add-ons, BNP with Resilience, Prove Tyself, Adrenaline etc... before that they spammed DH...

    Well it is a never ending story till the devs realise that perks are too strong. 10% boost on gen speed with a perk is bullshit and totally shift the balance of the game, for exemple. All those rate should be 2% max, on both sides.

    Perks should slightly change the outcome of a trial but for now they are completely changing the gameplay. If you have those 4 perks you can win, if not you loose, against the same killer on the same map.

  • Member Posts: 30
    edited May 2023

    Getting rid of hooks is not necessary, changing their mechanics is.

    Having an annoying mechanic is a problem for any game ever made. This proposed solution would have a mechanic that is obnoxious and mostly ineffective. Games are ultimately made for fun, no matter how balanced it may be, no one will play it if it is not fun. Objectively, there is no reason why a game should aim for an obnoxious and fruitless solution rather than a successful and uneventful one.

    Buffing perks is also not an ideal solution, if they do actually attenuate the problem, you may have a solution where people feel forced to select a perk and penalised whenever they do not, which may adversely impact perk diversity. For people who equipped it/are under its effect? Great! For whoever did not? We are back where we started. Do we really want to choose in between a perk that we enjoy and one just to not feel miserable? There is also the potential problem of the perk, if poorly designed, being weaponised and becoming a nightmare even in situations where the killer is playing nicely, old DS is the prime example. And in the end, it is very unlikely that any perk will ever directly address the problem as that is an issue with the hook's nature of being a defendable stationary object. Perks such as Reassurance may alleviate the symptoms but they do not attack the disease.

    While I cannot say what the developers intend, I can agree that manner of play is incredibly boring but I still insist that the problem here is the hook, not the Doctor. Even if Doctor were to have no power, he could still camp with the basic M1 and make the game miserable for at least 1 person and tedious for the remainder. Regardless of the result being a 4K, 1K or even 0K, it is still not an enjoyable process.

    Post edited by Severing on
  • Member Posts: 1

    Why doesn’t BHVR just add the PyramidHead Mechanic to all hooks. SWF grouping near hook for too long? Boom entity teleports survivor.

    Knight/Guard is camping hook? Boom teleport.

    killer camps basement? Port

    Rng comes into play making it interesting for both parties. If a survivor isn’t on a scourge hook RNG could make them appear on one or even in basement

    I mean we already have it for the PinHead Box and pyramid head cage. Why not make the entity a bigger factor in the matches rather than just lore fluff

  • Member Posts: 1,749
    edited May 2023

    All for removing healthy unhook grabs, especially now that self healing is less prevalent and keeping survs injured is easier.

    As for Bubba, I feel like it would help a ton is he went into tantrum if he hit either the unhooker or unhooked with chainsaw within 3 seconds of the unhook, or during the unhook animation after it becomes uncancellable.

    That way, you can't down the unhooker during the unhook animation, hit the unhooker with your chainsaw, then hit them again immediately, even if they try to vault a pallet or window.

    You could still completely prevent unhooks by hitting survs with chainsaw before they even unhook, but that's life.

  • Member Posts: 234
    1. No. Survivors would just stand far enough away that the game thinks the Killer is 'alone'. In separate directions. If the Killer chases 1, the other unhooks for free. If the killer resets, the game still thinks he's 'alone' and keeps the hook timer paused. This has been suggested a million times and is always proven to be broken and easily abused.
    2. Eh. Healthy grab should be a hit. Nothing more.
    3. No. Why should Survivors get immunity to auto down for running the Killer near the hook until it procs?
    4. Also; there was someone who said 'All Killers powers should deactivate near the hook'. No. Why should Survivors get immunity to everything? They would, literally, run the Killer near the hook to get their little zone of no-powers.

    I don't get why people keep thinking 'I don't like camping, so lets invent some completely BS, easily abused mechanic Survivors can use to always force free unhooks!'

  • Member Posts: 195

    Camping and tunneling are symptoms of a problem.

    The problem has and always will be the unbalanced asymmetrical aspect of this game, NOT the people who play killer.

    I’m a Twins main, and since reaching Iri 1 a week ago, I run very basic perks. I can still get a 3-4K without tunneling.

    I also lose and get only 3-4 hooks TOTAL. I’m not the only person experiencing this.

    If the game was balanced somehow to allow mixed hooks, then I’m sure there would be less tunneling and camping.

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