The game is now a real camping/tunneling fest
Crazy how 9 games out of 10 is against a camper/tunneler, the last patch has definitely changed the yway the killers are playing.
It is unbearable.
Try playing killer against 3k 4k hour survivors not tunnel and let us know your experience.
32 -
Both killer and survivor are in a ######### situation right now, I really can't understand why the Devs don't see this and sort it out!!
How it goes for me...
Killer - gens fly by because survivors aren't wasting time healing. They're actually far more productive after the update.
Survivor - almost every match is a camp/tunnel/3 gen.
20 -
I don't disagree tho solo survivor is pointless playing with people who don't know how to play. I'm not sure what they can do cause as killer good teams know how to unhook vs a camp versus solo just getting grabbed or taking a fast down then trying to heal wasting too much time.
1 -
Welp. Every time I don't camp or tunnel, or clearly go out of my way to cut off a chase on an injured player for a healthy player; I get t-bagged, flashy-clicked, and told to uninstall in the end game chat.
So now I play how I feel like playing. If Survivors don't give a rats behind about my enjoyment; why should I care about theirs?
25 -
This made me think of a continuously circle of misery people set for one another. One person experiences bad stuff from another, then they themselves expel their frustrations on another and then the whole thing just keeps on truckin'
Survivors and killers are like the chicken and egg scenario: we don't know which started it, but we know the cycle continues. People need to be a bit more conscious regardless of experience because it will only get worse and worse as people give in rather than fight through to retain any dignity.
As for tunnelling or camping, I've not experienced it much myself, but I noticed the best tactic for killer is to tunnel the first out quickly then slug the rest. I don't do it, but I sense if this style becomes prevailant it will not go unnoticed.
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It's not bad provided you have that experience level yourself. Bad matchmaking is bad matchmaking. I don't really see it as a balance issue if 500 hr players can't hang with 4k hr players (exceptions exist, of course).
12 -
What dignity?
I can handicap myself for Survivor fun all I want; I'll never be thanked. I don't get to win. And I get insulted.
I can handicap myself for Killer fun when I play with my friends: Same thing.
What do I get out of it? To think "Oh! I may have only got 2 hooks, and insulted, and told to uninstall; But at least the people telling me this had fun!"
I've been playing off and on since launch, and I have never, NEVER, had someone say "You know what? You could have camped me. You saw my teammate waiting to unhook me, and you walked away. Thanks." Or "Thanks for not tunneling the Meg." Or "Thanks for letting me sacrifice you after the gates were opened, so I could get some more BP."
Heck, I stopped giving hatch after I had three different people on the same day say "EZ. Noob Killer. Uninstall." When I carried them to the hatch and dropped them on top of it.
Yet they had this thought that, somehow, they beat me. I'm still wondering if they thought their previously-unknown psychic powers made me let them escape. 🤦♂️
I've also had people insult me for NOT giving them hatch. You know "Be happy with a 3K" and "Stop sweating for a 4K." They literally thought giving the hatch was expected, not a gift for me to give out at my choice.
So again; Why, when I'm playing either side, should I care about anyone's fun over my own?
I care about everyone's fun insofar as:
- I don't DC
- I don't insult people.
- I don't sandbag.
- I don't cheat/Use bugs.
I make sure everyone can play the game as intended; Without greifing, cheating, or being a massive jerk. But when it comes to trying to win; I will try my hardest, and don't expect any less from anyone else.
23 -
Small note on my part: Sometimes I thank the killer for playing fair (due to the number of camps and tunneling I see) and survivors sometimes do the gg and add "killer, you too". It feels nice to a certain degree but the compliment stems from the aforementioned issues. It's just crazy nowadays and you literally don't know what will happen in the endgame chat.
2 -
Thats just how it goes in this game there's a gap it seems between under 1k hours and multiple thousands of hours. Not really had one match in the last 20-30 that was less hours or even similar. It's just too easy to jump into max mmr territory really bad system
1 -
I wish I'd get players like you, then. I can still remember my first time being accused of 'Proxy Camping':
- I was playing Hag and, to be nice, I would not place traps under a hook, nor would I surround the hook. I would place ONE trap in the closest chokepoint. That usually left 2-3 other ways to get in to save someone. Or...just crouch as you walk in.
- I would walk away from the hook, chase other people, kick gens, and do everything else a Killer needs to do.
- After I got 3 separate hook trades by people picking the one path I'd trap without looking ahead; I did not teleport for the next two unhooks. But I resumed once it was down to 1 gen & all 4 Survivors were still alive.
- Once again; I'd place ONE trap in ONE chokepoint. Anyone with pattern recognition would have learned by now; Crouch, or take one of the other routes to the hook! But nope! Triggered my traps!
- So I have a 3K, and I'm chasing the last person. All 5 gens are powered, but the gates are not open.
- I down them and, before they even hit the ground; DC. They had to have their hand on the router to drop that fast.
- DCer, in the end game chat: Campers don't deserve 4Ks!
- Me: I did not camp. At all. I never stayed near the hook.
- DCer: You proxy camped!
- Me: So I can't even return to a hook because you guys have the memory of goldfish & never learned 'Don't take the chokepoint'? K. Good luck with never learning from your mistakes.
- I can not repeat what they typed next. SO I just typed 'LOL' and left.
Those are the kinds of people who make DBD such an unbearable slog, sometimes.
10 -
Personally, I don't feel like any of the metas I've played in (since 2019) have seen more or less tunneling/camping than another. It's like a baseline constant, if you look at a large enough sample size.
But when someone has a bad run of getting camped/tunneled after a recent change, they almost always attribute that to the changes. Saw the same thing after 6.1.0, which some said precipitated an apocalyptic rice in camping and tunneling. It reactionary and correlational (not causal).
But to me, it's just the same as it ever was. People who camped and tunneled before will continue to, and those who didn't aren't likely to start all of a sudden.
5 -
So when you play killer you lose and when you play survivor you lose. Definitely a dev problem...
4 -
Got to love the random dense guy who completely missed the point. These are your solo teammates
6 -
I definitely agree that there's not enough space in MMR between the top skill brackets and the middle skill brackets. I think it's pretty common knowledge that players are being pulled into matches they shouldn't be pulled into with alarming frequency. And I get that the devs fear queue times, but at a certain point the convenience of fast queues becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy that does exactly what they're trying to avoid: stunts the growth of the game.
3 -
I play both sides. Tunnelling has increased massively in my games since the patch. I can't blame them as in the games I play killer, if I deliberately refuse to tunnel, I get rinsed by the survivors. Tunnelling one out is the top top strat for killers.
DC's happening a lot, so are afk's.
2 -
I 4k most of my games as killer and escape about 50% of time as a solo q survivor. So yeah I'm definitely the problem lol
1 -
Dignity as in being able to be yourself and play as you wish, rather than allow others to influence and change you, which is what has happened. You played fairly and met with some right dickheads. Those dickheads influenced and made you change your mindset and now you play how you feel is best to deal with them, thereby losing the initial purpose you had.
A survivor player then comes in with equally good intentions of having a fun game, but is met with a killer who sees them as a weak link and then tunnels and camps them out quickly. This happens a few times with them. Perhaps the killer calls then an "ez n00b" and "uninstall". They then change. Become more hateful. Start hitting out against others. It's really not hard to understand this, because this behaviour is documented in many areas of life.
My point is not to pick at anyone, but simply point out why the cycle continues. People eventually become apathetic to the insults. In time, some of them actively seek this and see it as some perverted badge of honour.
So again, I'll point out that the reason to - not care so much as in let everyone basically ######### on you - but to care a bit and be conscious about how you play is to not feed this cycle, because it will get worst. In fact, I'd bet many people don't play this game for fun; they play this game to vent. Doesn't mean you should let them win, but especially as someone who plays both sides be aware of what really isn't fun.
7 -
This is a big part of the reason why I quit back in December '20.
I liked playing friendly but getting so much crap for it, when one would think that it would be an appreciated breath of fresh air for the survivor amongst the anecdotal endless camping and tunneling, has really taken the satisfaction and fun out of playing like that.
But instead of falling down to the unloved playtstyle i did the other thing and increased their queue times by a miniscule amount by quitting this game for good.
Post edited by burt0r on3 -
Actually, when I play SWF I'm winning most games and when I play killer, I'm winning more than I'm losing. My problem is solo queue, it's terrible.
I will say that not having good gen regression perks is bad for killers who can't speedily get from one side of the map to the other though.
But you're not interested in constructive conversation are you? So you just keep being an arse, as long as it makes you feel good. 🙂. Have a great day.
3 -
just played a game against a killer, that complained about tunneling and facecamping in his steam review. he facecamped at 5 gens with one DC and tunneled hard.
people are weird sometimes.
7 -
The problem is that tunneling isn't just the easiest way to win, it's also the most effective, which is such bad game design in my opinion.
In other games, the best way to win is usually the harder one. It rewards players for investing time and effort into learning game mechanics and using them effectively. The easier way is usually less effective, as anyone can do it with minimal effort. This encourages players to improve if they want better results.
Dbd doesn't do that. You can invest a lot of time and effort into learning the ins and outs of your favorite killer's power and use that to overpower the survivor team, but why would you do that when you can achieve the same or better results simply through tunneling? It's easy, anyone can do it, it's almost never punished and gets results.
8 -
The problem is players don't want to use anti-tunnel perks to counter tunneling. Do you think tunneling into OTR is really the best way to win? I don't see tunneling being an issue when I run sprint burst and off the record and it certainly isn't the easiest and most effective strat when running that combo.
3 -
so an extra 15 seconds in a match with the perks youve described is supposed to make it all better? if a killer wants you, those perks mean absolutely nothing. in particular otr, one hit and you dont even get the full timer.
4 -
i relate to this sadly, but as killer i still don't resort to such strategies since they aren't fun for me either. as a survivor, when i recognize a fair play by the killer, i make sure they don't regret it. if you pay close attention, when you very obviously TRY to play nice and survivors still bm you, it's either them being brand new and absolutely clueless about what's going on, or some scumbag with ill-intentions and it's most of the time the former.
0 -
If a killer proxy camps and lets the survivor farm me off hook then sure they can make the combo weaker. However, if the survivors have any clue on how to play the game then they will body block when they realize the killer wants to hard tunnel me out, and since my perks result in the killer not trying for the grab/injure they are now able to take 2 hits.
I find it interesting how people complain about tunneling and I'm over here wanting the killer to tunnel into my OTR because it results in more survivors escaping.
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Did you have noticed, that the killer meta got nuked and the survivors just lost one perk
2 -
That’s what happens when you take away gen regression. Anyone who knows the game could have seen this coming…..
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This is where I am at. I just try to play for fun and don't care about winning or losing. The vast majority of the playerbase is not the same.
1 -
The game the way it is is the players fault like 100%
I forget his name my Japanese friend said on the final fantasy 11 forums around 2009 and it's true here. People were complaining about samurai vs ranger cause ranger Is also burst damage. Well the guy on the forum said
I payed to play the game the developers invisioned not a game influenced by the players who can't agree on anything. But the person who poured their heart into it. Players lean toward the side they love. They don't mean too but they do we need someone who doesn't care if either side feels fair and make the game that is as Invisioned
1 -
(Start of sarcasm.)
Crazy how 9/10 times, survivors will repair gens to 100% progress if left uninterrupted. They have no empathy for the other side and it's toxic.
They should stop repairing the gen at 50% and go find a new gen to start over. Once all the gens are at 50% THEN they can commit to 100%. Survivors who do not do this are just bad at the game and need to have their reputation dragged and be told how to play.
9/10 times survivors will camp gens if the killer does not see them and leaves. The new Knight perk, Nowhere to Hide, helps with this but it's still unbearable.
(End of sarcasm.)
11 -
In before Survivors claim that your sarcastic example is nowhere near the same. 😁
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It's not the same. Gens cannot come onto the forum to complain about being tunneled by survivors. They are unfairly underrepresented.
6 -
This is so awesome, I can't stop laughing. Too true
1 -
Wasn't there a thread recently where the standard response was "if you body block, I will tunnel you"?
1 -
But the problem is that usually is not the case. Killers often tunnel the player with less than 100 hours "weak link". Which I think is not healthy. Neither is those 3-4K survivors effient gen rushing which killer can do nothing.
3 -
Those players shouldn't be facing each other in the first place.
However, letting the weak link go and get a free/easy escape makes it worse for them, boosting their mmr so they are queueing "out of their league." Just like sweating against the gen rushers and getting kills tells the SBMM system that you need tougher opponents and only makes things worse for yourself.
5 -
No its not only the killers. In my killer matches now gens get done so quickly its not even funny anymore. I go in my matches with the intention not to tunnel and after the match I think I should have. Survivors bring the stronges bullshit you could thing of and every round they throw a map offering. After 10 matches on the worst maps for killers I throw an offering got on my map and the surves dc. Nice how playing killer means you need to play agiunst everything you get, but for survivor it means just do what ever the ######### you want and if it doesnt work dc wait a minute and bring another BNP.
4 -
What group of 3k 4k hour survivors are playing with a 100 hour survivor? Not every group is a swf but most are obvious and all have similar hour. I don't believe this point it's simply not true
0 -
Don't tunnel the first person and survivors will now use base BT to body block. It happens so frequently
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I wish the game would balance more for maps but at this point I don't see it every happening. Lots of maps are unbalanced as well with perks. Weaker killers should have increased odds on individually favored maps. There should be some limit on perks vs killers or stronger perks incentives go play weaker killers. We all know what killers are weaker I don't see how that's not possible to some small scale.
0 -
I didn't say it was problem killing that weak link problem is when you don't let them play the game I feel always very bad if I tunnel bad player out but I rarely do that. Often if I tunnel someone it's the strongest link or at least someone decent so that's fine for me. Yes im quilty letting baby survivors escape too but usually by hatch so that should not boost their mmr.
2 -
Most people don't have 3-4K hours in the game. My point is killers tunnel even when they play agains't babies so tunneling in many cases got nothing to do with survivors being too good. Many play soloQ so that scenario is even very likely and killers can check people profiles who they play agains't to identifyi the "weak link" by seeing who has the least hours.
1 -
Survivors just got their strongest healing perk nuked, their best exhaustion perk hard restricted to 2 uses while keeping all its previous restrictions and their strongest item heavy nerfed with all its addons tone down.
4 -
What i see in my killer games right now is a genrush the same perks as befor. DH now isnt a 87% chance as befor on the survivor now my games the perk appers at a 34% pickrate. Oh right SB got an increase of 56% so DH got imigietly replayced COH is still very strong if you play it you would see it. I played a game where I camped at the end of the round and the survivors that tried to unhook are all 3 healed at 16 seconds (I count) three heals in 16 seconds means the perk got nuked right. I guess for it to become good again the numbers should be trippled right so it be 3 heals in 4 seconds. Seams far I guess. And the medikit nerf as I killer I dont even notes, brecause Medkits are still the best Items and the Medkit pickrate at my rounds is still at 43%.
If we now look at the Killer perks that got nerfed the only one that decreased only a little bit in uses was PR with now a 30% pickrate, but CoB and Overcharge went both from about 67% to 19%.
2 -
Look, some things are bound to happen when the nerf patch hits. A heavy Nerf to medkits with a nerf to flashlights, and maps and keys being laughably useless since hatch nerf obviously creates an incentive to genrush.
And now that DH has that hard restriction on top of everything it had before, most survivors are replacing it with SB and Lithe. You can already see Forum posts crying about how broken SB and lithe are and how they should be nerfed, blah blah.
COH had its main strength completely removed that was being able to self-heal with the boon without medkits. Now, if you are playing exclusively 4-man squads, yes, you can get value out of this and the 100% healing increase is appreciated but other than that the perk is dead. You cant use it in soloQ or duo as you cant coordinate heals even if the injured survivor' aura is shown so for the vast majority of the playerbase this perk is dead.
Medkits are not the best item anymore and if it still has a high pickrate is because being able to self heal in dbd is a NECCESITY against most killer regardless of the state of the item(Unless as i mentioned before, you play exclusively 4man squad and you can coordinate heals). Still, you are delusional to think that medkits are still as strong as they were before.
Said that, i am not saying that the killer meta wasn't hit or anything like that but dont minimize the survivor nerfs with "they just lost one perk" because it is not.
5 -
Agreed. They usually try to tunnel me out ASAP, and when they can't, they do it to someone else.
Before it was bad but now it's worse. Often times I end up turning the game off because of it.
3 -
It's almost as if BHVR really ######### need to address this
0 -
They did; They're not taking away Killer player agency just because some Survivors have decided they can dictate how and when Killers try to win.
Don't know how else to say it. 🤷♂️
7 -
One could argue that they did in fact do that. They've nerfed gen regression so hard that trying to win without tunneling, camping, or slugging is a fool's errand.
9 -
That's why I play blight, but still sometimes I have to tunnel too when survivors get a good map and I have some mistakes on chase(even small ones against 4k hours survivors is crucial).