Nice accessibility

This game doesn't have FOV slider since most games made in 1994 dont have it, on top of its horrible default FOV is 87
I cannot play killer without shadowborn and you make challenges like this?
I am unable to get any killer adepts because default vision makes my head hurt after few minutes. Which is fine, dont care about trophies in dbd anyway but this is truly something else.
Well done
Yeah i just ignore them. Shadowborne shouldn't be a perk but as long as it is i cannot do these challenges.
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Remember: Accessibility is for Survivors only. When it comes to Killers, the excuse is 'But the game balance'.
While ignoring that the visual TR, while a good accessibility change, also changes game balance.
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Not every achievement or archive needs to be "accessibility friendly", it's one thing to ask for basekit Shadowborn for accessibility and another to ask for them to make easier challenges because certain people can't do all of them, you can still complete the tomes by taking another path, just don't do the challenges that bother you.
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Isn't Field of View intentionally fixed for the gameplay purposes? Because the Killer sees so little Survivors can do particular plays like hiding in middle of chase.
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I really wish i could say you're wrong but it does really feel that way.
Same thing with hook counters. It is for both sides information that is already available in the match that both parties can use to their advantage.
But only on the survivor side do people who have terrible memory get help.
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Yeah, that’s why colorblind mode is only available for survivor side as well, right?
and just thinking about visual TR, which just wins the game for the survivors because now they can see the TR instead of just hearing it.
wait… something doesn’t seem right here?
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This couldn’t be more accurate. Is this intentional from BHVR? Not sure. But it certainly feels that way.
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I can cherry pick data, too!
Remember how the struggle QoL change from 'mash a & d' to 'hit skillchecks' also buffed survivors by allowing them to wriggle free faster, for absolutely no reason?
I'm sure you do.
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If FoV provided that much of an advantage, it would be used widely. As of right now, it's mostly used by people with motion sickness and eye problems. Such was the case for users of Spine Chill before the visible TR and Lullaby was added. Accessibility options shouldn't be hindered just because it may provide a small gameplay buff. Example being the visible TR and Lullaby that helps people react to the presence of the killer immediately, and yet hasn't made much of a difference in the matches altogether.
Honestly, I've never seen a modern game besides DBD that has so little accessibility options and setting customization. It's also strange that a lot of the settings can be accessed by PC players in the files, but not available for console players. And speaking of console players, techs related to FoV, such as the spinning or FoV techs, really only affect console players since PC players have better camera mobility to begin with.
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I agree with you
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Shadowborn shouldn't be basekit, because it does work both ways and by making it basekit it could hurt as many people as it helps. What we need is an FOV slider. I can't play killer without shadowborn or i suffer from motion sickness.
Go play the last of us 2 instance , under accessibility settings go to motion sickness and FOV is right there. it is absolutely appalling that this hasn't been addressed.
Gameplay balance can go to hell when I have to give up a perkslot just to play without feeling nauseous and getting a headache within a single game.
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Cherry-picking you sure can do. Actually in this thread you did nothing else.
me providing actual counterarguments to your claims isn’t cherry picking though.
also remember how the wiggle you are talking about was a beta feature (that granted lasted way too long in its beta phase) that when implemented completely didn’t have the faster wiggle anymore? And how not even survivor players complained that it wasn’t brought over?
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Besides the "balance issues" being used as an excuse for people against FOV slider & similar things (which I agree are poor excuses), isn't more difficult to implement accessibility settings for killers because they're in 1st person and have different heights, which I assume demands more work and has way more complications than changing UI stuff on the survivor side bc they're all the same PoV ?
@NoHookDC@Sonzaishinai@ProfessorDunwich I mean we literally just got the heartbeat thing for survivors and it's only because of the noise the Spine Chill nerf made. If BHVR was to nerf or rework shadowborn I have no doubt we would get a FoV slider in the following weeks. Also the previous accessibility setting was for colorblindness, which was mainly done to help killers see the scratchmarks & pools of blood, so I feel like you guys are jumping the gun a bit tbh.
In any case, I have no idea how complicated it is to implement a FoV slider but until we get it I do agree these challenges should be changed. There are challenges where you have to use 3 perks but you can use a fourth one, so I don't understand why the adept challenges exist. If ppl want to do the adept they will, there's no reason to force people to do them through challenges...
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Remember when that was then changed for the live release?
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Notice how nobody here asked for that and instead wanted better accessibility in the base game (a la fov slider)
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I did imply in my post that fov slider/basekit shadowborn is fine, and that more accessibility is good, my apologies for not clarifying that enough - but asking for any and all new challenges to be released with accessibility in mind in all cases is not realistic. If you can't do a challenge then you can't do a challenge. You miss out on a few bloodpoints but aren't actively restricted from anything. What's the problem?
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Survivor haven't complained that the faster wiggle isn't anymore 😂
There were several threads a few months ago about that missing second shaved of by greats.
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Oh there were? I mean.. I am WAY too much on here and actually haven’t noticed those?
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Just two examples i found by searching for a minute. And the second one even seems to be quite recent.
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Yeah, i know it isn't really fair to say that they only care about survivors. They clearly care about both.
I'm just still salty about the hook counters and a fov slider would improve how much i could enjoy the game by a lot.
It honestly shouldn't be that hard to make one though. They have perks like Shadowborn and Monitor that already play with it and it's also changes on Legions power
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Having bigger FOV sounds like a huge buff for me actually.
- Much easier and fasterto find hiding survivors.
- Much easier and faster to find scratch marks and pools of blood
- Easier to track Survivor's movement during chase
- Less chance for pallet/flashlight saves because you will more likely to spot other survivors nearby even during chase.
I am not sure if I am for or against it yet. I am just saying that it is decent killer buff.
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Literally two individuals, one without any upvotes/agreements and the other with one. If we generalize this as ‚survivors complaining‘ then both sides complain about literally everything and nothing all the time.
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Yeah I figured it'd be difficult to implement but considering there are already things that change the FoV it shouldn't be that complicated I think. I do think we'll get it someday though, I just hope we don't have to wait too long..
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i also think/hope it’s already in the pipeline and the next planned accessibility feature. Only thing making me doubt it is that they actually had some function changing the FoV incorporated into that FinisherMori experimental PTB..
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Were did I ever generalize?
I only proved your claim of "how not even survivor players complained" as false, nothing more, nothing less.
Also those two example were simply the first two i found after searching for "wiggle" for just a minute. Why should I bother to look for more when even one would be enough for my point?
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Well, I was talking about about actual trends and not just some individuals. So I was talking in generalizations as a major part of the survivor player base approved the removal of the faster wiggle or at least didn’t complain, though I wasn’t clear about that I guess.
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I agree that a higher FoV would make tracking easier if the killer has eyes on the survivor. But again, if that level of tracking was super important, everyone would run Shadowborn. The thing is that spotting those things you listed can be just as easily done by panning the camera, which most killers do while walking anyway. Additionally, if a survivor is hiding behind an object, a higher FoV won't make the killer be able to see that survivor anyway. Similarly, if a survivor uses line of sight blockers or goes around a corner, the killer still needs to get past the object to see the survivor. Using Shadowborn gives a sense of this already though.
Also flashlights are a bit strange because a higher FoV actually makes the killer more susceptible to flashlight saves. For some reason, the flashlight blinding angle is actually based on the killer's FoV.
Back to accessibility though, not everyone would actually use the highest FoV setting in the slider. While there are people that get motion sickness from a lower FoV, there are also people who get motion sickness from a high FoV. For example, Shadowborn's FoV is too high for me, but the base game FoV is also too low for me personally. That's why from a game experience perspective, players need customizable settings to be play comfortably.
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If an fov slider would be such a game breaking up date how come I never see shadowborn? Arguing that having a bigger fov would break balance you think almost ever killer would be running shadowborn for the huge advantage it gives.
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Your crying over the visual terror radius popping up half a second before the audio...
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Apparently you can't read.
You did see me say 'While a good change' right? Or did you ignore half my post to scurry down here and 'get me' with your smooth post? 🤣
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What does you thinking it's a good change add to your point? your still crying about a much needed change being added into the game
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Ok. I'll say it slower:
I. Like. The. Change.
I. Agree. it. Was. Needed.
That does not change the fact that what few QoL changes there have been were aimed at Survivors in some way, shape, or form: This heartbeat, the new Wriggle mechanic giving Survivors a buff, even if that was changed later.
But when Killers ack for a FoV slider; Suddenly it's too much to ask 'because balance', whereas the other changes ALSO affected balance, but were perfectly fine. Because they were for Survivor benefit.
Now, are you going to read what I typed, or just stretch as far as possible to pretend I'm crying so you can equally pretend you have some sort of valid point?
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Just curious, what do you think “accessibility” means?
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Your question leads me to believe you think I have a fundamental misunderstanding of the word - If I am not informed, why don't you enlighten me?
As I said above, Accessibility is good, FoV slider and anything in the game that makes the game better for more people is good, but I disagree with the OP that the challenges in the game need to be changed or considered to accommodate for every single player as well. They made it clear in their post that the trophies for achievements don't matter, so why do archive/tome challenges? It's evident that 100% completion of the game isn't the concern here.
You can still complete the tome without doing every single challenge, the tomes themselves are doable for everyone, even if some challenges require you to take off Shadowborn, you can skip over them and go another path. There are three paths in this current tome level that can be taken that miss that challenge entirely and take you straight to the end rewards. You could do every single challenge in this page except that one if you truly wanted to and you wont be missing a thing or be worse off for it.
If the challenge isn't doable for you, you are not obligated to do it. You get your rewards at the end of the tome regardless of what path you take, and you still get rift fragments/bloodpoints by just playing the game. Does skipping over one challenge truly impact the game experience as a whole? I don't believe so. This is why I fail to see how this challenge or any challenge for that matter are issues of accessibility - Some people get motion sickness or suffer headaches when playing Nurse, Blight, or even Legion because of fatigue effects and high speed. Should these killers just not have tome challenges because some people feel unwell when playing these killers? I believe the solution there is to not play those killers and ignore those challenges. I am conflicted as to what the problem outlined in this post actually is, and how allowing Shadowborn in every single challenge that requires certain perks would solve it.
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If Shadowborn was a strong perk it would be top 10 used perks, but it isn't. It is popular, but NOT used often in the strongest builds because there are more powerful perks. Wanna hear something crazy? The most common Shadowborn build on Nightlight is Shadowborn with 0 other perks. Used purely for its accessibility. After that comes Lethsl and BBQ, often used by Blights and Billys for a casual build.
When it comes to spotting survs, often survivors hiding will hide outside of line of sight, aks completely covered behind an object, and they will approach a chase from an angle where they aren't spotted even with Shadowborn.
An FOV slider may be a buff, but it's a very small one, and a very welcome one.
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Sorry, not worth to get into again.