Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Killers should be punished for tunnelling and not rewarded

Member Posts: 649
edited September 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Title says it all.

Post edited by EQWashu on

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  • Member Posts: 1,141

    Tunneling only progresses the objective as it is, if it was punished they wouldn't really be doing their objective would they?

  • Member Posts: 1,141
  • Member Posts: 1,141

    Nobody would have a problem w that if the meta tactic was actually fun or interesting. It's not about the killers that try to win it's about the devs not nerfing tunneling

  • Member Posts: 4,879

    Completing a single generator doesn't remove a player from the game. They're not really the same.

  • Member Posts: 1,141

    Thinking camping should be a viable strategy is not right good try tho lmao

  • Member Posts: 1,141
    edited May 2023

    Should old bnp and old moris be brought back because neither side should dictate how the other should win? And so if I want to insta complete a gen I should be allowed to because killers shouldn't dictate how I win? Can we be serious here?

    Post edited by 1ettuce on
  • Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 18,073

    Let's keep the discussion civil, people are allowed to have different opinions and there is no need to attack one another over it.

    Thank you.

  • Member Posts: 519
  • Member Posts: 3,554

    Camping and tunneling both needs nerfed they are more powerful and common stragedies than ever before so even killer main should see that is problem. But nerfing them alone is not solution gen rushing has become more common as well as survivors has adapted.

    It does not help survivors best antitunneling perk ds was nerfed and killers best perks for spreading pressure were nerfed as well pop/ruin. Killers need rewarded from spreading some hooks so they don't have to force kills.

    Gens should be increased to 110s in 4vs1 scenario and lowered to 70s in 3vs1 for example. Tunneling could be nerfed by adding basekit ds and camping by removing hook grabs and increasinf hook timer to 80s.

    Idea to make you can fix gen only 33% does not make sense to me hooking proggress the game and killer gets pernament pressure from that but whereas killer could just go kick that gen and it regress to 0% meaning survivors get nothing.

  • Member Posts: 18

    There has to be a way though, im not a game dev, i spent like 30 seconds to come up with that idea but the concrete idea wasnt the point of my post at all.

  • Member Posts: 2,065

    The problem lies in punishing them in a way that (a) they actually care about (will they care able BP or Emblem penalties?) and (b) catches as few people playing legitimately in the crossfire as possible (see the various "in punished with DC penalties because my internet is crap" posts)

    Not sure what can be done, though I think incentivizing playing other ways may work better overall.

  • Member Posts: 483

    Ask any good killer main and they will tell you. Survivors who stop to heal are giving you the time you need to get your job done. If you think survivors staying injured is a bad thing then you are sadly mistaken.

  • Member Posts: 419

    I said it before and I'm gonna say it now: even if tunneling is a strategy, is not good because you're making another player not able to play the game and that's just a bad experience.

    The problem with tunneling is that is not just a strategy, is a mindset. Many people says that they tunnel because they have to (even when they don't), BHVR can buff killers to make them able to fly and people will continue to tunnel just because they can. So yes, tunneling needs to stop, but genrushing too, because you can't punish one side and let the other alone

  • Member Posts: 1,141

    I still have to wonder if you'd be fine with old bnps being brought back based on this logic lol

  • Member Posts: 234

    Old BNPs have nothing to do with Survivors whinging about camping, tunneling, and whatever else they deem 'toxic' (IE: Whatever makes them lose).

    **THE DEVS** felt BNP was overperforming and nerfed it. Not Killers.

    But Survivors stomp around, invent BS rules like 'Being removed from this game where the Killer removes us is BAD!' and expect the devs to change it all to make them happy.

  • Member Posts: 1,141

    Killers aren't owed a minimum playtime and you shouldn't have a problem with gens being completed in a game where one sides goal is to complete gens 😳 also I seriously seriously doubt killers didn't have a problem w insta gen pop bnps, they at least would now no doubt whatsoever. Also you know the devs ask for feedback right? For a reason? How exactly do you view the addition of basekit bt?

  • Member Posts: 1,141
    edited May 2023

    The only difference here is ending the match for one player vs ending the match entirely. Hardly makes a difference especially when the game isn't far from over after 1 survivor dies soo, yeah, still is bad logic and pretty hypocritical

  • Member Posts: 4,142
    edited May 2023

    As long as 4 survivors can do things better than 3 survivors, tunneling will be in the game.

    It's not just about gen repair speed. Removing a player also means less hands healing, blessing, cleansing hexes, blinding, bodyblocking, sabotaging, reassuring, unhooking, resetting pallets, picking up slugged survivors.

    It means less eyes watching where traps are placed, finding where hexes are located, noting which way the killer went, seeing which perks the killer brought (all of which is information easily shared in voice comms for SWF).

    Post edited by Nos37 on
  • Member Posts: 649

    and i'm tired of killers thinking it's okay to ruin the game for one person by prematurely picking them out and bullying them to the point where they don't make any PIPs, the only way to make survivors stop caring about tunnelling is to remove depipping as a whole. The issue isn't about winning, it's about HOW you're winning, it's too easy, just like dead hard was an issue for so long.

    Now that dead hard has been completely murdered, it's now time for devs to set their sights on tunnelling to make it more fair for survivors as a whole. Welcome to the wonderful world of balancing.

  • Member Posts: 649
    edited May 2023

    Actually, 1ettuce is spot on with his answer, I honestly wouldn't care if tunnelling wasn't all I saw. It's really not a tactic anymore it's just how 90% of killers play, if killers complained about seeing boil over and deard hard so much and both got nerfed into the ground because of how oppressive they were, then now it is time to nerf tunnelling because of how oppressing it is. DBD is not fun to play atm, I have a FREE pass paid by Amazon for DBD and I still refuse to play the game because of the endless tunnelling for months. If I'm being completely honest this game is a complete joke in it's current state.

    I also believe your last statement here is heavily egotistical. I don't care how a killer wins, it's about how it's so oppressive and not fun to play against anymore. I want the joy of actually being able to play DBD like I used to, there were multiple tactics, there were multiple perks people actually used, I tried a lot of perks but in the end when tunnelling was acted upon by killers because it's too easy to do, I was forced to use a specific set of perks. This game should not be like that, it is heavily unhealthy.

  • Member Posts: 649

    well erm.. that is kinda what is happening with tunnelling when killers abuse it too easily. That one tunnel at the start of the game can throw many games into shambles, one tunnelled within the first 10 seconds, the next slugged, theres 2 down and not even 1 gen complete because of how low the skill gap is for a vast majority of survivors. The only potential fixes I can see right now would be to ban tunnelling until at least 2 survivors have been killed and add another playstyle which isn't oppressive so the killer feels pressured to protect gens rather than ignore stopping us doing the objective but rather kill us outright within seconds. I've noticed more as a whole that killers ignore gens completely now unless they have a gen perk and their main priority is tunnelling, which is quite sad if you think about it really.

  • Member Posts: 50

    TBH after reading a lot of comments in this thread people don't understand there's different variations of tunneling.

    There's the tunneling when an unhooked survivor attempts to bodyblock with BT/OTR when the killer is clearly switching targets and trying not to tunnel. There's the tunneling when unhooked survivor immediately jumps on a generator in front of the killers face. Like of course tunneling is the right option there, you're asking for it.

    But then there's the tunneling that has no place in the game, where it's just the player basically admits they're not skilled enough in the game to win 4v1, so they ruthlessly tunnel out the 1st survivor to make it a 3v1 so that they can get their 'win' without having to try.

  • Member Posts: 136

    Well if you had a reason, I was willing to hear you out, but clearly you came here to start something. -_-

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    The game is hardly dying. People have been claiming the game has been dying for years and it's still around with a healthy playerbase.

  • Member Posts: 758

    there is 1 good tactic how to completely destroy tunneling

    just be good at the game

    Seriously, each pallet gives you at least 15 seconds, so if you can loop, your team will win faster than the pallets run out

    ok let's say you're really bad and you down after 40 seconds , if your teammates have hyperfocus it means so they have already repaired 3 gen, this way your tm can skip 1 of your stage, fix the generators open the gate and the bb killer save you

    tunneling is not effective if the survivors do not allow it to be effective

    if the killer hangs you and just camps, then it means you won (+ you can increase the time on the hook by +120 seconds thanks to the perks)

    camp killer allows you to repair 3 generators for free, + taking into account the fact that 2 generators are repaired in the first 40-50 seconds camp killer = ez win

    so i see absolutely no reason to complain about camping/tunneling

    what is really the problem is the toolboxes and perks on the genrush that allow you to repair the generator in solo in 40 seconds

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    Steam charts show a similar player count to last year. I doubt anything is drastically different on consoles as well.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    April 2023: 30K

    April 2022: 29K

    May 2022: 32K (likely boosted by Chapter PTB at the end of the month)

    Things really aren't that dire.

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