Wraith Everywhere

I am making this thread to inform that Wraith as of the recent update to the Burn mechanic.
Wraith is currently over preforming weather it be to his add-ons, his base speed, or generally having no way to counter him as of the update. Since the update I've played against Wraith multiple games in a row, some days I'll get lucky but nearly all of my games are Wraith and there seems to be nothing you can really do against him. I believe that taking away the burn mechanic puts survivors in a spot where they can't perform well against him. No amount of distance keeps him from catching up too quickly while cloaked. Survivors need a way to counter him and as of right now there is no way of doing that.
His hit and run playstyle works really well with removal of burn mechanic on top of medkits and CoH getting killed. I don't think the burn mechanic on it's own did this, but he is stronger now against soloq.
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Overperforming? By who's metrics?
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He did have a minor jump in popularity and his killrate went up a little over the past weeks according to nightlight (which is an indicator but by no means representative #disclaimer). - Though, I'd attribute that to the healing changes rather than the lightburn mechanic. Playing him hit n run is quite viable as long as you do remember to actually down and hook ppl as well. But I think it's still his top-tier-add-ons version that has the greatest impact; basekit Wraith is as clunky as he's always been.
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List of things players don't complain about got shorter again. Is there even something left on the list?
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I really hope you saw the thread about how Bloody Party Streamers should not give everyone more bloodpoints lmao
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Yeah but why hit and run? He's not like Legion, you can easily just hit the survivor again if you wanted to
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Buckle Up mabye and territorial Imperative I would think, at least talking abt them being OP
Pharmacy too but since it's been nerfed twice, I wouldn't be surprised if someone complained abt it being too strong
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Yeah and its so annoying almost all of them = noed/nurses/sloppy/make your choice with the usual camp/tunnel come back to hook. Miss blowing up their face with a flashbang when they think oh amma whack you on this gen.
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Cause alot of the loops in the game arent balanced for a killer like Wraith and he cant properly chase, since he doesnt really have a chase/antiloop power. He can use his stealth to potentially sneak up on injured survivors and not have to run those loops.
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I died inside while reading that post...
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I've seen people DC against meme built trapper on heavily survivor sided maps. There is no line they won't cross.
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Wraith is a c tier killer. Burning him was just an unfair thing that should never have existed.
wish they'd kept it for nurse though.
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Lightburn was extremely punishing for Wraith and wasn’t necessary. Removing it helped him a little, but what really helped him was the healing nerfs that had been holding him back for a while. He’s in a pretty good spot now.
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His speed coming out of cloak is pretty much all the antiloop he needs tbh, especially with the faster breaking speed addons when you can just fake it
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Can't wait for "territorial Imperative too OP"
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And even Mandy replied and said that was a stupid idea 💀
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Most of my wraiths matches are toxic lol
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He is nowhere near overperforming at all lol
There was pretty much no situation people brought flashlight just to seriously counter the wraith.
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I don't think he's "overperforming", considering it's a bit weird to say "he's not supposed to be that good" when he's not overpowered.
But also I hate going against Wraith and I'm tired of facing him constantly and I would be the last person to complain if he was nerfed to the ground for no reason whatsoever lol.
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Well, he is one of free killers and he is not hard to play. It makes sense to see him more than others. Same for Huntress.
But I don't consider him strong killer. Just learn how to force him uncloak on windows / pallets.
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I understand why we see him a lot, but I would much rather see Trapper or Hillbilly (or literally anyone lol). I can't see him at all when he's cloaked so he's just very frustrating and unfun to play against for me, even if I don't think he's a very strong killer.
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His speed out of cloak and his lack of interaction makes him really annoying to go against, ontop of that the latency of the game atm can't keep up with his speed so there is not much you can do in the ways of juking either.
Ontop of that I've even seen casual players on twitch go on 4k streaks with him, he may not be the strongest killer but at the lower end he is definately over performing I'd say.
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Well, trapper sucks and Billy also sucks and is hard to play.
I would love to see more billy tho.
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What is toxic?
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What does this even mean? Stronger killer at the lower end overperforming? Are you saying that B-tier killers that win games need nerfs? Nonsense. You want more strong killers in the game otherwise you're just gonna end up vs more weskers and blights. Killer variety is important and viability is key to that.
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everything he doesn't like
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He went from being C tier to being B or low A tier tbh. He's definitely strong in SoloQ but SWF will still be able to beat him. Granted I don't like playing Hit and Run Wraith I always chase, and I have actually been doing very well on him, often times winning before they get 4 or even sometimes 3 gens done. Though against SWF I still lose with 3-4 hooks even easier than on most killers. He's definitely doing well but I don't think he really needs a nerf, he's still nowhere near as strong as Blight, Spirit, Plague, or Nurse. Though he might be #5 on that list. There are also little tricks you can do to waste the Wraith's time and greatly extend chases, I encountered one guy who made it so I just can't chase him at all, spam windows when the Wraith is cloaked, this forces the Wraith to either wait it out of Uncloak, at which point you just run off through the window negating the movespeed bonus from Uncloak and extending chase. Pallets are just as effective as ever, Just don't predrop them, wait for him to uncloak, if he uncloaks at the pallet instantly drop it, again forcing him to waste the movespeed and extending chase. The way to counter Wraith is to make him waste as much time as possible in chase, he's prone to being Gen rushed as while he can put pressure on quickly, if you make it so he can't close chases quickly he will struggle a lot more than other killers.
Burn imo was just a bad mechanic that gave 0 counterplay to the killer, it's good that it's gone.
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Tunneling at 5 gens, slugging to bleed out meanwhile moving back and forward at you.
Or if they hook you, just hit you until you're dead