Singularity addons got nerfed but not MFT

I don't know what to say about it.
Devs start playing in ur own game pls
theres no need to nerf made for this probably was their reasoning
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Maybe MFT is not as overpowered as people think it is?
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mft is a force multiplier for survivors so it'll never be changed just like blight and nurse
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Devs literaly play the game every day, and being one isn't as easy and rainbowy as people think.
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TBH, i think the nerfs and buff are equivalent. Now the "old" Iri addon can be used with almost no downside with the gloves.
It will cost more BP to use the stronger addons, but we can farm it on the event.
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nurses addons already got nerfed lol. All of them are useless except for 2-3. The mangled one, campbells, and the lunge on 2 blinks extender. All the others are either niche, meme, or handholding for new players.
nerf alch ring
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Made For This is something we are going to be monitoring, for right now we don't feel that it needs much change - it will continue to be monitored over the coming weeks.
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Stuff like this is literally why people say that either the devs don't play the game or they aren't very good at it.
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Oh good! Because that's what was busted about it!
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And there it is.
Finally the forums can talk about something else hopefully.
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Yeah... thats not how it works around here
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Is it rude to ask why the team thinks the perk doesn't need much change?
A lot of very valid points have been brought up, unfun to verse, haste stacking, making certain killer powers borderline useless (knight, trickster), etc.
Surely a perk as problematic as MFT needs a change?
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With MFT you'll have a 4,12 movement speed wich is not so much problem for 4,6 killers by itself but it is a big problem for 4,2 killers and those who have charged m2 attack you just can't reach them for hit. Then there comes the endgame wich with hope gives you 4,4 movement speed and if killer don't have a NOED it just a deadend for killers.
The only way i see to nerf it but not kill is to give a timer for both these perks and ends with exaustion and probably not stack them. But it's only my opinion of nerf.
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They’re probably basing it on numbers. That because something ‘feels’ overpowered doesn’t mean, logistically, it is.
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Yeah this is most likely the reason. Everything comes down to the stats for balance.
Same reason why OoO took so long to be nerfed or why Trapper and Myers are “in a good place”. Probably the reason Blight’s add ons are not being nerfed too.
It’s unfortunate, but that’s how this game is balanced for the most part.
I do think MfT is a terribly designed perk but if the stats show it’s fine I guess we’re stuck with it for now and just have to get used to it.
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Shame, since no matter what the numbers show, its completely broken. Fortunately skull merchant has an exhaustion add on.
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Let it go. MFT on its own is not a problem. Ppl have issues with it stacking with hope which is an endgame, which is a time that anything goes at that point. We dont see issues with endgame combinations like noed, no way out etc. So why yall have an issue with mft and hope.
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Hope stacking isn’t the main problem. Near permanent 3% for the entire game is the issue.
Noed + No Way Out has no effect until the end game, where as MFT is activate the entire game and simply gets stronger in the end game.
If Noed gave its 4% Haste before the end game, it would be comparable. That would also be absolutely busted.
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I don't understand how you guys have reached this conclusion? Given that there's been valid complaints about the perk AND has gotten to #6 pick rate on nightlight (which means way more than it doesn't). What statistic is it now that makes MFT okay?
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More than likely people have had time to learn Singularity now and are doing better with him. These changes are probably purely a numbers thing to try balance his kill rates out. Not sure why the comparison to MFT. If MFT were increasing escape rates then they'd see that too
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Don't put any stock into NightLights stats
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They mean enough imo
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No. Nurse in general is the problem. A 6 years old problem that they obstinately refuse to address seriously (while nerfing the likes of Singularity).
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I am really glad the team is not listening overacts and nerf new content. I really hated this before, when Freddy nerfed after his first week. I am glad this logic changed.
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Because BHVR has the full player base statistics... Better than nightlight.
And even if the perk is used regularly, it's only a problem if it's performing better than other similar perks (Sprint burst or lithe). If running made for this doesn't correlate to escaping more often in a statistically significant way, then why would they need to change it? The data shows it's not overpowered at that point.
I know the community has the impression that crying loudly, early, and as often as possible is what gets things nerfed, but I'm actually really glad that BHVR is considering data and not just knee jerk nerfing a perk because people planned to flood the forums with bullshit to try and get it nerfed before it was even on the PTB for player testing.
If data says it needs tuning then sure, let's get it tweaked. But not *only* because people are shitting all over the forums about it.
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If running made for this doesn't correlate to escaping more often in a statistically significant way, then why would they need to change it? The data shows it's not overpowered at that point.
exactly. The perk is just competing with other perks.
it is not really surpassing other perks though.
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what are you guys monitoring exactly? a significant drop in kill rates in matches with mft? is that what it takes to show the perk is busted and unfun to verse like dh?
dh was clearly a horribly designed perk yet it took 6 years to get nerfed do we really need to do this again?
how does pwyf get so many restrictions to it's usage ( obsession related , token based and whiffs get rid of it) plus dark theory (a small radius, only 2%, and can be deactivated by the killer) but mft is just get hit to get permanent speed boost? (not to mention that it has a strong secondary effect as well).
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They have previously stated they play about an hour total per week.
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I don't understand what you mean by "it is not really surpassing other perks though." It's not exactly the least used perk in the game
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I feel MFT isn't the issue but just stacking other speed modifiers along with it. Probably would do the game good to set a hard cap on Haste or just make it so the highest value of Haste you get from a perk is the value you get. Antifun change sure but realistically I don't see any of the perks as being problematic on their own and I can't imagine many others do either.
Sure you might feel that way right now but if you reflect on your games have you had an issue with the perk when it wasn't stacked with Hope for example?
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It's FAR too restrictive to extrapolate much meaningful data
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And then whatever that is will be overly talked about too and will be “monitored” by the devs. It’s an endless cycle that will never be broken.
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Just bring on Nicolas Cage and his perks, so they can get up in arms over the next "OP" survivor perk and we'll stop hearing about MFT like we did Blood Rush and Fogwise. It's like clockwork at this point.
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They won't let go MFT until it's destroyed to the ground
Like I said: Healing, haste, aura reading other than chest, boost for gen progress, unhooking faster/himself, anti camping perks, third healt state are a problem for a lot of people here
I'm very curious to see for these people, what is a "balanced" perk for survivor
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Interesting that some of Singularity's add-ons got nerfed when there were almost no complaints about them, yet Made For This is blatantly an issue and has hundreds of complaints yet nothing has changed...
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Because this perk is not as problematic as you think?
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The only change I would want to see to MFT, is that it doesn't stack with Hope. I use that combo, and for most killers, it does feel that bit unfair, especially as you force them to rely on bloodlust if they don't have an anti-loop power.
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Maths are there still
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Oh boy, so we're back in "Object of Obsession is not a terribly effective perk" land. Yay.
I don't really see how a perk that exists solely to make M1 killer worse to play while doing little to nothing to the top tiers is healthy for the game.
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Almost? I honestly don't remember any complaint at all.
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Reminds me of old DH not being a problem. The game is still in a state where we need bloodlust as a band aid fix for poor map design and somehow 3% extra speed is not a problem? Sure. Tell yourself that, while you become absolutely uncatchable at shack or any other strong loop.
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The perk is equipped by almost every survivor and for good reason. (Usually with high synergy builds)
Sooner or later they'll fix the busted perk. In the mean time playing survivor (or another game) is best.
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In my experience there's many occasions in matches with survivors who run it who would've gone down if they weren't running the perk because the extra 3% just allows them to reach the pallet, even following them as tightly as possible around the loop. It results in huge timewaste for the killer and results in loss of hooks.
I'm seeing at least one person running it almost every game, sometimes even two
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Bringing a BRAND NEW PERK that has been hyped up by content creators doesn't really prove anything.
If the numbers are still high in a couple of months, sure, but using the high usage rate as a justification isn't really a strong position.
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The perk should cause exhaustion when it’s successfully triggered, so it can’t be combined with exhaustion perks like Dead Hard.
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In a game where the server favors the vpn killer who can hit you from the moon...
Number of times where survivor are at the pallet, press space and it doesn't go down or the killer hit hem trought the pallet, I don't really think a 3% haste are a problem
Killer got not much, but some perks give them also a speed boost, you got a nemy who are faster than a TGV, a Nemy-truck who give you a falcon punch at mach 3, and nobody complain
But since DH is more dead than hard, everyone here complain about perks who give a speed boost for survivor: adrenaline, lithe, sprint burst, made for this... You complain about everything that can slightly advantage the other team, you complain about everyone, I'm not surprised that people are freaking out over here
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Looks like you have issue to understand this: They are not gonna nerf things just because people complaining. And they are not gonna keep things as how they are just because people don't talk about it.
They are looking their datas for make some changes. So Singularity add-ons monitored by them and they decided change some of them. And his add-ons changed. Some buffs, some nerfs and some rarity changes. Not only nerfs like you are making it.
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Honestly, people just love to complain about anything that might present a challenge to them.
Med-kits? They should be designed for self-care yet they got nerfed hardcore. If survivors can already heal other survivors without needing a med-kit then why waste a medkit on them unless you’re going for a speed boost? Every medkit is essentially the same now unless you’re using it on someone else (indirect nerf to Pharmacy because of this.) For some reason survivors being able to heal themselves is a major issue for people. Give us a perk that provides a small speed boost when we are injured to compensate? No, that’s unfair too!
Dead Hard? The first nerf was enough. DH was in the game long enough without the balance being broken, and its current state is practically a waste. Do I disagree that it needed a change? No, but they took it too far. Decisive Strike? Can’t be used during endgame because if a killer downs you then it only makes logical sense that you should have no advantage to escape - they deserve the kill after all (sarcasm.) Circle of Healing? Pretty much useless now. If the self-heal was that bad of a problem then just nerf the healing speed for self care while keeping the altruistic boost. Botany Knowledge? It’s going to waste your medkits now when the actual logical solution was just to disable it while using a medkit.
Seriously, if you can get value from something on the survivor end people are going to want it gone whether it’s imbalanced or not. Within the last week I’ve seen posts or comments complaining and asking to nerf the following: Adrenaline, Hope, Deja Vu, Boil Over, Distortion, Hyperfocus, Resilience, For the People, and Windows of Opportunity. I’d also like to point out that in comparison to MFT people are beginning to point out Dark Theory’s poor state - yet before this chapter was released all I ever saw when ppl complained about this perk were responses like “it’s fine, it’s a great perk as is.” Because, of course, bad perks end up benefitting the killer.
I hate being that guy that’s one side vs the other but c’mon, all I ever see are complaints about how everything a survivor does or has is too strong and unfair and it’s old.
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You forget about people complaining about the hatch being present in the game, and the hook who disapear after a survivor was dead on
Also some people complaining about survivor making gen because it's not the main goal of the game, but making chase for killer
Oh, and people complaining about the stat, apparently false because is not possible that killer got 60% of the killrate but less than that
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To be honest I gave up caring about MfT at this point. It's just annoying as DH was but something you just have to deal with. On the bright side is after few months when this perk is pretty much in every ones builds and it use rate is super high the devs will just nerf it just like they do with all over used perks. Either way sooner or later MfT will be nerfed, it just matter of time.