Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Event offerings should only grant bonus BP's to those who bring similar offerings

It sums it up, I guess. I don't want to see how 4 survivors bring event BP offering only to see killers bring iri moris, then tunnel the living heck out of survivors and be able to get more moris thanks to those tunneled and, well, moried by them.

Same goes for killer games where you see survivors burn map offerings or something similar.

So, my suggestion is, after 3 successful games with a role (killer/survivor, 6 matches in total; matches where someone dc'd before the match started shouldn't count), only grant bonus bloodpoints to those who burn offerings of the similar nature, such as previous anniversary offerings, bloody party streamers, and similar ones. It only feels fair for players to follow the win-win strategy instead of "abusing" and getting advantage of other players' offerings.

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