Event offerings should only grant bonus BP's to those who bring similar offerings

It sums it up, I guess. I don't want to see how 4 survivors bring event BP offering only to see killers bring iri moris, then tunnel the living heck out of survivors and be able to get more moris thanks to those tunneled and, well, moried by them.
Same goes for killer games where you see survivors burn map offerings or something similar.
So, my suggestion is, after 3 successful games with a role (killer/survivor, 6 matches in total; matches where someone dc'd before the match started shouldn't count), only grant bonus bloodpoints to those who burn offerings of the similar nature, such as previous anniversary offerings, bloody party streamers, and similar ones. It only feels fair for players to follow the win-win strategy instead of "abusing" and getting advantage of other players' offerings.
Or how about we all stop being spiteful?
What does it matter what other players are getting? Just be concerned about your own BP.
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I am. And I'm not getting as many BP's as I would have if they brought terrormisu instead of a mori/map. But this way matches are less fun and less rewarding at the same time.
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There are personal offerings for a reason, if you do not wish to share the BP then you are free to use a personal offering.
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There's difference between "not willing to share" and "not willing to see my willingness to share turned against me", but whatever.
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If you dont wish your offerings having the chance of getting wasted on a game, you should not use them.
its not nice either when I got my first down at 3.5 gens done last night, but such is life.
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That just completely dismisses what this thread is about.
It's not about not wanting to share, it's about sharing it with people that also like to share and incentivise people to bring event offerings during the event, rather than offerings that allow them to turn the game into their favour.
People who bring even offerings shouldn't be punished for being nice.
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The biggest issue here is the matter of "paying it forward".
You have a bad game where your opponent plays in a way you don't enjoy, and you decide to take out your frustrations on your next opponent.
This is one of the most toxic mindsets in this playerbase.
Your next opponent is not the person who screwed you over last time. What do you think you're gaining by depriving this new person of bloodpoints?
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Is it though? If the next opponent brings a cake as well, I am not depriving them of anything.
They have the option to get more bloodpoints by sharing their own cake.
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Hate on moris all of a sudden? Legit the killer is already letting themselves down by not bringing a cake since its 1 less 107% extra bp for them?
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Tbf though the killer can still get more BP than a tunneled & camped survivor..
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the trick to that is, not getting found first.
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So you propose to just hide in lockers until someone else gets caught?
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You dont have to hide in lockers, but yes.
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This is pretty much the same vibes as "just drop chase"
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Why was this suggested?
"Because the last killer/survivor I played against was mean to me so next time the reward should only go to me"
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are you lacking reading comprehension?
No one is saying that event offerings should be personal only or that they shouldn't benefit others, but simply that they should only benefit people who also bring said offerings
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Is this your first day on this planet? That will NEVER happen...people will be spiteful no matter what, sadly some people enjoy making others experience miserable.
Positive idea but not in the realm of possibility.
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If that's all what community manager has to say about killers who not only bring moris and no cake but hard tunnel from 5 gens out of spite to make others experience as miserable as possible and deny extra BP then I really have no faith left in this game...
When else are we gonna use it anyway? This is the best time when everyone brings them...what kind of a take is that...