Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Dead by Daylight veterans quit and they are probably never coming back

This will be a lengthy post, going into the downfall of DBD which I have witnessed across years, since 2019. I hope that someone takes note of this and makes a change for the better, because I love this game and it hurts to see the sorry state it is in.

First of all Dead by Daylight is not "dead", but the enjoyment factor is. Ask yourself, if you've been playing the game for a few hundred hours, are you still having fun? Or are you more frustrated with your matches?

Here is the reason: We might blame "matchmaking", but Dead by Daylight is predominantly played by newer players that of course lack the required experience and that's alright, they have to start somewhere, don't they? But there is a problem when the majority of players you are matched with are of that same level. If you play killer you will be bored, if you play survivor, the game will feel unfair.

Why is this happening?

It's a snowball effect of 2 things:

  1. Oversimplification of survivor gameplay through second-chance perks and Shift W playstyle incentives
  2. Killer focus on tunneling (which no matter what the developers tell us, we can clearly see from their patch notes that tunneling is encouraged, almost every patch adds another reason to tunnel, which is sad, for example the OTR and BT base kit patch tells killers they can get 2 birds with one stone by hitting a survivor off the hook)

Due to those compounding effects, 4 outcomes appear:

  1. 5000h Killer has boring easy matches against 200h survivors
  2. 5000h Killer has unfair matches against 5000h SWF survivors, that use the strongest builds, this is the point where DBD simply stops working (those games are rare, but they do serve as a reminder of the true state of balance in DBD)
  3. 5000h Survivor playing SoloQ along with 200h survivors that only last 10 seconds in chase, feels unfair
  4. 5000h Survivor plays SWF along with his 5000h mates and has some fun, until winning gets boring

In each of those scenarios after a number of games, the 5000h veteran player stops having fun, there is an exception for the 5000h SWF group, but that is an extremely small fringe of the player base. So what ends up happening Killers gravitate towards very powerful killers like Nurse and Blight, which give them a fighting chance against the SWF and in turn will make the experience miserable for the 200h survivors.

So what ends up happening?

Veterans quit due to either annoyance or boredom, while intermediate players get experienced enough to see the cracks in gameplay design. So the only ones left are the new players, poor things have no clue what they got themselves into. So next time you see your teammate hide in a locker or crouch around with urban evasion or survivors running in a straight line, not looking behind when you play killer, know they aren't "bad players and the matchmaking is broken", there simply is no one for the matchmaker to pair you with other than new players.

TLDR: A realistic view of DBD's player base and the game's flaws that hopefully one day can be fixed, altho I highly doubt it since new players are more likely to buy content that veterans might already own. I know probably no one will see this, but at least I know I did my part.


  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,282

    Every time I decide to reduce the shift-w-ing and focus on staying on a tile for a little I get killers where you can't fall my do that. They've added a number of those now. And I find it really sad. As killer too: one thing I really enjoy as killer is to play around a tile with M2 --- and it always saddens me to see the w away.

    now on topic: I don't think it's quite as bad/ it's not quite as extreme as you put it but it is the overall impression I get as well.

  • KblokoBR
    KblokoBR Member Posts: 209

    They keep making the worst decisions, try to fix the role with tape opening 5 new ones, inserting anti tunnel and anti camp but doing nothing good to making them get away from it.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,483

    The only veterans players I know who left the game did it because "there's no more fun here." They were all survivor mains, and in personal conversations with them I realized that all their fun was in the most broken, unbalanced and unfair things that ever existed in the game. They just felt so untouchable and power for 5000 hours, so when a semblance of competition began to appear in the game, and their broken things disappeared, "fun" went with them.

    You can still find their montages on yt with stretched resolution, where they press old dh every 10 second, tb and pretend that they are better at this game than the killer.

  • GolbezGarlandGabrant
    GolbezGarlandGabrant Member Posts: 979

    I've heard a few veteran streamers say that this whole movement of balance after 6.1 has sacrificed fun and DBD was at its most fun when both sides could bring OP things to the table. Also survivor have lacked the freedom to's either do gens or have zero hope of escaping.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    Who says you can't be chill? You don't have to survive tbh, as survivor I really don't expect it either unless the killer lets us or isn't very good

  • tubalcane
    tubalcane Member Posts: 168

    But gens are done so fast now. Plus it takes forever for them to degenerate, so you can w-key the second you hear the killer 40 meters away and still keep all your progress.

    Dead By Daylight: Always a Pallet or Window When You Need One!™

  • Peachblow
    Peachblow Member Posts: 29
    edited July 2023

    I've been playing the game for several years now, having played both killer and survivor relatively evenly. I do have to say that the game was in a much better state years ago. It felt more balanced for both sides of the coin (yet that's going to be a matter of opinion and moot point anyway). That said, I have a rather long post of ideas/opinions:


    The primary issue with the survivor side of the coin is there's just such a huge disconnect between solo-queuing and playing with a four-stack of friends. With all the survivor nerfs over the past several months to years, the gap is simply far too wide to see much success in solo-queue games. Even matches where you have one or two friends join you, that one or two solo-queuers are at such an incredible disadvantage by not being able to communicate with the suvivors playing together. They almost always become a liability and (often unbeknownst to them) sabotage the entire game for the rest of the survivors. With a full group of friends, we will generally win the majority of games which is to be expected with a decently skilled survivor group. With solo-queuing, you're lucky to have two or more survivors escape... if you even make it to the end-game phase.

    The survivor nerfs aren't all to blame though. If anything, I understand most of them to an extent. The issue is that there's just no communication system in the game. Sure, the survivor action display is helpful, but it barely provides solo-queuers with much. I don't believe in-game voice is a good idea because it will just get incredibly toxic. However, we need some sort of pinging-style communication system like many other multiplayer games have. There was another horror game that I fail to remember the name of that had a pretty robust communication system. Something similar to League of Legends' pinging-system would even suffice (ie: alert survivors you're going to a hook, you see the killer, the etc.). There just needs to be some sort of communication system that exists to share information like you would in a voice chat.

    When I play killer, it's very evident when a survivor group is a pre-made SWF or solo-queuers. Games against SWFs can often be frustrating because they work so well to "bully" the killer. Something our SWF group will do too. Though I feel like the amount of games where I go up against a SWF is severely outweighed by solo-queuers. With solo-queuers, I'm almost always guaranteed a four-kill. So realistically, I'm fine going up against a SWF here and there making SWFs not the problem.


    A secondary issue I feel is that survivor items are becoming less and less appealing to bring. Maps and keys are just downright awful. Maps don't last very long to begin with, though their purpose is pretty short lived once you ping the map once to check for any hex totems, gens, etc. You might use it longer for killer belongings, but even then it's a pretty lacklustre item to bring and in need of a serious re-work.

    Keys are even more lacklustre and are in desperate need of some sort of re-work. About the only thing a key is useful now is for identifying a solo-queue survivor on your team that's (most likely) going to be passive and hide all game, waits for everyone to die, and comes out of a locker at the end because they have a hatch challenge. With the upcoming buffs to killer end-game perks like Remember Me, maybe the keys can be used to unlock exit gates much faster.

    Med-kits didn't really need a change a few months back. If they were a problem for you as a killer, it probably just meant you weren't committing to them (within reason... you're not going to chase one survivor all game). This holds even more true with the anti-heal killer perks that didn't see any sort of adjustment. Sloppy Butcher is just a pain. Miss one skill-check or have to run away for a sec? Too bad, your med-kit is useless now if you don't have add-ons to increase its usage. A happy medium? Nerf the two common-tiers of med-kits, but it seemed kind of silly to adjust the high-tier ones when the average survivor isn't going to come across them very often.

    Now we're getting tool-kit nerfs. Sure, it's more specific with Brand New Parts, but it felt a little unnecessary (as did the Prove Thyself nerf) considering the buffs to gen-regression killer perks like Pop Goes the Weasel, Jolt, and Pain Resonance making a comeback. Early game is usually about the only serious generally-guaranteed pressure that survivors get, so it feels like a severely misguided change from Behaviour. The longer the game goes on, the higher the pressure generaly becomes for the killer. End-game is always very killer pressure-heavy especially with crutch perks like NOED, especially when paired up with No Way Out and Blood Warden (hey, another reason to re-work keys to open exit gates quickly).

    Flashlights are really about the only somewhat reliable item which I won't speak more on.


    I want to (once again) preface this by saying I play killer about as much as I play survivor (since playing solo-survivor is just awful). So killer mains, you don't have to come for me with pitchforks. There's already some plans to introduce an anti-camping system for survivors which I'm happy to hear. Sure, once end-game commences, there's nothing else for a killer to do besides secure the kill, so I don't think survivors need to complain about camping at end-game. No further talk about that is needed.

    There was also talk about baseline Unbreakable to combat slugging a while back. Why did that conversation fizzle out? I think it's still something to explore further. No, it wouldn't be unlimited Unbreakable attempts, it would be much like it exists now--you can get up once. So it's up to the survivor to use their "get-out-of-jail-free-card" wisely. Though I would say slugging is maybe the least of the three problematic egregious behaviours killers possess.

    Tunneling is the last one. I'd say this is probably the most frustrating of the three but also the one that I really have no suggestions on when it comes to combating it. About the only thing I can think of is having the baseline Borrowed Time constantly renew itself if you continue to be chased while there is at least three survivors remaining. Though it's something that I'm sure could be abused. It's a suggestion nonetheless.

    We killers really shouldn't have to rely on any of these behaviours to win since we have such a wide array of perks. A good killer won't even resort or rely on these anyway. It's kind of the unspoken rule that you don't resort to these. A killer resorting to these is just a textbook example of a poorly skilled killer. Really.


    I think this final one might be a nice way to end my waaaay-too-long-of-a-post. This would likely be easier to implement for survivors, though I feel like if the coding for killer add-ons is how I think it is, it wouldn't be a lot of work to implement. It would just be great to have all survivor add-ons/belongings combined into one universal bank so you can play whatever survivor you want. This wouldn't apply to perks of course. If anything, it's probably even a financial gain to Behaviour if they implement this as more cosmetics would be sold. I know I'd be purchasing cosmetics for characters I think are cool but I don't play because they have nothing on them. And I know that if I feel this way, someone else out there shares a similar feeling.

    When it comes to killers, I think that the killers add-ons are coded into their rarity types rather than the add-on names themselves as I think it keeps their work more simplistic and organized. There are usually more than one of the same rarity, so they're probably named like "UltraRare_1" and "UltraRare_2" or "Rare_1", "Rare_2", and "Rare_3", etc. I could be wrong though. Going on the assumption that this is the case, it should be feasible to still bank all of the killer add-ons together by the rarity type. Let's say you have 100 ultra-rare-1 add-ons, 80 ultra-rare-2 add-ons, 300 very-rare-1 add-ons, 275 very-rare-2 add-ons, etc. you'd still have that in your bank across all killers. Only the name of the items unique to that particular killer will change. It's kind of difficult to explain any simpler (especially at this hour), but I think this could be a great way for Behaviour to make some money on additional cosmetics and a way to potentially see more diversity amongst killers.


  • uveka
    uveka Member Posts: 18

    i dont know you, but I think this is a problem. If you can only focus on gen rush to escape and no time to do totems or opening chests or whatever, it's because the game is going really bad. And when this happens, it's not fun at all.

    i completely agree, killers still tunnel a lot, even more patch after patch. Camping is not a big issue compared to tunneling. The worst thing I see is MMR. This system is not working at all. I can be with people with 20 hours, and people with 10k...

    Solo q is not fun anymore, and i started playing killer and sometimes I have so easy 4k, and sometimes I dont get 4 hooks... And any of that is fun for me. So I just think about quitting this game forever.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    I always find it funny people say survivor is easy now. I thought people said survivor used to be broken before? What with old DH and everything like old Flashlights. So which one is true. Was survivor more skillful in the past? Or is it more skillful now?

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    Also a veteran (over 6k hrs) here. I have been playing since Spirit came into the game, and your gameplay outcomes is basically me in both roles when I play.

    I don't know how, but I still have fun with this game, while sometimes hating it at the same time.

    I my early days I almost only played soloq and killer (50/50) but since they graced us with MMR I rarely play killer anymore and even more rarely soloq, because it's just a pain... As killer I either get the full meta swf with thousands of hrs combined or headless chicken. It often alternates exactly like that. Nothing in between like back in the day.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    I agree to most of this.

    Tunneling is not necessary to do at 5 or 4 gens or when you have lots of pressure to begin with. But when I only have 2 hooks and 3 gens are done (even if I have quick chases), there is not much I can do besides tunneling if I want to have a chance of winning and not get BMed at the gates later.

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    most I've seen quit are survivor mains who just liked the power trip of old dbd.

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    Ya I think that's the problem there! There is no in between. It's either hardcore folks or newbies. Most players in this game are in between. Since thats most players the game needs to be made around them.

    They don't want to cater to the smaller sides, ffxiv caters to it's biggest player base, casuals, and therefore that game is really successful. Idk, just rambling my random thoughts.

  • VaporLion
    VaporLion Member Posts: 386

    First of all, what downfalls are you talking about ? If you check the steam charts there is no indication of a downfall. The average player counts remains almost the same since 2021 ( and went up till that point ). There is no downfall yet, at least when it comes to just raw players numbers. TCSM might change it.

    And i do agree with you, that the game has become boring/repetitive but also unfair to play, with my 1.8k hours. Simply cant compete against a good Killer when your team is bad or vise versa.

    But 5000h survivors vs 5000h killer is actually not unfair for the killer. A good example is Ayrun swf vs lilith omen. Or Ayrun vs SupaAlf. They prove thats its fairly balanced. Well there is no doubt though, that the Killer is forced to run a Killer that has enough power ceiling to compete. You would simply lose as Killer by playing something like Trapper or Pig.

    I think what makes DBD bad, is the sheer amount of Killers with different abilitys. Its just not possible to get this game in a balanced state, because there is too many different Killers with different Abilitys.

    And lastly, the thing we can probably agree on, is that DBD needs better matchmaking. 200h players just shouldnt be qued with 5000h players.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979
    edited July 2023

    Again, you don't have to escape to have fun lol

    Gen rush is if you're only wanting to win and most of the time won't work out anyway unless you're SWF or the killer isn't applying enough pressure