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General Discussions

Hug "tech" on Blight is an exploit and should be bannable.



  • Member Posts: 1,400

    While I can understand that things like hug tech can be annoying to play against since Blight is already so strong, I don’t think we should remove things that raise skill ceilings. The ability to express skill is already so low in the current state of the game it’d be a shame to remove the things that are testaments to skill. This goes for both survivor and killer.

  • Member Posts: 3,137
    edited July 2023

    Well even as an old blight main I wouldn't consider pluto tech to be a bug at least when it was first found and applied. Cause it used to just be stand in front of a tree or object the blight is aiming for (on first rush because you can't attack) because you aren't meant to be able to bump off survivors therefore you slide to the side and miss your object. But seeing how you can make a blight "vortex" (A term we blight mains made for the notorious snow trap in ormond) off of basically any wall then I would consider it a bug at that point because old collision would make you bump but with it being changed over the years just allows for it.

    As for wesker IDK if that would even be applicable cause I personally haven't seen it.

  • Member Posts: 7,053

    It was still possible, in fact it was easier on some surfaces since he didnt have to adjust his camera

    I believe it was the Resident Evil mid chapter that "fixed" hug tech since it didnt allow you to start a rush if you were right next to a wall, people soon realized you could just look down to go around this and its still like that to this day

  • Member Posts: 7,053

    This. 1000% this.

    The fact that veterans can still learn new things about already existing mechanics is the reason why Ill always be for keeping techs like this in the game. Truly allows you to distinguish a good and great player

  • Member Posts: 4,139

    No, you're still confusing the timeline........

    1) Blight originally did nothing if he tried to hug tech.

    2) When the secondary collision system was added to the game, Blight would just rush in place if he tried to hug tech. This also created an M2 bug, where he would be unable to M2, and he would need to M1 to gain back the ability to M2.

    3) When BHVR fixed this M2 bug, that added hug tech to the game. At this point in time, Blight had to look down to hug tech.

    4) BHVR secretly buffed the secondary collision system, by allowing it to work without Blight needing to look downwards, and the angles Blight could object slide were super boosted, which allowed Blight to do some seriously ridiculous object sliding.

    5) BHVR rolled back the secondary collision system super buffs, and Blight was once again required to look away from an object to hug tech.

  • Member Posts: 750

    this is like banning anybody who uses tech in a fighting game as part of their toolkit! (smash bros, for example)

    you cannot just simply ban people from using, or patch out, tech

    code will always have holes, there will always be something that a player discovers that gives them an advantage. that is the nature of a game that encourages having fun! that is the nature of curiosity and competition. you will be outplayed and there always will be tools available to use to add to the strength of your opponent.

    you are a gladiator in the ring, learn to fight and have fun doing it!

  • Member Posts: 335

    One of the worst takes ever? You know that Blight has 5 rushes and can just rush to you when you leave the tile lmao. I feel like only PUB Stomper Blight mains have this argument.


  • Member Posts: 1,408

    Great that you wrote an essay, but that has zero to do with the OP. This discussion is about Blight. The devs have even confirmed that hug tech IS as a matter of fact a bug.

  • Member Posts: 5,105

    Closing the thread here, as the arguing is beginning to get out of hand and going in circles. As others have stated, it is not intentional , and in regards to what is bannable under our rule on exploits, you can find it here:

This discussion has been closed.

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